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Evolutionist and Creationist United

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posted on Jun, 17 2006 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Quest
Now if you can prove to me mathematically that a finite system can indeed have infinite configurations, then not only will I tip my hat and admit defeat, but I'll come cheer you on when you collect your Nobel prize.

simple enough. Use fractions.

Of course, this isn't really germaine to the conversation. But I am looking forward to the nobel prize ceremony.

What I fail to see, is how there are a finite number mutation possibilities in the genetic structure. I think the problem is you are assuming there is some sort of limit to the number allele's in a DNA structure. We understand that humans have 23 chromosome pairs. We've seen genetic mutations where there are only 22. People with Downs Syndrome have extra of chromosome 21. So who's to say a mutation couldn't cause a human to have 24 chromosomal pairs? Or 25? Or an infinite number?

DNA is an acid because of the phosphate groups between each deoxyribose. This is the primary reason why DNA has a negative charge.
The "polarity" of each pair is important: A+T is not the same as T+A, just as C+G is not the same as G+C (note that "polarity" as such is never used in this context -- it's just a suggestive way to get the idea across).
Mutations are the results of the cells' attempts to repair chemical imperfections in this process, where a base is accidentally skipped, inserted, or incorrectly copied, or the chain is trimmed, or added to. Many mutations can be described as combinations of these accidental "operations".

Here's another example. We all agree that a mutation can cause a creature to be born with half a leg, rather than a fully developed one. I know this is simplifying the whole concept a bit, but bear with me. But if we can have a mutation that turns a whole into a fraction, then by the very defenition of fractions, there are infinite possibilities therein.

Or, lets take a centapede. A centapede could have a genetic mutation which would cause it to grow one extra leg. Or two. Or three. Or four. and so one, unto infinity. The only limitation in this instance is the number of atoms in the universe. I'm not saying it would happen, or that it is even likely to happen, but simply because it's unlikely does not mean it is impossible.

Originally posted by Quest
You are letting your agenda slip. I know many Christian and Muslim Geneticist who agree with the theory of evolution. So not only are they religious, but they have ALSO studied genetics, and therefore can choose a view given both sides. Targeting atheist and misunderstanding of the above theory are hardly signs of someone arguing a point within the confines of logic and science.

Agenda? I don't have an agenda. You were condescending towards creationists, stating their view is illogical, and I am simply pointing out that the evolutionary view, and the view of atheists, is no less illogical that theism, and both must be taken on faith. If logic could difinatively proof conclusively that evolution is absolute truth, or that God does not exist, I doubt we would be having this conversation.

You are also incorrect in your understanding of the infinite allele model, and why it was developed. But regardless, I eagerly await your respose, as I am thuroughly enjoying this conversation.

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