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Praise the Lord! The Christian Coalition is Broke!

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posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 05:23 PM
As the Republican Party implodes, so goes it's base. Really, the hallmarks just couldn't be any better this week. I think the Nixon era may really be over this time once and for all.

In any event, CONGRATULATIONS FREEDOM LOVING AMERICANS! Things are finally looking up!

Once powerful Christian Coalition teeters on insolvency
By BILL SIZEMORE, The Virginian-Pilot
© October 8, 2005

Pat Robertson, left, and Ralph Reed.

The Christian Coalition, the onetime powerhouse of the religious right founded by Pat Robertson, is struggling to stay afloat.

The group’s annual revenue has shrunk to one- twentieth of what it was a decade ago – from a peak of $26 million in 1996 to $1.3 million in 2004 – and it has left a trail of unpaid bills from Texas to Virginia. Among the creditors who have sued the coalition for nonpayment are landlords, direct-mail companies, lawyers and at least one former employee seeking back pay.

It has even come to this: The company that moved the group out of its Washington headquarters in 2002 went to small-claims court Friday in Henrico County trying to collect $1,890 that remains unpaid on its three-year-old bill.

It is the latest in at least a dozen judicial collection actions brought against the coalition since 2001. The amounts sought by creditors total hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The reasons for the group’s decline are legion, say supporters, critics and experts who have followed its trajectory. Among them are the loss of key leaders, including Robertson, who resigned as president in 2001; alleged mismanagement by his successors; the cyclical nature of politics; and bitter infighting within the organization and with other political players on the religious right.

Their future is really bleak,” said Mark J. Rozell, a professor of public policy at George Mason University who has followed the Christian conservative movement for years. “The Christian Coalition is a shell of its former self.

Of course...

Coalition officials insist everything’s fine.

You bet it is.

The brave among us may even be able to be actual Christians again some day. You remember, the real kind don't you?
And everyone can start enjoying real politics about real issues again once all the politically co-opted preachers are extinct. Survival of the fittest indeed.

[edit on 9-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 06:01 PM
I think that they better start looking into those cayman Island accounts, I bet somebody is going to make sure that they have something left for retirement.

OH wait a minute all they need to do is call DeLay so he can get some more money from his "Contributors" to invest in the Christian Coalition.

DeLay can work wonders when it comes to "Finding money"

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Do not sell the CC short. They have very powerful friends in very high places that can call in some markers to bail them out. The only thing I can see that may turn them into toast is a scandle of stealing money for private stuff ala Jim and Tammy. Even conservatives hate it when tax free organizations take advantage of their tax free status. If this happens, and it very likely could, the donation trough would dry up and adios Rev. Pat and Ralph.

My question like marg6043, is where did all the money they used to have, go?

Don't you just love it when the spiritual arrogant get caught in their hypocracy!
Actually don't you just love it when ANYBODY gets caught in their hypocracy.
I would appreciate it though if you would refrain from pointing out mine!!

[edit on 9-10-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 9-10-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 9-10-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 06:52 PM
It seems to me that they probably are banking some of the money for a rainy day and then claim that the lord coffers in the chruch are depleted.

Immediately the masses of supporters open their wallets to keep the coffers full.

We all know how needy the lord is and how expensive salvation can be with the inflation in this modern times.

After all gas prices puts a toll on the lord's coffers and the masses, when they have to cut on donations to have more money to feed the families. Right?

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 08:39 AM
This should help.

Local Christian Coalition Chairman and Former Republican Party Official Molested Girls, Says Family Members
By E&P Staff
Published: October 10, 2005 11:45 AM ET

NEW YORK After news broke that local law enforcement officials were investigating complaints that Louis Beres, longtime chairman of the Christian Coalition of Oregon, had molested three female family members when they were pre-teens, The Oregonian in Portland went out and interviewed Beres' family members.

Two told reporters that Beres, indeed, had molested them. All three said they have been interviewed for several hours by detectives.

"I was molested," said one of the women, now in her early 50s. "I was victimized, and I've suffered all my life for it. I'm still afraid to be in the same room with [Beres]."

The coalition led by Beres, 70, champions socially conservative candidates and causes. Its Web site describes the group as "Oregon's leading grassroots organization defending our Godly heritage." The group opposes abortion, gay rights, and stem cell research. It is affiliated with the national Christian Coalition, which was founded in 1989 by television evangelist Pat Robertson.

