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posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 02:22 PM
How do you guys see light?

I'm not even sure if its just normal or odd or what.... when I percive light it shows itself as a flower in shape, rays coming off of the source making it ANNOYING when I'm trying to read at night. I've drawn pictures of it but I'm crap at this whole internet thing. I'll try if its requested.

If you can imagine a light bulb as a flower, the bulb being the central part the petals being the light itself. Thats how I see it, mostly at night, too much of the stuff in the day, but what makes me intrested in it is that I can see it hitting me.... it encloses. Theres all diffrent colours involved if I look hard enough and it creeps around my book when I'm trying to read at night. The main part, the source itself shows as a thick ray coming straight down whereas the rest surrounds my vision.

I just want to know if its normal, as in this is how people see light and its an everyday thing.

An Entity

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 02:28 PM
An Entity, have you seen an optometrist regarding this? You are describing light the same way my mother used to. She needed glasses. After she got a pair the problem was gone.

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Ah, but that'd be going deeper into the main issue my good cyber buddy.

I refuse to go to an optician and trust me when I say this, DON'T let the government scan your eyes. Theres a mystic about it all. My light experience is only part of it really. I'll go get my glasses now and see if it still happens but my eyes are weird trust me....

Gimme a sec... they need cleaning....

[edit on 20-12-2005 by An Entity]

posted on Dec, 20 2005 @ 03:17 PM
Nah... still there. Haven't worn these for ages! I feel an IQ boost coming on! What should I read today? .lol.

Something happened to me a while ago and ever since I've been cursed with a blessing. I was playing with sexual energy messing around with people and making them attracted to me when one day my girlfriend left me, so much psychic activity went on around that time that I stayed at home for ages (a few months, I'm not a total recluse 8) ... ever since then I've been able to hypnotise people, mainly women... Dudes find my eyes shocking when I make eye contact, sometimes its like they bounce off them like a pinging sensation as though they contract quickly pushing them away.... women swoon and I could tell them anything from there and they'd belive me. Trust me its uber spooky and not everymans dream cause I can't control it... or refuse to use it cause its just not fair.

I have permanant residence in the twilight zone, part of me wants to be normal but to be normal I need to get past this eye thing and the energy is too extreme for me to handle. Therefore its a curse. Psycic vision but the rest of me isn't developed enough to cope. Tantric sex.

Emotion = Energy - sent and recived - hence empathy/sympathy. We arent all as individual as we think.

Just a bit of truth there I'm sorry, I get tired of breaking eye contact with people and not talking about it....

Today we talk about light, energy is a diffrent matter... get it!

Did you're mom say that she could see colours within the rays? It can be quite spectacular but it makes it difficult to read when you can see light rays emmiting from every flipping source in the room! The sun is the most intresting one, all sorts of stuff of of it. If you look through a net curtain you might see it, or a smoke filled room.

Like this but imagine it at night and coming off of every light bulb you have on, during the day its like it is in the pic but a tad more colourful. The only proper diffrence is the main thicker central light that shows the source.

[edit on 20-12-2005 by An Entity]

posted on Dec, 22 2005 @ 09:46 PM
I see the same "light rays"...I'm pretty sure that we all do. I can't back this but i'm pretty sure those rays are actually light that is refracting off our lenses - the same way glass lenses distort light.

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 11:47 AM
Man, why can't i edit my post? Stupid site function.

Light rays reflecting off of the lense. That would make sence but does it reflect or absorb? I should really have paid attention in biology.

You're pic is considerably frightening btw, guessing you're a vamp or into something dark, just read a book about the darkness (not the group) take the evil notion off of things and you realize that just like good and bad, light and dark need one another to survive. Hence there is no evil because it supports what is good, the same visa versa... Its the whole, ''God made the devil'' thing, realizing that if theres a divine plan its all panned out, so 'evil' is merely playing out a role as is 'good'. You'd die if you were too much of either one.

Allow invoking beings from places unbeknownst or sucking energy from people you don't know... often dosen't work out.

Does anyone else here see rays of light reflected from bulbs/the sun/I never really thought about the moon until now?...

*Please ignore previous post, I sound like a scratched record thats shamelessly self-analizing, I'd edit/delete but I can't.*

[edit on 24-12-2005 by An Entity]

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 12:30 PM
WickedStar is correct, what you're seeing is not psychic or spiritual, but simply a function of light. The light is reflecting off of the lens in your eye over an area, which gives the impression of a streak of light.

When light travels, it travels in a straight line. If you were able to travel at the speed of light, and you had a light-ray travelling beside you (a single one) you wouldn't be able to see it, because it doesn't give off any light. However, if you travelled slower than it, and it hit something, it would bounce back to you, and so you would see the object that it reflected off of.

