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posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:36 PM
I would like to ask anybody that think they know about freemason's these two question's.

1. Do you know the process of being elected to become a freemason?

2. To even get in the freemasons do you know thw question they ask you and the answer?

Because I have had family members and friends in the freemasons. If you can answer those u2u me.

[edit on 17-10-2005 by asala]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by DeVIaNtRUsTy
I would like to ask anybody that think they know about freemason's these two question's.

1. Do you know the process of being elected to become a freemason?


2. To even get in the freemasons do you know thw question they ask you and the answer?

I do.

Because I have had family members and friends in the freemasons. If you can answer those u2u me.

I have.

ATS Search... Your friend.

Answer Monkeys, not just for brevity anymore...

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:50 PM
well the process is very public info, just go to any masonic website

as to any questions and answers.. there is a bit of study before you are acually "IN" at which time you will learn these things.. btw, that bit of study to get in, is followed by ALOT of study afterwords

But truth be told.. if you have family and friends in the order.. ask them.. they will be all to happy to tell you.. 9 times out of 10, a mason will gladly talk about anything save for passwords, grips (handshakes), cyphers and ceremonies. i am not a mason, but i have had many wonderfull encounters with men who i can only belive represent some of the best of the order, it's been my experience that they truely love to share so long as you dont ask them to betray any oaths

and one other thing.. in your research you will undoubtly run across alot.. ALOT of antimason propoganda, make a note of what you read and see.. but dont trust it to be 100% true... or true at all, dont trust a thing you read by david icke, he is nothing more then a propogandist that uses misinformation for the purpose of filling his pockets with the profits from his books

hope that has been helpfull to you

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 10:58 PM
thanks for the heads up and info!

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 06:29 AM
are we talking about Charles Manson ?

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by gamerman
are we talking about Charles Manson ?

No. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 10:42 AM
Ok , no sorry about that , I just am an anti Charles Manson person. I see straight through Charlie Manson , and he is certianly an evil person ....

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by gamerman
Ok , no sorry about that , I just am an anti Charles Manson person. I see straight through Charlie Manson , and he is certianly an evil person ....

Yes, I agree. He certainly is.

However I shall be more careful in giving short answers in future as I have been fined for it. I perhaps should have gone into some more detail about the thread topic, my perceptions of Charles Manson and some other padding to make the reply longer.

Or perhaps I shouldn't have bothered replying at all.

I bet Mirthful doesn't get fined

[picks up toys and goes sits in the corner]

[edit on 17-10-2005 by Trinityman]

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 11:20 AM
Wow Im sorry but I gotta ask..... what the heck does charles manson have to do with freemasonry? Just about every sane person who knows who charles manson is is anti-manson so thats not exactly a startling revelation.

As far as becoming a mason its relatively simple. You ask. They meet with you. They decided if they want you in and then they tell you. thats the extremely simplified version..... see about a million other threads for more details.

As far as the questions and correct answers for any mason to give you specific coaching on how to answer in your 'interview" would completely bastardize the procsess. It would be no different than having the answers to a test ahead of time but not grasping the materials covered by the test. It would actualy be a greaty disservice to you for someone to coach you through it

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 11:27 AM
Manson has nothing to do with the topic. Someone is trying to get his tail in a crack, that's all.

Conitinue with the Freemasonry love fest here at the conspiracy board; sheesh.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 10:21 PM
Fines be damned! Some one has to take a stand...and I can't stand vague thread titles.


Sure. Why not?

Would you like fries with that?

Edit: Please don't fine me please.

Edit: Anyway everyone knows that to become a mason you only need to bark at the full moon once-twice-thrice while flicking your bic in a tangerine Speedo with your right-hand eye closed.

[edit on 18-10-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by zombiemann
Wow Im sorry but I gotta ask..... what the heck does charles manson have to do with freemasonry? Just about every sane person who knows who charles manson is is anti-manson so thats not exactly a startling revelation.

As far as becoming a mason its relatively simple. You ask. They meet with you. They decided if they want you in and then they tell you. thats the extremely simplified version..... see about a million other threads for more details.

As far as the questions and correct answers for any mason to give you specific coaching on how to answer in your 'interview" would completely bastardize the procsess. It would be no different than having the answers to a test ahead of time but not grasping the materials covered by the test. It would actualy be a greaty disservice to you for someone to coach you through it

I could get in if I wanted to. I'd just have to let them know that I was a "free thinker," proabort, liked porn, watch Jerry Springer, and hate Christians. I'm in like flint and go straight to the top. Piece of cake. (until they find out the truth, and "they have their ways.")

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Conitinue with the Freemasonry love fest here at the conspiracy board; sheesh.

