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Conversation with Edwards worker, Is this guy for real?

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posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 06:18 AM
Hey guys
Last night I was asking around about Area 51 on my msn, and this 'guy' sais he worked at Edwards AFB. Although nothing really major comes out of it, it is interesting, and infact, I'm going to be asking you guys a few questions about him, since I want to know if you think he's for real?

Ok, my msn name is Worapunda, and this guy, can be called QWERTY.
heres the log:

Worapunda says:
ur government
is lieing to you
QWERTY says:
who doesnt?
everyone lies to make them selves stand out
you cant believe anyone
Worapunda says:
only this isa big lie
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
we had a colonel that flew his private plane from edwards to area51 and back
Worapunda says:
who told you thast?
QWERTY says:
I used to be an SP at edwards
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
Security Police
Worapunda says:
is it generally known
that Area 51 exists?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
they denie it
the whole world knows
QWERTY says:
not anymore they dont
Worapunda says:
yeha they do
QWERTY says:
not in the US they dont
everyone knows it's there
Worapunda says:
how do you know
someone flew his plane there
and back?
QWERTY says:
I had a security clearance
I knew people
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
I was at Edwards from 1991 to 1997
Worapunda says:
what projects
were going on at Area 51
if you know?
QWERTY says:
had clearance almost everywhere on the flightline
cant tell you anything about what went on anywhere, area51 or edwards
Worapunda says:
Im not gonna nag
or anything
QWERTY says:
you think I'm lying but I'm not
Worapunda says:
but cna I guess?
QWERTY says:
when I left I had to sign papers
Worapunda says:
i honestly
dont think its anything though
got debriefed and signed away
Worapunda says:
as I guess some secret UAVs
QWERTY says:
I knew before I was at edwards they tested the SR71 and F117 at area51
Worapunda says:
I knew that all along
QWERTY says:
hell, you can watch discovery and know that
Worapunda says:
The Aliens
is a load of crap
whoever beleived
is a load of crap
whats new in America?
QWERTY says:
I believe aliens are real
I dont know if we ever had any but I believe they are out there
Worapunda says:
I mean ALiens are Area 51 is a load of crap
but I beleive in Aliens a few lightyears away
QWERTY says:
I dont's possible
I believe the alieans have helped mankind through out the years
like the pyramids
Worapunda says:
this sounds weird
QWERTY says:
in egypt, mexico, and elsewhere
Worapunda says:
especially from someone who worked at edwards
QWERTY says:

just saying, I believe they are out there and have been here

Worapunda says:
you heard of John Lear / Bob Lazar?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
you heard of John Lear?

QWERTY says:
is that the lear jet guy?
Worapunda says:
son of them
son of him
he went with bob lazar
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
to Area 51 i think
watched some UFOs
because hes the most experianced pilot in the world
and has one every single FAA award
with something like 60000hours
QWERTY says:
it's extreemly strict there, even the guy that found the place back in the 50's for the Air Force could get beck in
the AF wouldnt allow him in
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
he was upset they didnt give him a curtisy tour
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
but he just didnt have a need to be there
Worapunda says:
he should of been given tour
QWERTY says:
the thing people dont seem to understand about security clearances is........
even if you have a top secret clearance, if you arent part of a program, you dont get in
Worapunda says:
do contracters
like Boeing
go to Area 51?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
certain ones
and they only work there I would think
Worapunda says:
shame McDonal douglas went down
definaly my favourite company
QWERTY says:
I worked security for Northrup for 5mo for the B2 project
that was the first AF plane I ever worked around
Worapunda says:
what year was that?
QWERTY says:
it's always been my fav plane since
Worapunda says:
is it true
you can die
from static electricity
building up on the b2?
QWERTY says:
heh, I was at Edwards durring desert storm....
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
seems so long ago
Worapunda says:
is it true
you can die
from static electricity
building up on the b2?
QWERTY says:
I never asked that
Worapunda says:
i think someone died
when he touched it
QWERTY says:
so I dont know, but most planes have thingys on them to discharge that static, but I dont know if the material they have on them collect static electricity
the B2 isnt metal
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
and the RAM might not collect the static
Worapunda says:
if a bird craps
on the b2
does it mess up the stealth?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
but I never saw any birds around the B2 parking area (inside the hangers)
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
we did have Owls in the B1 hanger
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
they would puke out mouse gush all over the floors
Worapunda says:
just wondering
QWERTY says:
yeah, you could hear it hit the floor
Worapunda says:
have you heard of JANET 737s?

