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Watered down children?

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posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Pherophile
Learning from our mistakes also has nothing to with this discussion. The whole Zimbabwe thing was to demonstrate that although there is social content that is not being taught, not many people care or will ever need it. Frankly, there are very few moments in history I think we actually need to learn from. Many of the situations are irrevelant in our current politcal situation.

On the otherside of that, there are several moments in history that need to be emphasized. Many many people know the basics of world war II, but few people know of the technology that was brought to the US after the fall of germany in that war, such as their jet engines and V2 rockets. I think that's a good example of a topic that should at least be touched on in a history class.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by kaoszero

Originally posted by Pherophile
Learning from our mistakes also has nothing to with this discussion. The whole Zimbabwe thing was to demonstrate that although there is social content that is not being taught, not many people care or will ever need it. Frankly, there are very few moments in history I think we actually need to learn from. Many of the situations are irrevelant in our current politcal situation.

On the otherside of that, there are several moments in history that need to be emphasized. Many many people know the basics of world war II, but few people know of the technology that was brought to the US after the fall of germany in that war, such as their jet engines and V2 rockets. I think that's a good example of a topic that should at least be touched on in a history class.

It should be touched on, and it is...

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:16 PM
Parents need to educate their children and make sure they know how to read, write, and do basic math. I went through the public education system in Florida, the FCAT is a joke, i passed without a problem stoned stupid. It is ridiculous that thats all teachers are doing here is preparing their kids for a standardized test.

Do you think it is a coincidense that schools in poor communities, especially with minorities, are the ones that are doing the worst? It is like they want the poor to stay where they're at and they want the wealthy to succeed.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by jrod

Do you think it is a coincidense that schools in poor communities, especially with minorities, are the ones that are doing the worst? It is like they want the poor to stay where they're at and they want the wealthy to succeed.

Uh, we could go with that, OR how about this theory?

Public schools are funded by taxes, the poorer the area is, the less taxes are collected, the less money goes to the school.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:36 PM
True. That does not solve the problem. A kid from the projects should have the same educational opportunities as the kid from the yuppies family on the other side of the tracks. This world aint perfect, im probaly dellusional for even thinking that it should be that way.

posted on Nov, 17 2003 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by jrod
True. That does not solve the problem. A kid from the projects should have the same educational opportunities as the kid from the yuppies family on the other side of the tracks. This world aint perfect, im probaly dellusional for even thinking that it should be that way.

Yes, it is great problem, and frankly I can see no fair solution. Why should the rich have to pay extra to teach other kids? Its a downward spiral. The poor can't get good jobs because they aren't educated, so they remain poor. Those with the good educations get the good jobs and remain rich.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 12:04 AM
I suppose some people would say that no matter what the school is like, the cream will rise to the top (or something like that). In other words, the best students will succede regardless of where they go to schoo. I find that argument pretty weak as it ignores so many variables.
I suppose that, to pay for better schools, you could tax the heck out of all families that have kids while leaving the nonbreeders alone. I don't think that would fly, though.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 06:18 AM

"I truly await the day education gets all the money it needs, and the military has to have bake sales to buy bombs!"

I'm gonna have to remember this one!

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 06:35 AM
Here in canada, we're supposed to have the highest standards of education in North America. Let me tell you, thats a crock of bull#. Expected scores are 70%, which isn't that bad of an idea, except teachers are sorely underpaid and desperately trying to cope with a new, crappy curriculum. They cram kids through highschool in four years (my class was the first to do so.... and let me tell you just how gyped we got) instead of a proper five, and fuge their scores so that they could get into university. Now, when they get there, they're not prepared and are currently panicking. We'll see how bad this turns our shortly. But yes... lower the education but raise the standard- soudns like NWO thinking to me. The illusion that was Eden, eh?


posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 05:02 PM
I think the main reason why schools are so crappy is it's cheap, it's easy, it requires little effort...... why not?

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 05:43 PM

Colorodo is thinking about removing the 12th grade, I think I just proved my point.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Here in canada, we're supposed to have the highest standards of education in North America. Let me tell you, thats a crock of bull#. Expected scores are 70%, which isn't that bad of an idea, except teachers are sorely underpaid and desperately trying to cope with a new, crappy curriculum. They cram kids through highschool in four years (my class was the first to do so.... and let me tell you just how gyped we got) instead of a proper five, and fuge their scores so that they could get into university. Now, when they get there, they're not prepared and are currently panicking. We'll see how bad this turns our shortly. But yes... lower the education but raise the standard- soudns like NWO thinking to me. The illusion that was Eden, eh?


Ya, the removal of Grade 13 was an idiotic move. Though I finished my OAC's in 4 years, I can see how the 5th year is useful to some. Those courses can be difficult. Personally, I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, so I fast-tracked. I took a year off in between University and high-school.

