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posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 01:31 PM

PODcast: Do you know what ATS has done for you?
I talk about some of the benifits ATS has given me

length: 03:50
file: btstpod_1082.mp3
size: 3607k
feed: btst
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 01:52 PM
I can't begin to thank ATS for what it has done for me. Because of my time here I feel like a better person, and a more knowledgeable person. I owe that to ATS and its members. I came here just over a year ago, and I have learned so much in so many different areas since then, and I am grateful for it every day. I think that without ATS, I would just be another annoying, stupid kid, and I'm counting my blessings that I'm not. (Well, at least not TOO much of an annoying little brat

This is just such a great place we have here, a community where great people and great minds from all over the world can come together and share their ideas and ponder their theories. Such a diverse mix, too.

We have a great staff here, to which we owe a lot as well. They are the ones who manage to keep it civil here, and keep this a place that we want to come back to.
The 3 Amigos. We definitely owe a lot to them, for creating this site, and for maintaining it so wonderfully.

ATS has become like a home to me. Its members are like my family, whom I learn from, share with, and even teach on a daily basis. It has made me think, and challenged me intellectually in many ways. The kind of place that makes you look at things from a different angle, that's what we have here.

This is indeed a great place, and it keeps on growing, getting better with each new member we get.

Thanks, ATS.


posted on Dec, 17 2005 @ 04:19 PM

PODcast: Do you know what ATS has done for you? (reply 1)
Just some of what I have learned here.

length: 02:45
file: btstpod_1083.mp3
size: 1296k
status: live (at time of posting)

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