The group confirmed Beres is under investigation for alleged molestation. According to The Oregonian, Beres blamed "personal and political enemies" for the reports and said, "I never molested anybody."

Beres is also former chairman of the Multnomah County Republican Party.

Gimme that old time activism, gimme that old time activism, gimme that old time activism, it's good enough for me...

[edit on 11-10-2005 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 10:06 AM
This just something hard to grasp, here we got a group that call themselves the best that is for nation under the Lords guidances.

But while preaching righteousness their leaders at least one that has been exposed is a nasty dirty molester.

What is going on with all this self rightous people? it seems that the only reason they want to control the mases with their brand of morality is because they have none.

How disgusting.

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 02:32 PM
It's nice to know they run their ministries as well as they run the country!!

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 03:21 PM
I think it necessary to clarify a couple things for you, Rant.

The Republican party is imploding because it did not come through with its promises to its base, which consisted of people like me - the Christian Conservative. The Republican Party has proven itself to be just like the Democratic Party, nothing more than a tool of The Man, used to control us.

You make it sound as if those of us who make an effort to use Christian morals and believe, rightfully so as history proves it to be true, that Christian ethics are the national moral compass, do not fit the category of "Freedom-loving Americans." Nothing can be farther from the truth. As a matter of fact, groups like the Christian Coalition did not even exist back when the country was as close to the way as it should be as it ever has been. There was not reason for such an organization to exist, as the public had not been lulled to sleep by the infernal idiot box and the
Immoral Coalition allwed to circumvent the nation's foundation.

As the nation falls deeper into trash, the more you will lose your freedoms and liberties, but in return, you will be allowed to indulge in more "fleshly" pursuits. Whatever to keep the slave preoccupied.

The Republicans are imploding the way the Democrats did. If there will ever be a time for the nation to take the opportunity to gain control of the country, this is it.

Constitution Party all the way!

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
The Republican party is imploding because it did not come through with its promises to its base, which consisted of people like me - the Christian Conservative. The Republican Party has proven itself to be just like the Democratic Party, nothing more than a tool of The Man, used to control us.


Please bless us with your wisdom. I know most of us are unworthy for this knowledge but please have mercy on us. WHO is The Man?

[edit on 11-10-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 04:09 PM
The true is that is not way to fix this nation because their leaders or anybody that will become a potential leader will be consumed with greed and power.

The world can not live without religion because without religion it will not be control over the masses.

No matter how much goodness many may have in their harts onces they have the power in the hand corruption sets in.

In the name of God and the good of the world atrocities has been committed and will continue until the end of man kind as the dominant animal species in earth.

Perhaps when the extinction of man occurs by its own hand another more spiritual advance species will take over and perhaps the world will indeed become a paradise because religion will not longer be needed.

But as long as greed, power and the way to get it to man we will never become unify.

The human species was never mean to be anything else but what we are now, is in our genes make up and the reason we are here.

Human life is mean to be a never ending fight from within that spread to fight others.

[edit on 11-10-2005 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 11:59 AM
I just think that anyone who takes such a deeply private personal 'thing' as ones' religious beliefs and starts raving and hawking them around as leverage or a bludgeon to use so politically is always someone/something to be deeply wary of.....if not dismiss outright straight from the off.

There is something deeply creepy IMO about watching those so obviously desiring influence and political power doing their 'public Holy Christian, therefore.....' act on TV amd in the media.

We have managed to avoid it for so long in the UK; some have tried this approach and thankfully there remains a huge well of public resistance and scepticism (not to say derision) for those trying (too obviously) to 'work this angle' for their own/their organisation's own gain.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 01:35 PM
Its hard to see and understand that the most prominent religious leaders and religious groups like the Christan coalition and others seems to have the worst in their ranks when it comes to morality and moral leaders.

It's so obvious that the will or power of god and the good of the nation is not really on the top of the list of priorities.

extortion and manipulation is what drive them.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 07:47 PM
Sorry, TC, but the Christian Coalition is about the most Unamerican, anti-Freedom loving bunch of hypocrites. My family was involved in that crap, and it was one of many things that opened my mind to the unholy truths of Christianity.

