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What would be the repercusions if President Bush was assasinated?

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posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:06 AM
Wasn't sure what topic to put this under, so feel free to move me mods!

And before the Feds start kickin down my door and all of the die hard republicans start labelling me a "terrorist" this thread is simply hypothetical.
There's my disclaimer!

I posted a thread a little while ago with the topic..

"U.S man jailed for Bush death plot"

And it got me thinking..if this man was plotting to take out the POTUS, what would happen if he succeeded?

We all know what happened after JFK, would President Bush cause the same hysteria?

Politically, what would happen? Who would take over republican party? Would their policies change?

Is President Bush the driving force behind the W.O.T? or would his administration continue without him? Is it really President Bush that is dictating both domestic and foreign policy?

Would his replacement be more hawkish and conservative?

These are all questions that i don't have an answer for.. Hopefully the educated members of ATS can help me with what you think the answers would be..

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:49 AM
Well...if the "Quarterback" was the Secret Service might say...since the President is refered to as the "Quarterback"...and the suitcase with the Nuclear arming device is called the "Football".....then the "Football" passes onto the Vice President (no clue what they call him...but I think they referred to Dan Quayle as the "Dufus"

The Vice President takes over...and who knows from then...anyone?

As to the guy who originally posted this...disclaimer or prepared to run

Run, Forest...Run...

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 05:36 PM
Whatever events that would follow said assassination would largely depend upon whether or not a foreign power was involved. Obviously, if one were, it constitutes an overt act of war and know as well as I what would follow.

If it were a "lone gun man" he/she probably would not survive the success for very long. None of the successful ones in American history have.

A coup? That's a whole 'nother thing entirely. I've no idea what would happen...civil war...massive riots...who knows...scarey stuff though.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:28 PM
Seagull, you have some good points there, but here is what I would think would happen.

IF there were this gunmen, he would wait to take out both the President and Cheney. Now I have to admit that this would be hard if darn near impossible, since the two of them rarely seem to be near each other.

But, let's hypothetically say it did happen. The Speaker of the House, Hastert would become president. Now many would have a problem with this since he is actually retiring in 2008, the same year that Bush is to be a lame duck.

So if (so to speak) this assasination were to occur just after he retired, and the new guy was sworn in, there would be dissent as to whether or not he was competent to do the job, although there would be such an outcry and there would be so many calls for investigations, that these worries would be tuned out by the Republican majority (yes, I think they will still have the power after the midterms, though after Bush is out, they are gone).

Pretty much, I think we would have a repeat of teh events that happened the week after 9/11. Banks and markets close, international concern increases, and when we find out who sponsored the action, or supplied in anyway the materials for the action, we would send over a couple divisions of Marines and an Air Battle Group to take out some frustration on them.

Also, Here is a link to a list of succession as it stands now by constitutiona law, and by who is in office, there are indeed a couple of surprises...:
Presidential Succession list and information [wikipedia]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:13 PM

posted by Sir Solomon: “Seagull, you have some good points there, but here is what I would think would happen. Pretty much, I think we would have a repeat of the events that happened the week after 9/11. Banks and markets close, international concern increases, and when we find out who sponsored the action, or supplied in anyway the materials for the action, we would send over a couple divisions of Marines and an Air Battle Group to take out some frustration on them.
[Edited by Don W]

On Monday, November 18, JFK and Jackie landed at MacDill and rose the open limo out to Lopez Field for a campaign speech to jack up the Dems for next year’s election. Yes, campaigning started early back then, too. Too early. I was at the BX eating lunch when we heard his limo was coming by. Many of us ran outside just in time to see it pass. Both JFK and Jackie were waving at the BX crowd which was in turn, waving and shouting to them.

On Friday, several of us rode to lunch at the same BX. Hey, the food was good and cheap. I was an E4, so could not have admittance to the NCO club and sure as heck not the Officers Club. I had been working on 11th TFW F84Fs radio and radar. I was in a tech class to maintain new inertial navigation sets on the brand new (to the AF) F4Cs. Yet to come. Just as we arrived back at the school, we heard the news over the car radio. Dumbfounded and glued to the radio, we listened until it was ceratin JFK was dead. The highest rank in the class, a TSgt (E6), dismissed the class as we all agreed we were in no condition to continue.

