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BAMBI - A Photo Of My Saigon Girlfriend

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posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 06:01 PM

No, I am not promoting prostitution..... (my wife won't let me
). Those of the ATS membership who are MALE and who served a tour OVERSEAS.... whether it was in France, Italy, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Germany, England, Iraq or wherever there was a call to duty..... KNOWS what the prostitutes looked like, after I made that post about "To Quote A Famous Vietnam Prostitute" I got beseiged with questions.

To Quote A Famous Vietnam Prostitute

In fact, you would be surprised at the NUMBER of U2U's and E-MAILS I have gotten (non-military, of course) that want to know what the prostitutes looked like. Any person, unless they are brain dead, has wondered at one time or the other when military men discuss or talk about prostitutes..... what they must have looked like. One guy wrote me and wondered if they had any TEETH (ugh... can't imagine that one). So, I decided to put up this photo of one of the Saigon girls who were in the whorehouse that we broadcasted from and that I had a special relationship with.

Although I am sure, depending on where one was stationed.... they could have been a little bit better or a little bit worse in looks and appearance. This young lady, who went by the name of "Bambi" was my particular favorite "girlfriend" while I was in Saigon. In fact, like some other military men will tell you..... I made arrangements with the madame for Bambi to be somewhat exclusive for the ole Dave-A-Roo
. On Dave's SCALE... Bambi would be a SOLID 9 for those of you that want that kind of thing

Okay... that's the purpose of this thread. So PLEASE... no more U2U's or E-MAILS on this one.

IF you have any PHOTOS (no sex acts please, ATS is PG ... just photos of the lady clothed with or without you), please POST them along with your comments. This could be EDUCATIONAL.


[edit on 8/25/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:43 AM
I must admit, Dave, your "girlfriend" was alot cuter than some of the beasts I saw in the whorehouses in Frankfurt. After we got back from saudi, a good number of buddies of mine all made a bee-line for the redlight district in Frankfurt, and I waited out in the lobbies of some of these establishments while they took care of biz, because afterwards, we were supposed to go out and get falling down drunk.

After seeing some of the denizens of the Frankfurter Brothels, I came to two conclusions.

1. Looking at some of the working girls there, I surmised it would have been a better idea to get drunk first THEN HIT THE "SUSHI BARS".
2. Observing the fact that my friends seemed to think these creatures were hot and attractive, I learned just how badly that 6 months in the middle of a fetid, stinking hellhole of a desert can affect a mans mind and his judgement.

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 03:47 PM
...... yeah.... have heard some horror stories myself about that area. In fact, there was a documentary many years ago on HBO that talked about "Ladies Of The Evening Worldwide"..... and there was a HUGE DIFFERENCE in what the different countries had as NORMAL.

When I was just in Vegas recently........ I rarely saw anything that was LESS than an STRONG "9" in the casino bars at the Mirage.

You do make a great point.... that is why I thought this would be an unusual topic but would bring some great stories from the military men among the ATS troops.

Thanks for stopping in at "Che Rabbit".


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 03:55 PM
OH my God! What are you doing with a picture of my mom!?


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by Spiderj
OH my God! What are you doing with a picture of my mom!?



posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:16 PM
Although the young lady from Vietnam looks HOT, and I do have a thing for Asian women. I must say that I have NEVER personally seen a prostitute that I would bother to screw. NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY SHE PAID ME!!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 04:24 PM

Sexy! (with a capital S E X Y !!)

But, ahem, why exactly is this on ATS? (as opposed to BTS; no disrespect intended, I just wasn't aware of any prostitute conspiracies:lol

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 05:12 PM
To bring a LAUGH... a SMILE.... a little SELTZER down everyone's pants!


posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:01 PM
Word up Dave!!!

Y'know, I had sex with a prostitute,
I mean, y'know, I didn't know she was a prostitute at the time.
It was actually a girl I was dating.
I couldn't help but feel like I needed a shower after each time I was with her.
(the whole deal, including teeth brushing and garggling....blech...)
Man Dave, I could've used some seltzer down my pants back then!

