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Iran threatens USA and Britain regarding Zionist Israeli plan

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posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:00 PM

If you're an American citizen reading this, please note the following acts of Hezbollah, as outlined in the linked article:

Well, we all can play that game.

The USS Liberty Veterans Association has filed a formal
Report with the Department of Defense
of War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel on June 8, 1967,
by elements of the Israeli military forces.

"Attack one American and you attack all Americans" was once proclaimed by President Clinton. More recently, an Assistant Secretary for State proclaimed that the U. S. government always protects its citizens. These are damned lies and meaningless words. These words were not true in 1967 (when Israel deliberately attacked the USS LIBERTY,) and unfortunately, and in spite of these beautiful words, they are not even true today. Moreover, there is no such thing as justice.

"We had been surveilled all morning and part of the afternoon by Israeli forces. They knew who we were. We heard them reporting over radio who we were and how we were sailing and where we were sailing. They saw the flag and everything else. We were in international waters."

Did Hezbollah bomb the Marine barracks in 1983?

Absolutely, Why? Go find out.

William Buckley? Yes, why? Look into that.

Robert Stethem? Another fact. The purpose and the demands of the hijacking? Do your part, don't just take ANYBODIES words for it, look it up.

Col. William Higgins? See above.

Khobar Towers? You get the picture.

The simpletons of the world are told that a civilized society is based on the law of causality, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, yet in reality it's simply not true.

The world is ruled by exponential chain reactions, or the so-called domino effect. It's the one who initiates it first that reaps the rewards, regardless of how reckless, dangerous and irresponsible it is.


[edit on 7-8-2006 by iskander]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
right on....seems to me like we have alot of nazi wannabes on this board. ANY justification to kill jews and destroy israel. :shk:

It is really sad.... History repeats itself.... I guess europe learned diddly squat the first time around.

I for one have free access to go talk to any and all Jewish Diamond dealers in Antwerp, be it for a friendly chat or official bussines.

And they don't let just anyone into the cutter and dealer vaults over there. These guys run around with millions worth in diamonds strapped to their wrists in attache cases with 2 or more bodyguards. You need to be trusted, respected and liked by them to get into the building if your not a buyer or trader.

Then, the fascist ruler of Germany kills a crapload of Jews during the WW and thats the rest of Europe's fault how?

After invading a country the Nazi's would round up jewish people and take them away to camps.

Alot of people of the generation that lived trough the world wars that I know had Jewish people and crashed pilots hidden wherever they could, especialy the big farmers like my grandparents parents. Many had family members killed because the Nazi's suspected and killed a family member to scare them into submission.

If you ever saw the series Alo Alo, you probably had a pritty good laugh with René hiding British pilots in the strangest places. Well, that wasn't to far from the truth and it wasn't just british pilots, it was also Jewish people.

My grandmother was left with 6 sisters after the 2nd world war, before the war started, she had 2 brothers and 5 sisters, during the war, 3 more sisters were born, 2 brothers were killed because the germans suspected they were hiding people and 2 of her sisters were killed during the bombing of Leuven.

You have no clue Xphiles and no right to call people Nazi wanabee's because they disagree with the Israeli goverments actions.

You and everyone else who thinks there is any posible excuse for killing civilians by the bucketloads and even any excuse for war, you are the Nazi wanabee's, in love with death and destruction of whatever doesn't comform with the way you want the world to be.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Did Hezbollah bomb the Marine barracks in 1983?

Absolutely, Why? Go find out.

Do you usually justify murder in most cases, or are you just making an exception in these cases?

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:54 PM

You have no clue Xphiles and no right to call people Nazi wanabee's because they disagree with the Israeli goverments actions.

You and everyone else who thinks there is any posible excuse for killing civilians by the bucketloads and even any excuse for war, you are the Nazi wanabee's, in love with death and destruction of whatever doesn't comform with the way you want the world to be.

thematrix is absolutely correct.

Some time ago one of my good friends actually served in IDF as a paratrooper, he saw combat and how things really are. He requested a discharge two months before the end of his tour of duty, came back to the States, went to work in a emergency room and currently attends a medical school.

The only thing he said about his time there, is that he's not the only one who disagrees with Israeli policies and treatment of Arabs, the majority of Israelis are just regular people that want peace as much as the Arabs, and not a bunch of Zionists with plans of world domination.

To label every Arab as a blood thirsty terrorist "bent on destruction" is just as awful as labeling every Jew a greedy Zionist "bent on world domination."

