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OK, now i'm a believer : Update.

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posted on Oct, 25 2006 @ 09:37 PM

Nothing has happened to me since my first post a few weeks ago.

Now, I have had my two kids over too stay a few times since this has happened, obviously with them being 4 and 6 years old I never mentioned it to them..

At the weekend I had them over the Fri and Sat night, on the Fri night both of themwanted to sleep in my bed, which is highly unusual, to understand this, they usually sleep with the lights out and the door closed, they have no fear of the dark what so ever when they are asleep.

Didn't really think anything of it, they hadn't seen me for a week or so, i guessed they had just missed me. The next day we were riding on our bikes around a loch when my son told me that they wanted to sleep in my bed because they both had felt really cold in their bedroom, again unusual because I always make sure their room is nice and warm. I asked him if there was anything else bothering him, he kind of shied away and said no.

Sat night, we all shared a pizza and I let them stay up later than usual, had a good giggle with them and we were all in high spirits. Must have took them to bed around 10.30ish, I stayed up for an hour or so and checked on them a couple of times, both were snoring away.

At 2.30 I was woken by a thump, I initially thought that one of them had fallen out of bed, so I got up to go through and heard a whimpering, so I went in to the bedroom to find my daughter curled up in the corner of her bed with her head bured in her pillow. A nightmare I thought, so I did the usual of picking her up and cuddling her! She scared the crap out of me by telling me that she had seen someone in the room, I asked where, she said in the corner at the base of her bed. My son, who was lying awake unknown to me then said he had saw it too, I asked what it looked like and both of them said just a black thing, looked like a shadow..

So I turned on the light, and found on the floor, right on the middle a large dinosaur book which was put away earlier by me, I asked my son if he was reading in bed, he said no, but the book falling and hitting the floor woke him up.

Now, for one of them to have a nightmare and think they see something is acceptable, but for two of them to see the same thing is unbelievable in my opinion, not too mention the book falling..

Think now is the time to get someone to investigate further.

PS From oiginal post.

I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary from my investigations about previous residents of my flat. No one in my block has experienced anything apart from my neightbour in mine..

[edit on 25-10-2006 by roblin]

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:37 AM
I've got it!!

It's one of your children's guardians or your own guardian.

It first turned the light on and slammed the door open.

Now it frightened your kids because you had their door closed and their lights off.

It's a guardian saying: "Don't shut the door or leave the lights off, like you usually do".

My grandson came over last week to stay the night, and the night before he came his guardian arrived to check the place out. It had a very powerful presence and was trying to be frightening in various ways, or at least make its presence known fully.

My guess is you are being told to leave your kids door open and their lights on when they stay over. It's a guardian trying to make you change your ways I believe.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:21 AM
I don't think a "guardian" is going to frighten the bejeesus out of your kids because you didn't leave the light on. You're renting this place, right? Grab a newspaper and find another place to live. Just get the hell out of there and let someone else star in this horror movie.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:38 AM
It's a long read, but if you have the time go to this Thread and give a go. It's from our own Val here on ATS and her experiences in her home. Perhaps you can gain some insight into what is happening to you or just take some comfort in her experiences. Too bad I'm not your neighbour, I'd be more than happy to explore this with you. I'm not really a believer, however I truly believe what you have to say.

Best of luck and please keep us updated.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 08:17 AM
Roblin, please understand where the fear is comming from. You are afraid, because this is something you dont understand, and are uncertan of. The thing that is the most scary to all people is not knowing what is going to happen. Take a look at everything you have written, everything that has happened, and figure out if there is anything this thing has done that gives you good reason to be afraid. So, you dont know what this is. Take a good look at what you do know, look at all the things it has done. Since the main reason you are afraid is that you dont know what it is or what it is going to do, then humor me for a min. Imagine its a puppy, then treat it as such.

[edit on 26-10-2006 by mrsdudara]

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:00 AM
Unfortunately I am not renting, I bought the flat nearly two years ago now..

Thx for the advice again. I'm hoping the kids just put it behind them and think nothing of it as kids do..

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:13 AM
nah they'll forget about it.
And i'm sure it's harmless and nothing to worry about.
Keep us updated!

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:20 AM
If you ever see it again,confront it i say!

