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Our Reptilian Past

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posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 10:41 AM
One thing in particular I recently discovered, is that all the studies about ancient Sumer currently underway in the mainstream and even in most alternative approaches, mix together the sumerian, akkadian and babylonian artforms as if they are all the same. THEY ARE NOT. This is very important, so please follow along while I explain:

The end of the Sumerian civilization was marked by the Mesopotamian Flood. All the "Anunnaki" (fallen angels/ETs) who had taken part in the crimes against humanity leading up to the flood, who ranked lower than (Archangel), probably known as the Anunna, were locked in the bottomless pit (stargate, outer darkness, other side of the galaxy perhaps) at this point. Gone were most of the sumerian gods, with the exception of Enki (from what I can tell) and possibly Enlil. These events transpired somewhere around 3000 BC. Anything prior to that is actually Sumerian. Anything after that is actually Akkadian or Babylonian.

Now that we've established the timeline, the next is to look at the artforms. Did you know, there's not a single remaining piece of art from ancient Sumer, that depicts a humanized "god"? All the humanized gods in mesopotamian art, are AFTER the flood. Since the fallen ones responsible were locked up/sent away, whatever, and Enki is put under special restraining orders, the artforms of the gods we see in Akkadia and Babylon are based on memories that have been humanized. In other words, artforms depicting Enki as a human are LIES. They are fakeries. The only remaining full body images of beings from ancient Sumer are of Reptilians. Yes, REPTILIANS.

In fact, the only artifacts from that time frame other than Reptilian figurines, are of headless/legless female bodies with huge breasts, huge thighs and no legs below the kneecap (ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME), that look suspiciously like Thanksgiving turkeys. In fact, that may very well be what it is - these may be depictions of a Reptilian/Nephilim dinner (a plumped up human female, with head removed and legs removed below the knee).

I know it sounds way out there, but folks, I've been scouring the archives for sumerian artifacts, specifically, and the only other things I can find are plates, bowls, vases, and odd little symbols, like charms or fetishes, of some kind. There are no depictions of human gods, no depictions of human kings, or human shaman or human anything, except the legless, decapitated females. Conversely, the Reptilians are mostly intact. I think there was only one with a missing head.

Yup, we caught 'em red-handed trying to cover up their own existence by influencing scholars to mesh the Sumerian and Akkadian timelines together when they are indeed separate for good reason. The flood not only marked the end of sumerian civilization, it marked the end of visible occupation by this particular line of ETs. The idea that they cannablized the humans is actually reported in the Book of Enoch, a book, btw, that was outlawed from being included in the biblical texts by the Holy Roman Catholic Church during the ecumenical councils.

It says, the planet was so polluted, food wouldn't grow. A massive drought kicked in, the plant life died, the animals were no longer edible, and the fallen ones (the ETs) and their hybrid offspring began to eat the human population because there was no food left. This would go a long way in explaining a great deal about the ancient past. Starting with why reptilians may not be all sunshine and lollipops. So much for enlightenment.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:02 AM
Thanks Undo for sharing your research. I have tried to point out in another post that we (the people) should question why human sacrifices were so common in many of our ancient civilizations. These sacrifices were to the 'gods' and I think it was a practice that should be given serious thought. We know for a fact that human sacrifices to these gods was practiced. It is undeniable in evidence.

My question is: Who were the ancient 'gods' and are they still with us? Who were the 'gods' that demanded human sacrifices from Meso America to Mesopotamia?

You have contributed an excellent post Undo. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by the theremin
Thanks Undo for sharing your research. I have tried to point out in another post that we (the people) should question why human sacrifices were so common in many of our ancient civilizations. These sacrifices were to the 'gods' and I think it was a practice that should be given serious thought. We know for a fact that human sacrifices to these gods was practiced. It is undeniable in evidence.

My question is: Who were the ancient 'gods' and are they still with us? Who were the 'gods' that demanded human sacrifices from Meso America to Mesopotamia?

You have contributed an excellent post Undo. Thanks.

Yes, that's a legitimate point. One of the meso american temples that sat atop a pyramidal structure, had a hole in the roof. It was to facilitate the god's access to the sacrifice, which was typically human.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 06:39 PM
Again with the reptillian thing!? Just do not understand the fascination..............but that is what is so cool about ATS, anything goes for the most part! Cheers to you all who are into the reptillian thing! I respect your passion, but I do hope you do not place any belief/faith in that completely wacko David Ieke(sp?)!

Cheers and peace, Mondo

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Interesting read you gave me there. However, I do have some questions to ask you.