All such notions are products of media propaganda and stereotypical generalizations, specifically designed to prevent a logical assessment of reality by the general population.

Do you usually justify murder in most cases, or are you just making an exception in these cases?

hereandnow, I really recommend a documentary called "The Fog of War", based on interviews with Robert S. McNamara.

Watch and see his own understanding of murder and crimes against humanity.

Considering his professional life and the fact that his decisions altered tactical strategies which resulted in countless deaths of civilians, on this subject my personal opinion is of little value in comparison to his.

As soon as take a leap and grasp that the concept of pseudo-individualistic mentality is a product of propaganda, that it's a commodity traded on the stock market of public opinion and brokered by the media, the sooner you'll get to understanding of what individuality really is.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 10:44 PM

Thanks for confirming this IS a gag thread.

You would think these heinous evil Jewish conspirators... did I forget blood drinking again... damn... I always do that! would have carved out a slightly bigger piece of land than that tiniest of slivers called 'Israel'.

Next argument please...

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:50 PM
Golemina you mentionned that very opinion on page 1. Same smileys. Nobody replied to you. Please don't flood my thread.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by golemina

Thanks for confirming this IS a gag thread.

You would think these heinous evil Jewish conspirators... did I forget blood drinking again... damn... I always do that! would have carved out a slightly bigger piece of land than that tiniest of slivers called 'Israel'.

Next argument please...

Who said anything about a Jewish conspiracy? If you'd bothered to read the thread instead of instigating the usual Zionist "they hate Jews!!" defence you'd of known that it revolves around a Zionist conspiracy. Zionists can be Christian, Muslim, Atheist they dont have to be Jewish.

I was thrilled at the responses until you came along. Then the intelligent debate suffered a setback.

I'll also call you out on your accusations of Nazism. Are you really that bereft of intelligent discourse that you cannot tackle the topic of Zionism without resorting to unfounded slurs on peoples character? Can you give us any reason why we should bother responding to your obvious attempts to derail the conversation by forcing people to defend themselves due to no fault of their own?

[edit on 8/8/06 by subz]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 04:15 AM
Thank you for your powers of reasoning subz,
I am not against Jews, I do not hate Jews but I am against Zionist of any ilk.
Zionism is rampant in America for instance look at John Bolton of Wolfowitz or Ginsberg. These are Jewish-American Zionists;Bush, Cheney and Rove and Kissenger are American Zionists. Zionism is in effect the modern version of Nazism. Zionists are without exception racist,expansionistic and cruel. A Zionist will
be the first to shout racism and such to accuse others and deflect criticism while these very same Zionists take a page from the book of Himmler and lay waste to people whom oppose their goals of Middle Eastern hegemony.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 05:16 AM
Iran has to be dealt with swiftly. In revoking their power to release their nuclear threat. Just has to be done, along with efforts to do same with NK.


posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 06:31 AM
For anyone who keeps persisting that Israel = Jews and Israeli goverment(aka Zionists) stand for Jewish beliefs, read the following 2 pages:

And many more found on google with the search phrase "Jews against Zionism".

Current day Israel is founded on anti-jewish foundations by people who don't even believe in the Jewish religion, yet use the religion as an excuse for everything they do.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 07:29 AM
Mr Ahmendinajad AKA 'the headcase',

"They are a bunch of Zionists. Where have they come from? As you know, the rule of hegemony and the web of colonialism strived to establish a base in the heart of the Middle East.

Are we forgetting the Hegemony of Syria and Iran on Lebanon? And the Imperialistic nature of Islam?

A hundred years ago, they began to devise conspiracies on the basis of a diabolical plan. Bit by bit they arrived, and backed by the devious, deceiving England, they sneaked people in, and placed them in control over the people of Palestine.

A hundred years ago the Ottoman empire, an corrupted empire of Islam (Imperialistic in every sense of the word) existed. Are we just pissed off that the great Islamic Empire was taken down by the allied forces? If it wasn't for the corrupt nature of the ottoman empire they would have never joined the war with germany
And the French snuck in in Syria and Lebanon. POINT????

Sixty years ago, by means of a highly complex plan involving psychology, politics, and propaganda, and by means of weapons, they managed to establish a false regime in the heart of the Middle East.

