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Do You Like President Bush?

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posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 01:23 PM
I recently read on how that more than half of the country doesn't like Bush, so I figured I'd poll the international membership of ATS, and see how he measured up world-wide (to the participants).

If you like Bush, then reply with a "Yes" in your subject line, and then give your reasons for liking him.

If you do not like Bush, then reply with a "No" as your subject, and state why you do not like him, and what you would change about him.


I'm really in between on this, but I'm more for him, than against him. I know Bush has many faults, but I feel that overall he has done a decent job in office. I think that it shouldn't have taken nearly this long to take care of a few half-witted clowns, and instead of leading us into more national debt, Bush should have tried to pull us farther out of it. Other than that, I'm pretty much satisfied with the way things have gone thus far.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 08:04 PM
I reside in Canada and Not a fan of Bush. The man cant speak a sentence without stumbling over his words, You get the impression if somebody was not writing these speeches for him, he would not have an opinion on anything. In all honesty, It literally boggles my mind how people voted for him, however I understand their are more then my views and opinions; I just do not see how people like him and trust him.
I am deffinately going to follow this post, maybe someone can shine the light towards me and give me a reason of why he is where he is lol. As a person, He is a goof and oddly enough I appreciate that. I don't think he even tries to hide it, atleast i hope thats what it is. But what he has done as a politician overrides everything.
Someone help me out here so i can understand

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 08:37 PM

After 8 years of a do nothing Clinton presidency, it is refreshing to see some leadership.

Just the mention of Bush's name makes Democrats blood boil. This is hilarious!

The #1 play in the Democrats playbook for the last 5 years is blame Bush for everything. How smart is it of Democrats to call someone an idiot when he is kicking your butt politically? If the Democrats where so smart how did they elect winners like ALGORE and, what's his name again....oh yeah, John Kerry to represent them?

The only thing I don't like about Bush and the Republican majority is that they seem scared to use their power. Stop whimping out on Social Security, the border, and conservative judges.

Republicans, use your power, the majority of people love your ideas. That is why we elected Bush twice, and gave you the majority. You cannot compromise with Democrats, they are an enemy to be defeated. No matter what you do they will not like you.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by Carseller4]

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 08:47 PM
Polls are easily manipulated by location of the questions asked. Take a poll on former NY Mayor Ed Koch in Upper Holler West Virginia, and you'll likely get a lot of "C)I don't know"s.

Take an ABC poll of GW in NYC, or LA, or SF, and you'll load it heavily with liberal responses.

Take a poll on a conspiricy website that is well populated with conspiricy theorists, and you will likely have a well skewed response.

With THAT been said, GW is doing a fine job of leadership and providing security for now and the future. I do not agree with some of his fiscal policies (which may have been affected by 9/11), and I sure do not agree with his national border policy. But I love my tax cut...and I ain't even rich!

Other than that, if he says go, I say where where and when.

[edit on 30-10-2005 by Army]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 11:37 AM
9/11 is a day that will never be forgotten and those lives lost can never be replaced; But what about all the innocent women and children in Iraq that have died due to Bush's invasion. I believe i seen figures where you would need atleast 10 consecutive WTC attacks to come close to the number of lives lost in Iraq.

So to those Bush supports, how do you turn your back on all those innocent lives he has taken?

I apoligize if this thread was not meant for this, I am looking for some enlightenment and maybe turn a new cheek myself.

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 12:49 PM
What has Bush done to help the average American? He has alienated just about every country on earth. He has allowed the torture of POW. He has made it more difficult to go bankrupt. He has diverted Billions of dollars to big business. He attempted to Play with Social Security. He also planned on allowing Big business to pay less thaN THE PREVAILING WAGE TO REBUILD New Orleans but he was forced to do otherwise. He has allowed oil companies to make huge profits at the expence of the average American. Can we Afford 3 More years?

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 01:18 PM
The reasons are far too numerous to mention. Pick one. Or ten.

One is that he fosters the 'sports team' mentality that I hate so much and has no place in government. This is not a game. The 'winners' don't go on the the Super Bowl for Christ's sake!

The #1 play in the Democrats playbook for the last 5 years is blame Bush for everything.
You cannot compromise with Democrats, they are an enemy to be defeated.

I think he has hijacked Christianity.
I think he's a liar.
He's arrogant and selfish and nasty.
I think he's a puppet.
I think he's a chicken-poop

I think he's a criminal.
I think he uses fear and control to run the country.
I think he's the worst president and leader we've had since I can recall.
I think he's divisive. After 9/11 this country was one. His actions have divided us.
Our taxes are higher.
My husband's job was sent overseas.

