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"Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up'"

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posted on May, 6 2006 @ 01:16 PM
Would like to know your thoughts about this guy and what he did:

Sorry if this has already been posted.

It sort of leads in to thinking about quite a few things:
National Sercurity
Supressed Technologies
Aliens / UFOs

Things like that. Do you think what this guy 'saw' is for real?
Just wondering whether or not i should believe what this guy saw or if it is too far fetched? Any comments?

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 01:25 PM
Okay, I don't think hackers should hack into goverment computers, but I'll give this guy small kudos for guts. If he really did find something, this could be the BIGGEST NEWS STORY on the PLANET!

I wonder what he did find?

Do you really think they would suppress it for their own needs?

The Govt's and Wealthest people doing like "A Bug's Life" Grees Hopper v. Ant thing?

What do you guys think?

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 01:38 PM
You mean the way they will be rich as long as they control the oil? Supposing the technolgies were to get out that people would no longer need oil as much and then they would no longer have world power? Is this correct?

posted on May, 6 2006 @ 02:21 PM
Mods do your stuff please. Thanx.
Victor K.

posted on May, 7 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Shakeyjc
You mean the way they will be rich as long as they control the oil? Supposing the technolgies were to get out that people would no longer need oil as much and then they would no longer have world power? Is this correct?

This is silly. The problem with gasoline prices in this country falls clearly on the backs of our fellow citizens. If you want cheaper gas prices you must let the oil companies build refineries cheaply enough to make them viable and that would require a roll back of some enviromental laws and eminent domain revamp.

Without that you will pay higher prices. The oil companies are having to refine in foreign countries now and ship refined products to the U.S.

How much more expensive could that be?????

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by bodebliss

Originally posted by Shakeyjc
You mean the way they will be rich as long as they control the oil? Supposing the technolgies were to get out that people would no longer need oil as much and then they would no longer have world power? Is this correct?

This is silly. The problem with gasoline prices in this country falls clearly on the backs of our fellow citizens. If you want cheaper gas prices you must let the oil companies build refineries cheaply enough to make them viable and that would require a roll back of some enviromental laws and eminent domain revamp.

Without that you will pay higher prices. The oil companies are having to refine in foreign countries now and ship refined products to the U.S.

How much more expensive could that be?????

You read it wrong.. he is basically saying that there are technologies that does not require gasoline at all that has been surpressed.. what if these technologies where allowed to exist and be developed.. and alot of machinery/engines/cars etc.. would no longer be powered by gasoline but get the energy from some other source.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 07:09 AM
If there indeed exists such technology to harness the so called free energy and also anti-gravity technologies. I would surley prefer them not to be covered up for personal monetary gain from a few individuals/companies..

If say every house and or block could build their own small powergenerator and un-hook from the powergrid.. and power would probably be almost free like water is today.

What would happend in such a scenario, who would the big loosers be ?
My guess is the powercompanies.. and the investors/owners of these.. could be corporations and/or governments.

Considering if the machines to get *"free energy" really works and are surpressed technology, then there are a few companies maybe even governemnts making probably billions of dollars per year, selling a product (electricity) wich if the above scenario is true could be had for almost nothing.

*Its not free you have to build the machine to harness it.. and you dont get something from nothing, its more or less like windpower or waterpower.

A bit mindboggeling to think about a possible scenario where people would pay billions of $$$ each year for something that could be had for almost nothing once you had a powergenerating machine setup. If such a scenario would be truth one would understand the motivation for surpressing such technology.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by SilverSurfer]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by bodebliss

Originally posted by Shakeyjc
You mean the way they will be rich as long as they control the oil? Supposing the technolgies were to get out that people would no longer need oil as much and then they would no longer have world power? Is this correct?

This is silly. The problem with gasoline prices in this country falls clearly on the backs of our fellow citizens. If you want cheaper gas prices you must let the oil companies build refineries cheaply enough to make them viable and that would require a roll back of some enviromental laws and eminent domain revamp.

Without that you will pay higher prices. The oil companies are having to refine in foreign countries now and ship refined products to the U.S.

How much more expensive could that be?????

Interesting that you mention the refineries. In Texas alone and I know this because half of my family is in the business of oil and gas, Texas refineries are only working at 85%. Did you know that if the refineries work up to 97% that it would shave of a 1.05 at the pump.

[edit on 8-5-2006 by texmiller]

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 01:13 PM
Often because of mechanical defect they can't operate at full capacity.

You must remember we haven't built a refinery in 30 years and many are much older than that.

posted on May, 16 2006 @ 05:37 PM
Video Posted here.


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