Say "who the hell are you?What are you doing in my flat?"
Its scary maybe,but this is your world,and the whatever is trespassing.
Or maybe its not aware it is trespassing.
Got a webcam?
Try setting it up in the kids room,pointing at the area of the sighting-you should be able to get a free program of the net to give your webcam "motion detection" capability.
That way it would have at least caught the movement of the book from the shelf.
Get a light switch within arms length of the kids beds-so they can hit the switch if they see it again,which may help them to not be so worried.

If you see it tell it that you have it on film,and if it comes back you will put the film on ATS,where all the skeptics will say "thats photoshop!"

I bet ghosts hate being called fakes!
That should get rid of the irksome beast.

Seriously though,if you can make it so that you guys aren`t as scared,i bet it will leave you alone.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 10:30 AM
Roblin, I would suggest setting up a camera in their room to try and capture this shadow.

I too don't believe in the guardian thing. A guardian is their to protect not scare the crap out of the kids.
Children are conduits to the paranormal world and lose that ablity as they get older.
Have you yourself had any experiences? If not and there is a presence it's more than likely going to be picked up by your kids.
So I would try a recorder and a camera for now.
Keep us posted

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 01:23 PM

Nope, it's a guardian alright. Some of them are ancient beings who don't beat about the bush. You're doing something it doesn't like and it showed you the alternative when it first came.

You asked your kids if they had been reading in bed? But with the lights off there is no way they could do that. The guardian threw the book down to tell you that light is needed for reading too and you should leave the light on in case your children want to read.

You are in the habit of closing the door and switching the light off when your kids are asleep, and so the guardian switched a light on and slammed the door open to demonstrate exactly what it wants you to do.

It's just showing you that little kids need light at night and the ability to get out of a room if they need to.

My suggestion is you get a night-light that can be left on all night for your children, and make a vow to leave their door open all night as well. Actually state out loud that you are going to leave their door open and their light on.

99% of people who experience visitations of some kind have young children. And that means powerful protective guardians.

So all you are dealing with is a guardian. And even if you run away you will find the guardian follows you to the ends of the earth if your children are with you.

So you have to make it aware that you understand now that it simply was telling you to leave your kids light on and their door open at night. Tell your kids that you will always leave their light on and their door open, because the guardian will be around your kids and will hear what you tell them.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by probedbygrays
Nope, it's a guardian alright. Some of them are ancient beings who don't beat about the bush. You're doing something it doesn't like and it showed you the alternative when it first came.

Everyone's entitled to their own views, but please try to give advice responsibly. If you haven't read the first thread that this update refers to, check that and you'll find that this shadow thing has only put in sinister appearances to date. I doubt it's there to remind the guy to brush his teeth or leave the light on, especially with all the demands ancient beings have on their time and the pay scale they're on.

Whatever the thing is, it's not supposed to be there and the OP doesn't put any faith in religious rituals to evict it. Something tells me that may be the underlying cause of the events and the OP will have to come to terms with that before he can solve this problem. In the meantime, I wouldn't risk harm to the children by exposing them to this thing.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 02:32 PM
i read the first part,and agree it does not seem to be a positive force.
If its a negative force,to starve it of fear is the method i would attempt.

Still having trouble blocking out the connotations of your name BTW.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by roblin
I'm hoping the kids just put it behind them and think nothing of it as kids do..

If not, just talk to them about it. Have them tell you what about it scared them. Sometimes, talking about something makes it a lot less scary. Remind them that between God, his guardian angels he has watching over them, and you that they will be ok, but if they are still afraid, ask all the above for help. Let them know that even if they are in a dark room by themselfs they are never alone.

Good luck!

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 03:35 PM
I can understand both sides of the opinions being given here, but if your kids are scared, then trust their instincts. Let them sleep with the door open and the lights on, maybe you can even spend a night in their room with them and see what you percieve.

However, if you have already come to the conclusion that this is a negative entity, then ask it to leave, light a candle in the room and maybe do a spiritual cleansing (look it up on google for various methods).

btw have you asked if the kids are experiencing this type of activity at other locations where they sleep or is it only happening in your house?

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
I can understand both sides of the opinions being given here, but if your kids are scared, then trust their instincts. Let them sleep with the door open and the lights on, maybe you can even spend a night in their room with them and see what you percieve.

However, if you have already come to the conclusion that this is a negative entity, then ask it to leave, light a candle in the room and maybe do a spiritual cleansing (look it up on google for various methods).

btw have you asked if the kids are experiencing this type of activity at other locations where they sleep or is it only happening in your house?

