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How can we make NASA admit they are covering UFO's up? The last lot is best.

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posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 04:00 PM
Ok, the feeling im getting with all this NASA stuff is there are obviously anolmalies out there in various footage, i will provide below.
Some people say they are dust particles, i say definitely no.
How do dust particles move like that, shine lights like that?
Form formations?, communicate through lights?
Thats not space junk, not dust.

My point being NASA are OBVIOUSLY covering something up.
If you think NASA staff are either not aware or covering up, the evidence speaks for it self.

Im angry at the goverment, for treating us "believers" like the fools that all close minded people think we are.

So, How do we get NASA to admit they know more than we do.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by Denied]

[edit on 28-10-2005 by Denied]

[edit on 28-10-2005 by Denied]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 04:10 PM

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 05:13 PM
The Alien/UFO people must be out there.....

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 05:39 PM
I do agree whole heartedly with you. The only queston is how? How do we get NASA to disclose? How do we get NSA or CIA or any other OP/s to admit to ROSWELL - AREA 51 - KENNEDY CONSPIRACY - FACE ON MARS - 3 MILE ISLAND WAS INTENTIONAL -

I would also like to have full disclosure but there is no way to force an agency to do anything if we do not have the power to elect/hire/fire key personel within said departments.

[edit on 28-10-2005 by 12 12 2012]

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Denied - Question: How do you keep something secret?
If I ever wanted to cover something up, the last thing I would do is broadcast it for my accusers to see.

Here's a suggestion. Take this secret...I mean public video footage to some physicists, engineer, or specialists who are familiar with the space phenomenon and the space program. Or even simpler. Try a well established local university and talk to a professor in physics. See if they can't help explain away "NASA's cover up".

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by nullster
Denied - Question: How do you keep something secret?
If I ever wanted to cover something up, the last thing I would do is broadcast it for my accusers to see.

Here's a suggestion. Take this secret...I mean public video footage to some physicists, engineer, or specialists who are familiar with the space phenomenon and the space program. Or even simpler. Try a well established local university and talk to a professor in physics. See if they can't help explain away "NASA's cover up".

And why not?
Thets ask them people.
All im sayin is NASA IS COVERING up the fact there are Aliens, doing there own thing, NASA caught them on film, yet its thrust away as rubbish.

Its not....

Its a way of inputting it in our heads...
ready for when we are ready to accept it.....

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 02:34 AM
I'm in the process of getting a degree in aerospace engineering. After that I plan on getting a masterrs in aerospace engineering, focusing most likely on propulsion as a disapline. After that I'm gonna get a job with the government/military and then I shall continue my quest of trying to figure out exactly what the hell in going on in this universe. I know I may end up working for the people propagate the lies, but at least I, personallly, will be a little bit closer to the truth. I can't stand sitting around and just waiting to find out about disclosure to happen on its own. If there are people out their who get a priviledge to know the truth, then I'm gonna work my ass of till I have earned that same right!


posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Maverick10
I'm in the process of getting a degree in aerospace engineering. After that I plan on getting a masterrs in aerospace engineering, focusing most likely on propulsion as a disapline. After that I'm gonna get a job with the government/military and then I shall continue my quest of trying to figure out exactly what the hell in going on in this universe. I know I may end up working for the people propagate the lies, but at least I, personallly, will be a little bit closer to the truth. I can't stand sitting around and just waiting to find out about disclosure to happen on its own. If there are people out their who get a priviledge to know the truth, then I'm gonna work my ass of till I have earned that same right!


Beware that you dont adopt their ideology. When one figure how corrupt people are, then the only explanation I can think of to keep such a tight lid on this is that there is a ideology involved that keeps the NASA employees involved in the cover up, and to not reveal what they know even for a profit.

[edit on 29-10-2005 by anorwegianguy1972]

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:01 PM
Maverick10 I wish you the best in your chosen field. There is nothing better than education applied as opposed to arm chair physicists.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 12:11 PM
Remember that millionaire who paid something like $20 million to fly to space ? He took extremely sensitive state of the art cameras so he could bring back the pictures? Well, according to george Noory of Coast to Coast and other radio shows, guess what. His camera and all his equipment was missing.

I dont know if anyone knows anything further.

I didnt mean to hijack your thread, i just think this kind of fits into the eternal conspiracy of spaceships and fairies.

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Remember that millionaire who paid something like $20 million to fly to space ? He took extremely sensitive state of the art cameras so he could bring back the pictures? Well, according to george Noory of Coast to Coast and other radio shows, guess what. His camera and all his equipment was missing.

I dont know if anyone knows anything further.

I didnt mean to hijack your thread, i just think this kind of fits into the eternal conspiracy of spaceships and fairies.