As far as I recall (and the rest of the sane world as well) that regime was created by the UN and was immediately attacked by the Arab worlds finest. The undermanned, underarmed and less trained Israeli forces succeeded in warding off the Arab attack and moreover gain more land than the UN allotted to them.
The Zionist entity existed over 120 years ago and spoke openly about creating a homeland in 'Palestine'. 'Palestine' then was a wasteland occupied by a few hundred thousand people, some of which were Jewish. This 'false regime' is the most powerful regime in the middle-east, the most learned and the most technologically advanced. As far as I see it the Iranian regime is a false regime who brutally represses its own population and it is a matter of time before it is overthrown from within.

At first they claimed: 'Since some of those [Jews] lost their families in World War II, and were killed by the German government, we must give them a land.'

No the idea was that this is a people with their own distinctive culture, religion and language which had no land. These people have been persecuted for ages under the Christians, Muslims and various other regimes and the time has come to correct that wrong.
They established a regime, and placed them here. Afterwards, we saw that they did not make do with [the Jews] who presumably were harmed in the war. They gathered people from all over the world, brought them here, and turned them into the landlords.
All over the Arab/Islamic world you mean. 600,000 Jewish refugees flocked to Israel from the Arab/Islamic world because of Arab violence towards the Jews.

They expelled more than five million Palestinians from their homes with weapons and with oppression.

The actual figures are ~600,000 Palestinian refugees from 1948 due to the war that the Arabs initiated.

They gathered people from all over the world, and imposed them here. Our question was: 'If these people were harmed in Europe, why do you want to compensate them out of the pockets of the people of Palestine, and with their honor and their land?' Then they claimed that these are people whose forefathers had lived in this land 2,500 years ago..."

The Arab regimes who forced the war on the Palestinian people 'on their behalf' and on the Israelis (to exterminate them) created the Palestinian refugee problem. To make it worse they refused to absorb them in their own countries and held them in camps for 60 years all for the sake of keeping the conflict raging.

Jews have lived in 'Palestine' for eternity and Jerusalem held a Jewish majority since the first census. Israel is the natural place for the Jews and will continue to be so long after the dark Islamic regime in Iran ceases to exist.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 07:52 AM
Someone hasn't been reading his "How to Explain Zionism" Handbook. Rule Number 9 and several others need to be reread
[I can't believe they actually have sites for this)

How to explain Zionism, to everyone
Explaining Zionism

Presenting Zionism and Israel
Be Proud. Don't be afraid to say that you support Israel and that you are a Zionist, but always be careful to explain that 'Zionism' may not be what your audience may think it is.

You are a Zionist. You are not Zionism. Always be clear to separate between your opinions and personal ideas from Zionism.

Remember the audience. You don't need to convince committed Zionists. Arguments that may be "convincing" to you, don't necessarily carry weight with those of other faiths and backgrounds. You aren't going to convince members of the Aryan Nation or the Hamas either, so there is no point arguing directly with them.

Don't be negative. For example, there is no constructive purpose in saying, "There are no Palestinians." It antagonizes people and it is not a tenet of Zionism. Even if you could prove that there are no Palestinians, it would not lend any legitimacy to Zionism.

Avoid dubious claims and inconsequential issues. If you say "there were no Arabs in Palestine before the Jews came" and someone proves that there were, you lost the argument. If you say "Israel became a nation in 1312 BCE" someone will (and has) pointed out that there was no kingdom of Israel before about 800 BCE, and that nobody could possibly be sure about the precise year when the Jews formed a nation. The right of the Jewish people to self-determination does not depend on whether or not there were Arabs in Palestine, when Israel became a nation, the vagaries of the Ottoman census, the relation between Khazars and Ashkenazi Jews or whether there was a Jewish majority in Jerusalem in 1870 or 1844, nor even on who shot Muhamed Al-Dura.

You don't need to defend everything Israel does. If you insist that Israel can do no wrong, you will lose the dispute, since no country is perfect. Germany killed six million Jews and started two wars, the United States killed Indians and dropped two atom bombs, China suppresses free discussion and occupies Tibet (possibly the longest occupation in the world), the French committed atrocities in Algeria. All of these countries have a right to exist, and so does Israel.

Refer to common values that are respected by everyone - The Jews are a people and have a right to self-determination. Israel promotes democracy, and human rights, including rights of women, gays and other minorities.

Don't use language or rhetoric that angers people needlessly - Zionism is for Republicans and Democrats, leftists and rightists, religious people and atheists. There are Muslim supporters of Israel too. It is pointless and self-destructive to attack "leftists" or "Muslims" or non-observant Jews as a group. It is usually not helpful to say that "God gave Israel to the Jews." After all, fanatic Islamists say "Allah gave Palestine to the Muslims." Most people do not accept that a state can be founded to support a particular religion, or that religious claims provide a legal basis for nationhood or sovereignty over particular lands.

