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Chemtrails / EM

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posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:39 AM
I was wondering some of the theorys on chemtrails and if one of them was to block Electromagnetics?

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by japike
I was wondering some of the theorys on chemtrails and if one of them was to block Electromagnetics?

There is no such thing as Chemtrails; it has been repeatedly debunked on this site. Do a search and you will find a bunch of threads on the topic already. Having worked in civilian aviation as late as 2000, I can personally tell you there is no such thing. Since the contrails from the civilian airliners stay in that air for hours on end and spread out just like the ones the chemie’s swear are chemical contrails. Yet I knew from working on the planes that they were not spraying anything, nothing extra was being loaded on the planes, etc. If you think that the contrails are staying air born longer then they used to I would look into changes in the engines and the atmosphere rather then going chasing after ghosts which aren't there.

[edit on 10/22/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 02:11 AM

Chemtrails have NOT been debunked anywhere. Don't let the debunkers put you off Japike.
I have also worked around aircraft (military), so just because someone else has and they claim chemtrails are not real does NOT prove anything.

Until you see the spraying operations in person, how can you say it's not happening?

As far as blocking electromagnetic I couldn't say, but it has been theorized that it has something to do with H.A.A.R.P. so maybe?

[edit on 22/10/2005 by ANOK]

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 22/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 02:42 AM
The prblem I have is the planes I watched were going back and forth up and down and one I got sight of us not normal looking (big and white almost a bright white) also they were going crazy directions ie left right up down and one went up and looked to make a hard left, I guess its hard to tell distance and turning from the ground but something was odd I noticed everyone at a local park was talking to eachother about it like WTH is that all about. I never paid much attention to them ubtil the other day this is why I ask BTW.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 02:45 AM
By the way when I got home my neighbor also saw and took a picture I got her to email it to me sorry I had no way to direct link it

Are those the typical chemtrails? Its to bad the picture didn't show the one going hard right or left whatever it was. However there is one that is like vertical? Do planes normaly fly like that? maybe just looks vertical since we are on the ground?

[edit on 22-10-2005 by japike]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:45 AM
I saw pretty much the same thing a couple of yrs ago, two planes working together producing a criss-cross patern of trails similar to what's in your photo. I watched them for about two hours.

The trail you see is not vertical btw, it is the just the angle of the shot.
Looks like typical chemtrail patterns to me.

[edit on 22/10/2005 by ANOK]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

Chemtrails have NOT been debunked anywhere. Don't let the debunkers put you off Japike.
I have also worked around aircraft (military), so just because someone else has and they claim chemtrails are not real does NOT prove anything.

Until you see the spraying operations in person, how can you say it's not happening?

As far as blocking electromagnetic I couldn't say, but it has been theorized that it has something to do with H.A.A.R.P. so maybe?

[edit on 22/10/2005 by ANOK]

Because I have seen these EXACT same trails north of TIA that sit for hours on end and form clouds, and I KNOW FOR A FACT that this is not going on at TIA!!!!!!

It’s simply a bank of flights came in at the same time, meeting to the north for approach to Runway 18L and 18R. Since some of those planes were coming from all different compass points and all have to converge to the north for an approach, they make a huge mess all over the sky and can pretty well obscure it.

Next VIABLE question please?

[edit on 10/22/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
Because I have seen these EXACT same trails north of TIA that sit for hours on end and form clouds, and I KNOW FOR A FACT that this is not going on at TIA!!!!!!

Next VIABLE question please?

Yes that maybe, but did you see aircraft that were flying the same pattern over and over to produce these trails, or were they just from regular traffic?
There is a diference.
I KNOW FOR A FACT, the ones I saw were not normal traffic.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:04 AM
Yeah is called a flying a scheduled flight plan. Aircraft come into airports in banks, so that you can transfer bags and passengers between flights/airlines. So for instance between 11-12pm, TIA is empty, between 12-1Pm it is full. Therefore all these aircraft landing in the same direction, coming in on their routes, following their radio beacons can make a grid or pattern in the sky. Let’s say you have 6 planes coming from the north, 6 from the west and 6 from the east, and they all have to converge on an area 5 miles to the north of the runway they have to land on, what do you think that is going to do to the sky? Then there is the fact that there are not going to be any military aircraft flying a grid in the approach to a major airport, except maybe a fighter doing touch-and-goes, and in that military no-fly zone I see these same trails you talk about, so what left them there if not the civilian airliners that I AGAIN know are not spraying anything?

You know I am starting to wonder if your living under a holding pattern area…

[edit on 10/22/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:52 AM
How close to an airport would you need to be to see such patterns as in the above photo?

