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A Nuclear Australia?

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posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 09:51 PM
Debate is currently underway over here, as to wether Australia should persue Nuclear Power..

AUSTRALIA could have its first nuclear power plant within a decade as part of the federal government's push to find alternative energy sources. Industry and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane flagged the possibility today, saying Australia would be foolish not to consider introducing nuclear power because it could play a major role in slashing greenhouse gas emissions.

The major benefit being touted is a cleaner energy source versus our traditional coal and gas industries..

My question is for both Australian members and International members is Should Australia go Nuclear? and How will this effect Nuclear Non-proliferation?

Already we are hearing that the biggest Muslim nation in the world, Indonesia, is watching our decision carefully and there are fears that if Australia does take this leap it will launch a Nuclear arms race. Obvoiusly there is a differance between Nuclear power and Nuclear weapons, but once the enrichment process is mastered, Nukes are only a hop step and a jump ahead.

Is it all worth it?

posted on Oct, 16 2006 @ 09:59 PM
I've already said it around here several times that I think the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has totally failed and we should face up to it. The U.S. should help its allies develop their own nuclear weapons and/or sell our own to them IMHO.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:22 AM
Oz will go nuclear because Dubya and the US Government are really in charge downunder.

The world wants our Uranium and they also want the top end of Oz to be their rubbish dump and it will happen because Johnno is patsy

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I've already said it around here several times that I think the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has totally failed and we should face up to it. The U.S. should help its allies develop their own nuclear weapons and/or sell our own to them IMHO.

Agreed. To offset the threat of nuclear weapons in NK Australia should acquire their own nuclear power and weapons program. I heard it discussed on Fox new tonite that it might be wise, given that the japanese dont start producing nuclear weapons, for australia to acquire nuclear weapons.

My reasoning is this..... everyday unfriendly, anti-western nations are acquiring this technology form russia and china and I am sick of it. The most recent additions to the nuclear club are not exactly the type of countries I would trust with nuclear weapons pakistan, North Korea and possibly Iran.

So.... since Australia happens to be a good friend of the US and a good strategic location, I would support the USA supplying them, if Australia really needed the help, with nuclear energy and weapons technology.

Also, the new anti-missile defense system in addition to several ICBM launchers to be used at Australia's discretion.

I say if Taiwan wanting a nuclear deal....the US should oblige them as well.

balance of power....

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:30 AM
Why not, if it helps curb green house gas emissions, than Australia
should go for it.

Screw what Indonesia or some other country thinks, sort of odd,
Australia/New Zealand are the only english speaking country(ies)
without nuclear weapons.

Like's been said, the NNT has failed fantastically.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:34 AM
We have this majorly vast area of heated dirt where the sun is relentless.
Lets set some records for the largest solar generation plant on the planet.

Nuclear energy is MORE expensive.. and once the HIGHGRADE uranium is gone, the emissions become equal to our current setup.

We dont need nuclear energy.
Whats even worse is they are considering using this beautiful country as a WASTE dump, for OTHER COUNTRIES.

Thast the only reason why foreign parties are keen on us getting it, because when we start storing our own waste, they will chip in.

And our country is as greedy as the next, there quite happy to trade off our natural and beautiful landscape for some money in the back pockets.

Should this go ahead I will personally spit in the face of our prime minister.

I can handle the outrageous tax, the lies, the deliberate maniuplation, the poiintless following with gwbush, even the trade off for our citizens lives for his personal relations with the american president.

But the day he trades off his countries natural aspects, is the day this man loses all respect.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Why not, if it helps curb green house gas emissions, than Australia
should go for it.

Screw what Indonesia or some other country thinks, sort of odd,
Australia/New Zealand are the only english speaking country(ies)
without nuclear weapons.

Like's been said, the NNT has failed fantastically.

Its not ODD, its called decency.
Having respect for the land and the enviroment that feeds you.

New Zealand would rather live in eternal blackout than get nuclear energy,
Good ol Helen refuses to have the american warships dock simply because they are nuclear..
Rainbow warrior mean anything to anyone?

Look at the amazingly unique country, lord of the rings ring a bell?
How can people even consider TAINTING it with manmade sh1t

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:38 AM
Well, after the collapse of the USSR, we saw a power vacuum in the world which is now being filled with the green tide of Islam where the red banner of communism once was.

the good news is that now we are no longer worried about Russia landing troops in NATO allied countries or the US.

Now we have to be worried about a deadly terrorist attack. It seems now the targets are no longer military but civilian.

