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I'm after recipes for using green papaya

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posted on May, 7 2006 @ 12:38 AM
Living in the subtropics provides us with an abundance of fruit - but the possums etc often beat us to the ripe fruit. Eating green papaya in Thai style salad with fish sauce and palm sugar dressing is good but I am after more!

So does anyone have any good recipes for green papaya - I love all types of food and will try most things.

Waiting in anticipation......

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 04:17 PM
Green Papaya

I've had green papaya cooked with cubes of pork and a VERY hot sauce before, it was a bit sweet and had peppers and pineapple in it. I don't have a recipe for you, but beware, you felt it in your butt the next day. It was hot going in, and it was hot coming out the other end.

I recommend you use acidic fruits with the papaya, like tomato, pineapple, lemon, lime, etc....
And add some sugar to balance the acid.

Jumbo shrimp fried with a little garlic will go with the pork really well.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 07:52 PM
Thanks for the link - I've bookmarked that one - although as an Aussie the North American palate and flavour combos are a little unusual - the whole food/flavour/recipe dynamic is totally different!

I'll definately run with the hot spicy pork combo - cheers!

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