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Me and "Them"- Alien Experiences

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posted on Oct, 19 2021 @ 06:51 PM

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posted on Oct, 21 2021 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: Arm Of Geddon
Please relate as much information as you are comfortable with.

I have no conscious memory of any abductions myself. Thus, I can't fully relate.

Abduction stories are the most interesting stories to me at the moment. I have no idea why. I do keep a mental catalogue of all I read.

The only thing I can relate to is seeing white dots of light. But they never get bigger or do anything except disappear and reappear elsewhere in my field of vision.

How many UFO sightings have you had?

I see the white pinpricks of light all the time. The beings that visit me are able to manipulate space time metrics and can shrink and grow themselves and their vehicles. I believe the little pinprick flashes are from when they enter a space/room (in their ships) miniaturized. Oftentimes I'll see these little black specks/shapes that will streak by sometimes following a complicated trajectory. These beings can land cloaked on our bodies and interact with our bio-electric systems. I have one that constantly monitors me that is positioned on my back near my spinal column. When I close my eyes and "see" in the astral, I at times can see the being on the bridge of their ship working at a control panel. I get these Ascension related "whooshes" that sweep across my nervous system that I thought were totally random until recently. I've come to realize that in fact they have been "responses" to my thoughts. They have been training me to interpret these "whooshes", while I can easily parse "yes" or "no" answers from these whooshes there is more compressed data (like an old zip file) contained that is conveyed so quick it feels like instant knowing. It's just a little weird receiving so much communication compressed.

Nino White

How many different types of UFOs have you seen?

Have you noticed any further physical markings between 9 and 22?

Would your wife be comfortable with you revealing some of her experiences?

If you don't mind, what are your religious beliefs? (keeping track to see if that relates to abductions in any way)

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Nov, 18 2021 @ 11:56 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 11:48 AM
Thank you for sharing your story.

posted on Nov, 24 2021 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: jritzmann

I had one of my alien invasion dreams again. I HATE those. Its usually the same at least at the start. Look up into the sky and through the clouds you see UFOs, actual space craft. Dozens or hundreds or thousands of them. Sometimes at night, this time during the day. Always with the realization and confirmed suspicion that our leaders knew this was coming and did not disclose it to the public. I'm walking my youngest grand nephew or a toddler anyway through the neighborhood when I see this. Then aliens start showing up everywhere confronting people. I can't get to my house in time so I enter a neighbor's house and hastily explain the situation thinking they'll say I'm crazy. Then the aliens show up at the door. Now I somehow knew what they were doing. They seemed human and not completely belligerent. They were mind controlling people, stripping them of their will to resist but were also assigning them job functions. Basically they held spoon like metal devices like antenna or receivers and a person was made to hold one and your mind would be reformatted to a desired skill and purpose based on natural aptitude. I tried to fake I was already mind controlled but no luck. I was forced to undergo the procedure and I knew it had affected me. I was no longer afraid and had no will to lie or resist them, but I did have a newfound interest in them and desire to know their intentions and to interact with them. Like I was a investigative reporter or sociologist studying them. I asked them probing questions and they had no resistance to answering my questions no matter how I tried to make them honestly answer if they posed us any imminent or hidden threat. I don't think I was 100% affected. One among them did appear different. i couldn't tell if he was a leader or a servant and if he was an android, an alien or what. He seemed slightly reptilian, but kind of like a more human like cardassian from Star Trek DS9.
The aliens( human looking) did appear to appreciate earth and the food here. Whale meat was a delicacy they talked about.

posted on Feb, 8 2022 @ 02:38 AM
edit on 2/8/2022 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2022 @ 02:16 PM
I've had multiple paranormal/alien like encounters. I would like to know if anyone has experienced any of these.

