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NEWS: US 'Concerned By China Missiles'

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posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 12:44 PM
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has expressed his concerns over China's growing missile capability. In a speech, Mr Rumsfeld said China was expanding the reach of its ballistic missiles beyond the Pacific region to cover most of the world. Mr Rumsfeld told of his concerns whilst on the last day of his trip to China.

"Those advances in China's strategic strike capability give cause for concern, particularly when there is an imperfect understanding among others about such developments," Mr Rumsfeld said.

"As a result, a number of countries with interests in the region are asking questions about China's intentions."

During his talks with Chinese officials, Mr Rumsfeld was told that China would not be the first to use nuclear weapons in the event of a conflict.

US officials said Gen Jing Zhiyuan made the remarks when Mr Rumsfeld paid an unprecedented visit to the headquarters of China's nuclear arsenal.

There have been concerns that China might use nuclear weapons if the US intervened in a conflict with Taiwan.

BBC Beijing correspondent Daniel Griffiths says Mr Rumsfeld has spent much of his first visit to China highlighting Washington's fears about Beijing's rising military power.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

So the US is 'concerned' about China's growing military power?

Dont you think the US's massive military strength 'concerns' China?

The US can not expect to have all the weapons they choose to have and not wnat anybody else to arm themselves!

The best thing to do here is to keep relations with China as good as possible so there will never come a time when they shall use their militarys against each other!

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 12:53 PM
I am sure China is worried about the U.S. selling Taiwan missiles...
South Korea...

Worried about them having bases in several Nation's along the border of China...

But as they say, all is fair in "Love and War".

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 07:11 PM
The only reason Rumsfeld said he was "concerned" is so that he could come back to the US and tell Bushie that we need to add more money to the $460 BILLION DOLLAR defense budget we already have.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by elderban
The only reason Rumsfeld said he was "concerned" is so that he could come back to the US and tell Bushie that we need to add more money to the $460 BILLION DOLLAR defense budget we already have.

Excellent idea...

Now we need get Blair in on the act so he can up our defence budget!


posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by MickeyDee

Originally posted by elderban
The only reason Rumsfeld said he was "concerned" is so that he could come back to the US and tell Bushie that we need to add more money to the $460 BILLION DOLLAR defense budget we already have.

Excellent idea...

Now we need get Blair in on the act so he can up our defence budget!


Nah, because BlairCo, will just take it from education...

God damn they annoy me...why can't we bring the Swedish Government over here?
Or let them in charge of the whole E.U. lol

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