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Islamic Rioting in France

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posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Put the blame on the #ing rioters not the police who are trying to get things under control.

Those criminals are scum!!!

Lets not Forget, that France IGNORED the problems of these People living in the suburbs for 30 or more Years. It was a Timebomb anyway, waiting to explode. Would it be any better, if these angry rioters were White? Or Jews? Would that change things? Because so far, all I can see here is some more Muslim-Bashing going on in this Thread - but nobody actually sees whats really going on.

The Guy I agree Most on this Topic is mister from USSR, Uncle Joe:

It Takes Two To Tango.

So, stop blaming JUST thes rioters, and think about, WHY are they doing that?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:50 PM
Reading about that handicapped woman just...God, I snapped.

Send in the FFL, guns blazing. I don't care anymore, the line has been crossed. Same as they should have done in LA in '92, they need to get a hand on things with as much force as needed.


posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:53 PM
Regardless of why, they are destroying property and wrecking havoc in the city for 8 days straight. Are they oppressed people rising up against the fascist government? You do not have a right to prosperity or equality and sometimes you have to work harder than the next man. Please don’t turn that into a racist statement because it isn’t, only a fool would venture to say life is and/or should be fair.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:57 PM

I have to agree with you, whoever poured petrol on that handicapped women and then sit her ablaze is lower than scum. Anyone who tries to justify this behavior by placing the blame on anything other than the individual who did this is also scum. This is not justified no matter
what kind of cease pool you come from. People have to take responsiblity
for their own actions especially when those actions affect or harm another individual.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Today France - Tomorrow USA.

America's Poor are Under Siege.

  • $50 BILLION hole is about to be blown in our national safety net for the poor, including:

  • $9.5 billion in Medicaid – CUT. It's a direct hit to those needing health care – including children

  • $5 Billion in Child Support Enforcement – GONE. Without it, deadbeat parents are off the hook again, plunging hundreds of thousands of children back into poverty.

  • $844 Million in food stamps – ELIMINATED. Do we even need to explain the implications here?

Great Move Mister President.

Keep up the GREAT job you are doing - create alot of Unemployed, Hungry People!

[edit on 4/11/05 by Souljah]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Lets not Forget, that France IGNORED the problems of these People living in the suburbs for 30 or more Years.

You're right, they have ignored the problem for way too long.
They should have deported them ages ago.

How did they ever let it get to this point?


Sarkozy says that violence in French suburbs is a daily fact of life.

Since the start of the year, 9,000 police cars have been stoned and, each night, 20 to 40 cars are torched, Sarkozy said in an interview last week with the newspaper Le Monde.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Since the start of the year, 9,000 police cars have been stoned and, each night, 20 to 40 cars are torched, Sarkozy said in an interview last week with the newspaper Le Monde.

Are Police Cars STONED (that sounds funny
) in a Normal, Peacefull Community, where everybody has a Happy Life and a Good Job and there is no Crime and you have loving neighbours, that do not call you a Nigger?


posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Are Police Cars STONED (that sounds funny
) in a Normal, Peacefull Community, where everybody has a Happy Life and a Good Job and there is no Crime and you have loving neighbours, that do not call you a Nigger?

It's not a normal peacfull neighborhood where there is no crime.
It's full of violent criminals that are spreading that violence into other areas of France. How could their neighbors love them?

They need to deport them or shoot them.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Since the start of the year, 9,000 police cars have been stoned and, each night, 20 to 40 cars are torched, Sarkozy said in an interview last week with the newspaper Le Monde.

Are Police Cars STONED (that sounds funny
) in a Normal, Peacefull Community, where everybody has a Happy Life and a Good Job and there is no Crime and you have loving neighbours, that do not call you a Nigger?


No, Souljah, when there is no crime, police cars aren't stoned. The rest of the elements are irrelevant, though. Unfortunately, scum exists, and can strike in peaceful communities as well. All you need is one semi-smart bit of scum to rally and entice other decent people into thinking the scummy way of life the piece of scum is putting forward is the way to go. Then you have scum in happy communities, sad communities, mean communities, racist communities, and tolerant communities. Hateful, rebellious scum can find a reason to be unhappy. If it's not one thing, it could be that my government or my parents won't get me that T-Bird I've wanted so badly because I'm failing school, so I'm going to rebel against my parents and against the school for getting me an F. Happened at my school, and that was an upper-middle class community and the rabble rouser was an upper class white kid who didn't get the car he wanted.

Scum happens. We can make excuses for it, we didn't clean the tub enough, we shouldn't have spilled that coke down the drain, we shouldn't have taken any showers, but that doesn't change that it's scum.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase
You're right, they have ignored the problem for way too long.
They should have deported them ages ago.

How did they ever let it get to this point?

Well, I guess there is a first time for everything: Way to go Ace!

Its ok to protest, its even ok to make some noise, but to riot against the government of a nation you immegrated too for not treating you fairly is absurd. Let alone for 8 days burning up handicaped people an shooting at authorities.

If you dont like it, GO HOME!

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:29 PM
Drawing attention to ones plight through civil disobedience is an accepted
means in free society. The civil rights movement of the 60's would not have had the impack on the USA if it were not peaceful in its onset. MLK knew this and I am sure that hotter heads would have preferred that the marches and disobedience was more violent and forceful. Gandhi preached it in India, Mandela in South Africa. The type of rioting we are seeing in France is not going to help the situation, it will only aggravate the situation. Acts of extreme inhuman cruelty as was acted upon the handicapped women will set whatever cause they have back years. This sort of thing throws fuel to the fire of the race hate mongers and gives them the ammunition they need to push forth their agenda. These rioters are doing more harm to thier cause than can possibly imagine.