[edit on 13-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 06:23 AM

QWERTY says:
yes, my AI pack has them (Flightsim AI)
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
I've seen them
at LAS
Worapunda says:
do they really go to Area 51?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
the runway
at Area 51
isnt even the longest runway in the world
they stopped using the 25000foot one
or so ive heard
most of it was unlit at night
and mosst was runoff
QWERTY says:
I think Edwards has the longest
Worapunda says:
but thats only what i heard
Edways is 15000feet
Edwards is somethingl ike 15000feet
has a 16000foot runway
QWERTY says:
I think it's 2XXXX
Worapunda says:
QWERTY says:
I'm sure google would have the length
but I think Edwards is the longest
Worapunda says:
are the planes are Area 51
just black jets
or existing jets with added in tech?
QWERTY says:
I've never been to area 51
I was at edwards
Worapunda says:
i knoiw
just wondering what uve heard
QWERTY says:
I've heard there is a UFO there
Worapunda says:
Is the President even allowed to Are a51?
QWERTYk says:
I've wonderd that myself
I would think he could go but I dunno for sure
Worapunda says:
is Edwards restricted Airspace?
QWERTY says:
"It is one of the largest air force bases in the United States and has the world's longest runway."
yes it is restricted
Worapunda says:
wonder what would happen
if u flew a cessna
over it
ow a Cessna over Area 51
QWERTY says:
you'd be chased by F16's
and "escorted" out of the area
Worapunda says:
I have a video
these guys
flew a Cessna near Area 51
and they got close
QWERTY says:
we had a plane land one time as an emergency
Worapunda says:
you could actually see it
the tower of Area 51
came on the radio
QWERTY says:
it was surrounded by SP with M16's and no one was allowed off the plane
Worapunda says:
and asked if they wanted a direct way to there destination
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
what type of plane was it?
fly a 777 full of Asian tourists
who all have Cameras
into area 51
and live webcams
I went to the shops
to buy new shoes
QWERTY says:
"Included in this development was the base's main 15,000 ft (4,600 m) runway which was completed in a single pour of concrete."
Worapunda says:
and these Chinese
QWERTY says:
I dont remember what it was
Worapunda says:
were taking photos
oh the shops products
QWERTY says:
flashes going off out of the windows
Worapunda says:
does Edwards
have its own sports team
which competes against other teams like Area 51?
QWERTY says:
well, I know the SPs had a "team" that competed against other SP's on other bases
Worapunda says:
fsX is so weird
its more like a tweak simulation
since 90% of ur time is on forums
trying to find tweaks
QWERTY says:
I saw a hillarious video on FSX, let me see if I can find it for you
Worapunda says:
was it er?
QWERTY says:
Worapunda says:
saw it
QWERTY says:
"same ATC, same flight models, what did we wait for!!!"
Worapunda says:
flight models are updated
QWERTY says:
"why did I buy a duel core processor for 8fps!!!"
Worapunda says:
multiplayer is way better
terrrain is

The rest was babble about flightsim. Anyway, sorry for the exceedingly long post.

Couple of things:
yes I know it isn't much.
Do you think he's for real?
Got any questions you'd like me to ask him

Oh and guys I know very well, that this isn't really a big find or anything, so don't flame me for it.


[edit on 13-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:24 PM
He doesn't say anything I haven't heard on TV programs. Also he didn't know that it was Lockheed test pilot Tony LeVier who suggested Groom Lake as a useable site. But his dialogue is almost word for word what LaVier said on TV.

I say bogus

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:38 PM
He's an AF security forces guy. The things he said make total sense. When he mentioned his clearance, everyone in the AF gets a clearance. When you leave the AF you have to sign a 2587, which is the "I won't talk about anything" form. He really can't talk about anything, so if he does talk he can be arrested, charged and/or fined. Easy way to get around this is to join the AF and find out for yourself. Last I heard they need Security Forces personnel. Keep asking him questions, you may hear something that doesn't damage national security and give you some ideas of where to look for more answers. It's always fun talking to military people since they get to see and do many things that the public dream about doing.

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:26 PM
From a former AF SP, this guy sounds legit. He knows enough, but doesn't claim to have too much info. From my own experiences, that's the way it is for cops. We have access to the areas and a general understanding of what's happening, but we're not involved in the technical details. I've sat on many posts not knowing what was actually in the facilities that I was guarding. Plus, he's as EAFB, which means he's guarding a lot of experimental A/C. Unless he's a part of the program, he's probably not going to know why this plane is any more special than the others.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 11:37 AM
If he can't tell you the name of the test pilot (Tony LaVier) who suggested the Groom Lake area as a secure base and what company (Lockheed) and types of planes he tested (P-38, P-80, F-104) he's phoney.

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 11:46 AM

I worked security for Northrup for 5mo for the B2 project

Early 90's? B2? Northrop? hmmmmm .....
Will you be back in touch with him do you think??

posted on Oct, 19 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Yes, he is on my MSN so I can talk to him any time.

Thanks for comments guys.


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