Sunday morning, I had walked from my off base apartment to the downtown Tampa Walgreen’s to get some out of town newspapers on the assassination. I was watching the store tv when Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald. God! I was feeling bad. I was alone - my AF roommate was out of town - and now another assassination! What is happening here? Holy Christ! I wanted to cry but I was too old for that. That was one gloomy day followed by many gloomy days.

I would not want to repeat that again.

[edit on 3/30/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:23 PM
and the Oberfuhrer, Herr Rumsfeld, would declare himself ACTING President for Life and deploy the Armed Forces to enforce his edicts, in the name of National Security and suspend Congress until further notice. Don't call me, I'l call you! The Supreme Court would be placed in protective custody. AG Gonzales would re-call Robert Bork to be Special Counsel to Acting President Rumsfeld. G Gordon Liddy would be re-called to head the Department of Homeland Security. Rush Limbaugh wouild be pardoned and placed in charge of the FBI. Pat Robertson would replace Condi Rice as Secretary of State. Sam Walton would be raised from the dead to be the Treasurer of the United States. Newt Gingrich would be our new man at the United Nations. Rupert Murdoch would be the White House Director of Communications. The new motto to replace "E Pluribus Unum?" This: "It is a Brave New World!

[edit on 3/30/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by donwhite

I would not want to repeat that again.

I don't know what it was like, since I was born in the mid-80s, way after JFK was killed, but I do know this since I was able to watch the events of 9/11:

I never want to see that again.

I'm with ya buddy.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:51 PM
Thanks for your input Sir Soloman. and the link of succesion.

If this were to happen, do you believe the administration would continue there current polocies?

I guess what i'm trying to ask is how much influence does G.W have on U.S policy? Or is he just towing the party line?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 08:52 PM
You cannot say the JFK loss was worse than or not as bad as the Abraham Lincoln loss. Nor can you say either loss was more or less traumatic that the totally unexpected and inconceivable multi-tragedy day that was to be the Nine Eleven Event. Passenger planes crashing in New York, the capital of the World. Planes crashing into the Pentagon and then crashing into the ground in Pennsylvania. We leaned later it was on its way to either the Capitol or the White House. It was like getting hit with a 1-2 punch - twice!

[edit on 3/30/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by kojac
Thanks for your input Sir Soloman. and the link of succesion.

If this were to happen, do you believe the administration would continue there current polocies?

I guess what i'm trying to ask is how much influence does G.W have on U.S policy? Or is he just towing the party line?

Your welcome.

Hmm, well, obviously, the policies would be put on the back burning for maybe the week or two it would take to settle things, but then it really would matter on who would be in office. They really wouldn't have to pay attention to anything either party said for all intents and purposes, since I don't think any president has ever gone back to congress after serving.

The problem I see with any president that would become President outside of Party influences, and without future democratic political dreams could try to use Executive Orders to create a de facto dictatorship.

According to the Article linked to Executive orders (again from Wikipedia, I really use that site too much for this sort of research) there is this quote:

Critics fear that the president could make himself a de facto dictator by side-stepping the other branches of government and making autocratic laws


As for how much GW is worth to the Republicans, as of now, jack. Did you see how fast they moved away from him when he said he was all for the Dubai ports deal?

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:40 PM
If the line of succession follows, then Mr. Cheney would be sworn in immediately as the POTUS.

I also wasn't born when JFK was assasinated, but I would think--from what my parents and relatives say--that it was a dark time filled with social turbulence. This was equally the case when Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy was assasinated in 1968.

Knowing that this is a different time, I'm sure that the media would run endless reports on the legacy and life of Mr. Bush. It of course, would be punctuated by comments by everyday people who would mourn his loss. I'm also sure that the assassin would be caught quickly and tried not only court but in the public. We might witness our first televised execution as a result, if not to honor Mr. Bush's legacy as being a governor with the most executions during his past terms in Texas.

