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9/11 plotted in Iran.

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posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 09:15 AM
Iran's Reasons:

1) Bring down its old Sunni enemies in Iraq (expecting the U.S. to do the job and the war to eventually become unpopular).
2) Let U.S. hunt down Saddam Hussein and Osama-bin-Laden, and possibly overextend its army. Meanwhile, buy time to develop nuclear weapons.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Prokurator

Iran's Reasons:

1) Bring down its old Sunni enemies in Iraq (expecting the U.S. to do the job and the war to eventually become unpopular).
2) Let U.S. hunt down Saddam Hussein and Osama-bin-Laden, and possibly overextend its army. Meanwhile, buy time to develop nuclear weapons.

if this was true then alians live on the moon
bush has a IQ higher then 1 ok maybe 2 best of times

[edit on 22-10-2006 by bodrul]

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 09:45 AM
In retrospect too obvious even, Iran long being enemy no. 1 to Western Culture.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 09:49 AM
Read Kenneth Timmermans book "Countdown to Crisis" before wholly dismissing an Iranian component to 9/11.

Timmerman presents documentation as well as credible witness accounts to back up his thesis.


For his work in exposing the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear weapons program, he was nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize by former Swedish deputy Prime Minister Per Ahlmark.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 10:08 AM
No1 heard of the 3 guys from the mossaad who got arestted on 9/11 while standing on their car looking at the WTC while laughing????

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 10:09 AM
sounds as ludicrous as most of the conspiricy theories on this site

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Prokurator

Iran's Reasons:

1) Bring down its old Sunni enemies in Iraq (expecting the U.S. to do the job and the war to eventually become unpopular).
2) Let U.S. hunt down Saddam Hussein and Osama-bin-Laden, and possibly overextend its army. Meanwhile, buy time to develop nuclear weapons.

That's it?

I'm a "conspiracy theorist" too, but, this is a weak argument. It's too general. Provide some actual facts or don't even bother making a thread.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 10:28 AM
Its very possible.

Iran seems to be benefitting since 9/11.

And US, Israel and other Arabs nations seems to be suffering in this war on terror.

No one has yet touched Iran.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 10:33 AM
China, Russia, and North Korea are benefiting too..does that mean they were involved? No, it doesnt.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:22 PM
Mr C how is America, Israel, and certain arab nations suffering and Iran is not, what do you mean, please explain.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Spartannic
3 guys from the mossaad who got arestted on 9/11 while standing on their car looking at the WTC while laughing????

There was dozens if not hundreds of mossad rounded up around this time in the US but the media decided that focusing on a bunch of hapless arabs was the best route to take to ensure the Iraq war would go down.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:30 PM
Even though the US Government was begging for an excuse to hit IRAQ again and take those oil fields..

I dont think IRAN plotted 911, believing it would put the americans into IRAQ.

If they did, they would of given it more of an IRAQI type deal.

Why send in saudi's, blame it on afghanies expecting them to hit iraqi's

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Even though the US Government was begging for an excuse to hit IRAQ again and take those oil fields..

I dont think IRAN plotted 911, believing it would put the americans into IRAQ.

If they did, they would of given it more of an IRAQI type deal.

Why send in saudi's, blame it on afghanies expecting them to hit iraqi's

I don't think Iran "plotted" it per se............I believe they were complicit and had knowledge beforehand though. I also think they helped in whatever way they could so long as it did'nt lead directly back to them.

It was at that meeting, on May 4, 2001, that final plans for the attack on the U.S. mainland were made, Zakeri believes. Shortly afterward, he recalls seeing a striking exhibit in the entry hall to the main headquarters of the MOIS in Tehran. "It was a model of the World Trade Center, the White House, the Pentagon and Camp David," he says. "From the ceiling, a missile was suspended, as if to strike the buildings. 'Death to America' was written on its side in Arabic, not Farsi."

Zakeri says the intelligence ministry frequently displayed in the same entry hall photographs of Iranian dissidents it planned to assassinate. It also was used as a prayer room and amphitheater. "Everyone saw it, and after 9/11, everybody understood what it meant," he says.


posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 06:30 PM
I agree, I heard the supposid terrorists went through IRAN.
But then again,
we're finding these terrorists alive in various places..
so who's to really know the extent.

But at looking at it..
the only hard part of the operation was gaining ENTRY into the USA.
And after seeing the terrorists entry applications, they were woefully inaccurate and filled out wrong.

They didnt have any help in how to use the sytem, or on what to say.
Once inside the USA, all they needed was money.
Osama semed to have plenty, and the wire transfers showed this was the only outside help they needed.
The rest they could do on there own...

I mean, taking over a plane with 4 people, after slashing someones throat infront of all the 'arm-chair' civilians, gives u immediate control.....