This year I've talked to many kids who are the first to come to University since the change, and they were totally unprepared. Not to mention the enormous class sizes in Universities in Ontario. I went into a first year class to talk to an old professor this year and man oh man, the class was huge! It was over 500 people, people were sitting on the stairs, there wasn't enough room.

Then there is the mandatory testing of children in elementary school...

Blah... personally, I'm taking my daughter out of the public school system when she's in grade 2, when I finish school.
For those in the US, with knowledge of homeschooling, is it difficult to do? I've heard that the state is making it more difficult for parents to remove the child from the public school system. It'd be great to hear from someone who has actually done it, though.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 11:19 PM
I think there are a lot of learning problems going around, such as ADD/ADHD, being ADD myself I know how difficult it can be to study or succeed very well in school. Simply because of the way they teach, Somehow I believe that this is all correlating with keeping our generation behind. ADD/ADHD came about due to all the crap they feed us not to mention environmental issues not looked into. Who is to say they didnt already know about this or planned it to begin with.

What they need to do to ensure proper education is have teachers in the same subject who teach certain ways, that way if a student has a known proficiency at learning a certain way, they can take that class best suited for them.

posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 11:29 PM
Well, lets see..I can dig out into my banks of memory here...aah yes...

Section 045.67, Chapter 0040, Story 1,345,561.


When I was in elementary school/junior high/highschool, I was a fairly smart student A-'s to B-'s sort of thing, but the really SMART kids (A's to A-'s) were just basically repeating what they were fed. I was a free-thinker..and I liked to question the facts..ALOT! This often got me in trouble, contrary to what the "smart" kids did. It would get me annoyed when they were considered so smart for repeating facts over and over, and on top of it they were completely shallow. Annoyed the hell out of me. Just my other story. Had to share


posted on Nov, 18 2003 @ 11:45 PM
We all know that American public school system is really terrible by my question is this:

What would the US government benefit from watering down our children?

Or whoever is behind this 'grand conspiracy'... why would it benefit them to stupid our children.

I know a lot of people who have 5.0 gpa's, 1500 SAT scores, going to University of Florida, Michigan, Miami... even some people in Harvard.

Me, I came with my 3.2 gpa and 1100 sat scores and when I have a convo with them about history or politics or anything else they dont know JACK #.

It amazes me how those people got 5.0 gpa's and 1500 sats when they dont know who Imhotep was.

And to the person who said the prince from Wales discovered America is wrong... The Egyptians discovered America 4,000 years ago...

But anyway... they only teach you what they want. Independant learning is what I have been doing all through high school.

I guarantee you my money that I am getting a better education in $1.50 worth of late library charges than my friend in Harvard spending 50 grand a year... that's the way it is.

Illumination not education to bring the blind sight.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by daeldren
I think there are a lot of learning problems going around, such as ADD/ADHD, being ADD myself I know how difficult it can be to study or succeed very well in school. Simply because of the way they teach, Somehow I believe that this is all correlating with keeping our generation behind. ADD/ADHD came about due to all the crap they feed us not to mention environmental issues not looked into. Who is to say they didnt already know about this or planned it to begin with.

What they need to do to ensure proper education is have teachers in the same subject who teach certain ways, that way if a student has a known proficiency at learning a certain way, they can take that class best suited for them.

Yes, those learning problems seem be running rampant recently. That just lead to the question if drugging out children.

I agree with you on the last part, though. I think that's the best way. I know when I was in grade school there was a special education teacher who was on staff full time availible to all the students who needed extra help. Those don't seem to exist anymore.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 11:48 AM
Here, let me show you all just how bad the Ontario School System is #ed up:

first year sociology class- 239 people
first year comp. sci.- 359 people
first year psychology- 80 people
first year Greek civ- 91 people

I'm in all those classes. As you can see, even unliked subjects have class sizes of nearly a hundred. This is university by the wya, and coming out my own pocket. I'm at a second-rate school, no less. Thank you provincial government for robbing me of a future.


posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 11:54 AM
That's too bad that you're in those classes.
If you don't mind my asking, which University do you go to?

I know my Uni was completely unprepared for the amount of kids coming in this year. No new residences built, so everyone got booted except foreign students, so the first years could have them. Everything is waaaaay too crowded.

posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 11:56 AM
The Boonie School- Laurentian. I lied when I said second-rate school....

We're more third rate. We're in teh middle of nowhere, no less. Sudbury. We didn't even have enough room in rez....isn't that sad?


posted on Nov, 19 2003 @ 12:01 PM
I've got a few friends who go there, it's not a bad school from what I here. It's pretty nice up there, since they've cleaned Sudbury up. Where were you from originally?
I go to York U in Toronto.

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