But if it were so, it would be placed within a time of unrest. And Cheney, as POTUS, has a much harder line on conservative policy than Bush. He would probably have to decide whether Dr. Rice, the Secretary of State, or Dr. Frist (Majority Leader) would be Vice-President. His decision would probably decide which way the country would turn. And having more intellectual prowess than Bush, I'm sure Mr. Cheney would have a crack-down on all chaos happening in the Bush Admin. But the only problem is that Mr. Cheney doesn't seem to me like a warm individual, nor "genial". So, it might take a while for the public to warm up to him.

I also think that without Libby or Rove to count on, he might have to pick a new advisor. Mr. Libby and Mr. Rove are both in the midst of legal troubles. So it would be wise to get rid of the corruption surrounding him.

[edit on 30-3-2006 by ceci2006]

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by ceci2006
I also think that without Libby or Rove to count on, he might have to pick a new advisor. Mr. Libby and Mr. Rove are both in the midst of legal troubles. So it would be wise to get rid of the corruption surrounding him.

I don't think that Chaney (if his ticker doesn't give out) would need any political advisor, why? Because he is going to make the most money he can while in office by doing whatever the heck he feels he can get away with.

Also, I think he would try to outlaw Democrats. I know he wouldn't get too far in that, but you can't say that he wouldn't try.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:01 AM

posted by ceci2006
I also think that without Libby or Rove to count on, he might have to pick a new advisor. Messrs. Libby and Rove are both in the midst of deep legal troubles. It would be wise to get rid of the corruption surrounding him. [Edited by Don W]

posted by Sir Solomon: "I don't think that Cheney (if his ticker doesn't give out) would need any political advisor, why? Because he is going to make the most money he can while in office by doing whatever the heck he feels he can get away with. Also, I think he would try to outlaw the Democrats. I know he wouldn't get too far in that, but you can't say that he wouldn't try: [Edited by Don W]

U.S. Constitution. Article II is the Executive branch article. The term, “executive order” is not mentioned. Executive orders relate to the Executive branch. That is, they are internal. However, many actions of the Executive branch have external effects. I see 2 limits on Executive orders. First is the oath of office found in Section 1, Clause 8: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Section 3 includes this language, “ . . he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed . . “

Unfortunately, some EOs are now “secret” and so we don’t even know what agencies are effected or how. Under such circumstances, the president's character, integrity and his sense of what is in the country's best interest, becomes paramount! It wouild help if the president knew American history. See

[edit on 3/31/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Personally, I think you're nuts to post something like this. The government is all over you, son.

In response to the question itself, there wouldn't be any. Cheney is already running the country. The puppet show would just come to an end.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by donwhite
U.S. Constitution. Article II is the Executive branch article. The term, “executive order” is not mentioned. Executive orders relate to the Executive branch. That is, they are internal. However, many actions of the Executive branch have external effects. I see 2 limits on Executive orders. First is the oath of office found in Section 1, Clause 8: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Section 3 includes this language, “ . . he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed . . “

That may be, but that still hasn't kept the presidents of the past from lining their pockets a little, right?

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 02:52 PM
Celebrations world wide

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31-3-2006 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 03:00 PM
Cheney would become president for a few years.
He's really running the country so nothing would change in policy.

Condi would become Vice President until the end of the term.
The republicans could then boast that they had a woman climb
higher up the food chain than the democrats.

Then Hillary will be elected and the dems will claim that THEY
have a woman higher up than the Republicans, but the Repubicans
will counter with that they had a BLACK person higher than the

In other words - politics in DC would continue without so much
as a blink.

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Sir Solomon: “That may be, but that still hasn't kept the presidents of the past from lining their pockets a little, right?

Gosh, S/S, I hadn’t given that too much thought. Let’s see, I was alive and well when FDR died. He was born rich and no one said he took anything while he was in office.

HST was perhaps the least complicated man to be president in the last century. I cannot see HST stealing anything. I can tell you this from my first hand memory. Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan was HST’s personal physician. Dr. Gen. Vaughan or is it Gen. Dr. Vaughan, was caught taking a deep freezer (new and novel then) and HST had him resign ASAP.

Gen. Eisenhower on the other hand, accepted the gift of 3o registered black Angus cattle to stock his farm at Gettysburg. Ike had made a bundle of money on his best seller, “Crusade in Europe.” He could have paid for the cows. I don’t know why he did not. Ike’s Chief of Staff, Sherman Adams, was caught taking a bolt of vicuna cloth. Vicuna? The vicuna, a South American camelid that lives in the Puna region of northern Argentina. It’s hair can be woven into cloth as light and smooth as silk. In ancient Peru, the vicuna wool was reserved for the Inca and the royalty, exclusively.

