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Interesting creationist site.

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posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 11:10 AM
Here's the site...

Now to nitpick it. Please read the site for they're explanation's.

1. Comets disintegrate too quickly.
2. Not enough mud on the sea floor.
3. Not enough sodium in the sea.
4. Earth's magnetic field is decaying too fast.
9. Not enough Stone Age skeletons.
10. Agriculture is too recent.
11. History is too short.

Number one. I like how they put Oort cloud and Kupier belt in quotation's as if these thing's didn't exist so they can say that the comet's that do get close enough to the sun and burn up prove a young earth etc etc etc...

Number two... So, when's the vatican going to share this awsome sub that can goto the ocean floor without being crushed to death just to measure mud? Or... how about we just ommit that the earth is a dynamic body and under constant change instead.

Number three. Sure, let's not get into how the sodium level's could be as low as they are and just assume that they should be higher. While I don't know the answer, they don't show a possiblity for the reason why it is as it is.

Number four. I like number four. The earth decided to lose it's magnetic field after the birth of christ so we could get evidence for a young earth.

Number nine doesn't even address the fact that fossil's take near perfect conditions to even form in the first place. They assume all stone age civilizations/tribes/communities were burying they're dead as well. Some could have burnt they're dead as did some primitive civilizations have.

Number ten is an interesting one I think. By they're logic, primitve man should have enjoyed the same modern convience's we have enjoyed for the past 200 years of moder science. I mean... there's just no way discovery and knowledge could have started in a slow and gradual manner if primitive man were just as intelligent as we are today.

Number eleven. We're not even going to credit primitive man's pre-language painting's as a primitive start into recording they're hunt's which were the main part of they're life back then? Wouldn't that be recorded history as they recorded it?

For the other thing's listed. I don't know much about those subject's so I can't really touch them. Not claiming that I'm an expert in what I did post my opinion on. So for the flamer's and thread hijacker's out there, let's try and nitpick the topic and not the poster this time
I kno it'll be rough. But hey... Deny Ignorance right

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Produkt
Here's the site...

Hmmm... as fas as Christian apolegetics is concerned, and Creation Science in general, I'd say that this site is pretty weak. While I am not overly familiar with all these claims, it's not likely they'll stand up to any real scrutiny.

For the other thing's listed. I don't know much about those subject's so I can't really touch them. Not claiming that I'm an expert in what I did post my opinion on. So for the flamer's and thread hijacker's out there, let's try and nitpick the topic and not the poster this time
I kno it'll be rough. But hey... Deny Ignorance right

Why do you get the impression that this topic is going to be nitpicked? From what I can see, you're pretty much attempting to debunk a Christian apologetics site, and specifically a section that deals with science. ATS is notoriously hostile to the idea of creation science and in fact anything other than naturalistic explanations of biological/geological phenomena.

You should find many like-minded people here; there will be no shortage of people to assist you in your debunking of Christian apologetics websites here at ATS.

You might want to set your sights a little higher though. Debunking stuff from AiG is likely to build momentum more rapidly.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 04:49 AM
Set my site's little higher?

How's this going a little higher lol

Do people really believe that?

poor people

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 04:59 AM

...Recognizing a designer is common sense...

At the Creation Museum, on the other hand, we want people to see that the world makes sense if you begin your thinking with the Bible. Christians can look at nature, such as the 17-year cicadas, and wonder at the Creator (Psalm 19).

So, they're saying it's just common sense to say god did that? Or... would it be common sense to discover how randomness and chaos could lead to complexities?

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 09:40 AM
I have been sick in my stomach for a few years now. All due to reading those pitiful websites. What a disgrace to science. What a disgrace to humans. People study long and hard, and then they get insulted by those who study nothing but the bible. What a shame.

For those who actually beleive the nonsense on those two sites, pick up a physics book, and study some math.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 01:08 PM
this is amazing

Someday lion's and tiger's and bear's (oh my) will magicly turn into plant eating animal's! It's truly amazing that people will denounce evolution when there's so much proof and evidence for it, to a point where it shouldn't be called a theory anymore.

But, people will believe that at some point in a blissfull joyfull future god will give us, lion's and other's carnivore's will have they're inside's turned upside down and smooshed and stretched in such a magical manner that'll allow them to eat plant's.

These people sound like they're the one's who need to deny ignorance.

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