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2012 and the Stargate

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posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:32 PM
Well i have been looking into the 2012 thing for over 4 years now studying as much information as possible. I have read many publications and looked at the whole thing from many different angles. My view on things regarding 2012 are as follows:

In 1987 we finished the 5th Dimension/Sector. In 2012 we will enter the 6th. This time in between is for our own preperation its a time of change for every human on this planet. 2012 is not the thing to be worried about what happens over the next 5 years is will be the worrying thing. Our goverments are going to take us right to the edge of oblivion before things change in 2012.

2012 is something to look forward to it is a time when every single person on this planet will change spiritually. There are various stories as to how this will happen such as our DNA will be re-structured by some sort of cosmic light/dust. Or we will receive a visitation who will teach and educate us in things we could not even comprehend to imagine.

As you all know our solar system will be aligned to the center of our galaxy in 2012. I have also read in many other places that 2 other solar systems will be aligning with the centre of our galaxy at the same time
and all 3 will be in perfect alignment. (The Trinity). Whether this is true i have no idea as its hard to find confirmed info on these other 2 systems.

Between now and 2012 this world will advance so much with technology we are advancing too much yet are spiritual side remains dormant. This technology will take us almost to the brink of destruction or our goverments will by using this tech in war.

The truth of our origins has been hidden from us for such a long time and has been done on purpose. This is why the powers that be have no choice but to show us our spiritual side in 2012 or we face destruction by our own leaders.

Our own leaders know the truth or at least the puppet masters behind the scenes do and now they are starting to panic for fear of being found out.

Supposedly we were once all spiritual beings on this planet and this was suppressed and taken away from us. We used to visit other dimensions etc etc. Now a few people decided to leave a clue for the rest of us. These
people i believe to be mayans and they left a clue for us to find in the future and regain our spiritual awareness. No one knows what they left but supposedly it is some sort of stargate. yes thats right a STARGATE!!

This gate is believed to be the only one left on this planet whereas there was once thousands. It is believed this gate is buried or hidden somewhere in Iraq. This my friends is the Weapon of Mass destruction our goverments dont want us to find. They are still trying to suppres us and control us but their time is coming to a end and dont they bloody know it.

Thats one of the reasons we are in Iraq and thats another reason why Bush wants to send another 20,000 troops over there because him or his puppet master, NWO whatever you want to call them need this thing fast his time is running out.

Whatever happens dont be afraid of 2012 as long as you Love and want peace within your heart and soul you will be educated and enlightened when the time comes. Expect though the evils on this planet to drag us through so much poo before 2012.

These are just thoughts of mine and the things that keep popping up after 4 years looking into this thing. If we get to 2013 and nothing happens then fair enough but if not then i think we could be in for a wonderful time

Everything i said above i am not saying they are true they are the points that keep popping up in looking up on this thing

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:37 PM

You have voted thesaint for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

Very,very true.. I have said similar thing about the year 2012... Everyone talks about it being doom and gloom..I look for it in rabid anticipation..All of this doom and gloom suspicion about 2012 started relatively recently...Your view was the more standard one on up until about 2000...

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:40 PM

This gate is believed to be the only one left on this planet whereas there was once thousands. It is believed this gate is buried or hidden somewhere in Iraq. This my friends is the Weapon of Mass destruction our goverments dont want us to find. They are still trying to suppres us and control us but their time is coming to a end and dont they bloody know it.

Or perhaps our government is trying to get to it before even worse people do? This "stargate" you are referring to can be extremely positive or extremely negative, depending upon the intent of its holder.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:44 PM
I have read many times that this thing is in Iraq. Now i sat there for days and weeks wondering why our goverments would want such a thing if we are all going to be enlightened anyway. The only thing i could imagine is that they want to visit the origin of our future educators and blow them to smithereens denying us our right to be enlightned and educated as when that happens our goverments will be insignificant to the populations. That then will be when our leaders turn into the terroists themselves

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:47 PM
I agree completely with the "enlightenment" theory regarding 2012. When i hear all the doomsday theories regarding 2012, I don't feel fear, I feel a little excitement for some reason and I believe it must be triggering something deep in my subconcious letting me know that I should not fear it.