Originally posted by undo
The end of the Sumerian civilization was marked by the Mesopotamian Flood. [...] Anything prior to that is actually Sumerian. Anything after that is actually Akkadian or Babylonian.

First off: I shrunk down the quote to take up less room/characters. Now, where did you get this information on the flood and all of that. I would be interested in reading your source material or the texts from which you derived this information.

Originally posted by undo
Now that we've established the timeline, the next is to look at the artforms. Did you know, there's not a single remaining piece of art from ancient Sumer, that depicts a humanized "god"? All the humanized gods in mesopotamian art, are AFTER the flood.

This is the most crucial part of your argument. Please, tell me how you know that artwork is from 'after the flood'. This is the question that needs answering more then any other.

Originally posted by undo
Since the fallen ones responsible were locked up/sent away, whatever, and Enki is put under special restraining orders,

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not a 'whatever' statement. Please, once again, tell me how you know this...where is this information coming from? If you say it comes from your studies then please show me from what you based this conclusion.

Originally posted by undo
The only remaining full body images of beings from ancient Sumer are of Reptilians. Yes, REPTILIANS.

May I see an example of this? I am assuming you have pictures of these Reptilian images and sculptures...I am interested in seeing.

Originally posted by undo
I know it sounds way out there, but folks, I've been scouring the archives for sumerian artifacts, specifically, and the only other things I can find are plates, bowls, vases, and odd little symbols, like charms or fetishes, of some kind. There are no depictions of human gods, no depictions of human kings, or human shaman or human anything, except the legless, decapitated females.

Well, this too goes back to the timeline and the artifacts being from different era' is an interesting point and the keystone to your argument. So, I would love to, once again, see the proof you have for this assumption.

I am interested in and await your response. Thank you.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 04:48 AM

According to the information, the end of Sumer and the beginning of Akkadia, was marked by a massive flood that destroyed the Sumerian civ. The argument stems from whether this was a localized flood (see the Black Sea Flood) or a global flood (see biblical flood and the akkadian Enuma Elish), but either way, it marked the end of Sumer and the beginning of Akkadia. This is borne out by a flood layer of silt and so forth, between sumerian artifacts and akkadian ones.

Here's a National Geographic write up on the Black Sea Flood:

Anyway, working with the numbers given for the date of the flood, the end of Sumer and beginning of Akkadia, is somewhere between 4000 BC and 3000 BC. And I quote:

"In a series of expeditions, a team of marine archeologists led by Robert Ballard identified what appeared to be ancient shorelines, freshwater snail shells, drowned river valleys, tool-worked timbers, and man-made structures in roughly 300 feet (100 m) of water off the Black Sea coast of modern Turkey. Radiocarbon dating of freshwater mollusk remains indicated an age of about 7,000 years."

The date varies in officialdom from 8000 BCE to 4000 BC. I'm settling in the middle somewhere with 3000 BC-ish, due to the beginning of the Akkadian era which marked the end of Sumer, which was devastated, even according to their ancient texts, by a massive flood. Akkadia is said to begin around 2800 BC, give or a take a couple hundred years. It rises in prominence at the same pace as Egypt, so that by the time of Babylon, they appear to be equally yoked in various areas related to reading, writing and arthimetic, and are making familial exchanges (their kids marrying each other for peace treaties and so on).

Marriage as a Tool of Foreign Politics (in Ancient Egypt)

The artforms from Sumer would by, necessity, predate 3000 BC in my estimation, and anything following that would be related to post flood Akkadia. Here's an example that illustrates my point:

Eridu was a Sumerian city. According to later texts, it was the throne of Enki. On this website, which houses pictures of items from the Baghdad museum that are either missing or have been returned, the following is the only item from Eridu that depicts a being of any kind:

Note that in the margin it is dated as 4000 BC. Count the visible fingers, and assume the final one is out of sight (the opposable thumb)

Here's the side profile:

But that's not all, in Sumerian Ur, we have

Note that in the margin it is dated as 4000 BC

Side profile:

Also from Sumerian Ur:

Note that in the margin it is dated as 4000 BC

Side profile:

Check out the baby's head, eyes and hands.

According to the texts of the akkadians, the prior civ that was destroyed by the flood, also marked the end of the occupation of many of the gods related to it. This is defined most succintly in the Book of Enoch, a much later creation, but with equally interesting data:

And references in the bible such as Genesis 6:
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The word giant comes from the word naphal "to fall" or "fallen ones".