I find rabid, foaming at the mouth bible thumping Christians a bigger threat to freedom and democracy than Muslim terrorists. Terrorism strikes at the body of America, but I feel Christianity in its fundementalist form a cancer that eats at the mind, soul, and heart of America. Without our spirit, this country is nothing. It was only when I shook the soul killing totalitarian chains of Christianity did I finally find some form of peace, clarity, stability, and true morality. Christian morality is an artifical lie and junkfood of the American nation. Morals that Christians seem to believe exclusively theirs are found in just about any sane person, and I feel Christian morals legislated down every unwilling throat will bring us as low as the Taliban and former Soviet Union, two models Id not want to emmulate.

So lest hear a hearty "AMEN"!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujuiah, The Fascist Christian thought police patrol is going the way of communism!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 03:26 PM
Christian Conservation White House 'World' Domination...........LOL

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 04:40 PM

RANT: "And everyone can start enjoying real politics about real issues again..."

I certainly hope so.

whaaa: "My question like marg6043, is where did all the money they used to have, go?"

It's a safe bet that a good chunk of it found its way into individual hands. Money is certainly the number one reason that people fight and claw their way to the top of any organization-- religious, corporate or political. Tracing that money is going to be tough though...

Thomas Crowne: "The Republican party is imploding because it did not come through with its promises to its base, which consisted of people like me - the Christian Conservative."

True enough. The Democrats rant (pun intended) about, among other things, the fact that the Republicans claim to be in favor of smaller and less invasive government while making it larger and more invasive, but they seem to be unaware that this is a point upon which many Republicans and virtually all independents, Constitutionalists, Libertarians (such as myself) and moderates agree. The Republicans are imploding exactly insofar as Bush has NOT represented the traditional values of smaller government, free enterprise and liberty.

"You make it sound as if those of us who make an effort to use Christian morals and believe, rightfully so as history proves it to be true, that Christian ethics are the national moral compass, do not fit the category of 'Freedom-loving Americans.'"

Many people find it to be convenient to blame all the world's problems (or at least their own) on this or that group. In most contexts, such people are called "bigots," but somehow leftists who blame Christians have avoided being accurately labelled as such.

"As a matter of fact, groups like the Christian Coalition did not even exist back when the country was as close to the way as it should be as it ever has been. There was not reason for such an organization to exist...

You know-- it astounds me how often people on both sides of any issue fail to understand this idea. The fundamentalist Christian movement arose specifically as a reaction to a perceived threat to Christian values posed by the self-indulgence of the 60s and 70s. But then, the current anti-Christian braying of the left arose as a reaction to the perceived threat of Christian fundamentalism too.

The reactionary extremists never really represent the views of the mainstream, but they're always used by the reactionary extremists on the other side as justification for their reactionary extremism.

"The Republicans are imploding the way the Democrats did. If there will ever be a time for the nation to take the opportunity to gain control of the country, this is it."

That's what I'm hoping for. The 2004 election, more than any other at least in my lifetime, convinced people that there's something wrong with a system that only offers two almost equally bad choices. Here's hoping that enough of us will turn away in disgust and cast our votes for third parties. Something's gotta give...

marg6043: "The true is that is not way to fix this nation because their leaders or anybody that will become a potential leader will be consumed with greed and power.

The world can not live without religion because without religion it will not be control over the masses."

People who desire power will always find a way to gain it. Religion is a particularly simple way to implement control, but it's far from being the only way. Religion isn't really the problem-- reflexive, shallow, dogmatic viewpoints are the problem. Religion just tends to be one of the most common ways to instill such beliefs in people. If we could eliminate religion tomorrow, that might make it somewhat harder for some of those who quest for power to do so, but they'd still find a way.

sminkeypinkey: "There is something deeply creepy IMO about watching those so obviously desiring influence and political power doing their 'public Holy Christian, therefore.....' act on TV amd in the media."

Which is why it rarely works for long, and why I've never considered them to be any sort of genuine threat. And (mostly for RANT's benefit) that's why I invest a bit more time into criticizing Democrats than Republicans. I consider the smug, shallow, pedantic narrow-mindedness of the Democrats to be more insidious than the blatantly ignorant and hypocritically self-righteous narrow-mindedness of the Republicans. A dumb fool is never as much of a threat as a smart one.

Skadi_the_Evil_Elf: "...the Christian Coalition is about the most Unamerican, anti-Freedom loving bunch of hypocrites."

I'm not sure that he'd entirely disagree with that assessment. I think (if I might be so bold as to speak for TC) that his issue is broader-- he's not defending the Christian Coalition, but countering the tendency among many to ascribe the faults of such organizations to ALL Christians.

