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The New 9/11

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 05:27 PM
A new 9/11 might occur if at least three conditions occur: 1) a long period of economic prosperity significantly outdoing other nations; 2) the pulse rate of the world is not taken; and 3) a psychological mode of relative unconsciousness of life.

One counter to a future 9/11 is to thwart these three states continuously and precisely.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 07:10 PM
gt, You might have something here but I'll be dipped if I can tell what it is.

Could you flesh out this theory a little more for me especially #3 and #2.

I also have a theory about a 911 type of disaster but you first, maybe ours will dove tail.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:23 AM
Another 9/11 is inevitable... Terrorist wont stop at Bush and americans telling them that it will not be tollerated. The terrorists probably dont even get these messeges. The search for osama seems to have stopped leaving him freedom to plan out any other attacks he needs too.

But your points indeed ring true. Esspecially #1. Although america cant really stop being the most powerfull and Economicaly sound this is going to play a big factor in future attacks.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by GreatTech
A new 9/11 might occur if at least three conditions occur: 1) a long period of economic prosperity significantly outdoing other nations; 2) the pulse rate of the world is not taken; and 3) a psychological mode of relative unconsciousness of life.

One counter to a future 9/11 is to thwart these three states continuously and precisely.

#1 - If you're talking about the US, then no worries. The US is falling ever-faster into debt and when they go to Iran they'll be stretched even thinner.

#2 - You can bet that the powers that be are right on top of the world's 'pulse rate' - and when the time is right there will be another attack.

#3 - I see this as your most important point, but not in regards to another 9/11. If people don't WAKE UP, even just for the point of living life, then those that terrorize us will have a walk in the park taking us over. Unfortunately the whole system is meant to put us to sleep.

While I agree there will be more terrorist attacks, I also believe that the next attack on America will be economically and financially.


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