How does one just loose that.u go up u come down.
Its not like the airport?
Definetly something fishy.....
Your not hijacking the thread, you are pointing out my point exactly.
Are we going to be treated like fools?
Just sit and accept?

posted on Oct, 29 2005 @ 04:18 PM
The problem with ufology is there is no organisation, peoples different views fragmenting us and hindering any possible progress.

What is needed is back to basics facts, and a credable organisation lobbying on the subject, getting personalities, mp's/congressmen onboard which takes time, effort & money something of which most of us don't have in the real world.

The problem being who wants to be involved with a bunch of UFO nuts?

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:35 AM
My life is very busy with work,daughter etc, but this is something which annoys me.

I hope something radical is set up, or just like the rest of us believers or non, something truly interventional happens, ie postive encounter for the world.

Ohhh well...

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:47 AM

The answer is simple. With very offensive advertisement. The NET is a beeautiful place for this, and nowdays almost everybody has an internet connection. Creating an extremely popular website based on their stupidity may cause embarassement, they may admit what they are doing.

People who are encouraged to nibble NASA, they will do so at all costs. Only an enlightment is needeed for some, the job will do itself, I am sure. The Gov't may have it wrong, that they can have any profit by covering nothing.

Anyway, I am not at the point thinking that NASA insiders any smarter than all other close minded people. Only the fact, that something is driving them to keep things secret. Money, military, production, marketing competition. Discovering a new technology means cash. Begging aliens to hand over technology for free, also means money.

But why would any alien race hand over technology to any greedy government? Why not play a joke or a game with such foolish people? So please, feedthe aliens with tincanned food, make facilities for them, spend tons of money, and they may hand over an alien interview video for FREE!!

[edit on 30-10-2005 by Khali]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 05:55 AM
I am not really sure that we can.... i mean just look at the kennedy assasination for example.. people have been pressuring the government to release the files on it for a long time now.. and what did they say? they said they'd release them in like i forgot what it was , 2020 or something like that...

and they said that in i think 1999. I think maybe they think people will just forget that they said they would release the files when it comes close to the time they said they would release them.

I get the feeling we would get the same run around on UFO files.

of course, if they have nothing to hide, why keep the documents secret?

it just goes to show that they obviously ARE hiding something.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:51 PM
Even the movement "Right To Know" disband due to the lack of acknowledgement from the government. People are finally breaking the 50 years of silance oth knowing it may cost them thier lives. I met a man at the Roswell Museum back in 96 and twice after that. He had a very MIB experience and left the Museum and went on the road with his story. I often wonder what happened to him and if he is still alive. Look at Father Maliki. Ever wonder what really happened. And how bout "Dulsey", the meeting between human MIB and ET that went wrong.
There is no way that they are going to come forward with anything untill there is such an up-rising of those of us that know the truth. Just a shame that it is taking so long. Soon it will be to late and they will have won the battle.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:58 PM
Because NASA has nothing. The Air Force has everything and is making it look like it is NASA that is hiding everything, thus deflecting attention from them.

NASA is incapable of keeping anything secret. Around 80% of their workforce is contractors and subcontractors and cannot be pressured to maintain secrecy (their loyalty is to the corporate bottom line, not 'national security'). If there was any secret technology of commercial value at NASA the private companies would already have it in the public marketplace.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by thepostman
The problem with ufology is there is no organisation, peoples different views fragmenting us and hindering any possible progress.

What is needed is back to basics facts, and a credable organisation lobbying on the subject, getting personalities, mp's/congressmen onboard which takes time, effort & money something of which most of us don't have in the real world.

The problem being who wants to be involved with a bunch of UFO nuts?

I agree with this sentiment but I see that believers are hard bent on finding UFO/Alien connections anywhere and in anything. The reason is the dearth of recent qualified incidents in the past 20 years. Since we can't find credible occurences on Earth, we look at Space.

When all the "best physical" events occurred well over 30-50 years ago there is a significant need to find physical evidence anywhere. Include to the equation that we are deluged with hoaxes, fakes and frauds in the 1990's, there is little patience left.

No one would be hard pressed to suggest that credibility in a movement is based on the power of current events. Believers need to catch a modern UFO incident. I imagine there is a deep concern there will never be another Roswell. And continuing to plow Roswell as proof will lose relevence in the next 10 years. So in order to stay relevent there needs to be "New Blood". Something real big to recapture the imagination.

Unfortunately it's this mentality that undermines the whole movement. Too many people are too willing to accept anything as proof. There is less investigation and more desire to find the next iconic drama. That is unfortunate.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Denied

Originally posted by dgtempe


How does one just loose that.u go up u come down.
Its not like the airport?
Definetly something fishy.....
Your not hijacking the thread, you are pointing out my point exactly.
Are we going to be treated like fools?
Just sit and accept?
Simple enough, at some point he had to come out and be decompressed or sprayed, or whatever they do to you to acclimate you to earth and get rid of the pesky space bugs. Need i say more?

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