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Me and "Them"- Alien Experiences

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posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by jritzmann
I wish ya luck. Just dont fall into the same old trap...that theyre gonna give you anything resembling the brass ring, or "ultimate answer". Any hint at such is, in my opinion, nothing but pulling you in'll just end up with more questions.

If you ever need help, dont hesitate to write me, U2U if ya want an email.

You are correct, I should back off some. The energy has been buzzing around here. When the kids start experiencing things I know that line is starting to thin. Thanks for the help, hope this is not stirring up anything for you.

Take care!

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:39 AM
god i just posted a huge thing.

well im not typing that much again.. all i can say is i believe in ETs and your racial background thing doesnt make sense in the light of international sightings like this one in korea, where im at for a few more days.
take care
hooray first post

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 08:32 AM
This is an amazing account of events.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by chris_stibrany
god i just posted a huge thing.

well im not typing that much again.. all i can say is i believe in ETs and your racial background thing doesnt make sense in the light of international sightings like this one in korea, where im at for a few more days.
take care
hooray first post

It actually makes my point. The racial heritage issue I talked about pertained to those who have "alien" experiences (abductions...hate that word). Not sightings. (If I didnt make that clear, I'm sorry) In fact, I think your article on Rense is kinda telling:

"Seo says there have been no reported cases of alien abduction in Korea."

Now it's admittedly a big IF that I'm actually onto anything with the heritage angle, but this (and it's not the first time I've heard such from other countries) leads me to think that there's possibly something to it. Who knows.

Thanx for posting that.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 04:45 PM
I have found it very peculiar that the more I have tried to make sense of the glimpses of bizarre memories and experiences I have had all throughout my life, the more and more it seems I’m dealing with ‘supernatural’ events rather than ‘alien’ encounters. The line is curiously blurred from the beginning.
Issac Asimov once said something like ‘any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic’. Indeed, there is a sort of ‘magical’ quality to the ‘alien’ experience, and not the good kind like Dumbledore of Hogwarts.

The level of terror you have described seems parallel to my own, specifically about second thoughts regarding mundane activities like taking out the trash at night, always feeling eyes upon you, presences … although I have never recalled voices, telepathic or otherwise. The terror is indescribable - I’ve never found a voice to scream properly. The darkness is usually a place to hide in, a friend of sorts, not a place to fear - unless you are keenly aware of what’s in the dark with you. Fearing the unknown is one thing, knowing a fraction of what you fear and not understanding the rest is worse, especially if it‘s standing right in front of you.

I agree with those who call this a club you really don’t want membership in. Insomnia, paranoia, and constantly questioning your memories and beliefs are no fun at all. But hey, if you still want all that kind of fun, go do drugs instead, at least you have control over that. Seriously though, as ‘cool’ as it sounds to some people who fantasize they are superior in some way to the average experiencer, that they would handle it differently or come back with more proof than an outrageous story, that somehow they’d be able to remember every single detail that made sense in some sort of orderly narrative … all I can say is you have no #ing clue how this works, and I wish I could be a part of your reality now.

I’ll admit, I don’t recall seeing a ‘grey’, per say, but tans and greens? You bet. Also, physical interaction had been uncertain and somewhat intangible to me until recently, when reacting out of anger and rage, not fear, I manage to strike one in the head. I had the feeling, at the time, I had done it before, but this time I clearly remembered it. It vanished as soon as it was struck. At times, questioning one’s sanity seems the only sane choice, even though you know what happened is not hallucination, dream or fantasy.

The family line seems familiar to me as well, as I have a deceased aunt who experienced strange - “alien’ - happenings, and so did a few of her children. My mother, who was my aunt’s sister, and my sister have seen ghostly apparitions that interacted with them physically. My sister’s husband and oldest boy had a craft encounter, very up close as it was told to me. On my father’s side of my family, incidentally - I’m ¼ Scottish/¾ German, both of his parents have had odd brushes with the supernatural/paranormal.

I suppose my weird apple hasn’t fallen far from my kook tree … heh.

I’ve always been drawn to people who end of having had experiences of weirdness. That is to say, I usually found out about the weirdness after having been friends for some time. Is that relevant? I don’t know, just a coincidence, I suppose.