1.) Over 15 years ago after returning home from the middle east (I was in military and we stayed near a muslim cemetary in Iraq). The encounter was violent, an entity claiming to be a GOD visited me in a dorm room. Entered my mind and began thrashing me around and threatening me and asking me to submit to him. At some point the fear subsided and I screamed in my head to get out and the entity left. I never had an encounter with it again.

2.) A few years later in my first owned home, I began to be visited by translucent beings that would employ sleep paralysis to where I couldn't move. They still visit on and off to this day. I never fully remember the full extent of any encounter and they don't appear to harm me. I've been awake and have only ever seen them when they move. They look various sizes from tall skinny human shaped to grey aliens looking children, but are translucent in color...almost camouflaged. Arms are always longer then a normal human being and they are skinny.

3.) After moving into a new home, I encountered a being in a dream that was a dark void all around. The being was very very small and had an ape like face, but no hair, they also looked like a baby. It has pirannah like sharp teeth and was adorned in Gold. It looked scared when it saw me and shrieked a high pitch sound and pushed me away and I then woke up. I have never again seen this creature, but now have tenitus and frequently have unexplained high pitch humming. I assume this was just a dream, but I thought I'd put this out there to see if anyone has encountered it.

4.) In the first month of Covid, I got asked by a stranger to give them some of my groceries, the older woman was wearing black and I declined. That night I was visited by some weird teenager who rang my doorbell and was wearing a hoodie. They insisted on me letting them inside, said they wanted to move into my house and I told them I would call the police or go get my gun... and then the teenager left. Odd only because of the older woman I encountered that morning, could have just been a teenager causing trouble. I've read about black eye beings, but I don't remember seeing their eyes and I could just be trying to make a weird couple encounters into something.

5.) I do have whispering voices and the entities claim to be mantids. I cannot see them, but they visit me frequently and make fun of me. I'm and always asleep when the visit, but I do wake up and have the discussions with them. I once told them I would barbeque them if they didn't leave and now they have a joke about eating me and occasionally I feel a pincer like object brush across the blankets.Got to me more then one being. I hear multiple voices and they do claim to be mantids.

6.) Last night I had paralysis experience again and saw the translucent beings come back. They became more aggressive and I think stuck something that felt lie a needle in my back. At some point I broke the paralysis and they left. The odd thing with the translucent grey like beings is I've read where others can see them, I only ever see them in translucent/camo form and they never reveal themselves fully to me.

So that's it, way too many entities then normally I read on these forums. I would appreciate any information anyone has and/or ways to get the mantids and translucents to go away.

And for the scientific folks. I do not do drugs, I do not drink and I have regular sleep patterns of 8 hours. There is no apparent explanation for when these beings decide to visit. It is only in the middle of the night.
edit on 15-2-2022 by MagicTurk223 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 04:38 AM
I applaud your courage in sharing your encounter(s). I also have memory of an encounter with "them;" however, will not hijack your thread beyond saying I would like to know if perhaps you or anyone else reading has come across any encounter relating to or involving lidocaine. My encounter was many decades ago. I recently switched to a dentist office closer to my home and had a check up appointment. All my life I have had a very high metabolism and lidocaine just does not work on me. It doesn't create a numbing effect. I have to be injected with alternate anesthetics such as benzocaine, carbocaine, novacaine, etc... As I had never seen this dentist before, I mentioned it on the mountain of new patient intake paperwork. I found it most peculiar the first thing this dentist said asked "so if lidocaine doesn't get you numb at all then do you believe in aliens?" I asked "why are they somehow connected?" He just brushed off my question with "nevermind."

posted on Feb, 27 2022 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: jritzmann

I believe your story and am attempting to tell mine as I have once again reached out to George Knapp, Barry Fitzgerald and Steve Mera along with these guys:

edit on 27-2-2022 by Waterglass because: typo

posted on Feb, 28 2022 @ 07:24 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Mar, 6 2022 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: jritzmann

Never had anything as significant as your experience though I have had sightings. Actual contact or abduction stories can be difficult to accept.

