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Pakistan buy J-10 instead of F-16

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posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 10:53 PM
Some one here has ever said Pakistan stop to buy F-16 because earthquiake. But now this anoucement are strongly suspected as Pakistan are going to buy FC-1 and J-10 simultaneously.
Now, US are facing fallin block and rock, if they sell F-16 to Pakistan they will be afraid of China taking F110 engine out of Pakistan. On the other hand, US will lost a big trade by J-10 usurp the contract of fighter selling.

[edit on 24-2-2006 by emile]

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 11:19 PM
good for PAF, Iran has also ordered 30 J-10 but that's until they are in production with all of it's Chinese tech inside. Looking forward for this aircraft to fly throughout the ME in the future.....

[edit on 24-2-2006 by Mehran]

[edit on 24-2-2006 by Mehran]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 12:19 AM
That article is very confusing..
The statement about the F-10 was said by which President? chinese or pakistani?
Can't make out from the grammar of the article.

Actually the only statement that had anything to do with the F-10 was

" The President said the Chinese government also showed their hi-tech F-10 that is comparable with any modern aircraft. 'We are very favourably disposed toward this aircraft," he added."

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:03 AM
Off-topic but another picture of his trip

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 04:00 AM
LOL, can this contraption fly???

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 04:49 AM
You mean the panda or the plane?

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by chinawhite
You mean the panda or the plane?

I mean the plane!!!

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 07:45 AM
OMG u just crossed the invisible but forbidden line. Dont contine these insults please...

Anyway I guess Pakistan is really troubled over whether to choose F-16s or J-10/FC-1. She's risking losing either China or US's Support. Politics are going to be heavily involved

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by NotheRaGe
OMG u just crossed the invisible but forbidden line. Dont contine these insults please...

Anyway I guess Pakistan is really troubled over whether to choose F-16s or J-10/FC-1. She's risking losing either China or US's Support. Politics are going to be heavily involved

its not that the f-16 that america are suppliing are not even top of the line there more like in the middle while america is offering top of the line f-18's f-15's and top spec f-16's to India while offing only middle class versions to pakistan and not becuase of financial reasons to pakistan just becuase they dont want pak to have better versions. the j10 are higher spec then the aircraft pak was going to get from america anyway i say good for them becuase they can trust america anyway with f16's look what happened to pakistan last time they tried to buy f-16's and what america did.

persoanlly if i was the leader of pakistan i would just buy Gripens or Mirages.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by iqonx]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:30 AM
and there was me thinking poor Pakistan... they have suffered so much with quake and can not afford to re-house and feed their own people. Let me send cash and clothes and prayers for the poor lost souls... Shame on the government... that money could have been put to much better uses than buying what??

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 08:33 AM
Its ironic that the USA encouraged IAI to stop makign the Lavi so as to protect sales of F16. Now that it has lead to the J-10, the Lavi phoenix rises from the Ashes only to bite america in the behind. (incidently if the Lavi had gone ahead there is no chance that it would have been sold to a muslim country and would have protected sales of the F-16).

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 09:00 AM
Well... I must say that I'am a bit surprised... But I suppose that they don't want to buy "older models"... And I'am not a politic expert, but are America and Pakistan in good relations... because if a war would start, America wouldn't give them any spare-parts...

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by jensy
Its ironic that the USA encouraged IAI to stop makign the Lavi so as to protect sales of F16. Now that it has lead to the J-10, the Lavi phoenix rises from the Ashes only to bite america in the behind. (incidently if the Lavi had gone ahead there is no chance that it would have been sold to a muslim country and would have protected sales of the F-16).

united states actually funded the Lavi jet from what i understand i may be wrong but i thaught they paid over $1.3 billion dollars in devolpment costs and an billions of dollars worth of technology transfers of engine blueprints and actual engines, manufacturing machines, radar designs, source codes for fighter jets(f-16), engine managment electronics, fly by wire electroncs etc...

israel would have sold the Lavi technology to china anyway why do people act as if israel cares about america and protecting its technology we don't even know 1/10th of the technology transfers israel has carried out with china especially small sized portable technology such as portible GPS jammers and communication jammers etc... those types of transfers would be impossible to trace when you can just pack that technology in you briefcase and take it on a plane to china and gove it too them its almost impossible to know what they have given or what they will gove.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 10:44 AM
Mike Singh.. that contraption can sure fly..
Though we have very little info on its latest escapades.
Hope to see it/the LCA fly at airshows in the near future.
How many is the PLAAF ordering as of now?

And if Pakistan really has a tough choice to make.
Their AF certainly has the brains to choose the better a/c and if they choose the J-10 over the F-16 blk 50 then thats a very big signal about the J-10's capabilities. Esp with all the US pressure.
Is the J-10 now being formally marketed to other countries or is Pakitan the first

[edit on 25-2-2006 by Daedalus3]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Their AF certainly has the brains to choose the better a/c and if they choose the J-10 over the F-16 blk 50 then thats a very big signal about the J-10's capabilities. Esp with all the US pressure.

No, its a signal that China is the better business partner for several reasons, they don't care about force “imbalance”, they can do things cheaper and faster, and they don't fuss about the touchy subject of technology transfer. So don't even try to say that this shows the F-16 Block 50 is in someway inferior to the J-10, you’re smart enough to know that politics combined with other factors play a bigger role then raw performance when deals like this are made.