Now, having said all that, I guess I’m posting here to say thanks. You’re story has a sense of validation for me, even though I’m not sure about the conclusions you seem to be drawing. I guess I’m borderline obsessive about all this … I just need to make sense of it. The spiritual aspects of this seem more compelling the deeper one goes into it. Matters of souls, angels, ghosts or demons - as ridiculous as might sound, make as much sense as anything else connected to it. Aliens, other dimensional beings, super evolved humans - spiritually or physically; it’s all confusing and overwhelming, but something must fit.

I have tried not to dwell on these things, but that really seems not to work for me. Just because I wish and pray for them to be gone doesn’t make them go away. That feeling of doom or dread? Yeah, that’s very strong at every other hour of the day or night. I know they’re around us … not seeing, seeing … not sure if I’m losing my mind or not, but ignoring them seems to do little either. I guess they’ll continue no matter what I do, so I may as well try to find some kind of answer, explanation, hell, ANYTHING that helps me cope with an existence I never wanted.

I would have sent this to you directly, but am unable due to this weird point system here at ATS.

Thanks, again.


posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 08:52 PM
We are missing something here, in a word the key to having experiences is perception.

We see two things.

You have more experiences if you talk or around it more, or delve into it more, or think or become aware of it.

Playing with the occult or having ancestors or relatives that have looked into the occult.

Well I see it as this, why are relatives, ancestors looking into the occult, could it be they are psychic, or sensitive, just thinking myself, my great grandmother used to read the tea leaves and give readings for people that came to visit her, she was a wardrobe mistress at a theater, but read the tea leaves as its part of her background/heritage, my own grandmother used to make what I now see as predictions, seems odd now, but at the time I took it as normal, she had what some would call a funny habit, after making tea she would pour some down the sink, I would ask her why she did that and she would get angry, years later I see what she was doing, I read about one experiencer who was Irish, as a young girl she had visits from what we would describe as a gray, she told her grandmother who instead of saying stop making up tales, said that will be the 'little people' (see Irish folklore) go and play with him. Her grandmother had an odd habit, if she had say a sandwich, she would not eat all of it but leave a little tiny bit, when asked why, she said it was for the little people, apparently they didn't eat the little bit that was left but the part that's missing, anyway that reminds me of my own grandmother pouring a little tea down the sink, I am sure it was leaving an offering/tribute, in some odd tradition. I now take the odd things she used to say as predictions, though at the time I didn't recognise that, I have had these prediction experiences myself, what we are dealing here is perception, the reason you can see them is perhaps you have some psychic ability, hence other paranormal activity reportedly seen by experiences, you see it not because you have been selected, you see it because you can.

You see them when you think about, or perceive the idea of them because you are looking, when one doesn't look one doesn't see, doesn't mean they are still not there though, choose if you look or don't, think or ignore, they are still there, you are not going to ignore them away. History tells us they have been here a long time, perhaps they have always been here, they will stay here for a long time as well, perhaps they will always be here, you can turn a blind eye so you don't see, but they will still be here, doing what they always have done, do, and always will do.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 11:01 PM
Watcher-Perception, yes. It's been mentioned throughout this thread.

However in shared experiences cultural lineage and perception, dont account for multiple witnesses to the enigma, who may or may not be of like perception...I think I said that right.

You understand what I mean?

There's no doubt in my mind that perception plays a huge role in this, but just as well I know the "aliens" are able to twist and suit our perceptions to do whatever it is they do.

Knowing that, one has to ask, what is it we're really percieving.

I think we can all think in different directions, my own views are just that. My own. And based on whats happened to me. I mean I dont have much more to go on then that.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 11:36 PM
You know you just jogged my memory of my Grandmother showing me the art of tea-leaf reading. I was about 10 or 11 at the time. I had completely forgotten it !
She was Irish.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 12:39 PM
You know Observe50 I'd be really interested in knowing what Jeff's opinion of your own situation is. That you are the soul of a Grey that has elected to be born into a Human body - have I got this right? Care to relate the story for him to comment?

Perhaps you could ask "the one that you go to" why Jeff's experiences are terrifying and "dark" whilst all your experiences have been positive and "fluffy"?

