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posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 01:32 PM
Just intrested about what you guys think of homophobia, ive heard some people on ATS (not naming any names) talk about a "Homosexual Agenda"
, and some slight homophobic to discuss!

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 01:46 PM
"'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years,
one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals."
Dr. Paul Cameron, a "scientist" often quoted by religious right groups (see below), speaking at the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference

That homphobic enough? Also, ever notice it is always guys who would never be banged by a gay guy who are worried about it? Some big fat three toothed redneck saying dem funny people are tryin to convit dem to bein funny too.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 02:11 PM
Well, I am a homophobic dude. My second job is tattooing and my only limit is not to go under the boxers on men - no way.

I refuse to judge the gays, but it churns my stomach to think about it. To me, it is just madness to desire that which you already have. Thank God for women!

As far as the agenda, I think they are trying to make the straight except the.... um..... not straight. While some ARE accepting it, others are not. I don't think there is an 'agenda' per say, but they are trying to make it seem more 'normal'.

It is not my spritual beliefs that make me against it. Freedom of choice means to let others choose for themselves. I really don't know how to explain it - it's just so un-natural and gross to me. And while I have no gay friends, I'd still help one out if they were in need.

....but - to each their own.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 02:19 PM
"many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals, the two things seem to go together, it is a pathology it is a sickness." - Pat Robertson on TV

More from Patty Boy. What he doesn't mention is Hitler and NAZIs hate gays, and killed them just like they killed the Jews and Gypsies.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 02:24 PM
Noisy. Howdy. IMHO, whatever rocks your boat, keep it in the privacy of your own home and I'm, well tolerant is the word I would use. Don't understand the attraction myself, but what happens between two consenting adults is their affair (hey, I made a funny...).

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 06:35 PM
I don't think there's an agenda at all. I think alot of men are closeted about their feelings and well, in this day and age, the world (the media especially) is saying, "Hey, it's okay to be gay." Hence, alot more MF's (Married Fairies - i.e.- gay men) are opting to "come out". I had a gay guy I worked with years ago that at the time was single and looking. He was trying to meet a gay man through the personal ads in local papers and told me that 90% of the respondents were "married men" cheating on their wives. There's a sh*tload of women out there married to gay men....and totally oblivious.

Also, my take on homophobic men is that the vast percentage of them are dealing with their own issues of homosexuality, though they will be the very last to admit this. I think if you're comfortable enough with your own sexuality, then someone else's really shouldn't bother you. If you're uptight about it, then it's your problem; no one else's.

But.....public displays of affection are gross period.
Straight or gay.
Get a know???

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by godservant
Well, I am a homophobic dude. My second job is tattooing and my only limit is not to go under the boxers on men - no way.

I refuse to judge the gays,

I wouldn't call you homophobic, just very straight and very sure about it.
Being turned off by the thought of 2 men together doesn't mean you're homophobic, necessarily. And you don't have to have gay friends to be 'tolerant' or accepting of other people's choices.

Originally posted by noisy_brit_kid
Just intrested about what you guys think of homophobia,

I'm against it!

ive heard some people on ATS (not naming any names) talk about a "Homosexual Agenda"

Yeah, that's BS. Unless, of course wanting to be treated the same as everyone else and have the same rights as everyone else is an agenda, then yeah, they have one. The agenda of equality.

Otherwise, "the homosexual agenda" is just a phrase homophobes use to scare the children and other ignorant people.

I also think there's some percentage of homophobes who are gay themselves, as zerotolerance explained. Not all, but many. Some are just closed-minded control freaks.

I love PDAs, though. Any kind!

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 07:03 PM
My daughter's a lesbian, and I have "adopted" a number of young gays who were thrown out by their families when they "came out." I get very tired of hearing about the "gay agenda."

