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Rate of Glaciers melting "Speeds up"

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 02:57 AM
Just found this on the BBC website, apparently the rate of glaciers melting has "sped up". The report was made by the World Glacier Monitoring Service, which monitors 30 glaciers worldwide, believes it is to do with climate change. (never would have guessed that:lol

The latest survey, just released, shows accelerating decline. During 2005, this sample of 30 glaciers became, on average, 60-70cm thinner.

This figure is 1.6 times more than the average annual loss during the 1990s, and three times faster than in the 1980s.

With mountain glaciers typically only tens of metres thick, this meant, said WGMS director Wilfried Haeberli, that many would disappear on a timescale of decades if the trend continued.


If this is the case, how will some mountainous areas look with no glaciers? This seems fairly bad to me, although this suggests they were already on the decline.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:41 AM
Glaciers are stupid. I hope they all melt.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Soitenly
Glaciers are stupid. I hope they all melt.

Possibly the most profound statement on the consequence of Anthropogenic Global Warming ever made

On a serious note, data pertaining to this report can be found here:

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