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was atlantis destroyed around the same time as noah?

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posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:57 PM
in sumarticals i read t said atlantis was destroyed around the time of noah that part makes sense huge floods around the world happened at the time they say the reason why atlantis was destroyed an all the people in noahs time was because alien expirimentation was happening everywhere an that atlantis was like area 51 but far more advanced an the story goes god destroyed everything accept noahs family because they were the only pure humans left on the planet .. i do dont fully belive but it sounds like a possiblity anyone else hear of anything along thesse lines before?

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 04:44 PM

I don't want to come off as nasty, but your post makes no sense. Please, spend a little time to "write" our your thread, questions, comments and evaluations as well as any links to help back you up otherwise their is nothing we can do for you.

Thank you kindly,

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 04:48 PM
No. There was no global flood. There is no hard eidence (artifacts, etc) that Atlantis ever existed.

Originally posted by ikillaliens
in sumarticals i read t said atlantis was destroyed around the time of noah that part makes sense huge floods around the world happened at the time they say the reason why atlantis was destroyed an all the people in noahs time was because alien expirimentation was happening everywhere an that atlantis was like area 51 but far more advanced an the story goes god destroyed everything accept noahs family because they were the only pure humans left on the planet .. i do dont fully belive but it sounds like a possiblity anyone else hear of anything along thesse lines before?

It sounds like a lot of other "channeled" material or a really mixed-up version of Sitchin's material. Sitchin's "Annunanki" ideas have been proven wrong many times oer.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Odium

I don't want to come off as nasty, but your post makes no sense. Please, spend a little time to "write" our your thread, questions, comments and evaluations as well as any links to help back you up otherwise their is nothing we can do for you.

Thank you kindly,

I can read it just fine, I guess its from being exposed to bad grammer and spelling for half a decade on the net now lol.

All I know is some Native American Storys that say they are the red people that came from a place similar to what is discribed to Atlantic. And some say they came from the earth but thats totaly different era.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 06:33 AM
The problems with the Atlantis Myth is put out very succintly in Donner's thread on the page

The biggest problem is the existence of the Athenians in the myth, but I don't want to reveal too much about what's on the thread. I'll just say that I don't think that the Noah myth mentions the Athenians.

[edit on 27-10-2005 by Darkmind]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 07:14 AM
Im going to say no.

Since there's no evidence for either the existence of Atlantis or Noah and his ark it doesnt make any sense to talk about them happening together.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:38 PM
Tovarishch says:

Since there's no evidence for either the existence of Atlantis or Noah and his ark it doesnt make any sense to talk about them happening together.

Au contraire!

While I agree that the Noahic myth is just that, as are the "Atlantis" tales bandied about in some of these fora, there is increasingly sound evidence ( see Ryan and Pitman) that, about 7,600 years ago, a breakthrough by the rising Mediterranean Sea across the Bosporus Valley (what is now the Sea of Marmora) turned a medium-sized freshwater lake hundreds of feet below its present level into the Black Sea.

And, of course, most students of mediterranean history will recall the eruption of Thera in what is now the island of Santorini which destroyed the largest Minoan outposte outside of Crete and probably was one of the reasons for the subsequent collapse of the Minoan Empire.

I believe that both of those cataclysmic events gave rise to their respective legends, although, given that about four thosand years separated them, one could hardly believe that there's any correlation.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 02:36 AM
Frank Joseph in his 2002 book The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling evidence of the sudden fall of the Legendary Civilization; postulates that Atlantis was destroyed c.1200 B.C.E. by a cometary miss and meteor impact in the Atlantic ocean. This impact caused a great deal of seismic activity that caused the island to sink and be inundated by the wall of water that wiped it off the map. His theory has the comet dropping debris as the planet rotated so all the worlds oceans and lands were affected. Debris, dropped in the ocean caused walls of water in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans--causing a worldwide flood that washed over the shores of most of the coastlines. The debris falling on land started many fires and the combination decimated the population to 1/10th is size.

The author puts forward some interesting ideas but he does equate the destruction of Atlantis, with a worldwide flood, and survivors like Noah and other similar names from around the world. This could be one of the articles that the previous writer referred to.

I am not convinced that the type of cosmic event that the author postulates is verifiable for the extent and time frame. Also the time frame for Thera/Santorini is recalculated in his book, and this I have not heard of anywhere else. Was an interesting read tho'

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Sparkie the Wondersnail
Frank Joseph in his 2002 book The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling evidence of the sudden fall of the Legendary Civilization; postulates that Atlantis was destroyed c.1200 B.C.E. by a cometary miss and meteor impact in the Atlantic ocean.

Except that there were a number of literate civilizations in that time period. None of them mention great cataclysms, nor are there any written references to/from rulers of Atlantis to/from the rulers of other nations. The old rulers were great letter writers, and much of what we know of history comes from royal proclamations and treaties and tribute records.

There are no trade or tribute records that mention Atlantis. Or treaties.

This impact caused a great deal of seismic activity that caused the island to sink and be inundated by the wall of water that wiped it off the map. His theory has the comet dropping debris as the planet rotated so all the worlds oceans and lands were affected. Debris, dropped in the ocean caused walls of water in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans--causing a worldwide flood that washed over the shores of most of the coastlines. The debris falling on land started many fires and the combination decimated the population to 1/10th is size.

