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NEWS: Man Charged With Zapping Stepchild With Dog Collar

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 06:41 PM
34-year-old Gerald Majeres from Jackson Wisconsin, has been charged with attaching an electric shock collar used to control the family dog to his 8-year-old stepdaughter's leg and shocking her because she was eating her breakfast too slowly. A felony child abuse charge was filed against the man Tuesday in Washington County Circuit Court.
JACKSON, Wis. -- A Washington County man is accused of using an electric shock collar on his 8-year-old stepdaughter.

Gerald Majeres, 34, of Jackson, was charged with felony child abuse.

A criminal complaint said Majeres attached the electric dog collar to his stepdaughter's leg and shocked her because she was eating her breakfast too slowly.


A staff member at the girl's school noticed marks on the girl's thigh and contacted police and social services.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

According to the criminal complaint filed in the case, the stepfather also threatened to shoot the girl's pet rabbit because he said she does not take adequate care of the animal.

The mother is calling the daughter a liar, yet she was the one who threatened her by saying if she did not hurry up she would wake up her stepfather, yet the mother was not charged. What is wrong with this picture?

Kudos to the school staff member, who noticed the marks on the child’s leg and bringing this to the attention of authorities.

You do not want to know what I would do with that shock collar if I had a chance to use it on the stepfather, trust me I would not put it on his leg. Unfortunately all he stands to get is perhaps 6 years in jail and up to a $10,000 fine. If it were me I would lock the SOB up for life and throw away the key.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 07:11 PM
Only in America . . . well not really?!

The use of any such device on a "human", let alone a child, is nothing short of "criminal".

She didn't eat her breakfast fast enough?! What's next . . .

"Wall eye done tolt im' to go to skool." !?


Can you say, "Ma'am/Sir you are under arrest."

As all too often those that suffer are the children, our future!

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 07:42 PM
One should be outraged at a man using a weak electric dog collar when it is the father, but notice how apathetic people are about this when the police use tasers on even younger kids? We are talking about 50k volts there.

The greater outrage gets no press, and the lesser outrage even how bad it is, gets a father taken to court and subjected to the rage of millions of people. Hey let's just give this the same apathy we give in our outrage when it is a rouge elephant government that does things. Then we can all face our dehumanization in peace.

(Note this is entirely sarcastic)

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:10 PM
i agree with u about the tasers but we should not downplay this mans acts. they were wrong, just as wrong as those police who use the tasers. unfortunately, he will pay severly while those piece of trash we call police, hardly get what they deserve

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:31 PM
I can see people getting riled up at this but I still have difficulty buying it.

How many out there spank their children? Even in today's overly liberal society I bet still way more than half of the parents out there spank their children- and over half that do use some sort of implement such as a belt or a paddle. It is frustrating to parents to find a way to discipline their children without causing real harm to the children- Spanking is largely a no-no.

Dog collars are supposed to cause no damage to the dogs wearing them I find it very difficult to believe that they would leave "marks" at all- even on a child. I have shocked myself with one such collar (on my hand) and it can be equated to little more than sticking your tongue across the terminals on a 9v battery (often done myself to see if they have any juice left in them ---- not to kids)- about the same as taking a bite out of a fresh lemon. It gets the response out of the dog by the surprise it causes. I think overall a mild shock might have much less a risk of damage associated with it then an adult spanking even with an empty hand. The dog collars are in NO WAY similar to a taser or a stun gun which renders the target immobile!

I guess for today's society I am probably the wrong person to actually comment- we just had the supper- liberal social worker out to our place for making the boys (10 and 4) sleep in a tent for two nights, 10 ft from the end of my own bed (about 25 ft closer then when they would be in their own room), with my sliding glass door open, during perfect weather for a whole series of incidents that culminated in them knocking a hole through the dri-wall in my living room. I guess now-a-days we should just let them turn into little monsters and suck up the destruction they cause. What should one do to teach kids respect of property??

On walk through of our house the social worker made us relocate the kitchen knives- they used to sit on the counter in the wood block like at most peoples houses- but she was 'concerned' so we had to move them to the top of the fridge- insane! My wife is only 5'0" so now she needs a step ladder when she wants to cook in the kitchen and I think that is overly dangerous to be climbing a ladder with a sharp object! Ah well- just one more unwelcomed, governmental intrusion into my life and another reason to believe we are all sitting in a handbasket.

In conclusion: if the dad is willing to have the collar attached to his go-nads and activated a few dozen times it should be approved as safe for the children- especially as an alternate to an adult HITTING.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by launchpad
It is frustrating to parents to find a way to discipline their children without causing real harm to the children- Spanking is largely a no-no.

Why is spanking largely a no-no?

I'm not talking about beating a child sensless, just an occassional smack on the hand or butt--if and when warranted.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Astronomer68

Why is spanking largely a no-no?

I'm not talking about beating a child sensless, just an occassional smack on the hand or butt--if and when warranted.

I hear ya- and largely concur- but most social workers will not nor could "they" give me a good explanation.

I know my wife and i do not need anymore grief from Buttinski's and me being 6'3" 190 lbs would be very much not a good idea for anyone to ever say i stuck a child i am so disproportionate to their small size i could seriously cause damage. She however is very tiny and the 10 year old equals her size so i don't have a problem with mom giving the butt a smack or two.

[edit on 14-10-2005 by launchpad]


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