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Changed mind on Freemasonry

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posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Andy Warhol
When a Christian takes the oath of Freemasonry, he is swearing on the following doctrines that God has pronounced false and sinful:

1. That salvation can be gained by man's good works.

Masonry leaves spiritual salvation to each man's respective religion

2. To accept and promote that Jesus is just one of many equally revered prophets.

Not true. No specific method of accepting or promoting any religious figure is so taught.

3. Masonry makes Christian men swear that they will remain silent in the Lodge and not talk of Christ.

In my lodge we are asked not to speak of religion or politics while in lodge. No swearing to remain silent or anything like that. If your company were having a safety meeting would you stand up and deliver a sermon or campaign for your favorite presidential candidate?

4. Masonry makes Christians swear that they are approaching the Lodge in spiritual darkness and ignorance, when the Bible says Christians are already in the light, children of the light, and are indwelt by the Light of the World—Jesus Christ.

They make us swear no such thing! Darkness means ignorance of masonry if you are at a masonic lodge, ignorance of golfing if you are with your golf instructor.

5. By demanding that Christians take the Masonic oath, Masonry leads Christians into blasphemy and taking the name of the Lord in vain.

They did not demand, I asked. And I was specifically admonished never to take the lord's name in vein.

6. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear that the G.A.O.T.U.[Great Architect of the Universe], whom Masonry believes is the true God of the universe, is present in all other religions.

They don't make us swear that. It is simply a way to refer to God in a non-sectarian way so as not to favor one religion over another.

7. Masonry makes Christians falsely swear to the teaching that true worship can be offered in the Lodge to God without the mediatorship of Jesus.

Not true. Where do you get all this "makes you swear" stuff?

8. By swearing the Masonic oath and participating in the doctrines of the Lodge, Christians are perpetuating a false gospel to other Lodge members, who look only to Masonry's plan of salvation to get to heaven.

Perpetuating what gospel. The only gospel I see there is the Holy Bible. Though if Jews or Muslims were present, their respective hole books would also be there. Masonry leaves spiritual salvation to each man's respective religion.

9. By taking the Masonic obligation, he is agreeing to allow the pollution of his mind, spirit, and body by those who serve false gods and believe false doctrines.

I must have missed that in the fine print.

As you can see, Masonry denies and contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture and numerous issues. Masonry also requires people to engage in activities which the Bible condemns. As a result, a Christian should not be a member of any secret society or organization that has any connection with Free Masonry.

Masonry denies no scripture. We meet, we talk, then we eat and talk more, which part is condemned?
You clearly believe your information on Masonry to be true and I see that you are only trying to help. I believe you are a good person but you have been exposed to some misleading information. You have judged Masonry harshly but how many masons do you know personally?

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by nextguyinline
As long as there is secrecy in Freemasonry, there will always be distrust.

There is no getting around it. All the charity in the world won't solve it.

The freemasons should freely open all their ceremonies to the curious.

Secret brotherhoods have always been, are, and always will be, scary to those who don't belong.

Eh not too much secrecy in Freemasonry really. Anyone with a library card or internet access can pretty much find out everything there is to know. And as far as their ceremonies being "secret" that's not true anymore either. I watched one on the Discovery Channel about 2 weeks ago. Me personally I don't see anything wrong with having their rituals and meetings closed to the public. I wouldn't walk in the CEO of my company's meetings and demand to know whats going on. Not my business, doesn't concern me.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 12:20 AM
The major reason I changed my mind on freemasonry is looking into why the secrecy started in the first place.
1. To protect the building of cathedral secrets
2. To promote freedom from monarchy

Special thanks to redpill and others for changing my mind on freemasonry.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Nammu

Masonry is a brotherhood that teaches about life, and how to make yours better by showing and teaching a person lessons through symbolism. Everything that is taught is not secretive it is all learned and earned knowledge. It is under the impression that it is secretive because we do not share what we learn except for with a fellow brother. The reason for this is that we do not want to share knowledge with anyone that has not earn that knowledge as we have. Yes anyone can do there own research and find out what they want to, but they will not find out everything. The only way to do this is by joining. There are know conspiracies in masonry. alot of what you see and here about conspiracy wise is just a bunch of misconstrued information that is broken and distorted over time the other part is rumors. But if you think about it there are rumors about everything in the world. I for one happen to be in the Army, as we all know there are many false and negative rumors about the army as there are about many other things. It is on you as a person to pic and choose what you believe. Using one more example if we all believe what some say about college that all you do is drink and party than know one would come out of college with a degree.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by rich1974

rich, that is true. The aristocracy viewed the Freemasons as "evil." I think that the best evidence of Masonry not being evil is that the aristocracy said they were.