1) to fall, lie, be cast down, fail

a) (Qal)

1) to fall

2) to fall (of violent death)

3) to fall prostrate, prostrate oneself before

4) to fall upon, attack, desert, fall away to , go away to, fall into the hand of

5) to fall short, fail, fall out, turn out, result

6) to settle, waste away, be offered, be inferior to

7) to lie, lie prostrate

b) (Hiphil)

1) to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate

2) to overthrow

3) to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot

4) to let drop, cause to fail (fig.)

5) to cause to fall

c) (Hithpael)

1) to throw or prostrate oneself, throw oneself upon

2) to lie prostrate, prostrate oneself

d) (Pilel) to fall

This is clearly a reference to fallen angels (called mighty ones in this particular instance, to denote they were angelic). The fallen part is obviously in regards to their decision to disobey the prime directive if you will, and interfer with the developement of man, as described in Enoch:

I Enoch II:
7 And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

10 [...]
And the Lord said unto Michael: 'Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sonshave slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end: and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth' shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.

The imprisonment is spoken of in the bible here:
Jude 1:6
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

Enki is thought by many to parallel the biblical Satan. This is especially obvious in that he is not only called the "great dragon" in their ancient texts:
Enki and the World Order

But because he is known as the crafty god, the tricky god, and he has an ongoing battle with his "brother" Enlil (who some believe is the biblical Jehovah). He is in the Garden of Eden or Edin, and creates monsters, severly handicapped people that he assigns various roles of servitude, and animorphs, human chimeras, you name it. The guy was a mad scientist sort of figure. It's one of the reasons the book of Enoch says that the Watchers, the fallen angelic figures who left their first estate, "Sinned against animals" and also one of the reasons animals were no longer edible, as their genome had been so polluted, they weren't fit for consumption.

Here's a selection of artifacts from that time frame:

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 12:19 PM
Undo- do you believe it is possible that the word "flood" was the closest thing the Sumerians had for the word "nuclear explosion." When you think of a flood, all is destroyed by it and only a little remains. Is it possible that the polution was radiation? Think about it...

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
Undo- do you believe it is possible that the word "flood" was the closest thing the Sumerians had for the word "nuclear explosion." When you think of a flood, all is destroyed by it and only a little remains. Is it possible that the polution was radiation? Think about it...

Curuios as to why you would think that...I think that I know where you are going with this and I am interested in hearing what you have to say about it.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 12:28 PM

Thank you for all of the source material and the links. It really gives your ideas a more organized and intelligable feel to them.

However, it is all, as most things are, speculation. I am not trying to knock your theory in any way --in fact, I find it to be a very interesting one. I am simply here to be a critical and speculative, yet open, mind.

I look forward to reading more from you on this subject. Great job and keep it up.

Oh and, enjoy the Way Above vote my friend.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by spines

Originally posted by jaguarmike
Undo- do you believe it is possible that the word "flood" was the closest thing the Sumerians had for the word "nuclear explosion." When you think of a flood, all is destroyed by it and only a little remains. Is it possible that the polution was radiation? Think about it...

Curuios as to why you would think that...I think that I know where you are going with this and I am interested in hearing what you have to say about it.

My sources have stated, not speculated, that many cultures have died out in the past due to nuclear weapons. Before you say this is hogwash and impossible due to technological differences, hear my explination. Technological discovery is a term that is defined incorrectly. A better way definition would be along the lines of: An idea or practice remembered (something like that). When I say there is generally nothing new under the sun, I really mean that. I've explained in detail how this works in my previous posts on the subject. The english language version of the bible states moses took two of every animal. Some believe the bible is literal, some believe it is full of parables- I believe it is a collection of past events explained in a way for the target audience (those reading the bible when it was first introduced) to understand + general ideas of prosperity. With that being said, if you were to say to people many years after that moses took two DNA samples from every species before the "flood" (nuclear explosion) they would have no idea the science or technology behind it, because the majority of people knowing this were destroyed. There are plenty of words in the bible taken from the starting language and how there were problems during translation. Sumer wasn't flooded, it was blown up. If you funded a huge project to dig underground, and then analyzed the soil for radiation, you'd have yourself one of the biggest descoveries of the 21st century- that is if you weren't bribed to stop digging or we're murdered or slandered. There is a lot riding on this knowledge never coming out, and some people would stop at literally nothing from protecting secrets of Sumeria. What is the title of the land of Sumeria now? (pause for effect).... scary isn't it.

The nuclear weapon is the most dangerous threat to human survival. If we don't get a handle on it now, then one day in future people will be writing stories of our last days and the cycle will continue.

[edit on 13-11-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
My sources have stated, not speculated, that many cultures have died out in the past due to nuclear weapons.

Alright, I read your entire post and only quoted this one section because it is the most important.