Aww Come on Tom.. cant you see that the Freemason love fest IS a conspiracy??

let us not forget that a conspiracy is nothing more then 2 people agreeing to work toward a common goal.. and the Mason members of ATS conspire to defeat accusations by propagandists and the ealisy frightend.. both with intellecualism and the brotherly love that is the backbone of the masonic order

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Becon of Light
well the process is very public info, just go to any masonic website

as to any questions and answers.. there is a bit of study before you are acually "IN" at which time you will learn these things.. btw, that bit of study to get in, is followed by ALOT of study afterwords

But truth be told.. if you have family and friends in the order.. ask them.. they will be all to happy to tell you.. 9 times out of 10, a mason will gladly talk about anything save for passwords, grips (handshakes), cyphers and ceremonies. i am not a mason, but i have had many wonderfull encounters with men who i can only belive represent some of the best of the order, it's been my experience that they truely love to share so long as you dont ask them to betray any oaths

and one other thing.. in your research you will undoubtly run across alot.. ALOT of antimason propoganda, make a note of what you read and see.. but dont trust it to be 100% true... or true at all, dont trust a thing you read by david icke, he is nothing more then a propogandist that uses misinformation for the purpose of filling his pockets with the profits from his books

hope that has been helpfull to you

Becon if you're not a Mason why do you call yourself "becon of light" -- and why on the other thread defending the Masons (Why Do People Tell Lies about the Masons?) do you make an argument that Lucifer is the Morning Star (the name given to Jesus BTW). Why are you defending Lucifer if you are just a casual friend of the Masons?

[edit on 18-10-2005 by resistance]

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by resistance

Becon if you're not a Mason why do you call yourself "becon of light" -- and why on the other thread defending the Masons (Why Do People Tell Lies about the Masons?) do you make an argument that Lucifer is the Morning Star (the name given to Jesus BTW). Why are you defending Lucifer if you are just a casual friend of the Masons?

[edit on 18-10-2005 by resistance]

OMG.. dude.. do you read at a 2nd grade level? i said that lucifier is a contruct of poor latin translation.. IT IS A MADE UP WORD.. i dont DEFEND lucifier.. I condem it's use as it is a made up name

secondly, i said using the name lucifer as the name of Satan, is like trying to tell a jew to worship Jesus.. i got news for you.. THERE IS NO SUCH BEING.. Jesus is a very VERY poor translation of the name Yeshua.. Yeshua is the real name of the biblical savior of the new testament.. if you knew anything about hebrew you would know that

lastly.. masons have no exclusive rights to the term "Light" i have taken the name Becon of Light, because i serve as a Ray of light in the darkness of ignorance... ignorance that you seem to enjoy spreading

As i have stated on the post that you gave the link for, You twist words to suit your purposes.. and everyone that reads your words sees it.. first you spread lies about the masons.. and now that i have called you to the matt for it, you spread lies about me.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Becon of Light

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

Conitinue with the Freemasonry love fest here at the conspiracy board; sheesh.

Aww Come on Tom.. cant you see that the Freemason love fest IS a conspiracy??

let us not forget that a conspiracy is nothing more then 2 people agreeing to work toward a common goal.. and the Mason members of ATS conspire to defeat accusations by propagandists and the ealisy frightend.. both with intellecualism and the brotherly love that is the backbone of the masonic order

Sure, sure, and every American should staunchly deny all accusations of wrong-doing by their government, and they should congregate wherever people might try and discuss ideas that they find contrary to their beliefs.

You are a conspiracy; you should be aware of the Masonic past that brings it into question, and if not, you are not being honest with yourself. If you are aware of it, you should know that the conspiracy theorists are not talking about the rank and file Joe-6- pack when they discuss Masonic conspiracy theories, and should stop trying to halt all conversations at this board.

I would suggest that if you guys want to sit around shaking one anothers' hands in a secret fashion, you bother to create your own website, huh? You could make it the anti-conspiracy site, or something like that.

Could you imagine if The Trilaterals or the Council on Foreign Relations huys tried to sit on the NWO forum? Seriously, this is a true conspiracist shame and you guys take advantage of he hospitality.

Do not mock me again.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Sure, sure, and every American should staunchly deny all accusations of wrong-doing by their government, and they should congregate wherever people might try and discuss ideas that they find contrary to their beliefs.

You are a conspiracy; you should be aware of the Masonic past that brings it into question, and if not, you are not being honest with yourself. If you are aware of it, you should know that the conspiracy theorists are not talking about the rank and file Joe-6- pack when they discuss Masonic conspiracy theories, and should stop trying to halt all conversations at this board.

I would suggest that if you guys want to sit around shaking one anothers' hands in a secret fashion, you bother to create your own website, huh? You could make it the anti-conspiracy site, or something like that.

Could you imagine if The Trilaterals or the Council on Foreign Relations huys tried to sit on the NWO forum? Seriously, this is a true conspiracist shame and you guys take advantage of he hospitality.

Do not mock me again.

First, i am not a mason.. as i have stated many times.. i am simply a man that has done my homework, and belive that the masons deserve the voice of an outside observer who will stand with them against slander and propaganda

Secondly.. i am very well aware of the more then slightly checkered past of the order, and i know that most people that speak about this past arent pointing fingers at the average mason, and i am not trying to halt any disccusion, i am all for conspiracy theory and debate... HONEST theory and debate... not slander and outright lies.