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:04 AM
That looks like a route which is running the same direction as the telephone lines. Aircraft fly on radio beacons that are placed on the ground, they use those beacons like roads in the sky and follow them from airport to airport. The proper name is Victor airways. Here, check out this page it has pretty good definitions.

[edit on 10/22/2005 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:04 AM
Some of you amaze me... Most of you say that Chemtrails are real because theyre onlly there sometimes... Altitudes??? At a different altitude the smoke would be thinner. So it would be less visible because the molecules would spread out much like oxygen. A jet that would be flying low would disperse the smoke more densely. Its from the burning of fuels. Or wait tankers dont burn gas either its chemicals. Chemtrails are the dumbeest ever made up theory/skeptic thingy ever. There just the result of fuels being burned to create THRUST and MOMENTUM!!!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:23 AM
For your reading enjoyment

WARNING Do not drink liquids while reading that. I will not be responsible for damage to monitor screens caused by hysterical laughter while drinking liquids and reading the link at the same time.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by japike
The prblem I have is the planes I watched were going back and forth up and down and one I got sight of us not normal looking (big and white almost a bright white) also they were going crazy directions ie left right up down and one went up and looked to make a hard left, I guess its hard to tell distance and turning from the ground but something was odd I noticed everyone at a local park was talking to eachother about it like WTH is that all about. I never paid much attention to them ubtil the other day this is why I ask BTW.

They're called commercial airliners. You've just described exactly what I see in the skies above my town in England every day. Yet I bet most people here don't even realise we're under several flight paths.

You've really answered yourself by saying you never paid attention to them until the other day. This is how the chemtrail nonsense started - people don't pay much attention to the skies until someone says there's something odd going on. Only then do they look up and "oh, they're right - I never saw that before!"

On the other hand, trained meteorological observers look at the sky every day........and have never seen a 'chemtrail' (not in the UK anyway) Make yer wonder......

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:40 AM
Makes sense they must have the day off today

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Essan
On the other hand, trained meteorological observers look at the sky every day........and have never seen a 'chemtrail' (not in the UK anyway) Make yer wonder......

Actualy no they don't, they look at computer screens.

Perhaps we should not be referring to what is being seen in our skies as "chemtrails". That is, it is a coined name, jargon if you wish, and you won't find it in the dictionary. It is now apparent that scientists in the field of atmospheric research have discussed this subject quite openly for many years - in recent times since the seventies. Their preferred term is "geoengineering" which is the intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment, particularly manipulation that is intended to reduce undesired anthropogenic climate change.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:14 AM
Christ ANOK in your link the 4th pic down looks almost the same as in my pic! Thats odd.

Hey I wonder if there were any chemtrails on 9/11? Doubtful people would be paying attention but when the stopped all air traffic...

Ha its funny the link also mentions aluminum oxide I had a dream about aluminum and magnets last night

Well on a side note at least I can see most of the stars tonight heh.
Can think better on a clear night

[edit on 23-10-2005 by japike]

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:54 AM
Ya know I can understand the doubt but when some things don't add up I can understand things being possible to. I try to look at things with logic yet openminded. Its funny the days it happened here and how they are not in the last few days. I had a long talk talk with my wife this morning about somethings are worth the risk finding out if you have acsess. I hope to compile for than just a theory in weeks to come...I still wonder if you can get arrested if you stuck your head in somewhere you don't belong? Not saying an ollegal act but finding out something that can be considered a threat to Nat. Security? Anyone care to comment?

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 08:04 AM
Well of course you can get into trouble looking into things that the government feels you should not.

That said, you’re not going to get into any trouble on this, unless someone feels your asking too much info on flight information which is more closely held now then it was pre-911. I would suggest that you be upfront with anyone in the field, rather then asking any cryptic questions.

Civilian aviation has truly has nothing to hide in the Chemtrail area, but they tend to protect flight information due to heightened security since the 911 incident. However, if you get the wrong guy, you might get screwed with, a weird sense of humor tends to be around that field as well, and messing with someone that asks about UFO’s, Chemtrails, etc which is nothing but a really good laugh to them. They do not take that stuff as serious as many on this site would, and do tend to get tired of answering what they consider stupid questions. Just think about how tech support guys tend to mess with users that constantly ask what they consider dumb questions, which they hear over and over.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by japike

Hey I wonder if there were any chemtrails on 9/11? Doubtful people would be paying attention but when the stopped all air traffic...

It just so happens that there are a number of scientists studying the effects of air craft contrails on the climate. The post 9/11 air traffic shutdown gave them a good opportunity for study.

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