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Regret Is Alien to UFO Abductees

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posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 06:07 PM
I found this interesting Wired article on UFO's and abductions.

Harvard University psychology researcher Susan Clancy thinks the chances are good that you know at least one person who claims to have been abducted by aliens. And she has another surprise: The people who tell these stories aren't candidates for the funny farm.

"They're not nuts," said Clancy, a postdoctoral researcher and author of a new book, the first to analyze the psychological underpinnings of abduction stories. "They're normal."

What? Whats this? They believe? Someone from Harvard says they are not nuts? Egad !!!! Gadzooks ?

Its only the calm before the storm.

Not that Clancy gives any credence to the countless tales of horny aliens, UFO-borne medical examinations and intrusive probes of nether regions. No one, she said, has actually been kidnapped by extraterrestrials.

Instead, Clancy points to other causes including sleep hallucinations, innate suggestibility and a deeply human desire to explain the world. Pop culture plays a major role, too.


It goes on and on for two pages. Check it out.

I can see the replies already.....

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 08:57 PM
It seems odd to me that a Harvard University psychology researcher "accidentally " stumbles into this subject as Clancy claims just months after the death of John E. Mack, M.D., former professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Is it possible that Harvard Medical School didn't want to be associated with Dr. Mack's legacy?

It sure is convenient for Clancy to have accidentally "solved this mystery"so quickly after Dr. Mack's untimely death.


posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:28 AM
well - She had a Harvard diplomacy mounted on her ass.. That does count a great deal on this planet.

And by her statement - It means that she can now be on TV - and everyone will belive..What she says..hehe

Harvard...oohh Haaarvard... The school of myyy life... Tralaa la...

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 07:18 AM
well once the whole world gets past the fact that abductions are not a phycological phase then mabye the harvard proffesors of some different fields might have a go at what the adbuctions storys are worth catorgorizing different fields of view and coming to conclusions about why excactly the ET's do this. this is fact people, i know for a fact my body passed through a gravitational beam. the way bob lazzaarr theorized their propulsion is excaclty what i felt, so im quite certain this was an authentic alien abduction. granted some stories are rather out there, and some people can get pretty delusional in this fast paced work a day world. there are enough of these storys running around that are so plausible and down right sensible that anyone with a coherent framework would believe. i believed before hand, and hey they took me up. mabye all it takes is an open mind.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 08:24 AM

i believed before hand, and hey they took me up. mabye all it takes is an open mind.

doesnt this validate her claim.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 08:57 AM
no i was saying perhaps the et's confide in that open mind

they do have telepathy after all

[edit on 18-10-2005 by sturod84]

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:14 AM
its funny too, right after i wrote my initial post i walked outside and saw another UFO. i say they must love this californian weather to always be hanging around

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
I found this interesting Wired article on UFO's and abductions.

Harvard University psychology researcher Susan Clancy thinks the chances are good that you know at least one person who claims to have been abducted by aliens. And she has another surprise: The people who tell these stories aren't candidates for the funny farm.

"They're not nuts," said Clancy, a postdoctoral researcher and author of a new book, the first to analyze the psychological underpinnings of abduction stories. "They're normal."

What? Whats this? They believe? Someone from Harvard says they are not nuts? Egad !!!! Gadzooks ?

Its only the calm before the storm.

Not that Clancy gives any credence to the countless tales of horny aliens, UFO-borne medical examinations and intrusive probes of nether regions. No one, she said, has actually been kidnapped by extraterrestrials.

Instead, Clancy points to other causes including sleep hallucinations, innate suggestibility and a deeply human desire to explain the world. Pop culture plays a major role, too.


It goes on and on for two pages. Check it out.

I can see the replies already.....

It has already been mentioned. This isnt the first time a Harvard trained shrink has said abductees arent crazy. See John Mack. He wrote several books about the subject as well.

She differs here in the fact she touts a very shaky hypothesis that has more holes in it than swiss cheese. She is touting the whole hallucination/sleep paralysis/desire to believe crap which has no real basis in the facts regarding abductions. For example, the above theories do not explain the abductions during the day, or while the abductee was driving or out on some errand. It also fails to explain why many startling features of the abduction phenomenon are being reported by very young children who are really too young at the time to absorb media contamination. It also fails in alot of other ways.

And Harvard isnt the only school in the country whose staff began to look into the abduction phenomenon. In 1992, The Massachusets Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) held a conference lasting a few days about the whole enigma, which included well known respected sc ientists and ufologists from around the world giving alien abductions serious discussion.