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 11:43 PM
..... SEE..... now THAT made me LAUGH!



posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 11:45 PM

OH my God! What are you doing with a picture of my mom!?...daddy?




posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Dave Rabbit



I knew it!
Oh Father that explains sooo much!

Like why I bought a one way ticket to asia when I was 19 and of course my penchant for hookers that look like mom...wait that came out wrong

Though I would like to point out that nowadays they actually prefer the term "pay as you go comapanion" rather than whore or hooker.

Off topic but before I forget, anything turn up yet on the broadcast/tape hunt?


PS I'll tell mom you miss her long time

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:10 AM

Off topic but before I forget, anything turn up yet on the broadcast/tape hunt?


PS I'll tell mom you miss her long time

Nothing on any more shows. I figured it would be a long shot and so did Simon and Springer...... but it was worth a shot. If only ONE SHOW has turned up in 35 years.... the ODDS for another to turn up, even though the ATS membership, would be astronomical.

Give your mom my love......


posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:21 AM

Although the young lady from Vietnam looks HOT, and I do have a thing for Asian women. I must say that I have NEVER personally seen a prostitute that I would bother to screw. NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY SHE PAID ME!!

Hi Groingrinder.....

I guess it depends on the individual person. You don't say whether or not you ever served in the military, much less a combat zone, but I think I can safely SPEAK on behalf of combat troops that are in HARMS WAY all over the world when I say.... it is NOT, repeat, NOT the screwing so much as it is the companionship before you have to step back out into HARMS WAY and face the possibility of NEVER having that CHANCE AGAIN! I think most of the military vets around the world in combat zones, would like to think that their last minutes on earth weren't spent with a bottle of lotion and a playboy magazine...... but with a girl who, for that short span of time, brought HOME just a little bit into their lives and thoughts of High School backseats instead of hand to hand combat and death.

Thanks for your post!


posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:23 AM
Still it's an interesting hunt and im sort of going under the impression that eventually anything that can be uploaded will eventually be uploaded so if they're out there and in decent condition it's just a matter of time.

Wasn't the one you found on a german site? If it was who can say where else others'll pop up.


posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:31 AM
Actually SpiderJ......

The guy I first met who had a copy back in 1982 GAVE ME the copy. He was in the Army and was stationed in Germany. He had a cassette tape (2 tapes @ 45 minutes per side). The QUALITY was not the greatest.... in fact, the one we restored was excellent compared to the one in 1982. We recently got word from a fan, that they have an existing 7" Reel of the existing show. Will Snyder is trying to ACQUIRE a copy of that as it is suppose to be EVEN CLEANER than the restored one. We have high hopes we are getting closer to a recording that dates back to the 70's with Reel to Reel. Will keep you posted.


[edit on 6/23/2006 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:32 AM

would like to think that their last minutes on earth weren't spent with a bottle of lotion and a playboy magazine

What's wrong with that?

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:35 AM
Thanks for clearing that up dave.

There could be service men(retired) out there that have copies that they've totally forgotten about.

I wonder if there are/is a veterans online forum where a you could ask if anybody has or remembers somebody who had tapes of the broadcasts.

Just a thought.

I for one will keep snooping, I was always a sucker for a good easter egg hunt.


posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 12:44 AM

would like to think that their last minutes on earth weren't spent with a bottle of lotion and a playboy magazine...

What's wrong with that?

Actually..... NOTHING!

However, I was responding to making it with a WHORE not a RIGHT or LEFT HAND!

To QUOTE a famous Vietnam Latrine Wall Saying:

"While I'm HOME, my WIFE is my RIGHT HAND...... while I'm AWAY my RIGHT HAND is MY WIFE!"


[edit on 6/23/2006 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

After seeing some of the denizens of the Frankfurter Brothels, I came to two conclusions.

1. Looking at some of the working girls there, I surmised it would have been a better idea to get drunk first THEN HIT THE "SUSHI BARS".
2. Observing the fact that my friends seemed to think these creatures were hot and attractive, I learned just how badly that 6 months in the middle of a fetid, stinking hellhole of a desert can affect a mans mind and his judgement.

There's an old saying "you can drink'em pretty but you can't drink'em thin"
Learned that in the Philippines many years ago.

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