Thirdly, are you suggesting that because this forum is about the theory of masonic conspiracy that masons have no right or place here? if this is the case then that would suggest that you feel that they have no right to defend themselves against what is said here.

whats more.. Masons have their own sites and message boards, but you dont find good debate on a site where people have such a similar view as yourself

Lastly, i wasnt trying to mock you.. i was simply trying to be humorous

btw.. i often speak out about the wrong doings of the american government.. as every patriot of any country should be prepared to do

Now this all havving been stated.. i will grant you that the mason members of ATS spend alot of time verballing shaking hands and patting each other on the back.. and that isnt what this forum is about..

That having been said.. i personally ask those masons here.. whom i have stood with and defended from baseless attacks.. to please take the idle chat to your own mason forums.. we all know you have them.. i for one love having the masons here to debate and disscuss things with.. but Tom is right, this is a conspiracy theory board and we should respect that

[edit on 19-10-2005 by Becon of Light]

posted on Oct, 21 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Becon of Light
and the Mason members of ATS conspire to defeat accusations by propagandists and the ealisy frightend.. both with intellecualism and the brotherly love that is the backbone of the masonic order

I'm not even going to touch that statement. As a generalization of ATS masonry threads in general, ALL sides of the geometrical shape have nutjobs.

Brotherly love?: die hippie!

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Becon of Light...and the Mason members of ATS conspire to defeat accusations by propagandists and the ealisy frightend.. both with intellecualism and the brotherly love that is the backbone of the masonic order.

And if the Brethren gathered here were to actually remember and follow the lessons they learned when first initiated, there would be no further discussion.

My bold:
A Mason is taught to persist in his journey of self-discovery with fortitude and with prudence, to develop the highest within him with "fervency and zeal". In the Entered Apprentice's Degree the initiate is taught the necessity of a belief in God; of charity toward all mankind, "more especially a brother Mason"; of secrecy; the meaning of brotherly love; the reasons for relief; the greatness of truth; the advantages of temperance; the value of fortitude; the part played in Masonic life by prudence, and the equality of strict justice.

He is charged to be reverent before God, to pray to Him for help, to venerate Him as the source of all that is good. He is exhorted to practice the Golden Rule and to avoid excesses of all kinds. He is admonished to be quiet and peaceable, not to countenance disloyalty and rebellion, to be true and just to government and country, to be cheerful under its laws. He is charged to come often to lodge but not to neglect his business, not to argue about Freemasonry with the ignorant but to learn Masonry from Masons, and once again to be secret.

If the profane wish to learn about The Craft then there are plenty of references to be found on the web, or they can petition to receive The Degrees, I am absolutley dismayed at the mount of information disclosed on this site by Brothers members of the Fraternity.

As far as any Masonic conspiracies - maybe a few existed a couple hundred years ago, but now... not quite:

My bold:
Freemasonry is therefore an intellectual and philosophic exercise designed and intended to make an individual’s contribution to society, and extension of himself, greater than they ought otherwise have been had he not had the opportunity of developing his capacities and capabilities through membership of the Order.

Freemasonry depends on the development of wisdom in individuals. The wisdom of each Freemason contributes to the whole in a unique way. Why? Each Freemason is free to choose his own interpretation of Masonic symbolism; there is no dogma or enforced conclusion. Freemasonry is not in itself a religion, but relies on each Freemason bringing his own religion to the Craft. The pursuit of Freemasonry is the pursuit of harmony through a common, while unique belief in God. God is at the Centre of Masonic leadership.

But then, the profaners wouldn't have anybody to argue with then, now would they?

Quotes from this site.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Specter6

Originally posted by Becon of Light...and the Mason members of ATS conspire to defeat accusations by propagandists and the ealisy frightend.. both with intellecualism and the brotherly love that is the backbone of the masonic order.

And if the Brethren gathered here were to actually remember and follow the lessons they learned when first initiated, there would be no further discussion.

I understand and respect your opinion, but that very attitude is the reason there are so many misconceptions about the Fraternity now.

I look at it like this. I try not to get too argumentative with people, especially recently
, but to let these accusations and lies stand is to do a disservice to the Craft.

I am charged not to engage in arguments by which the Craft may be ridiculed by the ignorant. But I look at it like this: if someone doesn't stick up for us, then the ignorance just keeps spreading, and more and more people will have a negative opinion of us. I am proud to be a Mason and it really bothers me to hear people making such wild accusations about us. I try not to be offensive or argumentative, but we all get close to the edge of the circle sometimes.

As for the information posted here? I was told that whatever is written I can discuss freely in the effort to diffuse Light.

If I can help one person to deny and dispel ignorance and darkness, then I not only do a service to the Craft, but to those people as well.

Am I wrong for that, Brother?

P.S. That is an awesome article.

[edit on 10/23/05 by The Axeman]

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