I find rabid, foaming at the mouth bible thumping Christians a bigger threat to freedom and democracy than Muslim terrorists.

Personally, I find rabid, foaming at the mouth anybodies-- Republicans, Democrats, Christians, atheists, bureaucrats, anarchists, juvenile nihilists, insurance agents-- to be a threat. And a pain in the butt.

Christian morality is an artifical lie...

I'm not sure I'd go that far. While it's certainly true that many base and power-hungry people have twisted the teachings to fit their own self-interest, who can really find fault with the Golden Rule? What's wrong with telling people to love their neighbors?

Morals that Christians seem to believe exclusively theirs are found in just about any sane person

Exactly-- the problem isn't the morals themselves, but the people who twist and pervert them for their own benefit, and, to a lesser extent, the people who have been successfully indoctrinated into believing that those morals can ONLY come about with faith. Again, the problem isn't this or that viewpoint, but the power-hungry liars who use the viewpoint for their own gain, and the fools who follow them. That problem exists in every group-- every organization-- every viewpoint. It always comes down to some relatively small number of power-hungry scumbags and some larger number of fools who, most often because they've been successfully indoctrinated into believing that this other group of power-hungry scumbags and their followers are the REAL problem, support them.

I see all of this as further evidence, if any were needed, of the ways in which power and wealth corrupt. It doesn't really matter who it is, or what their agenda is, or what their stated values are-- once they gain power and wealth they WILL indulge themselves.

Limit the power available to all the scum-- vote Libertarian. And keep your fingers crossed and hope that they'll actually do what they claim they'll do before they too fall prey to the siren song of power and wealth.

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 02:54 PM
but now my dream of humiliating robertson on an episode of the 700 club can never be realized

that man is insane, and i thank every single person that speaks out against him.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:10 AM
Rant thanks for posting the article.

TC I think that you are looking for a vison of society that never exist. Freedom loving people will have a reason to smile. But we must bear in mind that the war hasnt been won just yet.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 10:31 AM
Lets hope they stay broke. I'm agnostic and even I am sickened by how they give Christians a bad name.

Pat Robertson is a freaking Nazi in my opinion. A Nazi who has yet to get into power and put forth his "final solution".

These are all actual quotes Pat has said. The fourth one, in my opinion, is the most frightening. Hes vaguely, in my opinion, implying genocide.

posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by RANT
As the Republican Party implodes, so goes it's base.

This is very good news for the Republican Party. Having the
radical right fundamentalists cleaned out of the republican house
will make the party better ... and much more acceptable on
serious issues to the general public.

This isn't the Republican Party imploding ... it's the Republican
Party going into heavy surgery to remove a cancer that has
been festering inside it for too long.

Now .. if we could also get the Democratic party into surgery to
remove the radical Hollyweird/George Soros elements ... then
we'd be on a really great track for this country's future!

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Bob LaoTse
The fundamentalist Christian movement arose specifically as a reaction to a perceived threat to Christian values posed by the self-indulgence of the 60s and 70s.

A quibble, because I see what you're saying here and I agree, but fundamentalist Christianity is older than that. It goes back to the early 20th century. But the dynamic was the same in that first outbreak as it is now in the resurgence of fundamentalism.

Anyone else here familiar with the book The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe? The basic idea is a cyclic view of history based on generations. Every eighty years or so, our society goes through a cultural upheaval in which its values and mores change to reflect changes in material circumstances. The upheaval lasts some twenty years before things settle down, and the changes provoke a backlash by traditionalists. According to Strauss and Howe, we saw such upheavals (which they call "Awakening eras") in:


Without necessarily agreeing with their exact dates, something of the sort did observably happen in each of those periods, which all saw an explosion of new religions or new approaches to old ones, along with cultural experimentation and a kind of hedonistic exploration of experience. Fundamentalist Christianity was born in the latter part of the 1886-1908 Awakening. It reached a peak some time in the 1920s, and then began to decline. By the end of World War II, it had become much less pervasive and influential. So the evangelical Christian explosion of our time is a resurgence, not something new.

But it was in reaction to the cultural experimentation of the 1960s and 1970s, agreed.

But then, the current anti-Christian braying of the left arose as a reaction to the perceived threat of Christian fundamentalism too.

Also true.

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