Id suggest reading the book "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind" by C.D.B. Bryan, 1995, ISBN # 0-679-42975-1

The vast majority of neutral, unbiased research done by credible, professional doctors has shown that abductees are NOT any crazier than the average person, and only one study that I know of out of many shows that one small group of abductees tend to be more fantasy prone than others.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 01:38 AM
Actually now that I think of it , this person reminds me of someone that was on a recent larry king live alien and ufo special. I wonder if it wasnt the same person.

The person was grilled about abductions and such and basically came to the exact same conclusions as in this article.

I just cant remember the name. I think there were 3 people? on the show that night.

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 02:55 PM
I should know. My experiences started when I was four. I got up out of bed and went into the front room and saw a blonde haired woman and child dressed in white and a dark haired man. I saw them as clear as day. I was told to go back to bed and then I said,' Why is she still up' pointing to the young girl on her lap,'then she said,'Rachel, you must go to bed now.' I wanted to play with the little girl. I turned and looked at the man sitting on the setee. He said,'we are waiting for your dad.' With that my dad came down the hall. I saw him stand in the hallway. He flipped the light switch on and asked me to whom was I speaking, as he could he me clearly speaking as if conversing and he heard the bit about the little girl that is what woke him. It was strange, I remember the room being lit up while they were sitting there, but when my dad came down the hall in his underwear out of the bedroom, I became confused and the room was in darkness except for the hall light. He told me that I must have been dreaming and asked me what I was doing out of bed. I told him about the people in the front room. That was one clear episode from my early childhood. I am 42 now and I have catalouge of experiences. Each one different from the last.

At one point, after an experience at the age of 12, I grew up with a period of missing time that I couldn't account for. I will have to go into detail on that one some other time. It is a bit long-winded. Nevertheless, for years later, I felt like I had a blank spot in my memory and it was like having a chunk of my life missing. It got to the point I thought I was going insane. After a conversation with my younger sister and my dad when I was in my late 20's did the facts come to light of that night. So much so, that my dad confided in me that he knew that something happened to me and when my mum and him couldn't see me at the neighbours they thought I had gone off to see a friend without telling them, or something more serious happened. Anyway to cut a long story short-I was gone for several hours coming in yelling that I had seen a ufo and it was following me. I was only with 5 minutes of my parent's house when it happened. So how does 5 minutes become 31/2 hours? I didn't have a siezure, as I would have been seen by the neighbours or my parents. Also, one neighbourhood boy confessed to seeing it take me and ran and hid in his room. He said that there was no point in him telling anybody, as they would believe him less than me at the time and thought he was making it up.

I have had other experiences and have been fortunate enough to get photographic evidence and am no longer afraid to see them in the sky above me.

When we first moved in our flat-A cigar shaped one was overhead and when I went into hospital that same year it appearred in the sky over the ward that I was on in the city centre where I now live. Sorry the incidences occurred the other way around. All I know it was the same craft or similiar in both instances and both in daylight and a nurse on the ward saw it as I was staring at it from my bed, which was next to the window. It was at this time that I saw the mill from my hospital bed and said that I was going to live there one day. As I said, the day we moved in, sure enough it was there. One of the best photos I have was taken from this flat that I am in now and I look at it with awe and adoration. I still sense them, although they are not always visible, or able to be photographed. I have come to recognize a group of them, I call 'gaurdians', as they seem to appear when I am ill, or in danger of any kind.

I would like to have a more fluid contact with them; however, I believe that they slow indoctrinate me to accept everything before they allow a more fluid form of contact.

Before we moved into our flat-where we use to live I did see a being in a silver/white suit look up to the window of our old flat from the carpark. Shame I didn't have a camera. I felt that he was communicating to me; as a matter of fact, if I can find the diary, I wrote down the time, date and everything. I log all my events as a matter of course now.

love and light to all

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
Actually now that I think of it , this person reminds me of someone that was on a recent larry king live alien and ufo special. I wonder if it wasnt the same person.

You'd be correct in your recollections, that's the same person. Clancy is one of the new generation of debunkers.

Too bad Ufologists don't get a new generation. It seems like as all the old hard-science researchers have died away, they've been replaced by younger guys espousing all kinds of nebulous theories about spirtual contact and misshapen Japanese prisoners being mistaken for aliens. We need a new Allen J. Hyneck...

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