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Plasma pencil kills germs

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posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:14 AM

Plasma pencil kills germs
The wand developed by an ODU professor looks like a flame, but it isn't hot. Scientists have so far used it to kill E. coli.
October 7, 2005
NORFOLK -- Physicist Mounir Laroussi walks quickly through the gray, empty space that greets him when the elevators open to the Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics on Southampton Avenue.

He enters a hall and unlocks a wooden door to his lab. On a worktable lies a small, plastic wand that you might not have noticed in the midst of tall metal helium tanks, computers and assorted machines.

But the wand is the most interesting thing in the room.

Laroussi calls it the "plasma pencil." Plasma is a substance made of energized atomic particles that's created when gas is electrified. It's considered the fourth state of matter besides solids, liquids and gases.

The pencil generates a "cold plasma," which can be used to kill germs that contaminate surfaces, infect wounds and rot your teeth. In the future, it might be used to destroy tumors without damaging surrounding tissue. Laroussi, an associate professor at Old Dominion University, hopes the beam will soon find its way into doctors' and dentists' offices.

When he turns the pencil on, it blows a high pitched whistle as a glowing, blue-violet beam about 2 inches long instantly appears at one end. Stick your finger in its path and you only feel a cool breeze, but the beam is powerful enough to blast apart bacteria that's crawling on your skin.
edited by Byrd. Please don't cut and paste entirre articles.
It's like a mini blowtorch without the heat.

Pretty amazing stuff! This is a major breakthrough.. Really kind of Star Trek'ish..

[edit on 15-10-2005 by Byrd]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:30 AM
looks like were getting closer to creating a lightsaber, eh.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:39 AM
No we aren't. Considering a lightsabre is using light and making it stop after so far, this is more like a "torch with out heat" not much a weapon.

Sorry to crush dreams of all Future and Current Jedis.

ps: lightsabres use crystals anyways how I know this is NOT important

Really though this is incredible. Imagine getting a gash on your hand, just go over to the ol' trusty plasma pin and clean it out

[edit on 15-10-2005 by Lysergic]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Could someone fill in on the physics, because I would like to know how the plasma can make such a perfect 'pole', and just stop in midair?

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Because its a teeny lightsaber man!!!! WOOP WOOP!!!

nah plasma is actually referred to as the forth form of matter, after solid liquid and gas. someone else will have to fill the rest in.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 03:01 PM
Ok i take that back i could be bothered to find it.

Plasma is a substance made of energized atomic particles that's created when gas is electrified.

So its so many words.....beyond gas

THIS kind of plasma mind you....cold plasma. Plasma in nature, eg solar flare plasma or the northern lights is hot and unstable.

given that it is cold and harmless, we could finally get the ULTIMATE TOY!!!! fake obviously but cool. And efficient! Play make believe star wars while getting rid of your cold!

[edit on 15-10-2005 by Shadow88]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
Could someone fill in on the physics, because I would like to know how the plasma can make such a perfect 'pole', and just stop in midair?

Search for "plasma speaker" in google.

This isn't new science, just a new use of something that's been around for a while.


posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:08 PM
this is great.

I wonder if it has sideeffects on live tissue, I mean does it only target bad microbiological life or all microbiological life.

if it has none (sideeffects) this can be used to stop the waste of drinking water, for sterilizing things, (washing etc.)

and even if it has sideeffects (like killing all microbiological life it contacts) it can be used to stop the waste of drinking water for sterilizing clothes etc. plus it will neutralize any detergents or chemicals therefore be very very beneficial for environment.

however that would kill the chemical industry (by making cleaning products obsolete)and indirectly oil industry so I dont think it will be allowed to hit the market.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Here is another article about Cold Plasma that talks about "Star Wars " applications.


posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by lost_shaman
Here is another article about Cold Plasma that talks about "Star Wars " applications.

so cleaning of foods, clothes and equipment without water or anykind of chemical cleaners is possible with cold plasma, plus with this last developement it is proved that cold plasma could be created in an economical and ergonomical way. so what are we waiting for.

quotes from article:

On Earth, cold plasmas should permit rapid, room-temperature sterilization of food, medical equipment and contaminated civilian and military gear. Low-temperature plasmas could one day also make possible an entire new generation of miniature lasers and ultra-low-energy fluorescent light tubes.

also a new kind of energy efficient lighting system seems possible with this.

Cold plasmas allow for rapid decontamination of clothing, equipment or personal gear. In disrupting the integrity of cell membranes, the plasmas appear to offer a rapid, simple and inexpensive means of destroying even the hardiest bacterial spores. At present, sterilization time can run hours; use of a cold plasma could sanitize in mere minutes.

does anyone recall the giant quarantine field from the animated movie Monsters Inc.

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