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Is this true about the Masons?

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posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:41 AM
I have a friend who is a born again christian. I was telling him about this website and some of the stuff i've been reading. anyway we got talking about the masons and such like, he is very anti catholic church, masons or anything else that takes his fancy but he told me that the masons are a split organisation.

What he said was that 95% of masons believe they are 'worshipping' God but the other 5%, the elite, worship satan. He maintains that the top 5% are made up of the Pope, Royal Family and other people like that.

This brings me to a couple of questions?

1. and the most obvious, is he just a biggot, talking rubbish?

2. if he is not, does this mean that the new world order could be contained within the top tier of the masons?

3. What does this mean for the 95% of 'good' mason?

Look forward to the replies.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:49 AM
Question 1: he is talking rubbish.

Question 2: See answer to question #1

Question 3: See previous answer.

No Pope to my knowledge has ever been a Freemason, and have in fact declared Masonry incomaptible with the Catholic church. Please correct me if I'm in error.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:51 AM
Once you join that organization you can't leave. They won't LET you leave. George Washington joined them rashly when a youth and later warned others about them. They still horned in on his funeral, took over the procession, even driving Martha Washington away. The Masons then built their phallic masonic monument right in Washington DC and called it the "Washington Monumen."

And they tried to claim Abraham Lincoln too, and he never WAS a Mason.

They try to claim you even if you're not one of them. If you ever make the mistake and join them they will track you down to make you stay, and they are pushy and they will do whatever they have to do to make you stay. They are very violent and very underhanded.

Yes, the upper levels are thoroughly entrenched in worshipping Satan. You have heard of the Bohemian Grove?

Read these links. They are about the Illuminati - but the Illuminati encompasses the Satanists, Freemasons, KKK, Nazis, Mormons, Scientology, the Catholic Church and others. St. Peter's Basillica is full of occult Illuminist/Masonic symbology -- more blatant than almost anyplace you can find on the planet. Read Cutting Edge for lots more information on this.

Svali interview

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

Monarch Mind Control Programming: What It Is

[edit on 21-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:52 AM
Rather than take one side or another on this matter, because I know many here will do that, I sugggest you do some research on your own.
Browse through the various secret societies threads on Masonry. You will be able to tell which side a poster is on and draw your own conclusions as to the validity of their positions.

Hopefully, members here will remember to stay on topic.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:53 AM
Peruse the forum for all the info you're looking for.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:59 AM
Here's a question for you, have you read the threads about the Masons in this forum?

Let me ask you a couple more questions. Do you think the non-upper-tier non Masons know for a fact? Do you think the non-upper tier Masons know? Who are the upper-tier Masons, and where do they hang out?

Here's what you are about to receive; the Mason Conspiracists are going to tell you all about the conspiracies and they are going to provide you with links to sites that go in depth on this particular topic. The Masons who hang out here are going to tell you it is all rubbish. What would you expect them to tell you? Now, after all this is posted, where will you be?

Just curious as to what your expectations are so that we can better meet them.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:05 PM
Information is my expectation. I dont know any masons, although i have been in a masonic hall. I also dont know anyone who knows anything about this subject. If i google some searches ill get web pages but not people giving me info that i can question by asking them for clarification etc.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Who are the upper-tier Masons, and where do they hang out?

I'd go ahead and tell you, but of course, no one would believe me...

Let's just leave it at "someone you know, and closer than you think."

Mucky Muck Monkeys, not just for "kiss my ring" anymore..

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:14 PM
Bobsa -- I don't think all these websites and warnings about the Masons are because they're such good guys. You should stay out of their halls and stay away from them altogether, stay as far away from them as you can get. You will need to fight them for your schools and fight to keep them off your police department and from being appointed or elected as judges. Once they get in power they corrupt everything they touch. They look out for their own, but they also torment their own and strongarm them. It is like the Mafia, and indeed the Mafia, Nazis and KKK are its first cousins as are the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Scientology, the Grange, and other occutic groups.

They are pushing hard for John Lennon's version of "Utopia" in his song "Imagine." The pyramid and all seeing eye means their idea of utopia is one man at the top pulling all the strings on puppets arranged in a triangle below. Control by multilevels. They want control with a capital C, and they don't care how they get it. They will sell their soul for ten cents to get some power over somebody else. They don't care.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:19 PM
OK, now for a sober look at the topic. I am not a Mason, I have met 2, and I've found them to be honourable people. The one I work with has the admiration of his coworkers. He's been off for a couple of months and we are concerned for him. He's missed.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 12:23 PM
Of the hundred or so that I've known, maybe 5 are of questionable character. The rest are solid.

