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Strange Ufo in england

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posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by apex
Ok, this happened last night, and it could definately do with an explanation if anyone has one.

Last night, around 8:10 pm, I heard a large explosion in the sky(?). I went outside, but after a few minutes we heard no sirens, so we guessed it probably wasn't in the town about 4 miles to the west of us.
At around 10:00 pm, the county's local radio station (Norfolk) went off air, as did Suffolks and essex's. These went off for about one hour, with only the one at cambridge still on.
At 11:00 pm my uncle and some of his friends, who were camping near ipswich, heard a large explosion, and saw lights flashing in the sky, in no pattern. It wasn't lightning, as there were no crackles on the radio (as there is with lightning) and the explosions heard were definitely not thunder.

I cannot think of any explanations, as it cannot have been lightning and meteor showers cannot be heard.

Oh, and there was an unexplained explosion heard over the town about 15 years ago as well, which was never explained.

WOW!!! I was in Norfolk on the night of Saturday the 19th of November (the day before) going to an event (so I know the date is right). We drove through the countryside on the way to the event and it was a very dark but clear night. There were very few other cars about. It would have been about 7.20pm.

We were listening to Classic FM and the radio started making short clicking sounds. There was no crackle but was as if it was being switched on and off and then it went off. I tried a few stations but they were not on air, so I switched it off.

Suddenly, there was a huge bright light that seemed to come from fields the other side of a hedge towards the front-right of the car.

I joked that it must have been the worlds biggest speed camera. Neither of us knew what it was but put it down to perhaps some sort of weird very low electrical storm.

About 90 seconds later it happened again. This time it was obvious that the light was not so localised as we had first thought and that we were on the edge of a huge light coming from the right low in the sky.

We are very skeptical people but this was unlike anything we had seen before. It wasn't an electrical storm and the conditions were not right for one either. We were a bit shaken up by the experience so drove faster.

We got to the event and during the evening I asked a couple of people whether they had seen any lightning. One person said they saw a huge bright light in the sky but that it didn't look like lightning and had seen it the night before too, another person had seen nothing but had traveled from another direction.

We left the event after midnight (now the 20th of November) and went back down the country roads. After a few miles we had a really clear view and could see the fields for miles. We didn't have the radio on. The bright light happened again in the distance about another 4 or 5 times. This time we could see the span of the light was probably about a mile wide and came from a point quite low in the sky.

It wasn't lightning, more like someone switching on/off a wide cone of light that lit up the ground. It was in about the same place as we had seen it earlier that night, but we could now see it from a better angle and from further away. It was to the north of a small place called Aylsham.

We got home and I even thought for a couple of days about posting on here but didn't. I only came across this thread whilst searching for something else.

[edit on 20-1-2006 by tommyc]

[edit on 20-1-2006 by tommyc]

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 09:46 PM
actually meteorites can and Do explode regularly

in fact; it happens so often; even I have been almost directly underneath one when it did back 10years ago

i was hangin out with 2 friends in their backyard one nite , and it was really dark; and suddenly the entire sky lit up bright white and we heard a explosion and looked up and saw , in the light, a smoke path; that the meteor had left behind , and then the spot where it actually exploded , was the brightest spot

the entire sky stayed lit up for like 5whole seconds, it was absolutely amazing and terrifying at the same time

now with that said; dont take me wrong because i have actually seen a ufo close enough to describe it in great detail to you

if you wait and watch the skys long enough , with a little luck; the odds are you yourself will see all these things too

it doesnt matter where you are; in a city is fine
just keep your eyes peeled

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Earth Angel

Originally posted by asala
apex well this does sound interesting if you believe that this may have been something in the sky.

What i suggest is that you try and find out as much as you can, ask around and see if anyone else seen or heard anything, look for some ufo sights on the net that may cover activity in your area,

Do you know if your area is a hotspot for this kind of thing?

Anypast events like this?

post any findings you get,


RAF Bentwarters an ex American Air Base was located in the part of the counrty mentioned. A well documented UFO incident was recoreded by the militery base,basically the Americans had nuclear weapons stored there unknown to the brittish government at the time. The UFO nuterlized the weapons rendering them useless, this has also happened in other parts of the world and knowbody knows who is behind it!

I live in North Wales also and last year the whole town heard a megga explosion coming from the woods area. The police and fire department went to investigate, the whole town shook like it was an earth quake and a recording on the rector scale was made the explsion was that intense but nothing was found!

I dont think fireworks can disable radio stations, so something odd has taken place! What do the radio stations say? Did they hear anything? You do need to investigate further, I would!

