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healthy hair

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posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:27 AM
does any one on here know what is essential for healthy hair?

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:39 AM
Protein, good diet, don't overload on products and don't wash every day.
I think the list of DON'Ts is bigger than DOs. I think hair will pretty much take care of itself if you eat right and aren't too stressed. I try just to leave it alone as opposed to fussing with it. I prefer it shiny and healthy than trendily in place. Hmmm, I don't think 'trendily' is a word but you know what I mean.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:59 AM
do not overwash the hair. Once a week maximum and brush the proverbial 100 times a day. This works the oil from the scalp down to the ends. Use essential oils in your hair. Mum just said that the south americans and mediteranean people used olive oil in their hair and on the skin. Cut often to trim dead ends. Do not dye the hair. Do not use cheap products as they can strip or coat the hair. Do use a leave in conditioner or de frizzer product. Lastly take vitamin E tablets. That is good for healthy hair. Blackmores makes a product called hair skin and nail tonic which mum (Mayet) buys me. and if you have to dye your hair use henna.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:08 AM
i wash about once a week, but dont brush much, never use any product or nothing in my hair, i think being a uni student and porr affects my diet though

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 01:17 AM
Trying eating foods like avocados, eggs, olive oil and fruits and vegetables. Ramen diet is NOT good for hair - I remember subsisting on the stuff at uni.

Also whenever you can splurge, put things ON your hair as well as eating it - eggs, honey, mushed bananas all make good masks - you can use overipe fruits too.

Do a google search for natural things to put in/on your hair. As Eye of Ra said, try not to use cheap products like shampoos and alchol based products. And get hair trims whenever you can. At uni there is always someone around who can do it for a cheap price or free - sometimes. Stay away from people who have hair envy or who can't cut straight.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
do not overwash the hair. Once a week maximum and brush the proverbial 100 times a day. This works the oil from the scalp down to the ends. Use essential oils in your hair.

One should listen to my child... after all it takes her two hours to get ready for work ... and if one hair. eyelash or blot of blush is wrong she has a super fit......

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 06:52 AM
Try: Hair Advice & Rumors Dispelled (Hopefully)

I'll bump it as well

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