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Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 1

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posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 12:05 AM

PODcast: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 1
Majic shares some of his recent thoughts and meditations on the nature of the spirit world as well as his admittedly tentative Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality. Volume One of an unexpectedly multi-volume series.

length: 17:04
file: atspodcast_589.mp3
size: 3001k
feed: ats
status: live (at time of posting)

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:11 AM
Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality

Whenever two or more spirits come into intimate contact, they form a plane. All planes are formed in this fashion. All reality is composed of these planes.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Majic
Whenever two or more spirits come into intimate contact, they form a plane.

And here I thought they formed a nice tight bundle-o-love. What was I thinking.

Cool podcast Majic. Only one prob. It would take me 2 years and 500 podcasts to respond to all that.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:16 AM
Volume Discount

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
And here I thought they formed a nice tight bundle-o-love. What was I thinking.

Cool podcast Majic. Only one prob. It would take me 2 years and 500 podcasts to respond to all that.

Yes, there's a lot going on in there, and I'm really only scratching the surface of it.

And of course, it's my way of looking at things, which is only one of a seemingly infinite number of ways to look at things.

As Rod Serling might say, "submitted for your consideration".

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 06:49 AM
Hi Brother Amon/Majic,

You stated:


Let's see...

On the Other Side you have The Light Of The God Force, which is nonliving and infinite, and which you don't have here unless it is channeled. The more spiritually advanced the soul, the greater its ability to ascend into The Light after bodily death. As one ascends in The Light, one's consciousness increasingly expands, the dimensions or planes become increasingly brighter, and one has access to an increasingly greater degree of energy. When one can individually unite with enough of The Light to be able to create matter through projected thought, then one is considered to be God Realized.

A plane or discarnate dimension is really just one soul on one level in The Light, be it within the Lower Realms (where the subangels or common spirits reside), the Mid Realms (where the basically spiritual types or angels reside), the Higher Realms (where TSOL and the discarnate Saints in general reside) or the Monad Realms of Light where The Original Creator/Lord Alpha resides -- albeit in a distant parallel timeline.

The Original Creator was completely alone but existed on a very high spiritual dimension nonetheless. The logical conclusion is that one can exist on a discarnate plane without being in intimate contact with another.

But we have more current examples. Anyone who has channeled a strong personality who is not part of a Group Entity, is in communication with someone who is on a plane in the Spirit.

All that is needed for a discarnate plane is a soul in The Light.

The idea of intimate contact between two or more spirits points toward the definition of a Group Entity.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 08:37 AM
Wow. That's a lot of planes. And I think your Group Entities = Gods thing makes a lot of sense too. Sort of like "If you stop believing in/paying attention to them, they'll just go away" (or at least decrease in strength). I had never thought of it that way. I always find this sort of thing intriguing/educational. And the more you and Paul_Richard talk about this Society of Light, the more I seem to have in common with the beliefs of it :\. Keep up the good work.

[edit on 16-10-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 09:45 AM
Thanks for the word of encouragement Yarcofin.

Another point that came to mind when listening to Majic's podcast is that he said that spirits can leave a plane whenever they want to. I have to strongly disagree with that appraisal.

Everyone on the Other Side who is sane desires to venture to a more spiritual, brighter and more powerful dimension of energy -- or to at least stay on a spiritual plane.

But just as truth and morality are not relative but absolute, so too are the laws surrounding the accessibility of power in the Spirit; as the higher the discarnate dimension, the greater the ascension into The Light Of The God Force.

Those in the flesh who are not even basically spiritual cannot ascend in vibration after death above the Lower Realms. The same principle applies to the basically spiritual: they cannot ascend in vibration after death above the Mid Realms.

In order to go beyond one's current limitations in energy when on the Other Side, one must spiritually evolve.

All souls are limited to how far they can go into The Light by their evolutionary development; which is centered on their ability to love genuinely and deeply (which corresponds to the ability to Radiate Spiritual White Light when in the discarnate state) and by their application of The Golden Rule.

Many people on the Other Side would love to have the evolution to become an Ascended Master in The Light.

But such rarefied development can only be slowly achieved by pursuing a very spiritual path while not being part of a Group Entity.

Even the discarnate Saints -- like Alexa and Alia -- have yet to progress in Radiant Selflessness to the point of being able to be Ascend/Expand into a Godhead. It takes a long time. Those of us who are in the flesh and who use Heart Chakra Radiance daily have the advantage of being able to progress much faster than they can -- simply because life tends to be much more painful. When you strive to love others (Radiate) under stressful and painful circumstances, you're ability to love increases faster than when you are not in a stressful situation.

The point should also be made that growth does not only consist of the ability to access power (ascend into The Light). There are side avenues of spiritual development, specifically that of spiritual stability (derived through the cultivation of Purity and Humility in Radiance), that are actually more important in the long run.

Sisters' Alexa and Alia are more spiritually stable as Saints than most of the new God Realized Masters -- most of which have yo-yo growth patterns.

Group Entities like to promote the idea that access to all the dimensions is easily accomplished, just like they like to promote the idea that all truth and morality is relative. Both views are highly inaccurate. Truth and morality are absolute and to ascend in The Light to a higher dimension of energy is something that has to be earned through service to others.

Heaven is achieved through deed, not creed.

Like lifting weights, progress comes gradually.

posted on Oct, 20 2005 @ 02:05 AM
...Come on guys, surely there's SOME responses to this thread? Sheesh!


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:19 AM
Volume Control

I kind of screwed up and didn't put Volume 2 in this thread. I plan to put future volumes here, though, and request that discussion be focused into this thread.

The other thread: Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2

Following this post, I'll be adding Volume 3, and any future volumes, as replies to this thread.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 01:52 AM
Um, What Was I Saying?