Though maybe they shouldn't be. Think about how we try to unobtrusively observe animals. To keep track of them and try to learn natural behavior we try to observe without contact. We want to outside influence of behavior so we can learn natural instincts as much as possible. Occasionally animals in a herd might be tranquilizer, tagged, and released back into the wild to track movements.

To any alien civilization we would be akin to lower animals. They may want to observe us because maybe we have developed similarly to them and observing us naturally could provide insights into their past. Could be any number of possibilities.

What I have seen are a few ufos that do not match anything on earth. Once after I got out of the navy I was in the backseat of a vehicle. Leaning head back looking up through the back window at stars. Saw a shooting star and as I was thinking about making a wish I saw I perform insane maneuvers with something like 5 sharp turns. No speed change, no curve, simply going one direction the next second changed 90 degrees, then measured in milliseconds multiple sharp zigzagging turns even 45 degree and less all instantaneous at crazy speeds before it zoomed off out of sight.

Any human flown craft would have basically jellyfied the human body in it with the g forces applied. We had no drones back then and hadn't even talked about it but no drone can make those maneuvers either. It was truly unexplainable and having lived on an aircraft carrier in the navy I understood exactly how high performance aircraft could move.

Another time in my backyard at night looking up I saw a very large outline of some flying craft moving slow. Lights outlined it but there was absolutely no sound whatsoever. It was either very close and extremely large or very far away and possibly city sized. If close the no sound thing is freaky, even hot air balloons that might move similarly make sounds you hear if they are close to even mid height level. If far away the no sound is explainable but the size becomes insane.

My experiences ufo wise were pretty limited though thank you for sharing your story.

posted on Mar, 12 2022 @ 12:03 AM
My mom and many others I know, believed in aliens existing, somewhere in 'space', and so did I, as well.

Anyone who thinks of 'space', that same way, would believe such a thing as aliens exist, or most LIKELY exist, anyway!

Assuming 'space' is this 'infinite, endless' area beyond Earth, yes, it makes perfect SENSE to believe aliens are 'OUT THERE', in the infinite area beyond Earth....

But if 'space' isn't like they claim it is, not an endless area around Earth, you know it's a lie, based on our past.

Our past shows we never said anything about 'aliens', or 'UFO's', or 'abductions', in the 18th century, or in the 19th century, or anytime earlier than that, but I'm specifically focusing on those two past centuries, to make my point clear to all of you.

Since I've heard many claim we had seen aliens all the time before now. But if that was true, it would've been mentioned in the 18th and 19th centuries, for sure. But nothing was ever mentioned, at all!

If you know that, you also know it's made up, and that THEY have made it all up, and sold it as real to us.

Sold it for so long now, so repeatedly, so prevalent, it's become 'real' to most people, today.

It's sad, but true. They've brainwashed everyone, or almost everyone.

So that's why I'm pointing out again and again, to look at our past, the previous centuries, to this one, to see that nobody EVER said anything about seeing 'UFO's' above them in the skies, at night, or in daylight, within two centuries, the most recent ones before now, which makes it the best comparison to ours, and most valid comparison, with the most, and best evidence, being available to us, being from the most recent centuries.

Except they want us to look at what THEY hold up, as being 'evidence of always seeing 'aliens', and 'UFO's', in our past.

We've always 'seen' aliens, and 'UFO's, they claim. Except it's BS. We'd have seen them all the time, 19th century, 18th century, and every other one, if it was real, and true, like they claim it is, or imply it is, over and over again!

Why would they ever need to ignore our last two centuries, and others, to seek ancient records of something NOT CLOSE TO WHAT IS DESCRIBED TODAY? How can they twist humans with hoofed feet, in shiny chariots, into anything CLOSE to 'aliens within saucers', is a miracle in itself! They're not even NEARLY similar accounts, other than being in the skies above, which fits countless other 'events', just as easily. And fit a lot BETTER, than their BS 'aliens' do!

