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What if... Jones, Icke, Marrs and so forth...

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posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 05:47 PM
All said they'd been pulling your legs?

Im sayin this as a former beleiver in secret societies ruling. I do no longer believe in this because its... BS, as far as i see it.

So what if Jones said he's in it for the money and admitted he's making money on lies, if David icke said "yea im insane and i really really want attention" and Marrs said "Well.. yea im been crackin your balls but i really didnt think youd believe this BS".

Would you still believe in reptilians? In an NWO? In the illuminati?

I respect your beliefs in these societies and im not trying to offend any one with this post.

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 07:39 PM
How can your asking an honest question offend anyone? I hope we are not supposed to be following in the likeness of George W. Bush?

The question should be asked however: what does Icke, Jones and Reptiles have to do with the scientific evidence that the WTC buildings were brought down via Thermate? Information truth is key - not so much the actual people who speak it. Personally, I think David Icke is a little out to lunch on the Reptilian notion but that does not mean he is wrong about what occurred on 9-11. It also does not explain how millions of Americans more are now trusting what their own eyes, ears and hearts tell them on 9-11. As Souls, cannot we actually decide to come up with our own understanding and forge it based upon scientific reasoning? Do you think a guy in a cave got somehow Norad to stand down and if I ask this question (based in logic) does that make me a Conspiracy person?

I've never met anyone who was once a believeer in secret soceities who decided to stop accepting that idea later on. I mean, one doesn't even need be a researcher to accept that secret societies do exist, and have existed throughout all time. Thats like saying " as there is a God, so I am an atheist!"

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:06 AM
Well, i have yet to see real scientific evidence that WTC was brought down by explosives.

I have seen, however, pseudo-scientific evidence of the claimed explosives in WTC.

Have you seen the screw loose change video? Seen the story from another viewpoint?

And ofcourse, any crime, no matter what crime, requires a motive. What was the secret societies motive?
War? The USA never needed such an excuse to go to war before. There are easier ways.

And i do not deny the existence of secret societies. In fact, i was once a member of one.

Our hidden agenda was to meet once in a while and get loaded.

I do NOT believe that any secret society could gain any power in a beaurocratic society such as the states. Why? Because too many people are required for every little thing done, and you really cant get all people to shut up. Thats just who us humans are, we like to brag, tell stories, AND we even like to lie, and put a little extra on our stories.

That may be how the myth of secret societies ruling the world rose?

Or perhaps.. the rose because a handfull of people said "Hey, i can write about this, people might buy my book and make me rich,Bi***es." (Can i say Bi***? Can i "un"-censor my post?)

As theyre are no evidence of secret societies, controlling this world, i cannot believe it.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 01:43 AM
I don't necessarily believe in all the answers these guys are giving, but they are absolutely 100% are asking the right questions. I think the reptilian thing is a load of bovine feces, but most of the rest of the NWO stuff at least makes sense. I doubt things are exactly the way those guys describe it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's close enough to be recognizable. I don't know much about 9/11 but I do know enough to easily see that the US gov't either lied about something or else is totally incompetent (or both).

In short, I don't need these guys to tell me what to think. I can see it for myself.

posted on Jun, 26 2006 @ 09:11 AM
The most important is that the world is largely ruled in secret. We have little or no say in the decisions that affect us the most. (energy, food, money/banking) and these decisions are mostly taken in secret. Real information is deliberately clouded by the corporate media in democratic societies and controlled by the government in dictatorships. Because we don't receive the proper information, it is impossible for us to make informed decisions. IMOH this is the NWO.

Different organizations are used at different times for different reasons.

Marrs, Icke and Jones are just exposing their version of the NWO. Each in there own way. Why do you care if they make money or not? Isn't CNN making money? ATS? MIT? Should they all be discounted as well?

Evaluate the ideas, not the persons exposing them. If you want to go on a wholesale debunk of everything these guys say, go ahead, I would advise against it.

[edit on 26/6/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 12:30 AM

And ofcourse, any crime, no matter what crime, requires a motive. What was the secret societies motive?
War? The USA never needed such an excuse to go to war before. There are easier ways.

