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North of Area 51 Google Earth Hidden Buildings

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posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 05:59 AM
Can someone explain to me the reason for all the green circles here?, I found this installation North of Area 51 in google earth

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:01 AM
Sorry heres the picture

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:20 AM
These are central irrigation farms where there is a ;long arm which rotates and sprinkles water on the crops. They are common all over the world.

We nearly didnt meet our quota of "Google Earth questions which have been answered already a million times" this month!!

Seriously use the search box.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:28 AM
Crops in the middle of the Nevada desert?

Even if there were crops there, the placement of the "sprinklers" seems odd.

EDIT: Nevermind.

[edit on 15-9-2006 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:32 AM
OK it is not odd.

This thread should be closed!

Just put "area 51 green circles" or even just "green circles" into the search box and on the first page are 10 separate explanations.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:35 AM
Sorry, i originally posted this in the Aliens And UFO'S forum but they moved it here. Didn't even know there was a dedicated Area 51 forum, so when they moved it I knew I was probably doing the duplication question thing!!,

But the green circles?, they don't look like structures at all, the bottom right isn't even a full circle and they seem to be covering buildings underneath but who am i to say these things with my first post in a new forum!!

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by October
But the green circles?, they don't look like structures at all, the bottom right isn't even a full circle and they seem to be covering buildings underneath

Thats because they are not structures! They are just crops. I can guarantee that they are not superimposed to cover somthing on the ground. The place you are looking at is called Penoyer Farms.

Here are some more photos of circular irrigation crops:

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:42 AM
OK evidently this has been discussed before, pardon me for contributing, i have explained how it happened. I don't buy the crop thing, they are covering things that are actually underneath, military stuff we are not allowed to see. You can close the thread now if it's duplicating anything discussed in past posts.

See you later

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by October
I don't buy the crop thing, they are covering things that are actually underneath, military stuff we are not allowed to see.

Well in that case your opinion is wrong.

There are people here that have been there and seen these farms, they will tell you exactly the same thing as me. Go out to Rachel and Sundown Springs and see for yourself, its just an expensive way of proving yourself wrong.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:51 AM
Ok fair enough, I'm not trying to prove if i am right or wrong, just giving an opinion on what I think they are, am i entitled to express this? This isn't and never was a competition, i just stumbled across it and thought i would share it, obviously it has been previously discussed and opinions have been expressed. I don't think we need to get excited about it..

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:51 AM
God look at all these top secret hidden facilities in central Kansas!

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 06:56 AM
And look at how the green shades differ in colour, in google earth EVERY single one of those circles is the same shade of green, no differing shades or spray arms can be seen on the image i have displayed above, and the shot is closer than your Kansas view which is what i would expect to see on the google earth image, it doesn't add up.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:11 AM
The google earth image is of low resolution and i think possibly false colour as well. That explains the lack of detail and colour variety.

Also on the most southerly irrigation circle an arm is visible, at least it is on GE but not on your screen-cap.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by October
And look at how the green shades differ in colour, in google earth EVERY single one of those circles is the same shade of green

Don't use Google Earth for validation of color. It all depends on when the sat pic was taken, and the rendering of said pics, that differentiate the color. Everwhere the color drastically changes is different times of photography along with different rendering aspects. It is nothing to find a building you have visited and know is one color, yet go to Google and that same building may be two other colors.

As for what these particular ones north of A51 are, you are quite adamant that they are covers for underground buildings, in spite of even being told the name of these farms ........ perhaps it would be wise to come up with something more substantial than "your opinion" before arguing further. Crops do grow in the desert, one of the reasons they are where they are is for testing to find out how to best grow crops everywhere. I guess the Middle East has these secret underground buildings too, becasue it's all desert .......... and crop farms are abundant.

Sometimes, a green circle of grass is .............. a green circle of grass.


posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:17 AM

It was never my intention to "Argue" about anything. Can't you accept that i have an opinion without turning it into a right and wrong debate. Let's just agree to disagree if it makes you feel that there is a right or wrong answer. You have clearly been here longer than me and have experience in this subject, is just see what is see that's all, there really isn't any need to turn it into something else.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 07:26 AM
Deny Ignorance is the motto of this site so no I cant just accept it.

High Quality Satellite Image

That link should answer your remaining questions and if it doesnt here is a list of businesses in Rachel with the telephone number of Penoyer Farms on it, give them a call.

edit: fixed link

[edit on 15/9/06 by gfad]

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:07 AM
OK, is this "Farm" in the restricted area or is it too far north to have anything to do with Area 51?

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:11 AM
Its not in the restricted area or in the NTS.

The few buildings you see to the right of the farm (no inverted commas) is Rachel, the closest settlement to the base at Groom Lake.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:21 AM
Do you have any photographs of the inverted commas "Farm" in question?

Just wondering, man you have a serious vendetta on me.. remind me not to rub hardened researchers up the wrong way with things i haven't seen before myself. I was willing and open to discuss this in an adult manner but you have clearly thrust your views down my throat, fair enough if you were polite in the first instance I would not be progressing with discussions. If you would like me to say you are right i will, but i am just drilling into this for my own interest and enjoyment and qualifying out.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 08:44 AM
Hey October, I've noticed those too and wasn't sure what they were so thanks for asking. I saw them in a few other places around the globe and thought they might be some sort of water treatment plant (green algae) but thought it was strange that I've never heard of them before.

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