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So... i'm the new kid

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posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 05:22 PM
hey there, i just saw this page about minutes ago, and i knew its going to be a good one. i really love conspiracy stories and all related to that, i also like to read about mysteries like bigfoot, aliens etc.

something about myself, my real name is Dennis Eichhorn, i'm 17 years old and live in the Netherlands. I do a lot of surfing on the internet, especcialy these days, because it summer vacation and i'm bored out of my skull...

I hope that i wont get banned quickly because i've seen all the rules and noticed that the admins are pretty strict here.

Greets to everyone..

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 05:32 PM
Welcome to ATS Dennis.
Feel free to U2U me if you need help.

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 06:02 PM
Welcome to ATS, D!

I hope that you enjoy your time here on the boards and as a member of the ATS Community.

As for "all the rules" and "the admins are pretty strict here". I can assure you that such is not the case.

There are rules and guidelines within any online community. Hopefully, the sole intent is to ensure active and civil discourse within the membership.

Here at ATS, well, we strive to hold active and civil discourse/interaction to a higher standard.

Please don't feel overwhelmed, nor apprehensive about posting, based upon what May appear as a strict set of "rules".

Be yourself and post your opinions, thoughts or comments.

There are few things entitled to everyone in this world and one of those is an opinion. For that you will Never be silenced nor reprimanded in this Community.* Rest assured.

*To assist with and enhance your experience be sure to check out:


ATS Terms & Conditions Of Use

General Etiquette

Zedd's Handbook of ATS Links

Again, Welcome to ATS, NoSuchAgency!

posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Welcome to ATS. Have fun getting lost in the large site of ATS!!!


posted on Jul, 12 2006 @ 08:02 PM
Hey NoSuchAgency, welcome to ATS!

I hope that you enjoy your stay here.

Need help with the site? Find it here.

---->ATS help files

Don't forget to have fun while you're here.

Check out some of the forums on BelowTopSecret

Mechanic 32.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 03:02 PM
Welcome! Check out Social Issues on PTS. I'm sure you will find the atmosphere to be both friendly and rewarding.


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