...meanwhile, the afflicted civilizations continued onward with no loss of population and no awareness that they had just been carpet-bombed by a comet.

The author, I'm sorry to say, needs to be hauled by his ears back to junior high school and made to sit through the history of the Sumerians, the Indians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, and so forth. If something had happened to wipe out the major cities of Egypt, there would have been records and dispatches and appeasements to the gods and so forth.

posted on Nov, 11 2005 @ 10:52 AM

my post was again, eaten up by the ATS computer??

it seems to happen a LOT!!!!!


2nd attempt!

hi ikillaliens

I would like to bring up the existence of prehistoric Cave Art


these sites show 20,000 year old cave-art @ Lascaux
also some 17.000 year old creations @ Spain's Altamira


Now imho, IF there was ever a total global worldwide flood,

it would have had to happen sometime earlier than the creation of
these cave paintings, which used plant dyes & charcoals and minerals
to create these fragile images on the stone walls of the caves.
The caves would have been flooded and with really muddy water!!!
which makes the cave art pictures pretty much evidence

evidence or proof, that neither Noahs' flood or the much earlier
Gilgamesh Epic & flood story,,, or Plato's Atlantis....
occurred in the generally accepted time frame of 4,000-12,000 BCE


my imaginings can reason that those few (highly stylized & advanced)
cave art images could have been created by survivors of the"Atlantis"
demise...who came ashore on the prehistoric europe.

btw, 'Atlantis', may just be the description or profile of the Pre-Civilization
nature of humanity at large...and not a cosmopolitan technological state

-food for thought-

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:52 AM
well that is a good explanation why the humans were wiped out. cross bred with it didnt destroy all of them and the blood line is in the houses of the yurpopean royalty.they are the devil themselves. except for diana and was murdered and the other made inconsequential and ignored.diana was killed (murdered) for going against evil royals.and bushes are in it too as they killed the kennedy's. bushes are total evil.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 11:19 AM
If you're talking about when these things were "supposed" to have happened...

Atlantis vanished around the time of the end of the last Ice Age, when coastlines rose and the Mid-Atlantic ridge dropped due to the release of ice weight on Europe. Like a big see-saw.

Noah floated his big animal boat sometime around 4,000 B.C.E., during an extended rainy period created by increased volcanic activity and subsequent forest fires in the Northern Hemisphere. So about half as long ago as Atlantis.

Of course, you know these stories are probably not to be taken literally, although what particular "moral" we're supposed to get from the Noah story eludes me.

"If you hear voices in your head, do what they tell you?" "God loves to slaughter people?" "Don't forget the unicorns next time?"

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by ikillaliens
in sumarticals i read t said atlantis was destroyed around the time of noah

The flood in the bible is a world wide deluge. Plato's story about atlantis is that it, and it alone, sank, while the rest of the world was unaffected. The greeks also have their own story about a worldwide flood that is seperate.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
my imaginings can reason that those few (highly stylized & advanced)
cave art images could have been created by survivors of the"Atlantis"
demise...who came ashore on the prehistoric europe.

Considering Atlantis was in the advanced ancient civilisations class (ie Athens eqvivalent) according to the only known source, I doubt they would start scribbling nonsense in caves even after a disaster. On pottery perhaps, but not on cave walls.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:15 PM
I would say the Atlantis sinking event took place somewhere around 1000 BC to 1200 BC.

The Great Deluge would have then taken place somewhere around 2500 BC.

The people of Athens were alive to tell about the sinking of Atlantis, whereas only a small number is mentioned as surviving the Deluge. All this indicating two different events.

Comets or Asteroids could have started both events. However, I would say the Deluge asteroid would have been considerably larger.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 06:46 PM
For those that say there was no flood at the time of noah. It is a fact that 100,s of mammoths are found in siberia frozen with vegetation in their stomach,s, i would like your explanation as to how they got there,not enough vegetation there to sustain them,i am interested in your responses.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by merka

Considering Atlantis was in the advanced ancient civilisations class (ie Athens eqvivalent) according to the only known source,

I doubt they would start scribbling nonsense in caves even after a disaster.
On pottery perhaps, but not on cave walls.

? scribbling ? nonsense on walls of caves?
men are known or reknown for acts they feel will show their prowess
and men are also known to devise attempts to leave a legacy of their presence...

let's say a group of 'survivors' from a Atlantis cataclysm squatted in an available sanctuary from the elements , a cave, which provided a safe haven & security for that band of refugees...wouldn't the residents try to 'spruce the place up'??

the few, rare, preserved cave-art paintings, which are an anomaly in the neo-lithic era of human interaction...were, by my reckoning, created by someones with more than a 'grunt' mentality and view of the world...persons with an evolved sense of the world.
Also, people with a technological advance to be able to create this art on the cave walls without the benefit of sunlight or torches. Which only adds to the 'mystery' and was an imputus for doing the 'art work' in the first place...they hoped their endeavor would help explain their plight, condition, position, to future sleuths that have an open mind.

