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Hello all, i have a nice video for you...

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posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 08:52 PM
Hello all!

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I´been interested in the UFO phenomena since a long time...dont know why really, but really interested indeed.

This is my first post here on i better make it worth ...!

I saw this video a long time ago in a show here in Argentina. Since them i have been looking for it, and in July of this year i found it
on Google (later i hear that its also on Dan Akroyd´s UFO DVD).

One of the best UFO VIDEOS that i have seen. (Video from Google)

or here: (Download this: "UFO SIGHTING FROM PLANE (ENGLAND,


or here:

Download this: UFO over England filmed from plane 1966 (mpeg)

or here:

Download this: UK 1966

UK 1966:

Filmed by the Allfields, a British couple who were flying over the middle of England at the time in an aircraft during 1966. The file is played once at

normal speed and then in slow motion so that you can get a good look at what actually occurs. The slow motion replay clearly shows the Zeppelin or cigar

shaped UFO flying alongside the aircraft before performing an impossible "U" turn in a third of a second. A feat well beyond our aviation ability at that

time suggesting technology way beyond our own.

My little review:

The year: 1966.

The location: the skies of England.

Mr and Miss Allfield, where flying across the country.

Suddenly, they caught on tape an object.

An object with a cigar shape...massive...flying next to to their plane.

Suddenly, the object almost dissapears.

But in slow will see a turn, a brutal turn. And the object goes away.
25 seconds of amaze, if you let me say so:

FRAMES 0 TO 3: There is absolutely no doubt that it was filmed from inside a plane:

FRAMES 02 AND AHEAD: The object is very clear

And in slow motion:

Frames in middle of the video , 11 Seconds (slowmo)

Frames 11 and ahead: the object starts its brutal turn:

Another frame, second 22, the object continues its turn:

Another frame, second 22 (slowmo): Note the difference in the turn of the just a fraction of a second...

Another frame, at second 23: the object goes away at brutal just another fraction of a second...

Last frame tha is worth looking at: Second 23/24, the object is just a tiny dot, far away, but you still can look at it. This fram and the last one are

specially dramatic.

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 08:53 PM
YEAR 1966 = No Photoshop - No GDI - No Digital Animation

Clearly filmed from a plane at high altitude.

A Blimp?

Lets examine this "Super Blimp Teory",thats how i call it.

Specifications (K-14)


* Maximum speed: km/h (65 knots)
* Range: km (2,000 nautical miles)

Specifications (M-2)


* Maximum speed: 45 km/h (60 mph)
* Endurance: hr
* Range: km ( nautical miles)

Specifications (ZPG-2W)


* Maximum speed: 129 km/h (80 mph)
* Endurance: over 200 hr
* Range: over 12,880 km (over 8,000 miles)

Specifications (G-2)


* Maximum speed: 112 km/h (70 mph, 65 kts)
* Range: -
Specifications (J-class)


* Maximum speed: km/h (60 kts)
* Range: km ( nautical miles)

(And what about some Goodyear blimp teory?)

In the mid-1930s, the Goodyear Aircraft Company of Akron, Ohio built a family of small non-rigid airships that the company used for advertising

the Goodyear name. This design became the L-Class blimp when the US Navy found a need for a training blimp.


* Maximum speed: km/h (60 kts)
* Endurance: 12 hr @ 40 kts
* Range: km ( nautical miles)

So, there is the Super Blimp teory. Totally mutilated and destroyed.

The plane was so high in the sky, AT ONLY 40 / 100 km per hour ????????????

And it was so high at that ridiculous low speed, and keeping that speed the entire time the video shows????????????????????

Or the SUPER BLIMP was matching the plane speed ?????????????????? (guessing that we are intelligent people and dont think that the plane was so high in the

sky at a maintaned speed of 40/100 km/h)

And we better dont even discuss the final terrible turn of the objet and the oustanding speed when it goes away, tremendous speed.


100% UFO
BTW: Sorry for my english, i know its really bad.

[edit on 18-10-2006 by Orion437]

posted on Oct, 18 2006 @ 09:05 PM
One question; What was the type of Aircraft was this filmed from? Reason I ask is that I have been on a plane before and was able to see a shadow of the plane on the clouds below when the sun got at a certain position.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 01:07 AM
first reaction :

obvious fakery

why ?

perspective and depth of feild are hopeless

the camera is clearly hand held and moves relative to the pillar of the A/C door or window frame visible in the righthand section of most frames

notice how the distance between the frame and the front of the " object " is constant in many frames , desipite the camera motion ?

a real object at a distance would advance and recceed from the frame line as the camera position changes

the pillar is only a 10s of centimeters from the camera , the " object " is purported to be at a much greater distance [ measured in 10s of meters ]

simple trigonometry demonstrates that a miniscule movement of the camera , should have a profound impact on the relative position of the "object " and pillar

to demonstrate what i mean -- try this simple experiment :

with one eye closed , hold your finger vertical at arms lengh and focus beyond your finger at an object 30 feet away , now keeping your head and finger motionless -- close your eye , and open the other one


your point of view has only shifted 7cm or so , but what a difference it makes to what your finger obscures .

it is that simple .

the object does not move correctly relative to camera motion .

thats all folks .


posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Ecidemon
One question; What was the type of Aircraft was this filmed from? Reason I ask is that I have been on a plane before and was able to see a shadow of the plane on the clouds below when the sun got at a certain position.