Another curiosity I have. Why is Jeff "ok" with people criticizing his story because ultimately he is secure in the knowledge that it is his truth while you are often very defensive about your stories? I.e. What is it about yourself that has such a need to be believed whereas Jeff has more of a need to relate?

This is in no way an attack but rather I find the fact that your experiences are so opposite quite fascinating and worthy of investigation.

Pokey Oats

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by TinFoilDerby
I have found it very peculiar that the more I have tried to make sense of the glimpses of bizarre memories and experiences I have had all throughout my life, the more and more it seems I’m dealing with ‘supernatural’ events rather than ‘alien’ encounters.


Have you tried to communicate with your alien contacts at all? There may be an important reason they are this persistent with you in trying to get your attention. I think you could benefit in many ways from finding out what that reason is. All you have to do is ask them.

Alien contact is always spiritual contact, and also sometimes physical contact. Because we cannot physically share the same atmosphere, different races use natural and/or technological ways of meeting in the same place at the same time.

There are different 'kinds' of beings but all beings are spirit first and foremost. Alien people are the same kind of being we are, just much further advanced.

The family line is by spirit, life to life. Not all humans on Earth have only ever been humans on Earth before.

It sounds to me like you have the common duel position- that you reject your alien contacts physically but keep trying to work things out with them spiritually.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 03:42 PM
Thank You for shareing your story with all of us. I no how it feels to be scared. When i was 8 years old i woke up and i was blind in both eyes with a straight line across my eyeball instead of a pupil. My whole family was very scared but i was the most scared the coctors could not explain what had happened and after about a year of unaswered questions i finnally got a sense of what was going on. When i was sleeping one night i was awakined then when i sat up from lying down a hand went over my mouth and i heard a quit screeching noise then i saw a bright light and i could see again. Again the doctors could not say what had happened but i didnt really care i just liked seeing again. And if you dotn believe me then i dont care but it really happened.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Pokey Oats
You know Observe50 I'd be really interested in knowing what Jeff's opinion of your own situation is. That you are the soul of a Grey that has elected to be born into a Human body - have I got this right? Care to relate the story for him to comment?

Perhaps you could ask "the one that you go to" why Jeff's experiences are terrifying and "dark" whilst all your experiences have been positive and "fluffy"?

Another curiosity I have. Why is Jeff "ok" with people criticizing his story because ultimately he is secure in the knowledge that it is his truth while you are often very defensive about your stories? I.e. What is it about yourself that has such a need to be believed whereas Jeff has more of a need to relate?

This is in no way an attack but rather I find the fact that your experiences are so opposite quite fascinating and worthy of investigation.

Pokey Oats

I guess the thread has gotten so large by this point I dont see Observe50's post. At any rate from what you describe, I have always held the opinion such "fluffy" interpretations are some people's way of dealing with the unknown.

Being the "soul of a grey", born into a human body, again, another way of trying to deal...or integrate it into you life in some way. With my own experience, I of course dont think this is the reality of the situation, but who am I to say what he's percieved.

I dont get defensive unless people get sh&*tty about it, and come after you with snide comments and baseless accusations. Believe me, I get pretty pissy at that kind of thing. I rarely hold back from lashing out myself in those situations. If people come at you with legitimate questions and concerns, I'm good with that. No problem.

This isnt really even about relating, I dont think. I just feel inside that alot of what people hear about experiences either isnt true at all, or is vastly watered down to make it a good story for public consumption. I'm layin myself out here because it's time people knew the whole thing, and not just the part that sound believeable. It's my hope new research will spring from that, because like I've said before, research into this has stagnated because nothing new is being done.

It's time to look in different directions, then revisit the "trash from the past" as Kevin Randle called it. I've been guilty of going thru the trash too, look at how much time I wasted with the Meier garbage. It's time to move on, to whats important. The different aspects and angles.

But anyway...people just saying they dont believe you? I mean seriously...who cares? I cant rewind time and take you all with me. If you dont believe one thing I say, then believe wouldnt want to be there.