I am not saying that your theory is wrong. I am only stating that your theory is just that: a theory.

Your sources state but do not speculate. Please, I would like to know who these sources are and read the source material or material which spawned this their 'statement'.

Always remember to keep a critical mind.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 02:37 PM
That's the funny part- i'm not giving you my source because I would probably get in trouble. The most important piece of information in my post is this:

"If you funded a huge project to dig underground, and then analyzed the soil for radiation, you'd have yourself one of the biggest descoveries of the 21st century." I am refering to Iraq.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 02:50 PM
I follow what you say undo. Sad thing many cant seem to grasp the concept of history and want to say the reptilian concept is a ludicrous David Icke creation when in fact its a creation according to history.

Many want to dismiss it all and say it is all symbolism but what you see in everyday life now seems to surpass symbolism and borders on pure worship of it.

Dragons,Snakes, Serpents in
Military Patches
Medical Symbolism
and on and on....

Its like telling someone a TV is a tv and you demonstrate that it is a TV but they insist that it is not.

Good write up..thank you

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by jaguarmike
That's the funny part- i'm not giving you my source because I would probably get in trouble.

Without sources for an argument (or material that clearly shows the facts that form your theory) there is no serious discussion. I have some notion of the evidence for what you discuss but I am curious as to why you will not give source material.

Originally posted by jaguarmike
The most important piece of information in my post is this: "If you funded a huge project to dig underground, and then analyzed the soil for radiation, you'd have yourself one of the biggest descoveries of the 21st century." I am refering to Iraq.

Like I said in my previous post: without substanstial information as to why and how you came to these conclusions the argument ends at the first sentence.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 04:26 PM

Who said i'm catering my information to you and that you get to decide where the discussion starts and ends? Are you a moderator or just standing on a soap box? I could easily go through life arrogantly knowing what the sheeple don't, but I chose not to and give you some food for thought. No i'm not giving you my sources because as I said i'd get in trouble. My work depends on me NOT giving you my source; sorry.

It really bothers me to the core that so many people don't get how dangerous this information is.

From this thread I offered two things:

1) You dig in Iraq far enough down and you'll find dirt and soil that has a radioactive reading dating back around 2000bc. There is your proof. If you want it proof, get it. Pay some PMC group a million and make it happen. There was no flood.

2) Words like "flood" and "two of every species" really mean nuclear blast and DNA samples- they were translated wrong in the examples given above.

[edit on 13-11-2006 by jaguarmike]

[edit on 13-11-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 04:41 PM
I don't suppose the fact that Sumer was located near the Persian Gulf, NOT the
Black Sea is at all relevant ?


posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
I don't suppose the fact that Sumer was located near the Persian Gulf, NOT the
Black Sea is at all relevant ?


Your inquisition into the relevance of this means nothing. Nothing I tell you!

But in all seriousness; getting hostility at the request of any information that could help solidify his claims makes me question his authenticity. After all, if this information is so dangerous...I do doubt that it would be posted online. Easy to track and all.

[edit on 11/13/0606 by spines]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:22 PM

You are absolutely beating your head against a wall with this thing! Sorry, I feel for you and have tried many times to get any "real" background to any of these claims, and guess what.......................NOTHING EVER, except the absolutely ridiculous joke of a source named David Icke!

Sorry again to all who believe that guy, he's a nut job!

Respect to those who believe this stuff, but whenever the proof and sources get out, I will then take it serious. Til then, it is obvious that it is way too dangerous of a topic except for those who know about it and write it here on ATS????????

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Mondogiwa

You are absolutely beating your head against a wall with this thing! Sorry, I feel for you and have tried many times to get any "real" background to any of these claims, and guess what.......................NOTHING EVER, except the absolutely ridiculous joke of a source named David Icke!

Sorry again to all who believe that guy, he's a nut job!

Respect to those who believe this stuff, but whenever the proof and sources get out, I will then take it serious. Til then, it is obvious that it is way too dangerous of a topic except for those who know about it and write it here on ATS????????

Don't forget the ever present "you are not enlightened' or 'you don't need to know where I got the information from, you should not know about this anyway'.

Well, if those are the cases then I ask you to stop posting here about them.

Thank you for the invote to the 'Frustration Club' Mondogiwa.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:51 PM
No problem, I know it's not a good thing to watch others be frustrated but I just had to let you know that I share the same feeling as you do!

I like your term, "The frustration club", by the way!

I'll keep watching the post but I must try to reserve any comments that don't pertain to the thread, except this one I suppose!

Good luck with, "the wall"

Peace, Mondo

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