JFK? Again, born rich, and never accused of taking favors or gifts. Unless you call “taking” Marilyn Monroe a favor or gift.

LBJ. The worst thing Johnson did was done as the Senate Majority Leader. He obtained FCC complicity in disallowing a competitive tv station in Austin, Texas, for 7 years. So, from a 1930s school teacher to a multi-millionaire, what do you say?

Richard Nixon was “caught” even before he was elected VP. Accused of taking $38,000 in illegal campaign donations (from Howard Hughes) he made his famous Checkers speech on tv which endeared him to the GOP and more importantly, to Ike. “Checkers” was Nixon’s 2 children’s black cocker spaniel.

Nixon was rumored to have had upwards of $2 million in cash in the Oval Office safe. Per G. Gordon Liddy. We do know from the tapes that Nixon offhandedly referred to having all the cash he needed to keep Watergate quiet. Nixon’s rich banker comrade, Charles “Bebe” Rebozo, owned an exclusive villa in Key Biscayne, Florida. Bebe gave daughter Julie Nixon an expensive home at Key Biscayne for her wedding.

Let me explain something. It was a custom in America - it still is - that anyone who wants an ambassadorship, after approval, comes to see the President in private (on his invite of course), and delivers a cash donation based on the rank of the embassy. The number two person in our embassies is a career State Department employee who actually runs the embassy day-to-day. This custom may be as old as Thomas Jefferson.

Gerald Ford. No accusations. 2 times escaped assassination attempts. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to kill him. Ex president’s receive $260,000 a year pension and fringes. As an ardent golfer, I’m sure Mr. Ford does not have to pay the exorbitant greens fees you and I would pay. But that is trivial. Betty Ford was a frequent attendee at one of those Arizona “drying out” farms favored so much by the rich and famous. I doubt she paid for that.

Jimmy Carter. Other than “lusting” in his heart, I know of nothing he did wrong. I don’t mean to claim he is on the fast track for sainthood as I’ve heard JP2 is. His Special Assistant, Bert Lance, however, got caught selling influence on banking matters. He resigned.

Ronald Reagan. The worst I know of in his case was after he had exempted domestically produced Japanese cars from the “voluntary” import quota, and after Bush 41 was president, Reagan was paid $2 million for a 45 minute speech in Tokyo. You figure.

Bush 41. The worst I know about him was that it was him who ran the Iran Contra “thing” while Reagan snoozed at NSC meetings for which Ollie North carried the coffee. Bush 41 had been the CIA director in an earlier life, so this clandestine stuff was right up his alley. Plus, Congress had “stupidly” made aid to the Contra’s against the law. Three times. Bush 41 was lucky to be able to pardon Casper Weinberger and 5 of his assistants who had been indicted for lying to the FBI, just before Bush 41 was to be indicted. Hmm?

Bill Clinton? He’s my hero. The most investigated man ever to be president. I could explain the one “slip” he made, but I won’t.

Bush 43? There is so much stealing of public property going on I can’t image he will not get his “cut” after 2009. Unlike VP Cheney who got a $79 million “severance package” from Halliburton when he was elected VP. A bribe paid in advance. Did you know Cheney never held a corporate level job in his life? He left Congress and went straight to the CEO job at Halliburton. Then on leaving there, he got the biggest bonus they had paid anyone to that time. Why is that?

[edit on 3/31/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 06:13 PM

Yes, what is public shows that this is true.

But there is an entirely different side to our government that we don't know about. A sort of "shadow government".

I'm not saying that these will be outright donations to their bank accounts
. If only it were that easy to trace.

What I am saying is more along the line of favors and acquaitences. Has anyone ever seen the movie "My Fellow Americans"? Not only does it show that a President could get presents that can't be counted as anything (like a Helicopter ride, or a night in someone's home), but it also shows that if you really want to hide something, it can be done. Now I know it doesn't parallel real life, but I would hope that in real life if someone were going to do something like this, they would do a better job.

But that could just be me...

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