Because it's then that everyone's little hobby of UFOs and that tingly excitement of a new book or DVD to sit back and read or watch becomes something much less palatable, and far more real then you want it to be.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 11:48 AM
A point has come up in the thread, something we have seen before. This enigma has many parts, here is one that has been brought up in the thread, lets look at it.

I want to look into 2 aspects that sometimes is come across in this.

Some claim to be of 'them', but into human bodies here, but was a 'them' before, Ill use the term them, in keeping with with the thread, also we dont now what they are so 'them' will do as a title.

Also some claim they have a mission here for them.

What do we think about this, how do they know this, say they was told by them, perhaps even showed or presented or given something to warrant the person that they really had an experience, so if them tell a person this, could this be true, if so or if not, they why lead a experiencer to believe this.

What are peoples thoughts on this.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 02:17 PM
When I was a young kid I used to hear the voices that you mention... kind of lots at the same time a bit like the singing on the 2001 Space Oddessy film. It was really scary and often became quite deafening in the night and filled my head. It stopped after I went through puberty.

Its true that we are more sensitive when younger and de-learn it as we get older.... or just become cynical.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 04:32 PM
Was it like many voices whispering, you cannot tell what is said, its just like lots of voices all together making a whispering sounds, like many voices talking.
I experienced that as a child, I think it may be when one is over tiered, though I have been plenty tired as an adult and not heard a thing.

Also a point that Its very common to have mild schizophrenia as a child but to grow out of it. Not sure if that's the case, just heard it on TV, perhaps everyone hears odd noises as a child.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Watcher of the Watchers]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Watcher-Perception, yes. It's been mentioned throughout this thread.

However in shared experiences cultural lineage and perception, dont account for multiple witnesses to the enigma, who may or may not be of like perception...I think I said that right.

You understand what I mean?

I think energy has something to do with this, I believe that energy is used for them to manifest (ours), to influence this world, I think its important to be wary of what one thinks and feels, I think that 2 types, 2 sides are in this, you can call one good, one bad, or one that has our interest, the other in subverting, or using us.

One has to be wary of who one is dealing with, who is influencing us, our self, our projections, can attract or repel, or infuse or negate them, be wary of your own thoughts and beliefs, your feelings, your drives, perhaps these can be subverted, or used (for a purpose by them) or can we trust our selves, can they manipulate us, and if so for what purpose. Id like to know if experiencers have had messages, coincidences, manipulations by them, do they intrude on your life, do they guide it, or obstruct it, is this bigger than a few sightings? How exactly do they impart on you, I'm sure its a two way relationship, their is interaction, though what the form is, its perhaps hard to tell, but this isn't just a one way story.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Watcher of the Watchers]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 04:33 PM
Possession and Predation

The Enigma of Extraterrestrial Parasites

A kind of psychological warfare of which the aims are not known, but which deserves to be taken very seriously, without making a mental illness out of it. It is probable that the flyers, Archons, Greys, fairies, djinns and other demonic-type entities are all part of the same taxonomy, the same array of mysterious forces able to interfere with us and yet, somehow, transcend the normal dimensions in which we live.

Read the full article here.

read here

If you like that then this article may be interesting also.

read here

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Watcher of the Watchers]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Watcher of the Watchers
Was it like many voices whispering, you cannot tell what is said, its just like lots of voices all together making a whispering sounds, like many voices talking.

Also a point that Its very common to have mild schizophrenia as a child but to grow out of it. Not sure if that's the case, just heard it on TV, perhaps everyone hears odd noises as a child.

[edit on 1-9-2006 by Watcher of the Watchers]

It was like lots of voices together.... you might be right about the mild schizophrenia - it certainly has a history in my family.

Could schizophrenia be the mind picking up things that may in fact be real ? Who knows....

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 11:04 PM
I have been wondering if there is any correlation between personality types and experiences. I am not particularly speaking of the of the type A, B, etc. but in general what type of temperment.

In our family the two with the strongest experiences also tend to be the two with the strongest temperments. Strongest may not be the correct word. I suppose if you could graph their temperments, they would have many high sharp peaks and then levels off. The other two, I being one of them, would probably look like we flat lined.

Is there a type of "trigger"? Has anyone else noticed anything with these types of personalities/temperments and experiences?

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:38 AM
What do you mean by strongest temperments?

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