Oh, and I'm not a Democrat.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

I think he has hijacked Christianity.
I think he's a liar.
He's arrogant and selfish and nasty.
I think he's a puppet.
I think he's a chicken-poop

I think he's a criminal.
I think he uses fear and control to run the country.
I think he's the worst president and leader we've had since I can recall.
I think he's divisive. After 9/11 this country was one. His actions have divided us.
Our taxes are higher.
My husband's job was sent overseas.

Oh, and I'm not a Democrat.

[edit on 31-10-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

Hijacked Christianity? He believes in the Lord and allows the Bible to assist him in his moral views, but I can't see that as "hijacking"....and no, he does not want to make Christianity the national religion...not that he could anyway.

Show me one completed, planned, and executed lie HE has developed all on his own....and DON'T try with the WMD excuse. That info has been around since the 90's, with the worlds intelligence network all agreeing it to be valid. If that intell was a WASN'T George's! ( WMD's through the 90's and beyond.. )

Don't confuse confident for arrogance. Selfish? Nasty? What?

Puppet of whom? I like Metallica too, but puhleese!

Chicken poop? Well, at least I thank you for the winky, for this one is silly.

Ahhh, the criminal charge once again! Please, show real honest, unbiased PROOF of criminal activity. You claim it, now prove it beyond any doubt.

Uses fear? Like reminding us that there are people in this world that don't like you, want you dead, want your family dead, don't care one wit about your thoughts/beliefs/religion/creed/sex/color/or your dogs name? That kind of fear? Or maybe he simply reminds us that Islamic terrorists killed over 3000 IN America in ONE day. He doesn't scare me, are you too sensitive perhaps?

I can name one womanizing, guilty of lieing, impeached, disbarred fellow from not too long ago that would rate much lower in status than GW ever could. I suppose I could toss in Carter to boot. Wilson also comes to mind, so does Andy Jackson. Did I mention Johnson?

Divided us how? 9/11 itself divided us by morals, ideology, concepts of patriotism, and international standing (which actually went UP). If by divided us you mean those who still wish to appease criminals, and those who want to stop murderous terrorism by elimination of the sources, then yes, we are divided.

My personal/family taxes are lowest since Reagan/Bush. I have no problem with that at all.

Your Husbands job was the sole decision of his company. GW had nothing to do with it. If you want to blame NAFTA, you have the wrong President.

BTW, I am a Conservative that does NOT agree with much of GW's policies (fiscal spending and national borders), but have concluded that he is a fine man, a good leader of our military, and an honest Christian man.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 08:49 PM
Hijacked it in what way? Like the terrorists hijacked aircraft to kill innocent Americans?

There's no proof where he's done that, to my knowledge.

He always conducts himself very well in public.

Puppet for whom?

Where has he broken the law?

He could possibly use fear, but it is well founded.

His actions were what was needed, people divided amongst themselves.

War costs money.

That isn't Bush's fault, he didn't order the company to send his job anywhere.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 09:50 PM
The man presents himself as an 'ordinary joe' when what America needs is someone extraordinary to lead it. I have never once heard him speak frankly or truly, the way Clinton or Reagan did, to the American people. He only repeats the same buzzwords over and over again. "Democracy, freedom, values" etc. This may work for some, but I have an IQ over 20, so I'd like him to try to speak to "me" (ie, the public) intelligently and candidly, maybe just once. He does not respect the American people enough to talk to them, or to the press. His press appearances are the lowest of any president in recent history, and his vacation time the highest. This shows his disrespect for an open society. The way he treated that Irish reporter a few years ago, making her call him "Sir" before he would respond, says a lot about his personal psychology.

That's just my personal take on him, which I assume is the point of this thread. I could go on forever why politically I do not like Bush or his administration.

-koji K.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by koji_K]

[edit on 1-11-2005 by koji_K]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by JBurns
If you like Bush, then reply with a "Yes" in your subject line, and then give your reasons for liking him.Yes


I certainly don't agree with all of his policies, but I think he's doing the best he can in the situation he's in. He inherited a recession. He inherited terrorist enemies which were emboldened by the lack of response to earlier attacks. He's been President during the worst political uproar I've witnessed in my admittedly few years upon this planet.

His response to 911 was appropriate, unlike the lack of response to earlier attacks upon the very same building, the USS Cole, etc. (I'm not here to slam Clinton, but I think 911 was partially his fault). Democratic governments are forming/have formed in Afhanistan and Iraq.

The economy is booming. Unemployment levels are lower than they were at this point in Clinton's term (Clinton's presidency is often noted as having great unemployment rates, so this is a great statistic).