Who has ever said they've seen humans, with hoofed feet, and what makes you possibly think they've described any sort of 'aliens' like those of now? Are you even aware of it being complete BS, that ignores over 200 years, or thousands of years, without anything mentioned about aliens OR anyone claiming to see a UFO, or any sort of CRAFT, above the Earth, or anything that COULD BE TWISTED, to help fit into your 'alien' argument?

If there WERE, you'd all have shown it by now, that's for sure! But they never saw aliens, or UFO's, etc.

So why would they claim aliens and UFO's have ALWAYS been sighted in the past? To sell this BS story as legitimate, as true, because it's worked well, so far, hasn't it?

Many people think 'aliens and UFO's' have always been seen in the past, which is complete BS, as I've explained above, and many times before now.

Pointing to a few rare events, or supposed events, nobody can even PROVE were real or not, or a hoax made up in the past, or whatever it might be, or not be, is NOT known to us.

You certainly cannot even think they compare to any accounts of 'aliens' today, which is all that really matters here, anyway.

If you look through every cave drawing, every artifact of sculpture in clay, metal, stone, or so forth, which were created over a thousand years, or more, it's not hard to pick a few which can fit with your story, and ignore all the others because they do NOT fit in!

Same as your alien group tries to pick out a few reports from long ago, ignore everything else, because it destroys your whole argument at once.

posted on May, 5 2022 @ 10:41 PM

edit on 5-5-2022 by OJandSedition because: mb

posted on May, 20 2022 @ 10:26 PM
I understand why it is frustrating that people fake reports.

My own alien abduction experiences are twofold:

in one, I saw a blue flashlight shined slowly up and down the window. could've been anyone or anything, but at the time i thought aliens. It could have even been a hallucination, Why would anyone do it? But if anyone wanted to, it would be easy.

in the second, I dreamed I was abducted by aliens. the dream was very frightening, and during the dream i felt the fear-filled impression it was all real, but when i woke up it was obvious it was fake.

good luck finding the skeptical truth about aliens.

posted on Jun, 25 2022 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: jritzmann

e was tan, and smooth. Very small mouth, and not too unlike the cover of "Communion" which everyone knows...but, the cover isnt quite right...but close...sorta.

[edit on 28-3-2006 by jritzmann]

I saw similar, and say they same thing, very communion like, the one I saw was glowing white like kitchen appliances smaller mouth, I kinda recognised the nose as being 2 dots, also sending chill telepathic bozo rays to my brain saying “they will not harm me”.
These features appear common

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 11:16 PM
Like I said a few pages ago, when a Et encounter happens there are always supernatural event around that person or poltergeist because they open up portals in your room or close to you so energies and entities not only them can and will be around

Lower end ETs open up portals using tech, higher end ones use the natural portals that earth and most of the planets have, not in vail CERN started again to work in europe, they are trying to open up an artificial portal, of course the excuse is seen how the universe is made off but the real truth is that. Any collision collider is the main focus try to open up portals ....

Now any ET who interacts with humans and earth is that his soul has something to do with earth past, presen or future........ more clearer i cant say it.

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: jritzmann

I make no claim of being visited or taken by aliens or ET. However I have had sleep paralysis since the 2nd grade. I never knew what it was until the spring of 2019 as SLED735 had a huge thread on paranormal experience so I began to share mine in 2018-2019 as the SP episodes were increasing. So were UFO sightings.

Since the 2nd grade while in Sleep Paralysis I began to sense an evil presence in my bedroom that I shared with my brother. I then got my own bedroom and the invisible presence then began again and it morphed as the 7' faceless hooded entity that would appear in the doorway or closet. "The Hoodie". My perception of it being a male and pure evil made me terrified of it.

