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Things that REALLY bug me.

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posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 02:09 PM
O.K. I posted a rant yesterday very tongue in cheek so to speak.

So here is a real RANT of things that really get under my skin:

1. The way my assistant Mr. Beezer always sniffles when he says he need more money!

2. People who don't flush

3. People who try to sing like Aretha and just can't pull it off but don't seem to realize this

4. The country version of any popular song

5. Shorts that say bootylicious, but the wearer is anything but

6. When people don't leave messages

7. The way Mr. Beezer always says "CAHRR" instead of car

8. People who only converse through email, instant messenger or post boards

9. When Mr. Beezer forgets to add F R E S H lemon to my piping hot cup of freshly brewed Earl Grey tea

10. When I say in conversation "Ornery as a fried toad" and people look at me like I have gone stark raving mad!

- One Man Short ®

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood

2. People who don't flush

Now that really pisses me off! Especially in the boys bath room at school. Always leaving their pee in the toilet, I dont wanna see or smell your waste, thats one reason why flushers were put on toilets. Some people are just too damn lazy to flush their own waste. Imagine how its like in their home.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
5. Shorts that say bootylicious, but the wearer is anything but

Amen to that! Clothes like that should have a three day waiting period and a physical should be completed before the sale is finalized!

posted on Nov, 28 2005 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
5. Shorts that say bootylicious, but the wearer is anything but

Amen to that! Clothes like that should have a three day waiting period and a physical should be completed before the sale is finalized!


I couldn't agree more.

posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 05:05 PM
Ahh my dear friend,
It is great to see you here in cyber space.
I can only reply one way to this post, the exact same way I do in person.
I would tell you One Man, not to let things get you so worked up.
It is not good for your soul!

- The irreproachable Mr. Beezer, at your service ©

[edit on 30-11-2005 by Mr Beezer]

posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 06:24 AM
lol.....i would add something to your list that really pee's me off...

its when something thats not even slightly bizzare or unusual happens and someone does the music from the 'twilight zone' if its meant to be creepy?


posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 09:25 AM
People that laugh out loud in a movie theater. Not only that, they laugh at stuff that isn't really that funny.

People that show up to a movie twenty minutes after it's started and sit right next to you.

People that repeat the lines that were just said in the movie. No need for the echo McFly!

People that take their kids to adult movies and the kids get so bored that they run wild all over the freakin' place. Hey kid.........this isn't Chucky Cheeses. Sit down and shut your yapper!!!


posted on Dec, 1 2005 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love

People that repeat the lines that were just said in the movie. No need for the echo McFly!

Oh, man. My friend does this ALL the damn time! Next time he does it, I'm going to say, "Yeah, Im not f***ing deaf!" :bash:

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 10:11 AM
lol..i have a friend that just loves any movie when theres a gun he will inform you of its name, make and drives me freaking mad.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 10:27 AM
There's just something about being in a movie theater that brings out the worst in people.

How 'bout people that ask questions about the movie to the person sitting next to them........during the movie?

When I pay 20 bones for tickets so my g/f and I can enjoy a movie, I want to have some freakin' peace and quiet. I can barely enjoy the movie 'cause I'm always wondering who's gonna be the first idiot in the theater to piss me off.


posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 10:43 PM
well you could always go Joe Peschi (sp) on his butt.
c'mon, I know you are a fan dr love.

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 03:08 PM
How about inner city high school kids who obviously didn't pay attention in school, and cross the street when the light is red?

I would love to give them a physics lesson:

2 ton car at a velocity of 35MPH vs. 160 lb human.


posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 06:26 PM
What bugs me is when you ask someone a question and they don't answer. They just sit there and say nothing, not yes, not no , not anything. That really bugs me.

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Zaimless
What bugs me is when you ask someone a question and they don't answer. They just sit there and say nothing, not yes, not no , not anything. That really bugs me.

I have an answer for that..................................................

- One Man Short ®

posted on Dec, 7 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Zaimless
What bugs me is when you ask someone a question and they don't answer. They just sit there and say nothing, not yes, not no , not anything. That really bugs me.

Almost as bad is when "no" isn't a good enough answer for people. Such as:

Friend: "Hey, can you give me a ride?"
Me: "No."
Friend: *looks at me expectantly, waiting for more*

Why do I need to explain why I said "no"?

posted on Dec, 18 2005 @ 04:06 AM
Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood

So here is a real RANT of things that really get under my skin:

2. People who don't flush

Going to the loo on a dark night, not putting the light on and falling in because somme silly male left the seat up bugs me.

3. People who try to sing like Aretha and just can't pull it off but don't seem to realize this

Hot Damn! You bugged my shower

4. The country version of any popular song

Remixes bug me, like we didn't have enough of the crapola first time around... and I will walk 500 miles...argghh ..why don't they make a remake of a great song like turning japanese or something.

5. Shorts that say bootylicious, but the wearer is anything but

*nods..yes and when they take the jodphurs off and the jodphur thighs remain.

9. When Mr. Beezer forgets to add F R E S H lemon to my piping hot cup of freshly brewed Earl Grey tea

there are two words that have no business being in the English language FRESH and MOIST and you can tell Mr Beezer he still owes me that pot of Englis Breakfast Tea, Ive been busy baking away and the anzac cookies are done. I also made a batch of Lady Flo's pumpkin scones and added a couple of fresh damper for the occasion too.

- One Man Short ®

[edit on 18-12-2005 by Mayet]

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