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We are entering a 2nd holocaust

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posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:30 PM
Well..lets face it, we are in the middle of WW111... this is just the beginning. I am not saying that we are ALL doomed. But listen up.

George Bush has risen to power the same way Hitler did...

Now these detainment camps are being built. And some of them are already done..or most. You know the ones that Halliburton gave the "ok" for. So why do we have these camps? Hm?

F.E.M.A- is a good example of a detainment camp. That is where we will go in the future believe it or not!

Once this micro chipping law comes out. No man or woman can buy or sell without it. If you refuse this, and do not go along with the New World Order. Then I believe that is what the camps are for. For the ones who rebel against it...

They have already done enough torturing to the poor iraqi soliders ..enough is enough

so if there is another major terrorist attack then Bush will have to establish major MARTIAL LAW.

MAJOR POLICE STATE- we already know that these police are brutal. We have seen what they did to our innocent protestors in NY. They broke their arms. They used numchucks!'s rediculous!

the torturers do the following...


These are pyscho paths..serial killer. This New World order is going to be HELL. on earth...

Pretty soon we will have these police marching down our streets keeping us in line...

I have a link here about the micro chipping. Make no mistake! They will do this! This is a short 9 minute video.

This may disturb you a's scary

We are witnessing the Nazi-ization of this nation!

[edit on 2-4-2006 by whitelightwolf]

[edit on 2-4-2006 by whitelightwolf]

[edit on 2-4-2006 by whitelightwolf]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 01:57 PM
OMG that is scarey!
It's going to be the mark of the beast soon. No matter what I will NEVER take it. I will never surrender myself to them; I'd rather die. The detainment camps are a scarey thought. The president willing to do that to his own people...horrible. But then again world leaders are all just liars who pretend to care about others. And they're damn good at it too; if these people didn't get into politics they could've made some great hollywood actors

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:24 PM
Oh Come on...LAZY people... 74 views.. and only 1 reply. JUST 1.....**MOD EDIT: Pointless insult**...sheeple..

Thank you PC for at least replying to me, unlike the other lazy blas..

Well in my opinon, "Yes we are going into this second Holocaust"

What is your opinion on that..

And another thing. You people need to reply when you view something, We need feed back... 74 views..and only 1 reply.that is pathetic.

[edit on 2006-4-3 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:32 PM
It isnt that they are good liers.

We are good beleivers.

Simple as that.

And yea, it is a scary thought.
Watcha gonna do? Watcha gonna do when they come for YOU!


Guns and Ammo shall be your saviour.

Unless people get un-dumb and do something about this crap.

I cant believe that a nation this big, so many people, will just let this crap slide, like its cool.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:39 PM
Many people speak of this in theory and little proof but even with proof what would we do?

As far as police state their will not be enough Armed forces to the amount of citizens unless a draft was in place and even than that takes a while.

Well I guess if such happenings were to happen we can go to Canada I doubt Mexico would help us out...

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:39 PM
Theres nothing that can be done. We have become desensitized. All the years of propagabda have lead up to this. I cant wait to watch it all go down it will be the greatest thing any human has ever witnessed the creation of the NWO. I can only inform the masses, but after the next terrorist attack it begins.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:52 PM
The N.W.O started a long, long time ago. I mean look at the political parties of most Western countries. There'll be 2 main parties that get most of the votes. For God's sake Bush and Kerry are distant cousins! Hopefully it won't hit NZ...

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:53 PM
The physical rise of power isnt going to happen. Bush isnt the new Hitler. the NWO isnt controlling the government. A takeover has already happened. Corporations, through lobbyists run our government. Most people dont realize it, but every senator, congressmen, representative, and presidental cabinet member, are all being run by big business coglomerants and corporate mega powers. And because of there, there will be no tyrannical rise of power from any figure. No Martial law, no torturing and encampment of people, because in the end, all thats bad for business.

Move along.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 10:58 PM
WLW, most of these camps have been around for years, old closed down military bases and the like, do you have any links to new ones that you say are being built? Yes what are we gonna do, what can we do? I think one thing is to make as many people as you can aware of these things for one because as Fuhr86 said, we have become so desensitized. Most people just go on with the routines of their daily lives not seeing what goes on around them or if they do see, have no interest. All these things need to become part of mainstream news broadcasts and such, to reach the people, this is only one thing we can do, make that happen and thats a start. Thats one of my main problems, the news media, how they report and what they report on, when that changes, if it ever does then just maybe people will start questioning, just my opionion.

Hers a link, just an a thought, get several mainstream news networks to do specials on the things included in this link and see if it wakes any people up to whats happening. Who knows, even after broadcasts of these things people may not have interest, thats how desensitized people have become. I mean these are things that a lot of people are aware of and they still dont show much interest, just my opinon though.

[edit on 2-4-2006 by tracer]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
Once this micro chipping law comes out.

What law?

Originally posted by whitelightwolf
the torturers do the following...


Hmm... let's see. I was in Gulf War 1, so are you calling me a rapist, a killer and/or a terrorist? Don't make a generalization. Tell me if it applies to me.

I don't like to be painted with broad strokes from any paintbrush.


As someone before me said, I think it is the companies pushing this. But, at the same time, it is the lady next door to me that is telling me that I should not be able to have the shotgun or rifle in my house that I currently own. She wants all handguns and rifles gone. So who's the evil one? Her or the government that is listening to her?

She doesn't want me to have a campfire down by the river ON MY PROPERTY because... Gosh, it might pollute the air for someone else that is driving by on the road in front of my house. So now, they have pretty well banned open burning in our county, not because of her, but because of people like her. Is she the evil one, or the county for listening to people like her?

I am losing more rights by my neighbors in my county and state than I am from the Federal Government. That is not to say that the GOV is not trying to take away rights, just that those with an agenda are more on my peer level than a ranking politician.


WLW, look... many times the enemy is within us, not in front of us.

Geez... sheeple will push any agenda...


Edited for clarity

** denotes edited remarks

[edit on 4/3/2006 by BlueTileSpook]

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:45 PM
I personally think that if ww3 ever comes, it won't be under President Bush. I think he's been used to set up the scene, so that sometime between 2008 and 2012, whatever's supposed to happen, happens.'

If something happens.

posted on Apr, 2 2006 @ 11:49 PM
My uncle served in the first Gulf War. He was like a green beret, or something like that... Some sort of paratrooper. He is crazy. lol

I dont know why i said that... But to answer your question...
They are BOTH crazy!!!

The lady next door AND the government need to go..

No, but seriously. People that have nothing better to do, have nothing better to do. And they need to do something, make some kind of change, accomplish something, that they cant seem to do without screwing with other people.

But then again, everyone screws with everyone.

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