I also get tired of the assumption that "gay means two men and it's horrible and unnatural, but lesbians iz hot.' For the record, my daughter gets tired of that meme, too.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 07:53 PM
There's no "gay agenda" going on, no gay conspiracy, and for the most part gay people don't push thier lifestyle on others.....yeah there's a few extremist...but that's the same with all groups pf people.

I don't agree with people being gay, Im undecided on the natural vs enviorment debate...but that's a whole other issue. But just cause I hate the game that doesnt mean I hate the player. People should all be treated the same regardless of sexual orientation.

[edit on 14/3/2006 by SportyMB]

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by DevinS
"'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years,
one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals."
Dr. Paul Cameron, a "scientist" often quoted by religious right groups (see below), speaking at the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference

That homphobic enough?

It depends on how you read it. One of the beautiful things about the English language are the nuances present in it. For example, I read that passage and it tells me that the Dr. was dead against the extermination of homosexuals. If he was for their demise, he would have said :

"If we get medically lucky, in three or four years,
one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals."

But I guess it's not necessary to be gramatically correct in front of a bunch of right-wing rednecks, eh?

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by DevinS
"many of those people involved in Adolf Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals, the two things seem to go together, it is a pathology it is a sickness." - Pat Robertson on TV

More from Patty Boy. What he doesn't mention is Hitler and NAZIs hate gays, and killed them just like they killed the Jews and Gypsies.

Gross simplification actually.

Many of the initial brown shirts were in fact gay and they were strongly anti -societal. Good combo it seemed.

Many top Nazi's were also gay such as Goering for example.

Gays were among the first to be exterminated along with retarded, deformed and crippled etc. The rationale being that they had no need for them because they could not contribute to the building of the master race.

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 11:56 PM
The so-called gay agenda is a call for equal treatment without fear. Is that too much to ask? I can't imagine why people care so much about other people's business...who they love emotionally or physically is no concern of anyone else. Why can't they have the same rights as other people? They are PEOPLE just like everyone else first and foremost. To deny them the right to health care for their loved ones, property rights, families, etc is awful and speaks volumes about who we as a society really are.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 12:21 AM
As a teenager in high school I can say that alot of my friends and people I know like to act homophobic, especially guys. Im not gay or anything but if there is any gay issue around, theyalways like to make fun and act digusted. Thats why I think alot of the older and mature homosexuals who admit it in my school mostly have female friends.
I think I have a hunch that like 2 or 3 I know are maybe gay and I feel bad for them sometimes, as being called gay, whether you are or not, is a popular and common insult these days.

Edit: And I think that many guys feel they have to act homophobic or they would be called gay themselves.

[edit on 15-3-2006 by TidalWave]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 12:35 AM
When I was younger I admit that I was a bit homophobic, but we are all usually pretty dim witted as teenagers as a result of very little worldly experience. I grew up in a small, close knit town in Virginia. Nice folk, but not the most tolerant or enlightened. When I was 21 I moved to Los Angeles, and you can imagine how big of a change of pace that was. Suddenly I was in a city of 6 million, surrounded by every type of people under the sun. Was the best experience I could have ever had. Living in a city that is multi ethnic, multi cultural and sexually liberated forces you as a person to confront your prejudices, your stereotypes and your ignorance overall. My workplace alone consisted of Russians, Jews, Phillipinos, Iranians, Latinos, Koreans, Salvadoreans, Africans and many more. I learned very quickly that all of the nonsense that you think you know about a group of people is usally very wrong. People are people. I found that these people who I had feared and misjudged all had families, they all worked their butts off, they all loved to laugh and joke, they all had the same fears as I did and the same concerns. No different than me.

Back to my point, I also worked with three openly gay guys, two of them very flamboyant. When you are closed in an office with people all day long you more or less have to deal with all of them sooner or later. I admit, when I first started working there I was put off, sort of wierded out by the gay presence that I was not familiar with and didn't really want to be. I soon found out 1.) not every gay guy is a lusty sex starved pervert (some 2.) If you are a straight man and they know this, they have no interest in you 3.) gay guys are by and large funny as hell and usually friendly to a fault 4.) they are just people, like you and me, trying to get by, in a society that shuns them.

