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Hillary Clinton & Election Fraud

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posted on Oct, 26 2002 @ 11:41 AM
Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002

Hillary: Why I Oppose Stopping Election Fraud

Hillary Clinton is remarkably candid in explaining why she was one of only two U.S senators to vote against even a weak attempt to stop election fraud.

"This would make it more difficult to vote in New York," she told the New York Post.

Yes, it's such an agonizing ordeal when people have to reach back, take their wallet out of their pocket or purse, find their driver's license or Social Security card, stick the card back in the wallet, and stow the wallet. It's cruel and inhumane.

Of course, Democrat fraud was so much easier in the good old days when a New Yorker merely had to sign his name - or anyone's name - to "prove" his identity before voting.

The new measure certainly won't do Hillary's future presidential campaign any good.

The "surprising opposition" of Hillary and fellow New York Democrat Sen. Charles Schumer "angered even some Democrats, who had worked for months to win a broad compromise," the Post reported today.

Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., gave a "sharp rebuke" to Hill and Chuck, and said the bill was supposed to help the country, not any one state.

"I'm not in the Connecticut Assembly or the New York ... Assembly. I'm serving the United States Senate. I was under the impression that we were serving the country here," Dodd said sarcastically.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:

Clinton Scandals ( Link )

DNC ( Link )

Sen. Hillary Clinton ( Link )

Editor's note:

She will run ! Hillary Cinton Plans for the Presidency ( Link )

[Edited on 26-10-2002 by ultra_phoenix]

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 03:24 PM

The new measure certainly won't do Hillary's future presidential campaign any good.

Seeing as this was on page 103 of ATS threads, the last page, I doubt that the country would even remember this. Besides the thing that will hurt Hillary's future presidential campaign is that her husband played on her, if her husband can play her, couldnt Kim Jong Il

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 04:28 PM
It's scary that there's a lot of Liberals out there who would actually vote to put this nut in the White House.

Everything she does and says is so politically calculated that it drives me crazy. Knowing what I know about her, I pray that she's not nominated for 2008. And if you happen to be a Hillary supporter, you really need to read some of Dick Morris' things. He was very, very close with the Clintons and was their main adviser for a long time (until he was caught talking to the President and letting a hooker listen in on the other line). But he's still a genius and knows more about the Clintons than anyone!

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 05:13 PM
What's creepy to me is the lack of folks who realize that the Clinton family are in fact Bush family lackeys. Don't take my word for it, look into BCCI and Mena Ak. Follow the money, check out the connections between Bush and Clinton. All the demonization of the Clintons by right wingers is amusing considering we're talking about the same bunch. It's a two party illusion people. Clinton this, Bush that... lol They keep us busy arguing and rob us blind.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
It's scary that there's a lot of Liberals out there who would actually vote to put this nut in the White House.

And the ones who voted old spooky Bush into office (:@@
what do you make of them?

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 06:22 PM
It's not that simple. If this would have been in place this past November, I wouldn't have been able to vote. There are issues with DMV renewals that will disenfranchise people on election day if their ID expires in the days before election day.

My birthday is very early in November--sometimes election day is even on my birthday.

For people like me who have a birthday that falls at the end of October or the beginning of November, you will not have a valid ID card on election day if you physically have to go to the DMV to renew your license, non-driver's ID card or learner's permit--meaning that you will not be able to vote.

Reason being is that the DMV does not let you renew your license/state id/learner's permit in person more than 29 days prior to expiration. And there are many reasons why people have to go to the DMV--anyone that has to re-take a picture, re-do an eye-test, certain classes of licenses can only renew in person, all non-driver ID's and learner's permits, if you have to take an accident re-examination, any driver with an outstanding ticket or dispute, anyone who has lost an ID, etc.

It can take 4 to 6 weeks to get your new ID in the mail (and it took 8 weeks to get mine when I renewed) and this means that you have to walk around for weeks with an expired ID--it is a real pain, especially because to get into any building in NYC, you need to show a state ID.

But for those of us that are born at the end of October/the beginning of November, it means that we won't have a valid state ID on election day if we have to renew our ID that year.

I don't particularly like the thought of being disenfranchised every few years just because of when I was born.

Even if you are able to do a mail-in renewal, if the form or new license gets lost in the mail, you are SOL.

What's even worse, is that the DMV doesn't mention anything about this policy on the website--and there are no signs posted anywhere in the DMV. I waited on line, re-took my written test & eye test, waiting on 45 minute to hour-long lines between each, only to find out when it came time to pay that I was a day early and that I would have to come back tomorrow and do the whole thing over again. And people wonder why there are so many shootings at government offices...

I was so mad I had to rant about it here...

So unless this bill comes with rules that change the bureaucracy at the DMV, there could be potentially thousands of people with late October and early November birthdays disenfranchised on election day each year--and I could be one of them.

Thanks Hill & Chuck for sticking up for me!

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:17 PM
So basically anyone with a birthday a month before the election are screwed. So, how many millions of people are born in October/early november? You want them to be banned from voting? How many millions of voters have just been stopped from doing their service for America????

BTW, Ultra, you wouldn't happen to be the UP that people wanted to be made a mod/president would you? I saw a Phoenix as a mod, but no UltraPhoenix until now. If you are the one I'm thinking of, welcome back, haven't seen you in months, if you aren't the one I am thinking of, nevermind.

[edit on 4-3-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
So basically anyone with a birthday a month before the election are screwed. So, how many millions of people are born in October/early november? You want them to be banned from voting? How many millions of voters have just been stopped from doing their service for America????

BTW, Ultra, you wouldn't happen to be the UP that people wanted to be made a mod/president would you? I saw a Phoenix as a mod, but no UltraPhoenix until now. If you are the one I'm thinking of, welcome back, haven't seen you in months, if you aren't the one I am thinking of, nevermind.

[edit on 4-3-2005 by James the Lesser]

Either the NYS DMV is the most screwed up place in America (which may be the case) or only 3 senators care if millions of people are disenfranchised...

BTW, people born before primaries, special elections & run-offs will be impacted also...

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 03:59 PM
>>And the ones who voted old spooky Bush into office (:@@ what do you make of them?

LOL! Seems to me that some of this information had to be taken out of context.

posted on Mar, 8 2005 @ 04:25 PM
It isn't as big a problem as some people are making it out to be, in all honesty, they have probably accounted for the issues about disenfranchisement. You have to remember that if 3 or four people on here were able to catch that loophole, then of the 100 Senators in Congress, somebody probably realized this. It is possible for two people to have the same idea without having ever communicated.

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