On the down side, illegal aliens are flowing across the borders like crazy, this needs to be stopped. Bush's fiscal policy, borrow and spend, is no better than the tax and spend policy of the democrats. Bush's attempt at cooperation with the dems by nominating Miers was complete BS. Give us a good old fashioned conservative, you didn't see the left playing the cooperation game when they had the nomination (Ginsburg).

That being said, the good outweighs the bad IMO. I think the Bush adminstration's response to 911, the whole war on terror in general, will be thought of as one the greatest accomplishments in American history 50 years from now....if he doesn't bankrupt the country before then. In addition, I think the country would be in far worse shape under Gore or Kerry.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by koji_K
I have never once heard him speak frankly or truly, the way Clinton or Reagan did, to the American people. He only repeats the same buzzwords over and over again. "Democracy, freedom, values" etc.

My thoughts exactly, His Inaugeral speech in '05 was a real zinger.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:54 AM
I don't hate him, but there is NO WAY he should be our president.

I hesitate to call him a Christian. Christians should not be lying, cheating, stealing, or murdering people. A real Christian would respect the Constitution--the Bible says we are to obey the law of the land so long as in doing so you don't disobey God, and Bush has done nothing but disobey it.

There's a bumper sticker I'd like to acquire. It says REAL AMERICANS DON'T START WARS.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 11:09 AM

First off I don't have a political party and don't want one. I vote for the better candidate and not the party. The reasons I don't like Bush hmmm..where to start.

1. The same as everbody else above who does not like him
2. All you need to do is look at the man to see through him
3. He's all about himself, big business and proving a point that does not have to be proven to the american people...figure it out

Would we be any better with anybody else as president? I don't know but would like to find out. Problem is that the next president will have a hard time either fixing all this crap that bush started or gave to continue all this crap that bush started. Either way we are screwed in the long run because of bush.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 07:47 PM
I think Bush is just the latest in a long line of immoral, inept presidents. Clinton sure wasn't much better. This has been going on for decades.

Just that with Bush his ineptness is a little more obvious. My mother says Clinton was more intelligent and well-spoken, and I agree with that, but I don't cast a vote based on that.

My question to a candidate is--will they uphold the Constitution?

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 09:44 PM

He has mislead the American people into believing that Iraq was a immanent threat, which has taken us into a war with a country that had very very little if nothing to do with 9-11. To top that off we had no viable exit strategy, and Americans are dying for it. The really sad thing is the man who actually did attack us has still not been brought to justice!
That is the main reason I do not trust him but there are many more. Like the fact that he has close ties with the Saudi’s. Our borders are still a revolving door for illegal immigration. he portrays himself as a Christian and yet still makes it out to bohemian grove for a little pagan worship. Ohh and I love seeing my taxes go to Halliburton and there no bid contracts in Iraq/ Katrina, the list goes on and on.

And on a personal level, I just don’t like the man.

I’m not a democrat ,or a republican. And this is my first post! So hello!


posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 11:07 PM
I hate that stupid smile on his face on his speeches so he can act like hes funny or something. I remember one my family member throwing a shoe at the T.V. screen on his presidential election speech it was pretty funny.
I go with allt he people who dont like bush he clearly is a coward and didnt even fight in vietnam war he chickened out.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 01:00 PM
Nah, he'd rather send everyone else and their kids to fight his wars. For him it's a spectator sport.

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 12:41 AM
A poll of ATS is going to show a STRONG left lean. This isn't me being biased, this is just reality.

Anyway, YES

I don't have time to list my reasons. I'll list them tomorrow. I should be doing math right now

posted on Nov, 7 2005 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by chissler

Originally posted by koji_K
I have never once heard him speak frankly or truly, the way Clinton or Reagan did, to the American people. He only repeats the same buzzwords over and over again. "Democracy, freedom, values" etc.

My thoughts exactly, His Inaugeral speech in '05 was a real zinger.

As a point of comparision, take Tony Blair. He, like W., supported many of the same policies that I am against (ie, the war in Iraq). Yet Tony Blair does not shun the press OR the people, he talks frequently, stands up to brutal and complex questioning, and has the intelligence and willingness to cope and come across like a man who has thought out his position.

W. cannot do this. He expects to be treated like a King by the press, and simply can't respond under pressure. He is not leadership material. The final irony of this is that people voted for him because they thought he stood for values, when the truth is you have no idea what Bush stands for because he's never had to explain himself to the people. He's allowed to get away with dropping a few buzzwords and leaving his press secretary to handle the flack.

For those of you who don't understand what I'm talking about, watch tony blair on Prime Ministers Questions on C-span, or indeed any of his press conferences, and try replacing him with Bush and imagine what would happen.

I disagree with Tony Blair, but I respect him as a leader. Bush does not inspire that same respect.

-koji K.

[edit on 7-11-2005 by koji_K]

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