[edit on 4-11-2005 by Yorga]

[edit on 4-11-2005 by Yorga]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Yorga
This rioters are doing more harm to thier cause than can possibly imagine.

Then again, maybe the organizers do imagine. This is a conspiracy website, let's talk conspiracy. If this keeps up, France is going to come down hard on these people. It may be someone's hope that this spirals out of control, and all out revolution takes place. This wouldn't be the first time ideological groups have worked towards that end in Europe, France in particular. They say that history repeats itself. What happens if the powers that be decide to ignore history, while those who want to wrest power for themselves look to history for guidance?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 03:49 PM
Normally this sort of thing kinda dies down on its own. But there does appear to be something more that is egging it on. Who is fanning the flames? Is it possible that this could have been a well planned insurgency
just waiting for the proper time to strike. It isn't a secret that radicals have been infiltrating Europe in mass for years. How much trouble would it be to incite a poplace already seething with a underlying disdain for it's current plight? A few well placed cells here and there, egging these people on is all it would take to keep it going. Actually of you think about it, it is pretty damn smart!

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Yorga Actually of you think about it, it is pretty damn smart!

Yep, I would bet there are some leaders pulling the strings here and that would be France's worst nightmare. Its not hard to get Muslims riled up....remember what happened because of rumors our guards threw a Koran in the toilet?

These folk always seem ready to explode and your earlier point about Islamic immigrants setting themselves back decades will bear fruit also....who's gonna reach out to them now? Except for fellow Muslims, They just PO'd the whole country!

All these African immigrants can look forward to is the Iron Fist of military occupation in their neighborhoods, massive deportation, immigration freeze, burned out buildings that will become empty lots and higher unemployment rates.....and maybe even a security fence like Isreal built around the Palestineans....if you act like mad-Dogs, society will lock you up like a mad-dog.

How ironic, these French Muslims could share the same fate as the Palestineans...locked up like wild-animals at a zoo. The French are getting a taste of what Isreal's been going thru for decades.


[edit on 043030p://555 by LA_Maximus]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Today France - Tomorrow USA.

Great Move Mister President.

Keep up the GREAT job you are doing - create alot of Unemployed, Hungry People!

[edit on 4/11/05 by Souljah]

Yup, when Muslims are clearly scum, try to move the blame to America.

That's a great strategy you've got there

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Today France - Tomorrow USA.

Great Move Mister President.

Keep up the GREAT job you are doing - create alot of Unemployed, Hungry People!

[edit on 4/11/05 by Souljah]

Can you tell me what if anything this has do do with the topic? What does America and Bush have to do with rioters in France?

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by AceOfBase
Put the blame on the #ing rioters not the police who are trying to get things under control.

Those criminals are scum!!!

Lets not Forget, that France IGNORED the problems of these People living in the suburbs for 30 or more Years. It was a Timebomb anyway, waiting to explode. Would it be any better, if these angry rioters were White? Or Jews? Would that change things? Because so far, all I can see here is some more Muslim-Bashing going on in this Thread - but nobody actually sees whats really going on.

The Guy I agree Most on this Topic is mister from USSR, Uncle Joe:

It Takes Two To Tango.

So, stop blaming JUST thes rioters, and think about, WHY are they doing that?

I am with you on this. It is not because they are Muslim, it is because they have been disenfranchised, literally treated like second class citizens.

They came to France wanting to improve their lives and that is not what they have gotten. This whole thing is based on years of SOCIAL tension. This isn't religious, at least it didn't start out that way.

Have you ever been to Paris? I have. Think about how African Americans were (and in some cases, still are) treated in the American south back in the 60's. That should paint you a clearer picture.

Rosa Parks is rolling in her grave

The Topic title should read something more like "North African Rioting in Paris"

[edit on 4-11-2005 by crisko]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by crisko

Have you ever been to Paris? I have. Think about how African Americans were (and in some cases, still are) treated in the American south back in the 60's. That should paint you a clearer picture.

They were not forciby taken there and they are not being forcibly held there.
They can leave any time they want.

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by crisko
I am with you on this. It is not because they are Muslim, it is because they have been disenfranchised, literally treated like second class citizens.

They came to France wanting to improve their lives and that is not what they have gotten. This whole thing is based on years of SOCIAL tension. This isn't religious, at least it didn't start out that way.

So, they came to France expecting their lives to magically change, and when that didn't happen, they figured "WTF, let's riot"?


No one forces ANYONE to move, and if you don't like the way you are treated, or are dissapointed with the society MOVE!

Don't Fing RIOT!!!




Have you ever been to Paris? I have. Think about how African Americans were (and in some cases, still are) treated in the American south back in the 60's. That should paint you a clearer picture.

Yeah, I've been there, and I didn't see ANY of it. And even if I did, it doesn't give ANYONE the excuse to RIOT, BURN PEOPLES PROPERTY TO THE GROUND, OR LIGHT PEOPLE ON FIRE.

[edit on 4-11-2005 by American Mad Man]

posted on Nov, 4 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
Today France - Tomorrow USA.

France is the topic here, not the United States.

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