It is easier for me to believe that a cultured survivor(s) created a historical record & legacy in their attempt to gain that elusive 'immortality', through the cave art...
Than any other model you might present.


[edit on 4-5-2006 by St Udio]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by stmichael
For those that say there was no flood at the time of noah. It is a fact that 100,s of mammoths are found in siberia frozen with vegetation in their stomach,s, i would like your explanation as to how they got there,not enough vegetation there to sustain them,i am interested in your responses.

It's a fact that traces of vegetation and pollen grains have been recovered from mammoth remains found in Siberia.

It's also a fact that mammoths continued to live in the Arctic until around 3,500 years ago.

More info, plus reference etc in my brief article on the subject here

You may also wish to read extracts from some of the many papers presented at the 3rd International Mammoth Conferance

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 08:44 AM

posted by Essan

posted by stmichael
For those that say there was no flood at the time of Noah. It is a fact that 100s of mammoths are found in Siberia frozen with vegetation in their stomachs, I would like your explanation as to how they got there, not enough vegetation there to sustain them. I am interested in your responses.

It's a fact that traces of vegetation and pollen grains have been recovered from mammoth remains found in Siberia. It's also a fact that mammoths continued to live in the Arctic until around 3,500 years ago. [Edited by Don W]

Excellent article regarding mammoths. Or, as you point out, Essan, the Woolly Mammoth. I have a question for you:

“ . . largest, of these were the Missoula Floods which created the scablands of Eastern Washington, and Lake Agassiz, the sudden release of which precipitated the most dramatic climatic event of the last 20,000 years – the so-called ‘Younger Dryas’ (YD). The Yukon "mucks" may be analogous to Siberian Yedoma silt dating to the Duvanny Yar interval. © Andy Mayhew 2006

Q1. My first question to you was to give me a bit more on the “Younger Dryas.” I’m familiar with Lake Missoula but I’m unfamiliar with Lake Agassiz.

Q2. Is there any connection between your “Younger Dryas” and the other’s “Duvanny Yar?”

“ . . 16th January1960, an American newspaper, the Saturday Evening Post . . "

Being older than you, Essan, let me only modify slightly what you have said, above, about the Saturday Evening Post. It was a large 9 X 14 format weekly magazine which boasted some connection to Benjamin Franklin. It was competitive with the ‘Look Magazine’ and ‘LIFE Magazine,’ among others. LIFE featured photographs of the news events. It was published by the Time-Life Company owned by staunch Republican Henry Luce, which was mocked by left wingers as “Time magazine is for people who can’t think, and LIFE Magazine is for people who can’t read.” TV killed all of those pictoral publications. Time-Life has morphed into Time-Warner.

Ignatius Donnelly's Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, 1882.

Again, Essan, being older, I can report I read this book before the discovery of sea floor spreading just post War 2, and the later explanation of plate tectonics. We did know of the German geographer whose name escapes me now but who proposed the continents were “drifting” apart, which was his “continental drift” theory. "Atlantis" made good reading and I was somewhat skeptical even then over the claims made for the inhabitants of Atlantis but not of the island itself. I had already learned that other than in the rough profile, there was no similarity between the Egyptian and Meso-American pyramids. After reading 'Atlantis,' I found the "Lost Continent of Mu." The Pacific's version of the Atlantic's Atlantis.

After all, it was in print, and for a lot of people, if it’s in print, it must be true.

[edit on 5/5/2006 by donwhite]

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:59 AM
Hi Don

Originally posted by donwhite
Q1. My first question to you was to give me a bit more on the “Younger Dryas.” I’m familiar with Lake Missoula but I’m unfamiliar with Lake Agassiz.

The Younger Dryas was a suddenly, very cold period which affected the Northern Hemisphere, and possibly the whole world, right at the very end of the last Ice Age. Ice sheets which had been oin retreat for severl thousand years suddenly started growing again and the Greenland ice cores reveal that etmperatures fell to about as low as at any point during the Ice Age. I guess Wikipedia is as good as any site for filling you in on the details

There's also a little bit here about the it and it's possible cause through the release of waters from lake Agassiz.

Glacial lake Agassiz is thought to have finally drained away completely around 8,200 year ago - a date which also coincides with a 200 year period of globally colder temperatures. This event is often used as an analogy for what may happen should the Gulf Stream shut down as a result of increased meltwater from Greenland, as mentioned in this recent report

Q2. Is there any connection between your “Younger Dryas” and the other’s “Duvanny Yar?”

The Duvanny Yar interval is usually only used in relation to Asia and refers to the final period of the last Glacial - from about 25,000 to 14,000 years ago. This is when the glaciers began their long meltdown and is thus associated with regional flooding. It was a period of slowly rising temperatures before the brief, final, fall back into Glacial conditions that we call the Younger Dryas.

I think the Duvanny Yar is actually named after a river in Siberia. Which is better than the Younger Dryas is which takes it's name from a flower!

We did know of the German geographer whose name escapes me now but who proposed the continents were “drifting” apart, which was his “continental drift” theory.

Alfred Wegener

btw thanks for the info about the Saturday Evening Post

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