posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 05:36 AM
I was searching for news on Iraq and I came across
this story on Iraqi news website
Mendhar regarding British and American forces depriving besieged Iraqi cities of food and water to flush out militants. But what caught my eye was
the the symbol attached to the story:
Now I'm not one of those to see Masonic and Satanic symbols in everything, 11's in every number, etc etc, but this one struck me as being pretty
obviously meant to be an eye.
Outside the "pupil" can be seen two acacia sprigs, as seen on the United Nations logo:
The acacia sprigs are supposedly a Masonic symbol signifying learning or great activity, or so I've read. A search of "acacia" will show up many
connections to freemasonry, in particular French freemasonry where it is termed
L'acacia or "the acacia". There is, or was, a French Masonic
journal called
L'acacia. In 1902, freemason F. Limousin supposedly wrote under the pen-name "Hiram" the following:
Freemasonry is an association . . . an institution . . . so it is said . . . but it is not that at all. Let us lift up all the veils, risking
even to evoke numberless protestations. FREEMASONRY IS A CHURCH: It is the Counter-Church, Counter-Catholicism: It is the other church -- the church
of heresy, of Freethought.
a.k.a. Brother F. Limousin
Grand Orient of France
L'ACACIA Masonic Review, Oct. 1902"
Inside the "pupil' of the eye can be seen two sand dunes with the sun setting/rising behind them, which bears a striking symbolic similarity to the
pyramid with all-seeing eye/radiating light that is supposedly connected to the Illuminati and freemasonry:
I did a search around and couldn't seem to find out what this symbol is for. Is it the UN's symbol for Iraqi affairs? Is it the new symbol for Iraq,
like the Great Seal of the US? Maybe someone can cure me of my ignorance.
[edit on 2005-10-15 by wecomeinpeace]