Sure enough, I accidentally replied to the wrong podthread.

"Volume 3" can be found here:

Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2 (reply 2)


posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Majic

"Volume 3" can be found here:

Majic: Amon's Planar Model Of Spiritual Reality Vol 2 (reply 2)

That link doesn't work right. There is a better one here.

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 05:31 PM
The Broken Link

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
That link doesn't work right. There is a better one here.

Yeah, I copied the wrong url from the wrong browser tab.

Thanks for providing the correct URL.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 07:43 AM
sry tat i am a kid so i sorta not be able to comprehen some part of ur talks and may ask questions tat u may have answered in the talk about ur talk

but i was wondering did u see the plane? or u call it a plane? if so why would u call it a plane ?

secondly , why do gods want to be more powerful than another wat do they benefit by being more powerful ? to me i feel that the power of god is not by scacrifising souls but by beliefs , the greatest god to one is the one tat they believe in , isnt it?

how sure are u tat the ones u met are gods and not spirits or souls ? maybe u have traveled to another dimension of beings ? and why do they have to be called gods?

if u were to meet them again would u mind helping me to ask their purpose of being god ?

[edit on 27-10-2005 by wein]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:15 PM
Majic, that is a very fresh idea for me and then again it fits as if it were there all along. I have just started my path of meditating this year. Could you let me know your technic for astral travel to the different planes, or a link to where you may have posted how you prepare yourself and what you do in your meditations. Or if you feel like u2ing me that would be cool.

I have been to some very spiritual places myself, I am an empath and a lot of things come to me in my dreams.

By the way volume one was a good podcast, I will have to listen to the rest tonight.

[edit on 27-10-2005 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Hi Wein,

I can help you with your inquiries about the "gods" and let Brother Majic/Amon answer your questions about his perception and understanding of "planes."

Originally posted by wein
Why do gods want to be more powerful than another [god]. What do they benefit by being more powerful? To me I feel that the power of god is not by sacrificing souls but by beliefs, the greatest god to one is the one that they believe in, isn’t it?

When Majic was talking about the "gods," he wasn't referring to actual Ascended Masters or Gods of Light, he was referring to many people of common spirituality or basic spirituality at best -- on the Other Side -- who combine their soul energies into a collective and who then use that energy to project the persona of a God Realized Master to someone in the flesh.

In other words, it is all a DECEPTION.

Why do they want to be more powerful?

Why do people in the flesh who already have power want more of it?

For the unprincipled (on either side of the spectrum – incarnates and discarnates), power is like a narcotic.

They get more power, greater telekinetic and healing ability, and more telepathic unity, through increased membership. By emotionally uniting with and influencing people in the flesh (incarnates) now, it leads to those people joining them after bodily death and increasing the overall power level of the collective.

There is an inherent limitation as to how big a Group Entity can become. To have one that has millions of members occurs occasionally, like the one that channeled through and around the prophet, Issa, for example. But to have a GE that consists of a billion or more people on the Other Side doesn't happen. The reason why it doesn't happen is because the individual members -- who are not highly evolved -- are not spiritually stable enough to be able to handle that much combined soul energy.

Originally posted by wein
How sure are you that the ones you met are gods and not spirits or souls?

Majic and I look upon them as discarnates (souls in the Spirit) that are combined into a Group Entity that telepathically projects a persona of a god. We do not look upon them as actual God Realized Masters.

Originally posted by wein
Why do they have to be called gods?

Actually, there are various other names for them, none of which I can state in this forum.

In all seriousness…

The reason why he referred to them as "gods" is because they are the same "gods" that people worship and pray to. Yes, the "gods" do indeed exist -- just as Majic says -- but they are more of a discarnate sociological construct than an actual divine intervention from Ascended Beings of Light.

A God Realized Aristocracy has yet to emerge in power, as it is vehemently opposed by Group Entities for obvious reasons, but is still in the works.

Originally posted by wein
If you were to meet them again would you mind helping me to ask their purpose of being god?

To be a soul of common or basic spirituality who is on the Other Side and who is part of a large Group Entity that can manifest charisma, healing and telekinesis, and who is adored by hundreds, thousands, even millions of people in the flesh: it is likened to having the life of an INTERNATIONAL ROCK STAR.

The constant adulation, love, affection, sexual energy, eye-candy and praise is just as popular among those on the Other Side as it is by those in the flesh. The members of large Group Entities of thousands or more crave it and get it constantly. They are worshipped as a deity and they get all the fringe benefits of same. That is why they pursue becoming a false god.

It all boils down to power and control.

[edit on 27-10-2005 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 08:42 PM
i am sorry i still do not understand some part bout the power wanting thing , would u mind eh summarize the whole purpose of the majic talk?

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by wein
I am sorry i still do not understand some part about the power wanting thing...

In simple terms, souls in general crave power, just as they crave sex and money. Those who crave power on the Other Side and who are not willing and/or capable of pursuing an individualistic path of selflessness toward The Light, choose to unite their soul energy with others of like mind and form a Group Entity -- for the advantage of combined power. Large Group Entities portray themselves as gods to many in the flesh. These gods are false. End of story.

posted on Oct, 27 2005 @ 11:23 PM
ty for explaining i was wondering how would this imformation help humanity or the elements?

posted on Oct, 28 2005 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by wein
ty for explaining i was wondering how would this information [would] help humanity or the elements?

You're welcome.

Explaining discarnate sociology and the nature of the "gods" grants people the ability to see "behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz." In doing so, it enables them to be able to make a choice -- which is the aim of any progressive education.

posted on Nov, 3 2005 @ 01:12 PM
Paul Richard,

Where do you get this stuff from? What's your major study when it comes to the spirit world/planes?

This is very fascinating and makes alot of sense, i'm just curious how you came up with these perspectives on consciousness after death.

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