We are at least going to see a few more Iraq and afghanmistans in the next few years if not an all out war.

looks like we might not have escaped World War 3 as easily as we all hoped in 1991.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:39 AM
You bring up a good point with the solar energy thing Agit8Chop.

I remember hearing that an area 1/4 the size of the state of Nevada
could power the entire United States, so considering how much land
you guys have to work with, and the sheer amount of sun you get,
and you most likely use a good amount less energy than us, you
could power your entire country on Solar power.

Though it's always a good idea to have a back-up plan.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:44 AM
we seem to follow in everyones footsteps..
allow them to come to us and give us there ideas

How about we take a risk..
build this massive strucutre that can be seen from space.
What else is out there apart from baby eating dingos, friggen big roo's... n lots of nothing?

Start up a small community, do something decent for once.

Nuclear energy downunder, unforunately is going to happen..
Australia is going to be taken for a ride by every other nuclear nation.. because we care more for money, than for the future of our childeren down here.

WE will allow countries to store there endless amounts of CRAP here.

Imagine a radioactive rabbid dingo?

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
We have this majorly vast area of heated dirt where the sun is relentless.
Lets set some records for the largest solar generation plant on the planet.

Nuclear energy is MORE expensive.. and once the HIGHGRADE uranium is gone, the emissions become equal to our current setup.

We dont need nuclear energy.
Whats even worse is they are considering using this beautiful country as a WASTE dump, for OTHER COUNTRIES.

Thast the only reason why foreign parties are keen on us getting it, because when we start storing our own waste, they will chip in.

And our country is as greedy as the next, there quite happy to trade off our natural and beautiful landscape for some money in the back pockets.

Should this go ahead I will personally spit in the face of our prime minister.

I can handle the outrageous tax, the lies, the deliberate maniuplation, the poiintless following with gwbush, even the trade off for our citizens lives for his personal relations with the american president.

But the day he trades off his countries natural aspects, is the day this man loses all respect.

I would have to disagree.... I think right now the western world is worried about the strategic consequences of having an imbalence of power in asia. Too many Asian countries are now nuclear powers and too few western allies in that region are. In fact, unles you count India as being friendly to the west, we have no nuclear allies in Asia or the surrounding areas. I dont count pakistan as that is an alliance doomed to fail at any time.

Of course, it is the right of the Australian people to refuse, but I think a Nuclear equiped Australia is a good thing in the long term.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 01:33 AM
Australia should do whatever it wants to do..
Strategic independance is what yall should strive for

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I've already said it around here several times that I think the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has totally failed and we should face up to it. The U.S. should help its allies develop their own nuclear weapons and/or sell our own to them IMHO.

You have voted djohnsto77 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

could not agree with you more. That treaty is dead and was always going to fail.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:57 PM
Hang on here people.

Are you all jumping the gate just a little?

This artical is about Australia going for nuclear power NOT nuclear weapons.
Granted, having a reactor is the first step towards being able to build nuclear weapons, but it doesn't mean that weapons are the goal.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:05 PM
I could have sworn Australia already had nukes... I remeber looking at a chart a few years ago containing countries with nuclear arsenals and Aussieland was up there. In fact, I would have bet my life on it. I mean, how could they not have nukes already? Look who their allies are.

I have the impulse to bring up Mad Max for some reason. Pretty awesome movie.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:20 PM
Australia DID have Nukes but they were ours (well we had to let them off somewhere

Seriously could Australia afford an effective deterrent apart from free-fall bombs?(and they'd need new aircraft for that!). Such a capability isn't cheap.

Do they need it? No not really - as long as you trust the US.

Nuke power - why not it's a sensible option and they've certainly got the room!

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
I've already said it around here several times that I think the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has totally failed and we should face up to it. The U.S. should help its allies develop their own nuclear weapons and/or sell our own to them IMHO.

It's about nuclear power not weapons....... lot's of countries have nuclear power but do not have weapons.

I would have thought Australia would be the ideal place for Solar energy though.
I know most houses built there now have solar power to heat up water etc.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:43 PM
The NPT is dead here in the UK as well...Tony and Gordon are dancing with glee at the prospect of upgrading our nuclear deterrant.
I thought the NPT prevented us from doing that.Cheers government.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
The NPT is dead here in the UK as well...Tony and Gordon are dancing with glee at the prospect of upgrading our nuclear deterrant.
I thought the NPT prevented us from doing that.Cheers government.

I dont believe it does. It stops the testing a development of new weapons, but upgrading the existing arsenal to ensure safety and reliability is not prohibited.

thats what it says on the tin, anyway.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 04:05 PM
Aha,thanks Stu.
What about helping Israel covertly develop thier weapons Program?

I can`t blame this one one Blair though.

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