It seems to me that should speak for itself. I can't break into the Upper-Tier hideout and see what notes and receipts I can find, so I'll base my opinion on the folks I know, as my Canadian friend just said.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 01:08 PM
Bobsa -- Freemasons don't go around with fangs. The higher up ones do go to the Bohemian Grove, participate in human sacrifice, things of that nature.

Billy Graham has been seen at Bohemian Grove, and he's known to be a Freemason, but who is more respected than Billy Graham? Likewise with Walt Disney. Bob Hope. Frank Sinatra. Read the links I posted. Believe me, it's nothing you want anyhting to do with.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Once you join that organization you can't leave. They won't LET you leave.

Preposterous. Stop paying dues and you can leave any organization.

Washington joined them rashly when a youth and later warned others about them.

This is incorrect.

They try to claim you even if you're not one of them. If you ever make the mistake and join them they will track you down to make you stay, and they are pushy and they will do whatever they have to do to make you stay. They are very violent and very underhanded.

Yes, the upper levels are thoroughly entrenched in worshipping Satan. You have heard of the Bohemian Grove?

The devil is not worshipped at Bohemian Grove, and the Bohemian Club is not a part of masonry.

St. Peter's Basillica is full of occult Illuminist/Masonic symbology

The RCC is at odds with Masonry.

Read Cutting Edge for lots more information on this.

What information from any of those pages did you find convincing??

are because they're such good guys.

What about all the websites and warnings about baptists and other christians? The mere pressence of propaganda against a people is hardly proof that they are evil.

. It is like the Mafia, and indeed the Mafia, Nazis and KKK are its first cousins

Off that the nazis threw masons into concentration camps then eh?
The KKK tended to like masons because a person who's a mason had already joined a frat and because they were seen as often being in opposition to the vatican. And why is it that you say every mason is inherently evil? Is it only the 'tops' that are bad or all of them you are saying?

participate in human sacrifice,

Human sacrifice eh? Anything to back that up or are you in the habit of spreading baseless falsehoods?

Believe me, it's nothing you want anyhting to do with.

Beleive you? Why, because you've read some web-pages?

If i google some searches ill get web pages but not people giving me info that i can question by asking them for clarification etc.

We do have lots of good threads on the subject in this forum tho.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Once you join that organization you can't leave.

Moderaters all. At the risk of a warning (which I've never had, despite the fact that I've probably deserved one from time to time) That is a bare-faced lie and I charge here and now that resistance is a liar. (Sorry, but I do not know of ANY other word to describe one who lies). ANY Mason can cease being a Mason. There are two ways (Nygdan has already mentioned one) You may "demit" That means "I quit" You request a demit and you're issued an official document that removes you from membership. Or you may (as Nygdan said) simply stop paying dues. You'll be suspended, then ultimately expelled. You will NO LONGER BE a Mason. It's quite easy. Why, resistance, do you continue with this UN-Christian attitude of spreading lies???? Are you really THAT ignorant? There's no secret that it's easy to cease being a Mason.

They won't LET you leave. George Washington joined them rashly when a youth and later warned others about them.

More lies. Masonic Light has already addressed that (see his excellent post and don't bother with resistance's worthless dribble)

And they tried to claim Abraham Lincoln too, and he never WAS a Mason.

Finally a half-truth. Abraham Lincoln was NEVER a Mason...but you're wrong that we claim he was. Why would we (fine man that he was) He was NOT a Mason.

They try to claim you even if you're not one of them.

That's even sillier. So you're saying that I'm going to start telling everyone that YOU'RE a Mason? Stuff and nonsense. You aren't qualified to BE a Mason...why would I claim you?

If you ever make the mistake and join them they will track you down to make you stay, and they are pushy and they will do whatever they have to do to make you stay. They are very violent and very underhanded.

(clearing throat)


(oh, once again...thanks for the great laugh. You're so silly, resistance) I can't wait until you're an're REALLY going to be a riot then...

Yes, the upper levels are thoroughly entrenched in worshipping Satan. You have heard of the Bohemian Grove?

Yep. It's NOT a Masonic organization. Has NOTHING to do with Masonry. Again I plead with you. USE ATS Search for "bohemian grove" You'll find plenty of garbage to keepyou occupied and to keep you from posting the same old worn-out-crap.