Im not saying it never happened, but I dont think IRAN would of put there hands on this 'too much'

It was a workable plan, why mix international politics into it?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 07:14 PM
Right now, the US is looking for an excuse to attack Iran. Detailed preparations have been made, carrier groups are in the area. Iran had far less connection to 9/11 than Saudi Arabia or indeed the US did... as for this stuff about the "final meeting" in May 2001, well Mohammed Atta was still in the US around that time. According to Mad Cow News, who have interviews and video footage of witness testimony, Atta was in Venice Florida, hanging out at Huffman Aviation, well into May - long after the FBI said he had left the country. Who would you believe on this, an un-named FBI agent speaking through the mainstream media, or Atta's ex-girlfriend, plusthe owner of the apartment building they lived in, and the manager of that building and her husband, all of whom knew the couple?

My money is on four ordinary people with no reason to lie over an operative of an agency that has been proven to lie and obstruct the proper investigation into the backgrounds of the alleged hijackers.

This whole thread is just part of the "let's bash Iran" theme which is part of the PR campaign to make attacking that country acceptable.

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by rich23
This whole thread is just part of the "let's bash Iran" theme which is part of the PR campaign to make attacking that country acceptable.

You really hope in the ability of human not to fall for the same bogus presentation twice wouldnt you?

some of the CNN front pages, and quotes used are identical to what they used with Iraq.

Even the news paper.. Ive got a half page presentation of IRAQ in Oct2002.
Its a colour map with icons strewn all over irq showing bio labs, nuke labs rah rah rah..
Ive also got one from march 06, showing a map of iran.
They didnt even bother to change the icons used...

are there really people out there that easily swayed?

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:04 AM
DickBinBush and magicmushroom,

dont you guys see the obvious.

its extremely clear that nations linked to 9/11 are being
hit in the war on terror,
Israel has just been humiliated by hizbullah and is
about to be wiped off the map just as Iran and Hamas had wished;
and of course the US:
well, we can all see that more and more body bags
are arriving in washington.

they are all suffering.

experts have claimed that, so far
iran is the main beneficiary.

and now, US is about to seek
help from Iran to sort out the Iraq mess.

i would say iran is in a pretty strong position.

[edit on 23-10-2006 by mr conspiracy]

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by mr conspiracy
Its very possible.

Iran seems to be benefitting since 9/11.

How is this indicative of anything? I benefit because house prices are rising, and the price of my house along with it -- does it automatically follow that I was part of a conspiracy to make house prices rise?

You're getting your causes and your effects mixed up.

The basic proposition of this thread is a post hoc rationalization. Meaning that the conclusion being drawn is spurious.

Not that it matters. After all, if more people could think straight, there wouldn't be any ATS and our lives would probably be the poorer for it.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by rich23
Right now, the US is looking for an excuse to attack Iran...

This whole thread is just part of the "let's bash Iran" theme which is part of the PR campaign to make attacking that country acceptable.

I agree, though I suspect mr conspiracy is acting on his own initiative -- the most effective PR is always that unknowingly generated by the consumers themselves.

In the relationship between the United States and Iran, America has always been the aggressor. For reasons of self-interest, it helped depose a democratically elected Iranian leader in a CIA-sponsored coup (Operation Ajax, it was called, in case anyone wants to look it up), supported the unpopular, corrupt and tyrannical Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, until he was deposed in a revolution so popular and heartfelt that even America could not prevent it, and has treated Iran with bullying contempt ever since. In consequence, Iran has tried to hurt America and American interests whenever and wherever it could. That is certainly wrong, but let us not forget who started the quarrel and who is (by far) the more wronged of the two parties.

The Iranian revolution of 1979 was unlovely and undemocratic, but it was popular. The leadership of Iran since then has been dictatorial, backward-looking and fanatical and its rule has been -- in my opinion -- an unmitigated tragedy for the Iranian people. But that is a matter for the Iranian people to deal with. It is not America's business. And the sight of Americans winding themselves up to bash the poor Iranians again is, not to put too fine a point on it, sickening.

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 04:40 AM
why you all defending iran?

the basic rule of the conspiracy seers is that
everybody's guilty until proven innocent: the Pentagon, President Bush,
Cheney, The Queen, Pope, CIA, MI5, MI6, MI9, FBI, RIS, NSA,
the Indians, Iranians, Koreans, the Israelis, the Germans,
the KKK, JPF, Hizbollah, the Mafia, the Saudis, IRA, ETA,
Hamas, PFJ, the Russians, King Abdullah of Jordan,
the Crips, the Egyptians, and half a dozen others.

[edit on 23-10-2006 by mr conspiracy]

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