And therein lies one of the wave-like properties of light in a vacuum, it is undetectable until it reflects off an object. You may then say, how can we see the sun? This is because the light bounces off optical receptors, which then process the information and send it to your brain. If it didn't reflect off the optical receptors (and let's say it went straight through our heads) then light, for all intents and purposes, would be invisible to us. This is why we can't see X-rays with our eyes.

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 12:33 PM
I see light bent like that sometimes, and it's because I have astigmatism in both eyes. It when either your lens or cornea is oddly shaped and can bend light in another way. At night is the worst for me, I see light as a line that loops. It does kinda look like a flower petal now that you describe it that way. You're seeing the light as bent, because BEFORE the stimulus enters your eyes, it is distorted by the lens or cornea.
Glasses bug me, so I just deal with it. I don't really notice it anynmore!

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Coool. I like it, apart from the fact that it obscures my veiw at times its quite interesting. Its like being embraced by a light bulb. lol. A light hug.

I've been on a quest to find out what the eyes hold for sometime now and I've ended up with all these answers making it ridiculous really.

Must make new topic!

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by An Entity

Coool. I like it, apart from the fact that it obscures my veiw at times its quite interesting. Its like being embraced by a light bulb. lol. A light hug.

I've been on a quest to find out what the eyes hold for sometime now and I've ended up with all these answers making it ridiculous really.

Must make new topic!

It's not ridiculous, when I didn't know I had astigmatism, I wasn't sure what the hell was wrong with my eyes!! I was scared!!! I really noticed it at night when I was driving and streetlights would do the flower/arc thing. My stepmom works at a eye clinic and told me what she thought was wrong, and she was right!!!

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 11:20 AM
Some strange posts on here I say this because I dont always see Light as something visible. Not always as light rays.

Light in books often refers to be enlightened.
Coming awake to a new knowlege often means being enlightened or stepping from darkness to light.

When hanging around people and studying them to be aware of their peculearitys or their individual characteristics is to see thier "inner light" their personalitys. This can be very tricky as many people can fool you if you are not careful.
You can apply this light technique to animals and pets if you watch them closely..they reveal their personalitys.

For many many years I have worked graveyard shift. I am not much of a "daywalker". You learn to function with little light so the appeal of light in the manner of which so many speak on this thead does not appeal to me.

Thanks for your posts,

posted on Dec, 25 2005 @ 12:07 PM
I get it a lot more at night. Especially things like street lights, etc while driving down the road. I thought it was partially just glare off my glasses, but I guess your eyes do the same thing.

You can manipulate how the light goes by squinting your eyes. The 'beams/petals" as you put it, will intensify and elongate. Neat stuff.

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 07:56 PM
Welcome Back Entity
Rays of light, I had an undetected vitamin B12 deficiancy for years and experienced lots of the annoying lights, when my levels are as now back to normal I see perfectly. B12 def. eventually leads to Alzhiemer. Please have a check up, and listen to the wise posts here.
Spiritual lights I see them too but that is a whole different category.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Yeah, Auras would be diffrent I guess, I see them every now and then but only in blue and the occasional red.

Apologies to the dude who was looking more into inner light etc... Enlightenment and illumination would be a page gathering topic. Its something I like to read about but right now I'm going through a bit of a spiritual? fraccas. don't want to say it has anything to do with this site but when I'm on here its not long before I experience a panic attack and go 'off boad'. Thats more or less my calling saying,

''You're going too deep, earth yourself fool!''

Too spaced out for my own good.

P.s. Theres no way I'm wearing my glasses!

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 12:31 AM
Glad we got the light thing squared away. Entity, I'm not into darkness or vampires as you so though I do find both of them facinating. I am a photographer/make-up artist and I simply enjoy experimenting with different looks.

posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by An Entity
I refuse to go to an optician and trust me when I say this, DON'T let the government scan your eyes. Theres a mystic about it all.
[edit on 20-12-2005 by An Entity]

I think you have been watching too much "even stevens" haha/

posted on Jan, 3 2006 @ 12:32 PM
-Entity, I'm not into darkness or vampires as you so though I do find both of them facinating. I am a photographer/make-up artist and I simply enjoy experimenting with different looks. -

Intresting, ever thought about being a vampire? Its an intresting job and the bloods' good.

Happy buddah.

-I think you have been watching too much "even stevens" haha-

Whats that? I actually mean it you know. Windows to the soul, what ever they maybe or hold. Don't let those government hacks scan your eyes! Seeing light rays is one thing but there really are things that can be done with the eyes. I'd actually meet you if you're in London and show you rather than chat about it on an internet site like some bum with no life. I'm self-employed and have quite a bit going on... not to be scoffed at old chum. (fears of turning into an english toff)

Drop me a message, I'll go out of my way to prove it to you... would really prefer it if you were a lady but I'll meet you anyway. London, England btw.

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