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Want to tell best friend how i feel about her but scared to do so

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 01:09 PM
Listen kid... This might be hard to hear, but its the truth..

You and her are kids. This is highschool sweetheart thing. But just like highschool its suppose to end. Thats one of the pains of growing up. It sucks, but its for the best. Shes moving on with her life and you're scared to let go. Its a big lonely world out there. But you need to let it go. There will be more. And the variety is awesome.

Save all that "Shes the only one that has made me fell this way..."... how old are you? 20? So you're still a kid. "Dont marry the first one you sleep with" said my dad. He was right. You need to go on your own and quit relying on people for your own happiness. Then you'll be ready for a commitment. Untill then, try to nail as many as possible.

If its meant to be, you cant stop it. If it isnt, you've allready lost her.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 02:04 PM
I guess what I don't understand is that you've already dated her and you're obviously very happy when you're around her, so you telling her how you feel shouldn't come as any great surprise to her.

I think what you're really afraid of is having her tell you that she just wants to be friends. I'd say it's better to lay it out there for her and if she says no, then you just have to move on with life. There are some women you just can't be "friends" with. Believe me, it will be a lot harder for you if you stay friends with her and have to watch her with somebody else.

Who knows, she might say yes!!


posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020
Listen kid... This might be hard to hear, but its the truth..

You and her are kids. This is highschool sweetheart thing. But just like highschool its suppose to end. Thats one of the pains of growing up. It sucks, but its for the best. Shes moving on with her life and you're scared to let go. Its a big lonely world out there. But you need to let it go. There will be more. And the variety is awesome.

Save all that "Shes the only one that has made me fell this way..."... how old are you? 20? So you're still a kid. "Dont marry the first one you sleep with" said my dad. He was right. You need to go on your own and quit relying on people for your own happiness. Then you'll be ready for a commitment. Untill then, try to nail as many as possible.

If its meant to be, you cant stop it. If it isnt, you've allready lost her.

Probably could of been said nicer.. but if it was, It wouldnt of been said so well. It is the truth, very rare do high school sweethearts end up together. Fun while they last, but sometimes it is best to just move on and keep your eyes open for the right one to come along.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 04:53 PM
well she has already told me that she just wants to be friends.

but im am going to tell her so i dont end up regreting doing nothing. plus i wanna get some #ing sleep. this has been keeping me up at night for a while now.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:33 AM
I thnk it would be smarter to be straight up with her, take your shot whatever the answer is, its better to live with failure then regret I think.

For taking a chance for what you believe in.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 11:29 AM
I've been with my highschool sweetheart for 15 years now and happily married with two children. Sometimes your lifelong mate comes early and you don't have to search anymore. I think everone has a perfect match somewhere. We just happened to be in the same location.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 07:23 PM
well today was the day.

i just woke up, put my clothes on and drove the 2 and a half hours to where she goes to school and told her.

it all went the way i wanted it too.

its such a relief

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