I also think more people than ever are searching for answers, they just havent found the right answers yet because they are not sure what they are looking for and it will be revealed in 2012.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Your excited feeling is quite normal i and no doubt many others feel the same. I have known about "Something" since was little and now i believe it to be 2012 and that i must educate as many as possible before 2012.

Im so relieved for my children and for other future generations that they may live a peaceful and wonderful life

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:54 PM
Maybebaybe, that is true... People are endlessly searching...People have tried the organized religion thing... Not quite what they are looking for. People have tried all of the "New Age" things... too ununified. People will have their answer soon, to find that no one group has the complete truth, only bits and pieces of it.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 04:03 PM
Anyone think we need to be in one of the high entry points like all the old artifact buildings are in, in order to receive the 4th dimension?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by leafer
Anyone think we need to be in one of the high entry points like all the old artifact buildings are in, in order to receive the 4th dimension?

I don't really follow what you are asking..

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by leafer
Anyone think we need to be in one of the high entry points like all the old artifact buildings are in, in order to receive the 4th dimension?

Not quite sure what you mean here, the 4th dimension is what we perceive as time....

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Artifact buildings???

I can only guess that means something like out of the film Ghostbusters where even though completely fiction a building was built with a hidden agenda/purpose ie to attract spirits..

My friend is does not matter where in the world you will be you will also be enlightened as long as you choose to believe and accept

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:18 PM
I wouldn't think that geographic location would mean much... There will be some areas in the next 5-7 years that will be safer than others,but as far as whether a person goes to the next "level" or not,I wouldn't think that geography accounts for much.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:29 PM

just to let you know, stargate sg1 is a television show on the sci-fi network. you have been watching a little to much of it.

what a joke!!! blah, blah, blah.

A stargate....

[edited out needless and childish insults -nygdan]

[edit on 31-1-2007 by Nygdan]

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I just want to go on record now as saying absoluting nothing beyond the normal is going to happen in 2012 or 2013.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:32 PM
There is a belief that only 1/3 of the population will be saved and enlightened.

I dont believe this i believe everyone gets the chance to be enlightened and educated. I think our goverments will try to persuade us that its the wrong thing to do and that we will be saved if we choose not to accept enlightment. I believe this is where the false prophet comes into action
and if we trust our goverment then we are dammed to say the least. I would say that no matter how much you are discouraged from accepting the truth you must believe in your heart and soul that to follow the light is the right thing to do.

God help the people who choose to stay

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by thesaint

These are just thoughts of mine and the things that keep popping up after 4 years looking into this thing. If we get to 2013 and nothing happens then fair enough but if not then i think we could be in for a wonderful time

Everything i said above i am not saying they are true they are the points that keep popping up in looking up on this thing

ProfTom you may have missed the above.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:37 PM
And Prof Tom i dont watch stargate never have and never will so go and get a life yourself buddy.

You obviously watch it to think that a stargate is a big circular metal object thats why you think it so funny to take the pi**.

Who said it was such a thing. It could be a key, a script, a book, a rock heck it could be anything.

People who post just to try and offend without any logic behind their reasoning should be banned. Next time you TRY to offend someone at least have a reason for you decision

And why would i want some "Pussy" when i have a seriously stunning wife and 3 children. Heck i dont have to go out and get it i i have it every night on tap thank you

[edit on 31-1-2007 by thesaint]

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:39 PM
Can you post some of the places you foun the information regarding your theory of stargates and enlightenment? A little more background inormation as to why you beleive all this. Its a theory thats a little out there in my opinion to say the least so some supporting facts would be nice.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:42 PM
Yes thats fine ill post up a list of the books ive found most of the information from you should be able to find them easily. The points i made where the most popular points that seem to keep coming up which is what got me thinking

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:45 PM
blah, blah, blah.....

what a joke..... "it could be anything"

Stargate...ha...ha...ha....I fell off my chair....

Never in my life have i heard such dribble. At least we know all you nuts are in the same place....

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