While I agree that homosexualty is not my cup of tea and I can't really fathom why a man would want a go at another mans package, I don't really feel like it's my place to judge. And even if I think it's gross and nasty my opinion doesn't need to be law, or enforced on anyone else. To each his own. In a world that is as screwed up as the one in which we live, if you can find love, happiness, joy wherever and in whomever it may be, you are lucky. Plus the more guys that are gay, the more women that leaves behind for me

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 10:44 AM
I think you would have gotten a bigger response from this thread in the “Conspiracies in Religions” forum. You would’ve got all those delicious Leviticus quotes. Don't worry, it will come.

On another note, if there is a conspiracy, it’s a giant gay conspiracy to be accepted by ignorant rednecks.

[edit on 15/3/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23
I think you would have gotten a bigger response from this thread in the “Conspiracies in Religions” forum.
[edit on 15/3/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

hehe, VERY true....

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 11:46 AM
I don't see anything wrong with being gay, it's not like it's a new thing people have been falling in love and having sex with the same sex for as long as people have been keeping records.

I've got a couple of gay friends (male and female) and thier some of the nicest people i know.

What i sometimes find annoying though is when someone is very "flamboyant" as BlackOps719 put it, and tend to continually shove the fact there gay in your face. I know a few guys that are gay just like that and sometimes it can annoy the hell out of me. Not the fact that thier gay but the fact they feel they need to "camp it up" as if they have some kind of gay stereotype they need to adhere to. For me personally I see being gay as a sexual preference nothing more nothing less.

As for people being homophobic, people tend to fear what they don't understand. Some people just can't grasp how a man could love another man or a woman could love another woman and sometimes rather than trying to understand it they find it easier just to hate it instead.

[edit on 15-3-2006 by Burgess]

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 11:53 AM
noisy_brit_kid - It's interesting how you come straight out and ask for the homophobes' viewpoint and strangely, there are none in sight!

Start a thread about an equal right that gay people want (like marriage) and they'll come crawling out of the woodwork!

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by godservant
Well, I am a homophobic dude. My second job is tattooing and my only limit is not to go under the boxers on men - no way.

I refuse to judge the gays,

I wouldn't call you homophobic, just very straight and very sure about it.
Being turned off by the thought of 2 men together doesn't mean you're homophobic, necessarily. And you don't have to have gay friends to be 'tolerant' or accepting of other people's choices.

Ya know, you might be right there. What IS the definaition of being homophobic?

1) Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
2) Behavior based on such a feeling.

Benevolent Heretic, you seem to be correct. Being homophobic does not mean you are against it. I guess what you mean is if I was homophobic and I saw a gay man changing his tire on the side of the road, I'd yell obsenities at him on my way by or throw things at him - right?

Well, I'd still help him out, but if he stood behind me I'd be very nervous.

posted on Mar, 15 2006 @ 01:42 PM
Many years ago I told my family and friends that I was gay, I was about 15 years old at the time. I worried about telling them, and was afraid of the reaction I would get. I thought for sure that people would look down on me and that I'd lose the love and respect of those I loved.
That was not the case though.

My parents and siblings were surprised, and unless I told you, you would never know I'm gay from just looking at me. One buddy of mine said "I kinda thought you might be, so what do ya wanna do this week-end ?"
It was a total non-issue with all my friends and family.

I have shared my life with a wonderful man for the past 17 years (as of March 1st), and we live very normal lives just like all our friends. We don't know any other gay couples, all our friends seem to be heterosexual, but I try not to judge their lifestyle. I figure what goes on in their bedrooms is their business.

Being openly gay for 30 years, I have to say that I have never experienced any homophobic reaction from anyone.
That's Canada for you, eh!

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