[edit on 05012005 by Earth Angel]

I'm also from Wales, shw mae!

I'm assuming you heard of the Berwyn Mountains incident?

Not sure how far it is from Colwyn Bay. But there was an alleged crashed ufo at the mountains back in the late 70's. It even measured on the Richter scale. Although it has been suggested there was a possible natural geological activity to account for that. Even though that wouldn't explain the allegedly orange orb seen on the mountain top. Or why the Army sent in a convoy of trucks to retrieve whatever they found. Apparently several witnesses across southern/mid England had reported seeing a similar glowing object. There's not much hard evidence about the incident. Still it's an interesting story.

posted on Jan, 20 2006 @ 10:09 PM
i'm sorry, but i have to laugh at your title. "strange ufo in england". and this is distinguished from the "normal" ufos how?

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 08:51 AM
I live in Suffolk and didn't hear any explosions...
Nor have I heard anything about this before, strange.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 07:14 PM
We were in Norfolk. The lights were very different to anything we had ever seen before. The noise was like a massive bang rather than a boom or rumble type of sound that you get with thunder.

I've just spoken to the person who witnessed it with me and they have just said that they saw the same thing only a few nights ago in the exact same area as before, so I'm ruling out thunder & lightning or meteors.

Almost every day you see a lot of military aircraft in the area, so my theory is that some type of test was going on at night. It was a clear winter night, with few people in the area and close to some big bases.

There are several big bases in the area including

"RAF Lakenheath is one of the largest US Air Force bases in Europe with nearly 5,000 US Service personnel and home to F-15 precision strike fighters."

"RAF Mildenhall, situated 20 miles from Cambridge, is a staging post for US flights to Europe. It also acts as a base for special operations, reconnaissance and intelligence."

RAF Coltishall

and others too all within a small area close to the coast.

The area has been used in the past for top secret tests, so I'm putting it down to that.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 08:15 PM
after thinknig about the lights and just somehow keep me thinking about that steven spielberg movie " war of the worlds "
if anyone saw it,it had lightning and all the radio and stuff went out you know? and just keeps me thinking about it

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 10:32 AM
New poster, so Hello to everyone here!
"Explosion mystery" Jan 8 1997-Redditch Advertiser (local newspaper).
"Mystery surrounds an expolsion which rocked redditch in a blitzs style drama. But despite a huge search by police no trace of an explosion was found. The drama unfolded on Monday, at about 7.30pm when a huge bang sent shock waves through the estate and nearby areas........"

I kept the news clipping for prosperity, It shook my windows (a very loud bang with a shockwave, is the best way to describe it) and car alarms where going of all over the place, some people suffered broken windows people ran outside onto the streets, it caused a lot of panic at the time.
The police had no clue as to what caused it, no lowflying aircraft doing supersonic stunts lol, The police were baffled.
"Police immediately sent out six police cars and helicopter. And three fire engines cirulated the area............"

Just thought I'd add this for discusion.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 10:38 AM
It very well could have been a firework, one exploded literally 3 feet from my bedroom window, the window shattered and I leapt off the bed and dragged the mattress on my head as I honestly thought it was a bomb. Luckily it wasn't and I got away with only some glass in the head. Quick A&E sorted that out.

Still, I rang the police and they said that it was probably chavs with these new illegal fireworks.

It could have been an experiment or a UFO though.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by tommyc
Almost every day you see a lot of military aircraft in the area, so my theory is that some type of test was going on at night. It was a clear winter night, with few people in the area and close to some big bases.

There are several big bases in the area including

"RAF Lakenheath is one of the largest US Air Force bases in Europe with nearly 5,000 US Service personnel and home to F-15 precision strike fighters."

"RAF Mildenhall, situated 20 miles from Cambridge, is a staging post for US flights to Europe. It also acts as a base for special operations, reconnaissance and intelligence."

RAF Coltishall

and others too all within a small area close to the coast.

The area has been used in the past for top secret tests, so I'm putting it down to that.

Yes I know about all those bases. I am a bit surprised anyone else from Norfolk is on this site, then again It isn't the most exciting place (except for this, I've wanted something unexplained to happen for years. Other than the Big cats that is, but thats for the "Mythical beasts" part of this forum).

My mother used to live in the flightpath for RAF Sculthorpe, but its closed down now, although the Hercules still occassionally fly around it and do practice landings there.

Everyone else I have said about it to have said it was thunder, although I think if there was something unexplained, they probably wouldn't like that.

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