I dont know would be good to know that.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
first reaction :

obvious fakery

why ?

perspective and depth of feild are hopeless

the camera is clearly hand held and moves relative to the pillar of the A/C door or window frame visible in the righthand section of most frames

notice how the distance between the frame and the front of the " object " is constant in many frames , desipite the camera motion ?

a real object at a distance would advance and recceed from the frame line as the camera position changes

the pillar is only a 10s of centimeters from the camera , the " object " is purported to be at a much greater distance [ measured in 10s of meters ]

simple trigonometry demonstrates that a miniscule movement of the camera , should have a profound impact on the relative position of the "object " and pillar

to demonstrate what i mean -- try this simple experiment :

with one eye closed , hold your finger vertical at arms lengh and focus beyond your finger at an object 30 feet away , now keeping your head and finger motionless -- close your eye , and open the other one


your point of view has only shifted 7cm or so , but what a difference it makes to what your finger obscures .

it is that simple .

the object does not move correctly relative to camera motion .

thats all folks .


Nice aproach, but i have to disagree. Personally i think that there is nothing wrong with the depth of field or perspective. The filming and the camera moves just like it should. The real encounter lasts merely 4 seconds! The firs 4 seconds of the video !

One dramatic detail that i left behind: between seconds 4 and 5 of the film (when you first see the film in real time) you can see how the object almost dissapears, and the camera moves left and down really fast. Just if like the person recording "was thinking that the object would go to the left" instead of making that turn. That is just awesome.

Sorry for my english.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:34 AM
Orion437, thanks for the video(s). Can I just ask you a favour, and that's to resize the images, as it currently make a mess of the page (sizewise) and it makes the time to open the page even longer. Still thanks for the extra effort.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:35 AM
The interesting thing is it's departure. Noice it seems to undulate away, and then it's just gone, directly away from the aircraft. Either that or it cloaked itself somehow and remained next to the aircraft in "stealth mode".

The other thing that's strange, is it's "flippers" seem to be moving. I recently saw a pic of a "rod" somewhere that looked like that, a clear cigar shape with flippers.

Or maybe somebody joyriding in a foo fighter during daylight hours.

The departure move is definitely strange though,,,

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 05:38 AM
Welcome aboard the ATS ship Orion!
Great first post.
Do you know the type of plane in the video?
I wondered if it was an Airship which was flying slowly,and then when it seems to speed off at the end,i wondered if the plane itself could have been accelerating AWAY from the object-giving the appearance that the object sped off.
Very interesting all the same.
I bet you could find some cool local sightings-Isn`t Argentina a bit of a hotspot for UFO activity?Any Crash retrivals by the Government/military for example?

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Gemwolf
Orion437, thanks for the video(s). Can I just ask you a favour, and that's to resize the images, as it currently make a mess of the page (sizewise) and it makes the time to open the page even longer. Still thanks for the extra effort.

I will try to risize them, sorry for the inconvenience,im very dumb with paint

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Welcome aboard the ATS ship Orion!
Great first post.
Do you know the type of plane in the video?
I wondered if it was an Airship which was flying slowly,and then when it seems to speed off at the end,i wondered if the plane itself could have been accelerating AWAY from the object-giving the appearance that the object sped off.
Very interesting all the same.
I bet you could find some cool local sightings-Isn`t Argentina a bit of a hotspot for UFO activity?Any Crash retrivals by the Government/military for example?

Thanks! I dont have info about the type of plain, for now...
Yes, here is a bit of a hotspot for ufo...i ve hear of a couple of possible crashes in the past, but nothing serious i gues..if i found some cool sights, i will post them

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 04:21 PM
Orion – ok – I will try again :

You can clearly see by the overlaid measurements that the visible portion if the aircraft pillar changes as the camera [ hand held ] moves

Whereas the lateral separation of the pillar to the “object “ hardly changes

As we can safely assume that the distance from the cameral to the pillar is > 1m and the distance to the object “ should “ be several tens of meters

Simple trigonometry tells us that there is something very wrong ,

Now and experiment I conducted :

The distance from the camera to the mask rested against the window is only 160mm , but the distance to the roof gable is 27m

Between the two shots – I moved the camera just 3mm

Note how the ratio of lateral separation changes ? that is how real objects should behave

That is what I was referring to .

As to my views on depth of field – the “ object “ both looks flat and does not appear to be at a mid distance range .

That is why I do not believe it is a physical object flying a parallel track to the A/C

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