Thats a good point you make about other places, although i'm pretty sure my kids would tell me, like all other kids of that age they cannot wait to tell you everything that has happened to them..

I'll put a night light in their room to give then some comfort,also might sleep there next time they come over...

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 05:39 PM
And also leave the door open. That seemed to be pretty important too.

There are no such things as evil entities. But there are plenty of misunderstood ones it seems.

The entity has not harmed anyone. It obviously just wants its presence known, and according to its behaviour it wants doors open and lights on. Also when you switched the light on you found a large book in the middle of the floor. That would have perhaps caused a child to trip in the dark. So the entity gave you another reason to keep the light on.

A spirit trying to act evil would want doors locked and darkness in the rooms so it could scare people. This is obviously a good entity trying to get straight to the point by letting you know it's best to keep the door open and light on.

Like I said before, when my grandson (3yr old) came to stay last week his guardian came the night before to check the place out. It made its presence known and anyone would have been really terrified, except me of course.

I can understand everyones fears but there is nothing to fear except fear itself.

I invite all evil spirits in this entire world to come and try to scare me. I command in The Name of God that they come and show me if they have any power.

As usual none will show because there are none. Not one tiny one even!

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by probedbygrays

I invite all evil spirits in this entire world to come and try to scare me. I command in The Name of God that they come and show me if they have any power.

As usual none will show because there are none. Not one tiny one even!

If in fact there are evil spirits,you have enacted my method perfectly,ProbedBTGs !

Because,your faith has Denied the spirits of their power over you:
You are not scared.
That is your power.

posted on Oct, 26 2006 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by roblin

....she had seen someone in the room, I asked where, she said in the corner at the base of her bed......

Not too many folks know this but guardians frequently stand at the foot of the beds of the people whom they are guardians for. So I'd guess you are dealing with your daughter's guardian in this case. Girls guardians are always the strongest ones as well.

Whatever, you just do what you think you ought to. You put your story here for folks to offer their opinions but in the end it is your choice what you do.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by probedbygrays

Not too many folks know this but guardians frequently stand at the foot of the beds of the people whom they are guardians for. So I'd guess you are dealing with your daughter's guardian in this case. Girls guardians are always the strongest ones as well.

Do you mind if I ask how you know this?

Also, why is it you think a guardian would be scary to children? I never thought my guardian was scary, and I've never met someone who did. A guardian is someone who has been with them their entire existance. What was in their room was not their guardian, it was something they didnt know. They were afraid because the book fell and they saw something they had never seen before in their room. If they thought it was evil, they would have been a lot more scared than they were, and they would have said as much. That to me says a lot. Children are more sensitive than adults. They instinctivly know if something is good or bad. If they thought it was evil, they would have ran crying to their dad, refusing to go in that room ever again. That wasnt the case.

quote: Originally posted by roblin

I asked him if there was anything else bothering him, he kind of shied away and said no.
My son, who was lying awake unknown to me then said he had saw it too
So I turned on the light, and found on the floor, right on the middle a large dinosaur book which was put away earlier by me, I asked my son if he was reading in bed, he said no, but the book falling and hitting the floor woke him up.

My advice to you is that you open up a comunication line with your son. Let him know that you are a believer (and not afraid) in such things, that way he wont feel insecure talking to you about it. He is obviously more familiar with this, or these types of things than you thought.

My family is very open about such things. I took extra steps to assure my kids that they could talk to me about all kinds of things. Still little ones (expecially boys) are very nervous about talking openly about these things at first. When one of my boys was 6, he broke the ice by saying "was it just me again, or did you see that person too?" Obviously, there was a lot of information that wasnt said in that little sentence. My oldest waited until he was 7 almost 8 when he came to me and asked why some of his dreams came true, and was it ok.

It doesnt matter if people believe that stuff happens or not, it is what it is and believing or not believing doesnt change that.

There are a lot of kids like that. What happens next is up to the parents. They can either say its an overactive imagination and they need to grow up, or they can open up a communication line with them. The only way to do that is by the parent talking first. That lets the child know that you are 1. your interested, 2. you will believe him/her 3. they dont need to be afraid.

posted on Nov, 1 2006 @ 12:25 AM
I agree with Gemini, guardians shouldnt be percieved as a threat or something more sinister.... clearly that was the case with the kids being scared.

You choose to turn a negative into a positive, but is that enough? or wise?
I guess we all depict things differently.

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