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9/11 plotted in Iran.

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posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Prokurator

Iran's Reasons:

1) Bring down its old Sunni enemies in Iraq (expecting the U.S. to do the job and the war to eventually become unpopular).
2) Let U.S. hunt down Saddam Hussein and Osama-bin-Laden, and possibly overextend its army. Meanwhile, buy time to develop nuclear weapons.

So what you are telling me is that Iranians can see into the future? How talented!

Oh, and in case you have forgotten, the premise for going into Iraq was those mythical WMD...the evasive little scamps. It was not originally terrorism/9-11 etc.

Really, whats the point...

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 08:47 AM
The Iranians are in fact very talented, which makes it all the more dangerous that they live under a totalitarian theocracy. There is scant "public" pre-Iraqi-War intel on their 9/11 involvement, but they have held their cards very well in the aftermath and managed to solidify their government and people by defying the West with their uranium-enrichment activities.

Not necessarily saying that there was high-level government involvement, that possibility must be seriously investigated as Iran seeks to go nuclear. At least Iraq never openly had such ambitions.

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by mr conspiracy
and now, US is about to seek
help from Iran to sort out the Iraq mess.

Whatever you're smoking..give me some

The U.S. seeking IRAN's help??????

Oh wow..I've heard it all now

posted on Oct, 24 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Prokurator

Iran's Reasons:

1) Bring down its old Sunni enemies in Iraq (expecting the U.S. to do the job and the war to eventually become unpopular).
2) Let U.S. hunt down Saddam Hussein and Osama-bin-Laden, and possibly overextend its army. Meanwhile, buy time to develop nuclear weapons.

Sounds like more BS to me. BS to justify military action against yet another country for the sake of western interests.

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