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christians hypocrites

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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 06:08 PM
Christians around the world are protesting the movie, whether it be hunger strikes, law suits, book burnings, boycotts, or just standing in the streets and yelling. And only a few months ago I bet that the majority of the people waving the "ban the Da Vinci Code" and "The Da Vinci Code is evil" signs were waving "protect freedom of speech" and "support Denmark" signs.

Christian hypocrisy rears its ugly head once again. But what baffles me is the muslim are protesting the Da Vinci code too? Shouldn't the muslims have the same attitude towards the Da Vinci code as the christians had towards the Denmark cartoon "not my prophet, not my problem?"

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:41 PM
Maybe these Christians are angry about the background events being presented as fact, in which case I would suggest that they have a right to be angry (in the same way that anyone who is duped for someone else's profit has a right to be angry).

Jesus is a also revered prophet in Islam. That might explain the protests by Muslim peeps.

BTW I'm not advocating book-burning or anything, in case anyone jumps the gun...


posted on May, 18 2006 @ 10:46 PM
I say to heck with the whole mess of them. Muslims, Christians, Jews etc are all equally silly if you ask me. They're only human...what do you expect?

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 11:24 PM
Most religions are control mechanisms of the faithful. Anything that might disturb that control is attacked, labeled, distorted or discounted as herasy. Control and manipulation of the faithful must be maintained at all cost or all you will have left is a social club.

The idea of being one of the "chosen" is very appealing to to the tribal instincts of mankind. That is why cults are so popular and easy start with even a moderately charismatic leader.

Christians however don't have the hypocracy market cornered.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Most religions are control mechanisms of the faithful. Anything that might disturb that control is attacked, labeled, distorted or discounted as herasy. Control and manipulation of the faithful must be maintained at all cost or all you will have left is a social club.

The idea of being one of the "chosen" is very appealing to to the tribal instincts of mankind. That is why cults are so popular and easy start with even a moderately charismatic leader.

Christians however don't have the hypocracy market cornered.

Thanks for the last comment....

Catholics have a long history of persecution in the United States. We were despised by the Protestants, discriminated against, our very religion was practically criminalized. Prestigious newspapers such as the New York Times commonly attacked Roman Catholics as shifty, uneducated, masses of mindless zombies who have come here to destroy the nation. That Catholics had one loyalty - the Pope. Catholics would - if allowed to gain a foothold in the US - would subvert the nation to a client state of the Holy See.

Old news? Hardly. John Kennedy repeatedly and publically proclaimed to the media that he would not be bound by his religious beliefs if he were elected President. Ever hear of a Protestant backed into such a corner?

Secular Humanists just LOVE to trot out how narrow-minded and prejudiced Catholics are - how many soup kitchens and homeless shelters do you people run? Dan Brown's book was an intentional assault on Catholicism. Period. If I were to write a novel about some Homosexual Vegan plot to undermine the moral underpinnings of the American family, would that have made the best seller list? I doubt it. As it is, I am sure that my last sentence will launch a torrent of invective about my 'closeminded' and nasty attitude. Before you even go there, I've done volunteer work with terminal Aids patients - straight, gay - doesn't matter to me. If you are suffering, I don't ask for a Catholic ID card.

In a media-rich, secular consumer-driven society such as ours, Catholics are going to be the natural butt of jokes and ridicule. I'm sorry that I have a moral code that I hold more dearly than what I may WANT to do sometimes. I'm sorry that I hold beliefs based on faith. I'm sorry that I cling to a tradition that's rooted in 2,000 years of history. Gee, I'm sorry that I believe that it's more important to give than to get. Sorry that my credo isn't 'what's in it for me?' or 'Anything goes.' Sorry that I believe that abortion is murder and that life is so precious it should never be wasted. Sorry that I believe that our bodies are gifts that should be treated with reverence and respect. Hopefully, the sarcasm is clear.

Secular humanists have the right to be cruel, judgemental, nasty, libelous, and vindictive. Catholics speak out and WE'RE the boogyman? Once again, in this idiot-box, if-its-on-TV-it-must-be-true society, books like the Davinci Code and the movie ARE dangerous to us. It was only 200 years ago when a Catholic was FORBIDDEN by state constitution to own property in Connecticut. You bet we aren't happy.

Personally, I've read the book. It was pedestrian save for the offensive controversial treatment of my faith and the callous disregard Brown displayed. He's claimed that he has taken legitimate 'histories' and put them into the public forum. I would LOVE to have him debate with me for an hour or so in a public forum. To quote the kids I teach, he is 'just a hater'. I have to admit I was thrilled to hear the critics at Cannes were less then impressed with the movie. Maybe it will flop and Brown will be consigned to the 99 cent rack where his novels belong.

posted on May, 19 2006 @ 03:13 PM
This is a discussion regarding the movie and the reaction it is recieving from various cultures, therefore it will be moved to the Movies Forum please continue the discussion there.


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