All jokes aside, Rich, you made a couple of pertinent points.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by walk in the light

Why is it so important that you must join and swear by your oaths in order for you to share any knowlege about "the craft". Ask yourself why this is!

What I like about the Bible is anyone can pick one up and know everything that there is about Christ. Heck, you can even go to church without officially joining! And the best part, NO SECRETS! But the very best part, YOU DONT HAVE TO EARN ANYTHING, IT'S ALL GIVEN! No obligations, no nothing, just show up! You don't even have to take an oath that contradicts the word!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:10 PM
Oh yeah, and did I mention that YOU'RE NOT OBLIGATED!

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
Why is it so important that you must join and swear by your oaths in order for you to share any knowlege about "the craft". Ask yourself why this is!

Easy. Something earned is much more valuable and important than something handed to you for nothing.

Besides that, you don't have to be a Mason in order for me to talk to you about Masonry... I would think that would be obvious, given all our collective posts on this board.

What I like about the Bible is anyone can pick one up and know everything that there is about Christ.

HA! Tell that to the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls...

Sure, anyone can understand the bible, so long as you are literate and have a good handle on symbolism and allegories. If you read the words and take them at face value though, IMO you're missing the point.

Heck, you can even go to church without officially joining! And the best part, NO SECRETS! But the very best part, YOU DONT HAVE TO EARN ANYTHING, IT'S ALL GIVEN! No obligations, no nothing, just show up! You don't even have to take an oath that contradicts the word!

Perhaps, but in order to become a member of the Church you must undergo a ritual in which you symbolically die and then are resurrected or reborn. Then, you must routinely take part in a ritual where you symbolically eat Jesus' flesh and drink his blood...

Mind you, communion is not open to those who are not baptized members of the church; and according to most churches, if you just show up and do not perform the aforementioned rituals, you will burn in hell like all the other lost souls. According to the churches, you must ritually die and be resurrected, and take part in allegorical cannibalism in order to have salvation.

And that's just the Baptists...

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
Oh yeah, and did I mention that YOU'RE NOT OBLIGATED!

Many adults that I have seen baptised in Christian churches have made an oath to give themselves to God.

Catholics do when they are confirmed.

I bet you have made an oath that you will serve God for the rest of your life. This obligates you...

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:30 AM
I think every 13 year old kid that comes on this site is led to believe there's some link between Freemasonry and evil, and it's sad to see adults chasing their little tail over the subject instead of looking at the fact. Freemasonry is a constructive fraternity. America and probably the rest of the world is probably better for it.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by spirit7
reply to post by walk in the light

Why is it so important that you must join and swear by your oaths in order for you to share any knowlege about "the craft". Ask yourself why this is!
What I like about the Bible is anyone can pick one up and know everything that there is about Christ. Heck, you can even go to church without officially joining! And the best part, NO SECRETS! But the very best part, YOU DONT HAVE TO EARN ANYTHING, IT'S ALL GIVEN! No obligations, no nothing, just show up! You don't even have to take an oath that contradicts the word!

This response is to educate not meant to be negative.
No one ever said that it was improtant for me to join. It was a descision out of my own (free will and accord). It is easy to talk about something in a negative view when you have little if any knowledge on the subjet. As stated before by many (People fear what they do not know or understand). The knowledge that you refer to as given is in fact actually earned my friend. For example given knowldge is knowledge that you would look-up on the internet as I am pretty sure that you have done. Earned knowledge is taught to you after you have showed that you have a want and desire for it. Yes you can find everything that you want to find about Chist in the Bible but behind every story is another. This has been a proven fact throughout history. When you look at things with tunnel vision you will miss out on alot. There are two types of people in life Getters and Go Getters. The difference is that the Getters want everything in life given to them. from the brief reply that you posted I can clearly tell that this is the category that you fall in my friend. Then there are the Go Getters. The people that will go and try to accomplish everything that they want to do in life. I can tell that you are not well versed on the subject of masonry yet. I also attend church a matter of fact church is a very big part of my life. As a firm believer in the Lord I haven't found anything in masonry that contradicts my beliefs or religion. In fact masonry has given me a better perception on certain things from the Bible and Quite to the contrary none of it has been in a negative view. The Bible speaks alot on how to live your life and teaches you life lessons. The Bible also teaches Broherly love. These are the same things taught to you in masonry but they are taught threw symbolism and allegory. I hope that before you post anymore responses you become more versed on the subject. Remember and I close this response with saying this. It is easy to jugde what you know little about.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by mitchelcopper
Roark I didn't get that from the website you posted. Instead prove me wrong about masonry. Or maybe I should go to and see how masons really lie. It's easy to understand how masons lie. If you are not a society with secrets prove it. You won't because you actually think those pitiful oaths mean something. It's amazing how mason help cripples but cripples and blind people are judged not good enough. Boy what a club. Masonry should be flushed down the toilet with all the other crap.