Read these links.

Why read that trash? Is that what you clutter your mind with? No wonder...


posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:53 PM
Yup. You got that warn you figured you'd earn.

Again, either discuss this crap in an orderly and non-personal manner, or I WILL run every offending lunatic off this board.

If this is a topic about which you are too passionate to remain calm, I suggest you find another forum. Go to BTS a while and relax, I don't care, but knock it off.

Remember, this is a conspiracy site. If you think these theories are way out there then you must not have toured the aliens/ufo forum yet!

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:53 AM
To answer the original questions again, the aformentioned statements are hogwash. The sites posted above by
" A force that tends to oppose or retard motion" are completely without merit.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:57 AM
Someone has not been taking their meds.

Study for yourself and read all the anti and pro stuff about us that you want. There is alot of excellent information out there, and as you have probably noticed, there is also alot of drivel. You must decide for yourself which is which.

I, for one have found Senrak's web site information quite helpful, and I have also found very many other links offered by many other masons and non-masons to be quite informative.

I rarely take heed of people who hyperventilate about a subject, whether they are pro or anti. Personally, zealots make me nervous, anybody's zealots, theirs or ours.

Good luck on your quest. I might suggest that you go to a library and actually read published works about the subject. There are alot of texts of good repute available in print. Sometimes the web can be confused with reality.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by resistance
Once you join that organization you can't leave. They won't LET you leave. George Washington joined them rashly when a youth and later warned others about them. They still horned in on his funeral, took over the procession, even driving Martha Washington away.
[edit on 21-10-2005 by resistance]

Resistance.. are you telling lies again? you tried to spout this stuff about washington on another thread.. and if you remember.. you were shot down there too..

As stated there.. every peice of paper that washington ever wrote on is a matter of public record at the library of congress.. no document written by washington ever denounced masonry.

There are ven news paper accounts of the founding father taking part in masonic events as late as 1793, in both the "Columbian Mirror" & "Alexandria Gazette". where he is present with hundreds of masons.

William Williams painted the portiat of the president (In FULL masonic dress) in 1794 (Did he paint this from a photo? hmm i dont think so.. so GW must have been there)

As per usual you spread nothing but unfounded fluff, and you use the same nonsense propaganda that you yourself fell for to incite more fear against the masons

And YES, you can leave the masons.. you can simply stop paying lodge dues or you can ask to leave in "Good standing"

Oh and the Nazis, Hitler called Freemasonry the "Tool of the jewish conspiracy" they killed more masons then they did gyspies and homosexuals, and used the gold and money taken from wealthy mason families to fund the war, Musolini did the same.. but if i remember he did it first.. when a student of Aleister Crowley's died in italy from dirty water, A.C. was blamed for it and it was used as an excuse to exterminate masons in italy.

Also.. if you ever read anything by the masons following the founding of scientology, you would know that masons dont really like hubard, who not only swindled a mason out of his money to fund his new faith, but stole the mans wife as well.
[edit on 22-10-2005 by Becon of Light]

[edit on 22-10-2005 by Becon of Light]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by resistance
They are pushing hard for John Lennon's version of "Utopia" in his song "Imagine."

Actually, I'm pushing for Jimi Hendrix's "Crosstown Traffic", but that's another thread.

Just to make a point concerning the Roman Catholic Church, as this was mentioned earlier in the thread:

We as Masons are not opposed to the Roman Catholic Church, per se. When the Church issued its "Humanum Genus", Pike wrote a famous response. In it, Pike says that Freemasonry has all due respect for the Church as long as the Church stays within its legitimate functions. It's only when the Church starts violating people's rights that Masonry draws the line.

The modern Church no longer sponsors a Holy Inquisition, and most Roman Catholics today believe in democracy. The Masonic fraternity does not oppose the modern Church in any way, shape, or form.

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 10:37 PM
I'm not a Mason, but if you check out MOST of the Founding Fathers, you'll see they were Masons. They made no secret of it. Earlier Masons ridiculed the RCC, not the other way around!

Many of our founding principles- PRIVATE and optional worship of "the diety" (a superior being- God, whatever), knowledge of all things is a worthy goal, equality among men (Sorry women!) is worth striving for...

Sounds a lot like the founding principles of our democracy. It's quite possible that a group of them started a more "secret" society at upper (and more trusted) levels- but the Masons I know are decent people who do good works. Remember- Shriners and Mummers are Masons too.

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