How to Explain Zionism To everyone

Scary Propaganda stuff man.

[edit on 8-8-2006 by ThePieMaN]

[edit on 8-8-2006 by ThePieMaN]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:23 AM
>Golemina you mentionned that very opinion on page 1. Same smileys. Nobody replied to you. Please don't flood my thread.

Geez LaBalance, maybe you should have put some kind of disclaimer at the beginning of the thread that you weren't permitting anyone with a dissenting view.

That the supporters of terrorism in this thread have somehow equated the desire of the Zionists to return to their biblical roots with allowing anyone with basically any reason to somehow have some right to engage in genocidal activities (and rants
) against the Zionists (Say... Aren't they Jews?

Anyhow LaBalance, let me know if you are closing this thread to only people who agree with your opinions...

Subz: 'Who said anything about a Jewish conspiracy?'

(golem scratches head)

Ah... Have you read this thread?

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by golemina
Subz: 'Who said anything about a Jewish conspiracy?'

(golem scratches head)

Ah... Have you read this thread? did Golemina

Originally posted by golemina
You would think these heinous evil Jewish conspirators... did I forget blood drinking again... damn... I always do that! would have carved out a slightly bigger piece of land than that tiniest of slivers called 'Israel'.


posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:23 PM
It was more about people talking about things like Zionist world domination... And then of course the inevitable chants of Zionists! Zionists! Zionists!

I've yet to see the explanation resolving how the Zionists are pulling all of the hidden strings in the world, yet seem to only have such a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of the globe.

As an interesting aside... Don't you think it would be INTERESTING to see the rankings of the countries that make up our global community and their respective percentages of the land mass, heh Subz?

Subz... Your a subject matter expert... Help me out brother.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:46 PM
The WOT in the Middle East are not orchestrated by Zionists. It is simple to see that these wars are to control resources. Oil is King.

About Israel, if the US didn't give them money and weapons, they would be chewed up and spit out. Now I have a question, if Israeli supporters are the richest and control everything, why isn't Israel much more richer and powerful? Why are they a parasite and totally dependent on the US? You would think all the UNSC nations would support Israel all the time since the Zionists control all the banks and stuff...Yet Russia and China usually don't, and France rarely does.

I have said, at the beginning, that I think this was orchestrated by somebody. I still think it will involve Iran & Syria. I am sure Bush knew of this before hand.

It is all speculation though. We really don't know anything.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by La Balance
Ahmadinejad on the USA/Britain choice to be pro-war in Lebanon versus the cease-fire attitude of the rest of the world

Not for nothing, but the rest of the world is pro cease fire, just so long as they don't have to do anything. Once it comes to sending in peacekeepers, everyone looses interest.

"I hereby declare: This behavior of the Security Council is a mark of eternal shame on the forehead of the U.N. and those who control it."

Its fascinating just how much this guy is steeping his statements in apocalyptic rhetoric and symbolism.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:00 AM
The problem with the Iranian president, is that he talks too much. He goes up in front of people and says, that the wrath will overflow and then says that the Iranian people are owners of nuclear technology. Yet that nuclear technology is only for peaceful purposes...He digs himself a grave way too often. The Bush administration, Blair, and Israel can use all his speeches to inflame their fear mongering.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by golemina
It was more about people talking about things like Zionist world domination... And then of course the inevitable chants of Zionists! Zionists! Zionists!

Then is it too much to ask that you talk about....*gasp* Zionist conspiracy theorists, instead of reverting to "Jewish conspiracy theorists"? All Zionists are not Jewish.

Originally posted by golemina
I've yet to see the explanation resolving how the Zionists are pulling all of the hidden strings in the world, yet seem to only have such a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of the globe.

As an interesting aside... Don't you think it would be INTERESTING to see the rankings of the countries that make up our global community and their respective percentages of the land mass, heh Subz?

Subz... Your a subject matter expert... Help me out brother.

Start a thread regarding those topics instead of derailing some one elses thread and I'll gladly debate the issue with you.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:59 AM
For what it's worth, i completely agree with the Iranian leader, in fact i think he is one of the few brave leaders speaking out against the powers that be, doing the best he can to uncover the Zionist agenda. Another is Chavez.

In responce to his vocal objections, he get's labbeled a terrorist, jew hater who is actually plotting to murder the people of Israel. It seems anyone who disagrees with current Israeli/American/Zionist policy gets labelled the same way..

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