Of all your posts I have read this one strikes me as the most disgusting! Pitiful oaths? A man is only as good as his word. If ANY oath you take Masonic, Relious, In court you can call pitiful it is because you are someone with out any honor and I would be ashamed to know you.
Why should anyone have to prove anything to anyone else take someone for who they are and what they tell you. If they are found to be dishonorable then YOU do the honorable thing and walk away. Like this....

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by golddragnet

Originally posted by rich1974
So if any masons know how I can join let me know.

The first test is sex with black sheep!!!
Followed by ritual killings and blood drinking. Enjoy the lake of fire!!!

Said the man who stalks "In the shadows" try finding the light.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by mitchelcopper
Amen nextguyinline. Speakeroftruth doesn't like to make waves I do. Masons have stated that the cerimonies are secret. And yes they are a society with secrets. Question:"What is Free Masonry and what do Free Masons believe?"

I turn back around only because you seem to have studied and attampted to make a validate point.
Let me first say I am I Chatholic first before anything and proud of this fact. (lol not debatable! :lol
Now as a chatolic I was brought up to beleive the Bible with out question...hitting my teen years I rebeled a bit as teens do and found myself not turning from God but trying to see WHAT made the Bible unquestionable. So I researched and found that while I still beleive in God and find that MOSt of the Bible is the way to God lets face it I was written by men (research a bit yourself and find out WHEN and ask yourself this....did I play telephone as a child? Did the phrases always come out the end the same?) The Bible has also been "Translated" numerous times read your great grandmas bible and compare it to yours....hmmmm. There is the have been many different councils in the Chatholic Church the most famous is the Vatican II Council that changed the entire world we live in. Hell what Hell? This was done to draw people back to the of power changed the "Laws of God" to bring people to them.... While this is all off topic a bit we must remember Freemasonry is NOT a religon it is a Fraternity. In one of your previous posts you wrote there will never be religious tolerance to paraphrase in case I missed a word. With minds like that your right there never will be. But it seems to have worked just fine for atleast a little while
lol in the Lodges.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by spirit7
Oh yeah, and did I mention that YOU'RE NOT OBLIGATED!

When I was confirmed we all chanted together "I do, I will" when the priest read off my obligations to the church, God and Myself.
When I became a Godfather to My Cusin and my Nephew I chanted the same to other obligations. When I bastized my daughters I chanted the same to even MORE obligations...

Survey says??? ZERO! Your point is invailad There is always obligations. You can walk into any church yes you can listen to any surmon yes. BUT lets not forget that the church has as stated before the vatican and its secrets and Iam locked doors. Masonry has in my area held or been apart of gatherings and in these they spoke of and taught about the thinkings of FM (surmons to relate) these are free and to the public. To intrject on a previous post that said it couldnt be linked this way because there was not public church. So all I hear you saying is you want more public speaking...make a gathering for a real reason do something for your comunity and then invite your local lodge to speak and participate. You get your public speaches (surmons) you all seem to want so badly.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 08:08 AM


Ok, I am going to put this in the frame work of the area I live in.

On any street corner (just like hookers), or in front of any run down trailer park
you can find from 5 to 30 illegals waiting for someone to offer them work. Ifyou
ask them they can do anything from digging ditches to building space shuttles(but they cant speak english). When pushed you find out that in actuality they dont even know which end of a nail to hit with a hammer ( that is if you can get them to put the burrito down long enough to pick up a hammer).

On the other hand you have people who have spent years in carpentry , fron
apprentice to journeyman to master. They not only know which end of the nail to hit, but they have also learned when it is not necessary to use a hammer or when another tool is better.

So which one would you want to build the addition on your home?

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