By the way I don't even know that any such deal has been made, that link is not really clear on the subject.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by WestPoint23]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
choose the J-10 over the F-16 blk 50 then thats a very big signal about the J-10's capabilities. Esp with all the US pressure.

There is speculation about PAF buying J-10's for sure .... but where does it say it will be at the cost of F-16's ? This appears to be the posters imagination.

The PAF has been desperately trying to buy F-16's from the USA for the past decade but has been unsucessful in doing so. While the PAF has been desperately trying to get block 30 F-16's they have now suddenly been offered block 50's. To expect them to give up this opportuinity to buy F-16's ...
...some imagination

The only reason the F-16 deal has not been gaining momentum is because of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan.

Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf says he will postpone the purchase of F-16 fighter planes from the US.
He said Pakistan needed to focus on reconstruction in the wake of the quake that killed more than 70,000 people.

Pakistan had been expected to buy more than 50 planes at up to $40m each. Quake reconstruction is put at $5bn.

"I am going to postpone that... we want to bring maximum relief and reconstruction efforts," he said. Pakistan has long sought the jets but the US only approved the sale in March after years of sanctions concerning Islamabad's nuclear programme.

This does not by any means that the F-16 deal is off. Infact just before the quake the pakis took delivery of 2 F-16's >> here's the link >>

The process has been stalled after the quake and is a temporary phase.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by Stealth Spy]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by mikesingh
I mean the plane!!!

New blood at ATS

And how cheap was that

In another recent thread i could also have posted things about india, But i know its a senitive topic for you and i didn't

Daedalus3, Agree his a flamer?

And mike for your benifit here is a picture of its tight turn in chengdu.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by chinawhite]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Stealth Spy

Originally posted by Daedalus3
choose the J-10 over the F-16 blk 50 then thats a very big signal about the J-10's capabilities. Esp with all the US pressure.

There is speculation about PAF buying J-10's for sure .... but where does it say it will be at the cost of F-16's ? This appears to be the posters imagination.

The PAF has been desperately trying to buy F-16's from the USA for the past decade but has been unsucessful in doing so. While the PAF has been desperately trying to get block 30 F-16's they have now suddenly been offered block 50's. To expect them to give up this opportuinity to buy F-16's ...
...some imagination

The only reason the F-16 deal has not been gaining momentum is because of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan.
[edit on 25-2-2006 by Stealth Spy]

PAF might buy J-10's because it might be better then the F-16s. Remember all the info on J-10 on the net is fake. Only the chinese governmeant/ pakistani goverment know what the real J-10 is. The avionces and etc. Besides, the J-10 will be much cheaper then the f-16, it'll also be coming from china so PAF does'nt have to worry about santaions and stuff. Esp with the JF-17 to be in service starting next month, J-10 will be easy to induct and cheap to train the crew and stuff.

And oh yea. My first post so welcome me..

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by iqonx

Originally posted by jensy
Its ironic that the USA encouraged IAI to stop makign the Lavi so as to protect sales of F16. Now that it has lead to the J-10, the Lavi phoenix rises from the Ashes only to bite america in the behind. (incidently if the Lavi had gone ahead there is no chance that it would have been sold to a muslim country and would have protected sales of the F-16).

united states actually funded the Lavi jet from what i understand i may be wrong but i thaught they paid over $1.3 billion dollars in devolpment costs and an billions of dollars worth of technology transfers of engine blueprints and actual engines, manufacturing machines, radar designs, source codes for fighter jets(f-16), engine managment electronics, fly by wire electroncs etc...

israel would have sold the Lavi technology to china anyway why do people act as if israel cares about america and protecting its technology we don't even know 1/10th of the technology transfers israel has carried out with china especially small sized portable technology such as portible GPS jammers and communication jammers etc... those types of transfers would be impossible to trace when you can just pack that technology in you briefcase and take it on a plane to china and gove it too them its almost impossible to know what they have given or what they will gove.

Actually, our annual cash donations to Israel (and Egypt) is pretty much how we do trade with the less savoury governments (such as brutal dictatorships) and organizations (such as terrorist groups). This is why Israel (and Egypt) both get more of our "Aid" money than all the other countries combined. It's a neccessarily evil to maintain our dominance. If you'd rather live in make-shift huts and eat fire roasted sewer rats feel free to rant about how we are an evil empire blah, blah, blah...

As for the Lavi, it was bad for us for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that part of the way our foreign aid program works is that the receiving nation must use the money to buy American goods and services.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by chinawhite

Originally posted by mikesingh
I mean the plane!!!

In another recent thread i could also have posted things about india, But i know its a senitive topic for you and i didn't

Daedalus3, Agree his a flamer?

And mike for your benifit here is a picture of its tight turn in chengdu.

[edit on 25-2-2006 by chinawhite]

OK Chinawhite! Truce. I was just trying to get a little humourous, thats all. No hard feelings. I know the J-10 is more than a match for the F-16s. But c'mon, man, can't u take a joke? And then remember, we've both got some joint ventures in defence in the pipeline. We wouldn't have if Chinese stuff was inferior, would we?

PS. By the way I ain't 'new blood' at ATS. Been here long before you!! Cheers!

[edit on 25-2-2006 by mikesingh]

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