Have you heard of the Federal Reserve bank? Do you know anything about money or banking, Jugg? Before I learned about "black Nobility" I knew about banking. I suggest you start there first. I'll tell you ain't just addition and subtraction. I know a great deal about money because I simply have much more GOLD and SILVER than you do. A crazy statment one might think, for me to proclaim about gold and silver - unless of course you have done your homework.

Should you wonder why I say this ...just wait a few more years and watch what happens in the USA, dear friend. Now, I have to ask you a question before I continue:

Would you agree (with me) that those who print or issue the nations capital (money), do not care who writes the nations policys and laws?

I do NOT believe that any secret society could gain any power in a beaurocratic society such as the states. Why? Because too many people are required for every little thing done, and you really cant get all people to shut up. Thats just who us humans are, we like to brag, tell stories, AND we even like to lie, and put a little extra on our stories.

The FED prints money from nothing. It's called fiat currency and is based on a system called Fractional Reserve Banking. Once you've done some more research than I'm sure you could know the other MONEY-BASED reason why they wanted to go into the Middle East - (No.. besides turning off the oil or gaining strategic geo-political base advantage)

The banking cartel that set up the Federal Reserve bank have admitted that they themselves were "Conspirators". They have admitted that the FED is PRIVATE OWNED and also not even a "RESERVE". Those who issue the nations capital care not who writes it's laws. Before you start any further on the ET quest, first learn about banking and then unless you can come back here and tell us that you think INFLATION is anything BUT natural, I will know indeed that you have not looked hard enough, Jugg.

Unless you are 100% debt free and have lots of money, or you have vast purchases in Gold and Silver, you are going to be in for a little surprise over the next few years. I'm trying to tell you Jugg, you are under Equity Law and YOU OWN Nothing unless paid for in Gold and Silver. That is why the government can take your kids from you, your home, your food, your money, etc. You no longer have a Constitution under International Admiralty maritime law.

And it goes far deeper than this!

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 12:43 AM
The best option is to know about their writings for the pure quest of knowledge even if its not true. Then, if any of their writings turns to be real, you´ll know how to act, what to say and what to keep quiet. You´ll be the most informed and the one with the biggest probability of success.

So in the end is all about being informed.

[edit on 27-6-2006 by Zeratul]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 12:57 AM
For a start to believe anything I need proof. David Icke has no 'proof' from what I've heard. Alex Jones certainly brings alot more to the table including proof on some aspects of his work and important questions on others. I f he said he was BSing it would be just stupid because he CONSTANTLY asks us to go and check up the facts/evidence in relation to his 'claims'. Marrs I'm not sure I've heard of though. Just mho though

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 01:26 AM
I'm sure you'd like Marss even more, althought Alex Jones does gather a lot of information from mainstream and alternative news, his sites are good ressources.

Marss wrote "Rule by Secrecy" which is one of the best introduction to conspiracy I've read. Hois book Alien Agenda is also quite popular, and he wrote Crossfire. I believe Oliver Stones's JFK was base on this book and Garrison's.

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 03:15 AM
When diving into researching matters I started off with and the work of Mr. G Edward Griffin. He has been the David Suzuki of politics for me and he tends to have a great affect on teaching people hard facts, without getting emotional and without mixing into the model, to much esoteric information.

Griffin wrote a number of books on COLLECTIVISM - including the masterpeice on the banking world called the Creature from Jekal Island which is the main model of the conspiracy. His books are well researched and if anyone is interested: - go here and click on where it says "chasm" to read his pdf documents on the conspiracy that began primarily with Cecil Rhodes and the roundtable group who gained control in the early 1900's. They were enough to convince even the toughest skeptics; I outta know since I was once one of them.

[edit on 27-6-2006 by Cinosamitna]

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 03:31 AM
Good to see you CN! --> Bob Chapman will be your new pal :-) He knows more than Marrs and Alex combined and has made us a ton a money. (Monday's, Wed and Friday) Bob Chapman is on the radio show.

Bob's site:

Enjoy my friend.

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