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To all who have ever questioned the moon landings

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posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:20 AM
You really know that a conspiracy theory has worked it's way well into the culture when it starts showing up in advertising...

Here in the States there is a television commercial for "Redbull" (an energy drink, for any who might not know). It's a cartoon; in it, two astronauts float off the lander but have a hard time staying on the moon's surface because, apparently, they have both downed some Redbull and, therefore, are too full of energy to remain on the surface. Whatever.

Anyway, they ask mission control what they should do, and MC replies "Aw, just come on back, we'll shoot it on a sound stage." Ha!

I seldom watch TV so I don't know how long this has been running, but I saw it tonight and thought of ATS...

Hope you all got a chuckle...

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 01:57 AM
I've seen it..It made me chuckle for that reason.
And the other reason too.

The other reason?
Wings don't do much for you, when the air is so rare!

oh, and I believe it's a fairly new ad..

[edit on 28-3-2006 by spacedoubt]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 02:11 AM
I saw the Redbull comerical in questio too it was pretty funny. I like the Family guy referances better about a Fake moon landing better though.

They showed Neil Armstrong doing a fake shoot of the landing. After they yell cut he exits the TV studio to get something from his car. A Passerby happens by and sees him and says "Hey your Neil Armstrong" thens hes like "wait a second I just saw you on TV walking on the moon". Neil mumbles something about " Theres a Delay" and " light reflecting off venus" Then precedes to bash the guy to death with his helmet and put him in the trunk of his car.

man it was classic

Theres a few other times Peter on the show mentions the fake landing. Like one time he said "Oh man, that's the best idea since they faked the moon landing."

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 03:06 AM
The fact is that even though it is highly likely the USA went to the moon, tricky Dickey was President, and we have faced a cascade of lies from the government since the highly literate, erudite, and intellectually accurate JFK got bumped off. Maybe some of those lies were just sloppiness or stupidity, but the overall effect has been to render thoughts that the government faked the moon landing not implausible. And when it came to the Soviets, well they had that giant wheat deal to shut them up, so that takes care of why the Soviets kept the myth alive. There may have been other reasons for this as well, considering the Soviets already fried several cosmonauts on the way to the moon, and did not want to expose themselves to scrutiny. Their cooperation goes hand in hand with their notions of prestige and so forth, being a far greater incentive for silence than any propaganda gains. "Hey Brezhnev good buddy, you just take the wheat deal, and keep quiet about the moon landing hoax, and we won't say anything about all those Luna expeditions where your cosmonauts fried passing through the Van Allen belt and solar flare problems. Besides we are going to have a detente, and more goods are on the way.” All of these convenient matters add up to many not implausible scenarios.

Despite all these things, I really think we made it to the moon, although there may have been redundancy in the news feeds with large moonscapes here on earth. A cutaway from the action up there may have been necessary on a time delay basis to make sure no UFOs messed up the show. And how did they make those moonscapes? Well think Roswell man, we have had this obsolete rocket program all along to keep the masses convinced in a lower state of technical development than was actually the case. Everything was mapped by our saucer programs years before, and hence all the moonscapes here on earth were identical. So why was the Apollo program done? Well to put more money into black projects of course, and general profiteering. Naturally everything was duplicated here on earth for these reasons above and more. The advanced interstellar travel we have been doing for years requires a long time for the general population to acclimate, considering most of the world lives in primitive shacks and is next to starvation. Also look at the Brookings Institute report, and their concerns about technology, where it cites the Aztecs and other such culture shocks. The astronauts were shielded from radiation of course by our saucer program which accompanied our guys all the way to the moon. All of this is IMHO.

[edit on 28-3-2006 by SkipShipman]

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:15 AM
I like the photo's of the rock's with the letter's on them ,apparently the stage hands at NASA forgot to turn the rocks with the letters facing down.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 07:14 AM
There is no rock with a C marked on it. This has been debunked time and time again. a couple of links for you to check out..

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 02:37 PM
Wasn't there one where Neil was talking on a non-cordless phone

"One small step for *static* man, one giant-GAWK! Aw do I have to do it again?"

I think it is becasue the fact that people who think the moon landing was faked is about as pathetic as a person who laughs really hard at a joke that wasn't that funny.

A faked landing has become so funny becuase it is cliche

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Jehosephat
Wasn't there one where Neil was talking on a non-cordless phone

"One small step for *static* man, one giant-GAWK! Aw do I have to do it again?"

I do believe they are one in the same commercial...


posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
I saw the Redbull comerical in questio too it was pretty funny. I like the Family guy referances better about a Fake moon landing better though.

They showed Neil Armstrong doing a fake shoot of the landing. After they yell cut he exits the TV studio to get something from his car. A Passerby happens by and sees him and says "Hey your Neil Armstrong" thens hes like "wait a second I just saw you on TV walking on the moon". Neil mumbles something about " Theres a Delay" and " light reflecting off venus" Then precedes to bash the guy to death with his helmet and put him in the trunk of his car.

man it was classic

hahaha I totaly forgot about that. That was hilarious
I've seen the redbull ad as well. It was amusing too.


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