Throughout the decades he would come and go. Sometimes not appearing for years as in NO sleep Paralysis. Then after my 1st marriage he began to appear again when we moved into our newly built home. This was also accompanied by muffled music or conversations just belong our audible level of comprehension. This was while we were wide awake. My wife also heard same. We thought it was the result of a steel chimney liner for our fireplace as it ran behind the bedroom wall in our bedroom and a TV transmission tower was just 2 miles from our home.

OK, so that's we thought. I then remarried in 2006 and all of above continued with wife #2. Then in 2014 we moved 1000 miles to a suburb outside of Atlanta into a new build. We were the 1st owners. During that time NO Sleep Paralysis, however footsteps while I was wide awake. To the point I would sleep on the sofa with a security grade flashlight and my smart phone. I continued to heard vivid footsteps but never saw anything.

In 2017 we moved to South Carolina in a 1994 built home. Then all went off the charts. I heard muffled music, people talking, and footsteps along with the return of the Hoodie. Then in May 2018 we saw our 1st UFO. Our UFO sightings accelerated into December of 2018 along with Sleep Paralysis episodes. I then began to see a woman dressed in a period Victorian balloon dress float across the room from left to right. She also had a period "Yankee" style hat with a fishnet veil over her nose with round baubles sewn every square inch. During all I began to pray my ass off. To two uncles, my father in law and to God. The woman then began to appear aside my bed. I was so terrified that I prayed even more and asked for Jesus to help me. After her 2nd visit I then saw a brilliant white shield floating to my right while in Sleep Paralysis. It was angled to the left between 75 - 85 degrees. It took me a year of research but it was the Shield of Faith or Armor of God. I still have my dated sketch of it in my notes. When she appeared the 3rd time, I was so scared I was able to break from the paralysis and beat the crap out of her with several blows to her face. Today June 30, 2022 she has NEVER returned. Nor has the Hoodie. The UFO's also disappeared. There have been [3] other visitations with only [6] Sleep Paralysis episodes since January 2019. In May 2021 I contacted a medical doctor on the above along with the Catholic Church. All state that the visitations were spiritual and the entities are demonic. The local church contacted the Chief Exorcist from The Catholic Diocese of Charleston. Father Richard Morey then blessed our home and set up a sacred boundary along the property lines. Why, because our neighbors are pure evil according to my contractor. I have also seen what they are up to and so has my wife. I made a referral on same to the FBI last October 2021.
I now go to church once again after decades of not. I pray to Saint Michael the Archangel, Mary and God. I bought the book; Manual, of Spiritual Warfare by Reverend Matthew Kauth and Exorcism: The Battle against Satan and His Demons by Father Vincent Lampert. On page 42 he writes about footsteps and muffled music. So did Author Lewis Proud who wrote a book titled Dark Intrusions as Proud also experiences Sleep Paralysis. Proud goes on to explain that said entities are trying to locate you and tune you in thus the muffled music and conversations just beyond our audible level of comprehension. So here we have a lay person who lives in Australia and a Catholic Priest who performs Exorcisms writing about the same stuff.

Dr. Jacque’s Vallee now also seems to be heading down that path. However, I believe I have already been there. I sent my UFO videos to The Black Vault. I have their Investigators return response both in hard and electronic copy. They see triangles. So do I. Thus, coupled my real time experience documented on ATS and The BV I feel there is a connection and correlation of Sleep Paralysis and Aliens.

I also believe in God and PS to SLED735 may you RIP.

edit on 30-6-2022 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jun, 30 2022 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Our past shows we never said anything about 'aliens', or 'UFO's', or 'abductions', in the 18th century, or in the 19th century, or anytime earlier than that, but I'm specifically focusing on those two past centuries, to make my point clear to all of you.

I disagree with all you wrote. Much has been documented on TV and in books. Here's one book as to a sighting back in the 1800's

The Complete Story of the Worldwide Invasion of the Orange Orbs by Terry Ray

posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 04:47 PM

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posted on Jul, 1 2022 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: jritzmann

Did you ever speak to your parents about your experiences or if they had any experience around about the same time you did ?

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